Seeing Red

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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Hey, it's something kinda Christmas-themed. Well, mainly for the characters involved. Close enough in my book, at least. I go a bit far afield with the mythology, but I doubt that's why you're reading this story anyway - you're most likely reading it for the sexy payoff. Don't let me keep you from it!

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, slightly rough sex, and unusual physiology.

It was said that Santa's workshop was situated at the North Pole. That wasn't actually the case; they resided on a completely different world, simply called Noel. The North Pole was just the most convenient point where the two worlds could interact. Had one of our world the means, they could cross over to Noel themselves, or one of the countless other world that existed; however, the magic forces required to do so were beyond the knowledge of any of this world's denizens, at least for the time being.

Noel was a world of endless winter, snow and ice the norm over most of it. There were some tropical areas which were the exception, but most of the world was sufficiently icy and its denizens were designed to not just endure but thrive in the weather. For example, the famed reindeer were impervious to cold, treating the icy winds like a nice breeze. And they weren't the only ones.

The city nearest to Santa's Workshop, Tannenbaum, was also one of the largest in Noel. After all, it was the hallmark of the world's fame, why wouldn't it be busy? And despite the Earthly conception of the workshop as a rustic, quaint place, the city was in actuality much like any big city of Earth, apart from its denizens - all sorts of mythical creatures, animals that walked like men, the stuff of fantasies.

It was in Tannenbaum, in one of the largest and most upscale gyms the city had to offer, that one of the most unusual citizens of Noel could be found. Grunting and straining as he shoved the barbell up into the air, chest heaving up and down as he worked himself as hard as he could, sweat dripping down through his fur to collect on the bench underneath him, not being stopped by any garments other than a pair of form-hugging shorts and a strange pendant around his neck. Above him, a polar bear was spotting him, watching the horned head carefully for signs of giving out...but as the bar was reset onto the stand, it was clear that he had managed a new height.

"Not bad, want to go for the next step up?"

" more..."

The polar bear chuckled. "C'mon, you'll never get big and strong with that attitude! You think the others ever said 'no more?'"

"Yeah, all the time." The reindeer sat up with a groan, trying to wipe down his face with a towel to keep the sweat from getting into his eyes, and especially trying to dry off the bright red flesh of his nose. "I think I'm gonna have to call it for today...everything's aching more than usual, I might've overdone it."

"Nah, you've just gotten to the next weight. I'll have to style your next set up a little bit. You're growing nicely, won't be long before you're in shape for the sleigh service."

By now it should be clear to you who's being talked about. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, he of christmas fame, the one who guided Santa through the night. He was a legend on Earth, and not exactly a mystery man on Noel, either. The story of his actions one desperate year were oft-told - how he'd been called upon when Santa had almost given up due to a thick fog that had caused several crashes and near-misses with airliners. Earth would have been without a proper Christmas if not for Rudy, and he certainly earned his hailing as a hero.

What the stories didn't tell was how sickly he was for months after the ordeal. Sleigh service was not for the weak, one pulled for hours on end with few breaks, a very heavy weight for just a few creatures. It was no coincidence that the typical reindeer in sleigh service was a hulking beast that had the stamina to keep up the hard work for ages. Rudolph was much younger than the typical reindeer used for sleigh service, with no training or conditioning...the strain on his body had taken its toll, forcing him into a long recovery. For a while he had vowed never again - it clearly wasn't for him.

But that hadn't lasted. Eventually he'd realized a simple truth: if another night like that happened, he'd need to be called on again. And he'd have to be ready for it. So he'd gone into training for sleigh service, a grueling physical fitness regimen that would continue his whole life, but would be especially rough in the years where he would need to build up his body. And it would take a lot of building - his body seemed to resist bulking up, it had taken him years to grow from a rather svelte 160 pounds to a toned 320, and it seemed like every step up took longer to reach. Of course, time wasn't that much of an issue, Noel was a land of eternity, but it was frustrating nonetheless when the standard reindeer was still a great deal larger and more muscular.

So upon hearing the promises of his coach, all Rudy could do was let out a wry laugh. "I've heard that before, Gant, believe me, I don't buy it for a second. Never taken so long for a reindeer to beef up...I really wasn't made for this line of work."

"Hey, positive attitude. You know self-defeat isn't gonna help you. Look how far you've come, you're definitely on the right track. So what if it takes longer? You're not backsliding, that's the most important thing." Gant had been Rudy's trainer from the start, and he hadn't always been as positive about their progress. Initially he'd thought the reindeer was slacking off, not putting his all into it, which might have been true at the very beginning but hadn't lasted as long as Gant suspected. Only after he learned more about Rudy's condition did he become more understanding.

"I'm not giving up, Gant, just being realistic. It's gonna be a while. I'd like to think that I could actually go through a night without nearly dying by now, though."

"Oh, I'm sure. You'd be exhausted, but it wouldn't take you months to get back on your feet. Okay, we'll call it here, I'll want to see you back in two days for the next round. In the meantime, keep up the home exercises-"

"So that you don't lose any of the progress you've already made," Rudy joined in as Gant finished his sentence. "Like you've told me hundreds of times before, you know."

"Hey, repetition's supposed to be helpful!"

"One of these days I'm gonna ignore you just to prove that wrong," the reindeer joked. "Okay, see ya later, Gant."

"Take care, Rudy!" With a last nod and wave, the reindeer headed for the locker room and showers. His body felt sore from the workout, although not too bad...not yet, anyway. He knew he'd really be feeling it tomorrow, after as many times as he'd done this he knew the score, and accepted it. He'd rest up tomorrow, then come back for his next session the next day, as it had been for years. The routine was predictable, but effective, even despite his struggles he'd still made huge gains, that couldn't be denied.

Inside the locker room, he bagged up his sweaty clothes and stuck the bag in his personal locker. Being on sleigh service had its perks beyond the fame, including specialty membership to the gym and a locker all to himself, no having to fight others for one. The showers were really nice too, very modern and with a strong flow, strong enough to get through his fur and take all the grime off effectively. With a relaxed sigh, he lost himself in the hot stream, loosening up and easing his sore muscles.

The sound of footsteps drew his attention a few minutes later, and he turned and saw a group of reindeer entering the shower. Rudy clearly wasn't the only one training that day. The others were more there for maintenance - they were already bulked up enough, but still had to work to maintain their fitness. Theirs was a more varied routine, and Rudy was rather eager to get to that, rather than having a much more standardized regimen. Still, he knew he had to work to earn that. There was a healthy group there today, over half a dozen males of impressive size, laughing and joking animatedly.

As they clamored into the shower, he found himself increasingly on edge. In general, the other reindeer weren't on bad terms with him, but there was a very strong feeling of being an outsider that he hadn't yet shaken. He didn't belong, not yet...he clearly wasn't a sleigh service reindeer yet, he didn't fit among them, and so every time they were around he felt pushed out. And that was the tip of the iceberg; he got the impression that some of them weren't fond of him. Sure, most weren't outright hostile, and a few were friendly. But his bit of fame was a sore have to rely on an untrained, unusual reindeer to save their asses wasn't exactly easy on the ego. It hadn't been Rudy's intention, he hadn't been in it for fame or anything, but that didn't seem to help.

"Oh, hey, look who it is! The little runt bitch!" Rudy clenched his jaw and tried not to respond. There was unpleasantness, and then there was Blitzen. One of the biggest and strongest of the sleigh service, and one of the most ornery and unpleasant, especially to Rudy. He made no secret that he didn't think Rudolph had any business in sleigh service, and was the most derisive of his condition. In a way it was a bit of a blessing in disguise, since his overt antagonism actually tended to keep the others off his back, but he still would have preferred not to have that issue.

A hand grabbed him and wheeled him around, shoving him into the wall. He glared up at Blitzen, who was looking down at him with a dirty expression. Years ago he would've been terrified, but Rudy had gotten bolder over time...he'd had to get a thick skin with a life like his. Even though Blitzen towered over him and had as much muscle as more than two of him, he wasn't about to be cowed by least, not without more of an obvious threat. "What do you want, Blitzen?" he said coldly, trying to keep himself in check; he couldn't hurt Blitzen, but if his emotions got the better of him...

"Who, me? I'm just here working out, keeping myself in shape like a real fucking sleigh service reindeer, rather than a little pretender. That's why I'm here with the other real reindeer and not a fucking freak."

"Sure, yeah, and yet the moment you see me, you can't keep your hands off of me. Come to think of it, you're pretty much the only one who ever starts anything between us...feels like you're the one who's trying to hang out with me, not the other way around. Careful, you might get a reputation."

That got a couple snickers from some of the other reindeer, which didn't seem to sit well with Blitzen. "Shut up, runt. You don't belong here. You know it. Even your own body's telling you you can't do this. It's insulting to us that you're trying to still keep up with this stupid charade. Making us look bad, like just anyone could do a job this important. And I'm getting sick and tired of seeing you around here, acting like you own the place. Someone should've pounded your head in long ago, and it's a damn shame that they didn't."

"So what, you're going to take it in your own hands? Even you wouldn't be that stupid, you know that'd put your spot in jeopardy."

"Maybe I'll just have to find a way to make sure they can't prove it was me."

"Or maybe you could just get off my case. I'm not a threat to you, so why come after me? What's it gonna take to get you to leave me alone?"

It was a rhetorical question, but he could see Blitzen's mind working, trying to conjure up an answer, and it probably wasn't going to be one Rudy liked. "Well, if you're that desperate, you can prove what a bitch you are by getting on your knees and blowing me right now. If you can suck down my whole yule log, maybe I'll let you hang around."

He was stunned for a moment - Blitzen was crude and mean, but this was the first time he'd made any advance like that. And Rudy was fairly sure it wasn't one borne of real attraction, but to humiliate him in front of the others. That was making him a bit ticked off, and he felt his own control take a dip. Before he knew what he was saying, it came out: "Yule log? Bet it's more like a birchbark twig. Probably wouldn't even touch my throat-"

He was lifted and slammed against the wall in an instant, hitting hard as the bigger reindeer's fury came on in a flash. "You think you're funny, bitch? You won't be laughing when I break your ass on my cock, make you scream out like the little bitch you are! Maybe I oughta knock a few of those teeth out first so that smart mouth of yours knows what's good for it!"

He could see Blitzen's fist rearing back, and it seemed like he was about to make good on his threat. Rudy's emotional chaos struck first, though, and as he tried to pull back, a bright red flash erupted from him, engulfing the two of them and lighting up the showers. It was only there for a second, but it was enough to got Blitzen to drop him, the bigger reindeer's hands going up to rub his eyes. "Fucking hell! I can't see!"

Damn good thing, too, Rudy thought grimly as he scrambled away, getting towards the herd of stunned reindeer that had been watching the action. He turned and scowled at one in particular. "Dammit, Donner, I thought we had a deal that you'd keep your brother off my ass!"

Donner shrugged absently. "Sorry, bud. I thought he was just posturing...didn't think he'd go that far. I'll take care of him." He sauntered off towards Blitzen, carefully guiding the still-impaired beast out of the showers, while Rudolph looked on in frustration. Donner wasn't a bad guy, and he didn't have a problem with Rudy, but he was just too laid-back.

The rest of the reindeer gathered around him, looking a bit stunned at the turn the encounter had taken. The famed Dasher and Prancer were there, as well as a couple younger reindeer who weren't among the well-known reindeer but were also in Santa's employ. Only eight ever went at a time, unless Rudy was needed, so there was always some competition year after year. Of course, there were plenty of female reindeer as well, including half of the famous team, but they wouldn't be in the male's locker room.

"Sorry, Rudy," Dasher said, sounding genuinely apologetic. "I didn't really think he'd go that far. I don't think I've ever seen that before...I mean, he's been aggressive before, but not like...not like that."

"It really was new...probably shouldn't have antagonized him like that, but I'm just so sick of his shit." He wasn't exactly happy about the concern they were showing now after he'd been pushed around...though he didn't really blame them that much, they were bigger than Rudy but Blitzen was bigger than all of them, and if he got rowdy Donner was really the only one who could stand up to him. Still, even speaking up would've been nice.

"That was a nice comeback, though," chuckled a younger reindeer who Rudy thought was named Strider. "Don't think I'd have the balls to say that to his face. Wonder if he's afraid of the truth or what?"

"Nah, I've seen it before, he's hung like the beast he is," countered another less familiar face whose name he couldn't recall. "Was tempted to ask for a piece of it, wouldn't mind getting a helping of that beefstick."

"Ugh, Cyclone, are you serious?" Prancer groaned, making a face. "No thank you, I'll get my rocks off with someone who's NOT a huge prick. Have some standards, man!"

"I do have standards! They just happen to be mostly about how the hunks look, now their attitudes. Hell, I don't mind a big brute getting a little rough with me, maybe I can make him take out some of that aggression on me..."

The cluster dispersed a bit as they started showering, allowing Rudy to return to his own water stream. He was just starting to get lost in it again when he felt a hand on his shoulder. One of the reindeer in the group hadn't said a thing earlier, but Rudy got the feeling he'd just been waiting for the moment. He didn't expect the first thing out of his mouth, though: "Hey, man, your nose is still on."

He did a double-take, bringing a hand up to his nose on instinct. In fact there was still a pretty healthy glow going on from his nose, a sign that he wasn't quite over the rush of the encounter with Blitzen yet. He sighed a bit. "It'll go back down...just gotta calm down a bit more. Sorry, I think I forgot your name..."

"No surprise, I haven't been around long. Just a couple years now. The name's Zephyr." He certainly did look young, though even with his youth he was closer to Blitzen's size than Dasher's - that was, pretty darn big compared to Rudolph. Still, he didn't seem terribly intimidating despite his size, at least he didn't feel too nervous. "Hey, look, I know you probably get this question a lot, and I hate to be annoying, but I've heard rumors and I just gotta you, you know, glow...down there, too?"

Rudy groaned a bit. Yes, it was indeed a more common question than he wished. "Yes, my dick glows. My whole BODY glows, you just don't see much except for the nose because of my fur. It's a bioluminescent condition, I was born with it."

"Ah. Sorry, didn't mean to pry, I was just curious."

"You and everyone else. It's not a big just gets a bit old having to explain it over and over. That's why I wear this..." he motioned to the amulet around his neck. "It's got some magic in it that suppresses the glow, usually. Of course, as you saw earlier, it's not absolute..."

"Yeah, guess not. So it'll make you stop glowing?"

"When I'm calmed down, at least. Course, my nose will still be red. just not, you know, bright."

"Yeah...hey, how did you do that whole flash thing? That was pretty cool."

"Huh? Uh...well, I don't...really know." Rudy felt a bit awkward, he didn't have a lot of experience with people thinking anything about his condition was 'cool.' "I kinda figured out I could do it a while back, but I dunno what the deal is. It's just flashy, though, I don't think it can do anything more than that."

"I dunno, maybe you could. Y'know there are those wizards that know how to control light and such, maybe you could learn to do something like that with your glow or something."

Rudy contemplated that for a moment. "Well...I guess that it's possible..but I doubt I could learn that and keep up my training at the same time."

"I guess it is pretty tough. But it's worth thinking about once you get your conditioning to the right level." Zephyr gave him him a bit of a rub on his head, an oddly pleasant gesture that he wasn't expecting. In fact, Zephyr was getting rather touchy-feely with him, much more so than anyone had before. He wasn't quite sure how to respond, especially with others in the shower with was a very public place, and the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to it, but the signals were unmistakable even to his inexperienced self. Zephyr didn't do more than just touching though, not until the other reindeer had vacated the shower...Rudy could've left, but a part of him was just curious enough to stick around.

When they were the only two left in there, Zephyr leaned into Rudolph, muzzle brushing against his ear. "Hmm...has anyone ever told you how attractive you are?"

"N-no?" Rudy felt those hands start getting a little more adventurous, rubbing over his body and probing underneath his fur. His nose had just settled down, now the glow was picking back up again.

" should hear it a lot more often." Zephyr's thick nails found the nubs hidden under the thick fur, getting quiet moans out of Rudy as he felt a tingle run through him. "You look awesome, you've got this cool glowing thing going on, and you survived an ordeal some spend decades preparing for. I don't know how you don't have suitors left and right."

"Ah...I'm not that...impressive..."

"The hell you're not. Don't believe what the assholes try to tell you, you're the coolest reindeer I've seen. And sexy to boot." Zephyr gave Rudy's ear a gentle nibble, making the smaller reindeer shake in his arms; all the stimulation was getting Rudy's yule log out to play, the flesh a stark red color and the glow unmistakable even in the light. "You know, it's because of you that I was inspired to try out for sleigh service myself. I heard the stories about what you did, and I would fantasize about them for ages on end. You know, I don't know if you remember, but I got an autograph from you? It was right after you started making public appearances again...had no clue that you'd been so unwell, I just wanted to meet you."

Rudy couldn't remember having met Zephyr like that before...but it had been a while ago, and he'd been swarmed under with autograph requests after his near hibernation. "I...I got a lot of those. I always felt bad that I couldn't spend more time talking to everyone in person, but there were just so many..."

"I know. But it still was one of the best moments in my life. I still have it, kept in a safe made me damn happy, and gave me a lot of inspiration. But I get the sense that you're in a rough spot, and...well, I'd like to return the favor, just a little bit."

Rudy found himself quite agreeable to this course of action - it was definitely a first for him, despite his fame he hadn't really gotten any action from it. Partly because when he was in the limelight, he probably looked too small, people might have thought he wasn't even of age. Even the couple of encounters he had gotten weren't from fans or anything, they were just quick flings after a night at the bar, and nothing all that special, nothing that really made him feel desired. Zephyr...well, he was doing everything right if he wanted to make Rudy feel desired. He nodded as he pushed back into the bigger reindeer a bit, making an unambiguous statement to him. that was all it took for Zephyr to make the next move, trailing his hand down and giving him light strokes on his red cock, the touch making Rudy shiver with delight.

"Mm, so sensitive...clearly hasn't had enough attention." Zephyr's eagerness was getting clearer as well; Rudy could feel it pressing against his back, a fair bit bigger than his own, though not unexpected given his size. That suited him fine, he liked 'em big. His own hands were reaching back to rub against Zephyr's sides, feeling those thick, taut muscles under his fingers. "Yeah, that's the stuff...heh, teenage dream coming true right here..."

"Oh? And what were you dreaming of doing?"

"Hm...well, holding you close, petting you all over, wrapping myself around you and enjoying the feel of your body against mine...and then opening your tight ass on my cock and ravaging you like a studly beast..."

Rudy's face broke into a lusty grin. "Like the sound of that...can we do those in reverse order?"

Zephyr let out a quiet chuckle. "Your wish is my command, Red..." He pulled slightly away from Rudy, bringing a hand down to draw his cock towards the smaller reindeer's tailhole, leaving wet streaks across his fur as he did. The mess was hardly a problem, given where they were...and he was planning on making sure they got plenty messy before they got clean again. He pressed the head against that star, eager to start but not wanting to rush Rudy if he wasn't ready - he didn't want to embarrass himself by giving his idol a lousy lay. "You ready for this?"

"Oh, yeah...give it to me hard, don't keep me waiting," came the breathless reply.

Zephyr wasn't about to say no to that, and without further delay he drove himself into Rudy, drilling his thick shaft into him. Rudy's back arched fiercely as he felt his ass spread wide by the reindeer dick, pleasure lancing through him as his prostate was mugged. Hard as the entry was, it wasn't unpleasant in the slightest; his body was hardy enough to handle something like that, especially after what he'd been putting it through. "Yeaaaaah, fuck, just like that...agh, ream me, you bastard..."

Zephyr's grip tightened on him as he did just that, shoving the rest of his prick into Rudy's body and pulling it out with a fierce intensity. He was loving the feeling, that ass was as good as he expected it to be, hugging him tight and warmer than anything he expected, making the pleasure crackle through him freely. Sex was good, but sex with someone so hot was even better...and the fact that he'd been dreaming about this for a long time, well, that was just the icing. He braced himself against the back wall, lifting Rudy up into the air with his powerful arms and thrusting upwards into him, harder than ever, snorting loudly as he exerted himself to his fullest.

The sudden change in position came as a surprise to Rudy, but once he started getting that pounding he'd been looking for it was of no consequence to him. He was moaning loudly at each impact inside him, his most sensitive spots being mauled ruthlessly and sending a frenzy of pleasure through him. He did his best to cling to Zephyr and push back into him when he thrust, maximizing the pleasure for both of them. Spurts of precum were shooting from his brightly glowing dick, splattering onto the floor with the water that was still rushing down over them. He could also feel similar liquid saturating his insides as Zephyr wet him nicely inside, easing his passage and making his driving movements even harder and faster. "G-god...Zephyr..."

The sounds of Rudy's pleasure were pure heaven to Zephyr, so incredibly arousing beyond what he was already getting from his partner's body. "Agh, Rudy...not gonna be...much longer..." He could feel the familiar throb in his loins growing steadily more powerful, harder and harder to keep holding himself back...he hoped that Rudy was close too, because we wasn't sure how much longer he could last. He shifted his arms again, hefting Rudy with one arm so his other hand could reach around and grip that glowing cock, pumping it fiercely as he could to bring the smaller reindeer over the edge first.

Before Rudy knew what was happening, his cock was encased in a tight, hot fist and worked as ferociously as his ass. It was more than he could handle, and with a breathless cry he came, shooting hard out into the shower, his cock pulsing with lively streams of glowing semen which lit up the floor. He clamped down hard on Zephyr's staff as he nearly threw himself back on the larger reindeer, the intensity of his orgasm blindsiding him and making him lose control more than he ever had before. He was only barely able to keep from letting out another blinding flash of light, and the glow coming off of him was an incredible sight.

A deep bellow sounded from Zephyr as he too cut loose, blowing a huge load into Rudy's ass as he held him in his crushing grip. The thick cum flooded inside him, filling his rear deep and adding a nice weight to his gut, with a small bit squirting back around the seal between his asshole and Zephyr's cock, dripping onto the floor around Zephyr's hooved feet. He clenched as much as he could to keep it inside him, though the force of Zephyr's shots was too much for him to completely keep contained; nevertheless, he could feel most of it going deeper, satisfyingly settling inside him and making him feel full and well-used.

They both come down at roughly the same time, the energetic peaks giving way to satisfying fatigue. A bit wearily, Zephyr lifted Rudy off of him and set him back on the ground, in the water mingled with their essences. "Whoo...fuck, that was lay I've ever had."

"Same here...shit, I needed that worse than I ever thought." Rudy's whole body was on edge, he hadn't been screwed like that ever and he hadn't realized what he'd been missing for so he was certain not to forget it. "I hope you're up for doing that again soon, because I'm gonna want it bad."

"Heh, wouldn't refuse you for the world, though I think I owe you a bit of cuddling too..." Zephyr chuckled as he looked down at his hand, where some of Rudy's jizz had dripped down onto it. "Shit, even this glows? That's so fucking cool."

"It's from my body, pretty much everything does. Though it's more intense than usual because of how keyed up I was. Heh, you may want sunglasses, I was only barely able to keep from flaring up this time."

"I don't think I'll mind too much. I like your's super cool, you're not like anyone I've ever met."

"Really?" For all his life, he couldn't ever remember someone saying that to him before...much as he'd learned to live with the glow, Rudy had still felt kind of like a freak with the way people looked at him for it. Having someone who thought that it was something cool...well, it was really good for his psyche. "Well...I guess I'm gonna have to show it to you a lot, then. That sound good to you?"

Zephyr grinned from ear to ear. "Oh, yeah...I like the sound of that."