Fade to Black

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Fade to Black

By Von Krieger

Ice moaned softly as he fought his way up from unconsciousness. The last thing that he remembered was everything going black as his one man scout submarine, the UEAES Saratoga, had all its operating lights cut out.

Everything had gone dead, and shortly after, so had Ice's arm. The cybernetic had served him quite well over the past year, since the last attack on his scout sub had given him injuries so severe that his arm had to be amputated to prevent infection from spreading to the rest of his body. The familiar cold sensation of the barely sensate limb had suddenly vanished, the linkages to the artificial nerves erupting in pain intense enough to knock Ice unconscious. He'd never heard of anything like that happening, and he hoped that the intricate circuitry of the prosthetic had not been damaged by the attack.

His clothes had been stripped off, and he was lying in bed. The Saratoga itself could, potentially, have removed his clothes and placed him in bed. The vessel was equipped with several modified oceanic research robots, and they could operate on their treads within the sub itself. The AI had done it once before, when Ice had come down with a fever and nausea from some bad rations. But this most certainly did not feel like his bed. It was too comfortable. For one, it felt like a real mattress and not the thin layer of foam over metal that folded out of the wall, and the blanket on top of him was far warmer than the standard issue blanket supplied with the sub.

The cheapskate admiralty had only allotted the Saratoga one of them, despite its three bunks. With the advent of the AI computer, the scout ship no longer needed a crew of three to man it, and though proper one man vessels were being prototyped it was far cheaper to merely add on the AI computer core and the equipment needed to run the vessel, leaving the pilot as the only non-replaceable crewmember.

"Sara, what's going on?" he asked the darkness. Sara, for Saratoga. Occasionally he wondered what the pilot of the Phozvulski called their AI. He wasn't expecting an answer, and he received none, but if he wasn't on the Saratoga, he couldn't imagine anywhere else he could be. The nearest ship or submarine large enough to have a compatible docking collar had been a good two or three days away, and his posting in the Marianas Trench was far away enough from shore that there wouldn't be a New Russian Empire floating dry-dock this far out. Putting such a high-level asset out into international waters would only attract a missile strike.

The darkness of the room did not help at all to relieve Ice's confusion; he could see little more than a pattern of faint red marks that glowed beside the table. It reminded him of one of those weird clocks that some of the more tech-minded people he'd served with had owned. It was probably in Binary or Klingon or something. The clock told him that he wasn't in a prison cell; you wouldn't leave any loose objects that might be used as weapons in a place you'd expect to put a hostile.

Ice tossed aside the covers and sat up, finding carpet beneath his feet. Strange, the United Earth Alliance (a rather grandiose name for the union of the former United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany and Britain from Europe, and a few more that Ice had never really learned about in school, the other ones were never looked upon as important) did its best to make everything as cost-efficient as possible. There wouldn't be any carpeting aboard one of their ships.

He stood, placing one hand against the wall, which felt oddly smooth. He stood for a few moments, and became even more baffled. He most certainly wasn't aboard a UEA ship; he couldn't feel the swaying. Even if he was on-board an NRE dreadnought, he doubted that he'd be put into an officer's cabin rather than the brig. Equally likely, he would be left to float in the sea after the Saratoga was seized.

Ice felt his way along the wall until he found a corner, encountering only a few obstacles. The bed was against one wall, and then there was the nightstand which unfortunately had lacked a lamp before he'd nearly tripped over it. Next around the wall came a loveseat, and then the next wall, and a door that swung inward. The hinges on this side were long and smooth, and not a style he was familiar with either back at home or on the Saratoga. It was like a hotel room, or a dormitory or something of the like, which was even stranger. The Saratoga had been down far enough to make ascent to the surface take at least four hours and even then it was several hundred miles to land, and it didn't feel like there had been an IV jammed into his good wrist, which would've been required to keep him unconscious.

Oddly, he didn't have any aches or pains at all, as he would have suspected from an attack on his ship, or being knocked unconscious. He'd been on the bridge and hadn't been strapped in. If he'd blacked out, he ought to have something bruised or scraped, but oddly again, nothing felt bruised or contused. His cybernetic arm was also operating just fine as well. The sudden complete lack of movement and sensation that it had experienced seemed long since past. Though it also felt... odd. It was warm, for a start. The artificial nerves weren't picking up the naturally lower temperature of the metal covering. Even if he'd been under the covers for quite some time, it still ought to have rapidly cooled down the moment it had encountered room temperature air.

Ice felt along the wall just inside the doorway, looking for a light switch. His bafflement continued; because although his prosthetic wasn't giving the same degree of sensory feedback as his good hand he was still experiencing far more sensation than he usually did. The limb also felt lighter, more flexible and maneuverable. The cybernetic fingertips found the raised plate of the light switch, and Ice pressed the smooth dome-shaped button in the middle, turning the light on.

He found himself standing in a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, tub and shower, a mirror, but little else. All of it seemed to have been formed from the same faintly green, porcelain-like substance, though the floor and the tub were both a bit more textured on the bottom, so as to provide traction.

Ice sighed and tugged down his boxer shorts, using the commode. At least the plumbing worked, in both senses of the term. As his bladder drained he got a good look at his cybernetic arm for the first time. It looked... strange. The design was not how it had been the last time he saw it. His arm was now more lithe, sleek, streamlined, and he didn't recall the limb ever ending in slightly pointed nails.

Finishing his business, he flushed the john and washed his hands with the small bar of soap placed on the side of the sink, entirely out of habit. As he washed he stared down at his flesh and bone arm, which also was not as he recalled it.

It was a perfect mirror of the metallic limb, lithe, smooth, and with fingertips ending in almost claw-like nails. It wasn't supposed to look like that, but try as he might, Ice couldn't recall what it was supposed to look like. He looked from his hand to his reflection and similarly found himself not recognizing his own face.

Again it seemed to be not what he expected, but he could not picture what it was supposed to be. His hair was less than an inch long, the result of several weeks at sea since his last armed forces buzz cut, but it was the only touch of normalcy upon his head. His features looked thinner and more angular than he though they ought to be, and he was rather sure that the irises of his eyes shouldn't be an almost glowing red-orange color.

Ice tried to bring the image of himself to mind, but he couldn't. It was like having a word on the tip of your tongue, but not being able to get it out. He could almost recall it, but came up so infinitesimally short as to be frustrating. Maybe if he tried to remember how his family looked like, he could at least get a hint of what he ought to look like.

It was then that Ice found another source of confusion: he couldn't recall his own name. He looked down at the metal tags that hung around his neck and much to his relief they had a name upon them, "Wilson, James" followed by some numbers on another line, and then "AB+" and "NO PREFERENCE."

The name did not seem at all familiar to him, though it was likely his own. Ice wasn't a word used often for a name, he knew somehow, but for some reason it was what he thought of himself as. It was his... nickname? Call sign? Code name? He couldn't quite remember that either. It seemed that all but the most rudimentary personal information had been stripped from his mind, or was blocked off somehow.

Still very puzzled, Ice continued to look over his body, finding it completely unfamiliar. Everything seemed to be thinner than it was supposed to be, more streamlined. Though oddly there was some widening in the hips and expansion in his rump that he thought was strange, as was the slight swelling of his pectoral muscles.

The image in the mirror was his, but it looked completely foreign to Ice, and it even looked wrong for his gender. He was a male, he remembered that much, but while the build was about right, the curvature of his own body was something that his mind labeled as female, though once more he couldn't picture an actual female. The description was merely words in his mind, rather than images.

Red cables extended from the cybernetic prosthesis, connected to grafted metal ports on his shoulder. His artificial arm had two components: the arm itself, and the artificial shoulder joint. His shoulder muscles were real, but what they were attached to was not. It also functioned as the controlling computer for the arm, serving as a translator between pistons, pulleys, actuators, and whatever else was in the machine portion, and the nerves of Ice's normal body.

Oddly the skin around the ports had darkened, turning from a pale tan to a rather worrying black. He probed at the black spots, but found neither pain nor swelling that would indicate infection. Oddly it felt somewhat pleasant to rub at the black spots. Ice let out a soft moan and found his mechanical hand slipping into his boxers and curling around his suddenly half-hard shaft.

Ice's eyes widened and he quickly removed his boxers, gazing down in bafflement at his loins. His manhood was there, quite obvious and prominent, but there was nothing beneath it, the testicles that a male ought to be sporting were completely nonexistent. He felt for them, wondering if they were internal or something of the like. His question was not answered, as his body quickly became distracted by the intense sensation of pleasure that came from caressing a patch of smooth skin between his legs.

"What the hell is happening to me?" he whispered, unable to bring his caresses to a stop.

"Does it really matter?" rumbled a deep, but friendly voice from behind him.


Ice turned to see a tall figure standing in the doorway, he hadn't noticed that things seemed to be scaled a little bit bigger than he was used to. The top of the door was a good two and a half feet over his head and his visitor still had to duck to fit within it.

He gasped at the sight of his visitor, for not only did he tower tremendously over Ice, but his appearance also made Ice's mind go on high alert, telling him something was wrong. The nine foot tall figure's skin wasn't even on the same spectrum as Ice's. His skin was instead a mix of shiny black and white, with some greenish patterning upon it.

The word that came to mind was 'orca,' a killer whale, an absolutely massive predatory sea mammal. But although massive, the visitor wasn't the size of the orcas that Ice knew. But he had all the features, the smooth skin, the thick tail ending in a crescent shaped fin, the rounded, blunt face, as well as a large dorsal fin growing from his back, starting just above the shoulder blades and ending about 2/3rds of the way down his spine.

But the orca-man had some features that weren't something that Ice thought of when he brought to mind the image of a killer whale. Pale green-yellow spikes, almost like discolored points of bone, broke through the skin on the backs of his hands and forearms, as well as on the elbows, knees, hips, and shoulders. They also erupted from the Orca's dorsal fin, and peppered down the dorsal side of his tail as well.

Thick, fleshy tendrils extended from the Orca's head, not quite hair and not quite tentacles. They looked like something from a sea anemone scaled up and attached to a living creature, rather than a rock. But they were colored similarly to both the orca's natural coloration, blended with the green tinting that seemed to occur around those smooth, spiked protrusions.

The visitor's hands and feet seemed to be a little oversized, the digits thicker and longer than Ice thought they ought to be, with thick webbing growing between them. Each finger and toe ended in a large, sharp, dangerous looking claw of the same material that made up the creature's spines.

"Wh-what are you?" Ice stuttered, instinctively backing away from the huge, predatory biped.

The Orca smiled, "I'm human," he said, "Just as you are."

Ice shook his head, "No, you're not. We're not even remotely similar."

"Then tell me, what are the defining characteristics of a human being?"

Once more when Ice tried to bring things to mind he found a disturbing lack of images, finding only cold, clinical words in their place. "Umm... stands upright, bipedal, opposable thumbs, binocular vision... umm..." Try as he might, Ice couldn't find a feature that the Orca had that didn't fit with the words in his head. They said what a human had, but they said nothing about what one shouldn't have. Though claws, fangs, webbed digits, and a tail were all things that Ice suspected a human shouldn't have.

Oddly the Orca was dressed much as Ice was, in only a pair of tight shorts, though the Orca's looked more like something made from a wetsuit than cotton. Ice found himself relaxing, though he knew he shouldn't be. There was a strange, alien creature in front of him that was setting his hackles on edge, but his conscious mind found itself being easily calmed.

"Come here, I'm not going to hurt you. You know that." The Orca said with a grin, holding out a hand. Despite himself, Ice found himself taking two steps forward, close enough for the Orca to gently place his hand on Ice's cybernetic shoulder. The cetacean's thumb traced over the black discolorations where the cables from Ice's cybernetic met up with the skin. Ice found himself involuntarily leaning into the touch, wanting more. It felt just as it did when he himself had probed at the oddity, only this was better.

"Good. The implant is fully operational and is functioning as planned." The Orca said, running his hand down Ice's front, groping one of Ice's swollen pectorals. Were they bigger than when he'd last looked? The visitor's hand continued downward, wrapping around Ice's erect shaft.

"Hmm... it ought to be dependant on blood flow, so with some proper stimulation..." the Orca said, seemingly to himself.

For some reason Ice found himself pressing up against the Orca, pressing his cheek against the cetacean's well-toned abdomen, the smooth skin feeling delightful against Ice's own. His body just wanted to press up against the creature, to snuggle and cuddle. And more.

Embarrassingly he found himself enjoying the creature's stroking of his shaft. It all felt wrong, that the creature wasn't supposed to be something Ice was familiar with, most definitely something he shouldn't be attracted to, and most certainly something that he shouldn't want to have sex with.

But the thoughts that entered his mind were of an erotic nature. He was rather curious about what the Orca's equipment looked like, such as how big it was, and oddly enough, how it would taste in his mouth.

The visitor lead him out of the bathroom and to the bed, which like the doorway was sized for someone half again as tall as Ice was. If the Orca was telling the truth, and that they were the same species, was he perhaps a juvenile and the Orca an adult? If so, why were they both seemingly interested in sex? That wasn't something a youth and an adult were supposed to do. Or at least that's what Ice could remember of things. What was more strange was the fact that they were both male, judging from the Orca's impressive package and his lack of a shirt. Ice couldn't quite picture a woman, but he knew somehow that they usually wore something to cover their top half, while men could often go bare to the waist.

The Orca released his gentle grip on Ice's shaft, using both hands to remove his wetsuit-like shorts, and then used his claws to remove the smaller male's own. Ice found himself almost painfully aroused, he couldn't help but bring a hand to his meat and start stroking.

It was strange. He was completely erect but he felt the soft, building pressure that he felt while getting an erection. It seemed that as he stroked, his cock continued to grow bigger and bigger at a slow, steady pace.

He stared, fascinated as his slowly surging organ in wonder, awe, and bafflement.

"With your arousal the way it is, I think it ought to be deep enough in your bloodstream that resistance will be far beyond you." The Orca said with a chuckle as he laid down in the bed. His tail bent around with surprising flexibility, pulling Ice in after him.

As he stroked himself, the smaller male began to nuzzle and lick at the Orca's chest, scooting himself downward. He moved slowly, teasingly, deliberately taking things slow, wanting the Orca to be half erect by the time he got there.

"We're currently in an underwater base at the bottom of the Marianas Trench." The Orca explained, "While you are from this world, myself and the rest of the staff here are not. From probing your memory, and the data in your submarine, we've discovered that your Earth and ours parted ways several million years ago."

Oddly Ice found himself not particularly caring about the Orca's origin, all that mattered was that he was here, he was right next to Ice, and he was large, powerful, gorgeous, and oh so sexy. Ice shivered as the creatures placed a massive hand upon his back, gently massaging the uncomfortably tight muscles into relaxing looseness.

"The divergence point was the arrival of a unique, symbiotic species of coral with some... strange abilities." The Orca looked at his arm, running his fingertips over the bony protrusion from his skin.

"It grows in living organisms, rather than upon the sea floor, it reproduces quickly, and the individual polyps contribute to a sort of global consciousness. On their own, they're nothing. But have enough of them forming the skeleton of a large creature, and they begin to have... abilities."

Ice cried out as a wave of pleasure shot through his body. His muscles seemed to flex and relax in sync with his heartbeat and the throbbing of his still-growing shaft, now having gained three or four inches in length and another one in girth since the Orca had shown up.

"They can project a sort of psychic energy, able to reach out from the creature they colonize, to another one. For example those living within me are talking to those living within the replacement implant we gave you. You're just perfect for our testing. You see, when in contact with the blood and plasma of the host, the polyps release a mutagenic compound to alter the host. It seems that the polyp has some sort of template stored inside it, and works toward altering the host towards it."

Ice heard a strange, wet sound and felt something warm oozing down his back. He turned his head to try and catch sight of what was causing the sensation, but instead he found the Orca's hand upon his head, coaxing him further downward. The other found its way to Ice's back, rubbing his suddenly tense shoulder blades, a touch that made the smaller male moan.

"The conversion process, turning normal cells to coral-dominated cells is quite pleasurable, isn't it? Altering your genetic code, adding in its own version of mitochondria which makes its abilities possible, drawing upon the energy of a dimension where things work a little differently... put together it's quite stimulating, as you no doubt are feeling."

The Orca's massaging was almost maddening, Ice was torn between the desires to press himself up against the creature and to press back into the caress. The Orca chuckled and rolled onto his back, allowing Ice to lie almost entirely on his muscular, powerful tail. He didn't seem to mind that his 'pet' was thrusting against it.

The soft, wet sound went silent for a moment, before returning with an explosive version of itself. It was like a mix of wood cracking and wet cloth ripping, and Ice found his body suddenly alight with foreign, pleasurable sensations sparking through every fiber of himself. He was a mere few inches from his goal, but the Orca allowed him to turn his head to see what had caused the noise. Curiosity got the better of him.

Ice's body was the source of every one of those strange sounds and sensations. He gasped as he turned to see broad, membranous wings growing from his back. They were almost like those of a bat, but shaped differently, not quite like the bats Ice knew. The claws on the ends of the wings' 'thumbs' were far larger and looked far more dangerous. And rather than fur the base was covered by smooth, sleek black-gray skin, with the membrane a few shades lighter.

The sensation sent Ice over the edge, his member erupting against the slick surface of the Orca's tail. His thick seed streamed forth, hot, sticky, and clinging to his body. Even more oddly, it clung only to his body. He could feel it oozing over his skin, somehow sinking it, spreading the sensations of pleasure that accompanied the alteration of his flesh.

He paid it no mind, as suffused with the orgasmic glow he temporarily had no control of himself. He wrapped his lips around the Orca's member, an organ completely alien in appearance to him. It wasn't round as his own was, but somewhere between conical, triangular, and elliptical. It emerged from a slit between the Orca's legs, tapering narrower on the top and bottom, but retaining most of the girth. It slowly tapered to a graceful point, along the way it was all slick and smooth pink skin.

Ice moaned as he took his master's shaft into his mouth. He wasn't worried about its size, which was nearly that of his forearm. Everything seemed to fit just fine. He closed his eyes, letting the pleasure of his transforming body wash over him.

With amazement and lust, Ice explored his changing body with both hands as he pleasured his owner. He could feel the alterations to his skin immediately, the black-gray coloration spreading from his groin, his new wings, and the cybernetic implant. Hair fell away as his skin became more like that of his host: sleek, smooth, slick, and meant for providing the least resistance to water. The alterations that had looked strange before now had a purpose, the litheness of his build, the curves of his muscles, it became quickly apparent what was happening to Ice. Spurred into rapid flow by the increased heart rate of arousal, Ice's blood was pumping the coral's mutagens rapidly throughout his body, accelerating the rate at which he transformed.

Or perhaps it was now more accurate to say ‘she'. What Ice had assumed to be swelling upon his chest was actually the formation of what were rapidly becoming her large, plentiful breasts. As she ran taloned thumbs over pert, pink nipples, she felt the rest of her body shifting as well.

A stirring within her belly told Ice of a newly forming aspect of her new gender, as well as the wonderfully pleasurable equipment that it would bring. Rather than her cock diminishing as she imagined it ought, she found it instead oddly growing still larger, still thicker, still more wondrous and sensitive. Her maleness continued to grow, even as the body around it grew more feminine. A widening of the hips, a narrowing of the fingers, a slimming of her midsection, all these made her inner self cry out as she became a female in body and spirit, changes mirrored without and within.

The Orca moaned softly, placing both hands upon Ice's head, thrusting into his pet's eager maw, her tongue elongating and curling around her master's shaft in order to better pleasure him.

"Mmm... until the coral has your brain wired to truly be one of us, your memories will be blocked off as they are now. Your old identity no longer matters. In time, I suspect, we can welcome you into the fold with a proper role. But for the moment you are essentially a test subject, satisfying our curiosity of the form that the coral works to bring us toward."

Ice didn't really care about her old memories, she was rather enjoying making new ones, especially ones that involved being up close and personal with her wonderful, gorgeous master. She purred as the Orca stroked her wings.

"Interestingly enough, we've seen these appear on a few individuals, though with extreme rarity."

Ice felt rather proud to be sporting her beautiful wings, and felt even more blessed to be a mix of genders. She loved the feeling of the weight on her chest, as well as the pleasure that came from caressing her soft, sensitive tits. She grinned with a wider, toothier grin than she'd ever had before, and began to put them to good use, sandwiching her master's member between them as she suckled.

The Orca cried out as she did, not expecting his pet to pleasure him so well, at least not so quickly. She felt her jaw pop, her face pressing forward as her neck extended a few inches. Ice delighted in the alteration, allowing her to take more of the Orca's delicious pink member into her mouth, and to be better able to pleasure the sweet length. Her short hair fell away, replaced by the same smooth, sleek black skin that the rest of her body now sported. Something pushed from her temples, sending a warm trickle of strange fluid down her face. Ice extended her long, forked tongue to lap at it. The already staunched trickle wasn't blood, but rather something that tasted oddly sweet, likely the pure transformative essence from the coral within her implant.

The coral's taste seemed to lightly permeate everything about her master, the flavor of his precum and his member, his very scent. It was what those odd spikes were, and why the skin around them had a greenish hue to them. Ice found herself wondering what she would look like if her coral was allowed to grow within her living body instead of merely pumping its mutagens into her bloodstream.

As if sensing the thought of ruining his experiment, the Orca growled and gripped Ice's newly formed horns, pulling her forcibly from his shaft. The pet peered up at her master with confused, orange-red eyes. A moan escaped her muzzle as another odd, explosive sound echoed through the room.

She shivered as her new tail swayed slowly back and forth in the cool air of the undersea base. The Orca smiled, taking the new appendage in both hands, running his thumbs over the underside, making the... dragoness moan with delight. Dragoness was the only word that even remotely matched what she looked like now. She found herself pressing down against the bed, her rump in the air, eager to have her brand new pussy filled. Her master didn't seem as large anymore, though he was still far heavier, more thickly built, and more muscular than Ice. Despite that, he didn't seem to loom over her quite so much. If they stood up, Ice would wager she came up to his shoulders, rather than barely past his navel, as she had before when she was male.

Her master pulled her closer, one hand higher up upon her tail, the other rubbing slowly downward, driving her mad with lust as the touch grew closer and closer to her feminine sex. With a chuckle the Orca thrust into her, forcing a powerful cry from Ice's throat. She pushed back against him with all her might, clawed fingers and toes digging into the bed covers.

Her feet made soft popping sounds as they shifted subtly, making Ice more suited to walking upon the balls of her feet as a large, sharp claw appeared upon each heel. A soft shiver went through her body as the warmth of the coral's mutagens began to fade, her transformation complete. She was almost disappointed it had to end, the heady, powerful sensation of her transformation now a soft absence where there once had been life. In its place however was something new, and something quite better.

"Doesn't it feel wonderful? All the mutant mitochondria within you firing at once, drawing upon the power of worlds beyond our imagining. You will feel like this until your body acclimates to having these new organisms within you. The coral itself taking root tends to speed up the process, but you will not be experiencing that. We can only guess at how long you'll be feeling so open and uninhibited, eager to take any male or female that strikes your fancy." The Orca said with a laugh. "Even if the coral wasn't assuring a smooth transition from your old life into your new one, you'd still be our eager little whore."

Ice moaned and shivered with delight, knowing that she had even more pleasure to look forward to in her future. She was her master's toy, his pet, his sex slave. She could feel the coral implant, whispering to her, telling her things. It told her that she was going to be the sexual entertainment for the entire undersea base, made to pleasure anyone that desired to use her.

"I think I'll chain you up just outside the shower facilities so that the construction crews can use you to wind down after a hard day's work of digging into the bedrock, expanding our base of operations. After all, this is the first time that we've encountered a dominant species that is susceptible to the coral. We're most certainly not going to let this go to waste."

Ice found herself panting, gasping, moaning, overwhelmed with sensation. The coral poured images and ideas into her mind. Among the images that buffeted her psyche were her being lead into the showers by a half dozen creatures that looked rather like bipedal sting rays, pleasuring two with her mouth, one each with her femsex and her tailhole, and two more with her hands.

She found herself imagining a strike on land, perhaps a New Russian Empire ship, or a small naval outpost. Even as a pet she would have a choosing of subjects to aid with their ascension into beings like herself. For the first time the image of a human female came to mind, soft, curvaceous, athletic, pale skin dusted with freckles contrasted with stunning red hair.

Ice imagined a blue-grey collar around her neck, made of the same biometal as her cybernetic, a spherical bulb in the center housing the coral that controlled her. Within her mind, Ice used the abilities of her own coral to coax the girl into fathomless lust for her, all confused and resistant, the human struggling with the seemingly natural desires within her as Ice mentally coaxed her closer and closer, her tongue reluctantly extending, a slow lick over the dragoness' shaft, the small touch making the dragoness erupt on her belly. The human being was made to slowly lick up the green, glowing goo as she reveled in the girl's collapsing resistance to the debauchery.

The others of her species, the coral-infused Orcas, Dolphins, Sharks, Rays, and Skates, none of them had the power she had. Her coral was apart from her; it lived and thrived as its own entity. Unlike the other coral colonies, it did not need to tie itself to her very bones in order to assure its survival. It could sit, bound to her, filling the bodily fluids with heavenly doses of mutagens, making her very kiss the beginning of a wonderful metamorphosis.

The members of her new race thought that they had made Ice a hermaphrodite in order to function as a wonderful sex slave. That information was readily available too, because she could feel herself accepting her new role with relish. But Ice knew the truth, she had been made hermaphroditic so that she could easily mutate members of her own species through sex. A kiss, a little something slipped into food or drink, the mutagenic spores that the coral released would migrate to the pleasure centers of the brain, they would stimulate lust and desire, they would make her victims easy prey.

The Bonded, as her race thought of itself, had long known about the two genders of the coral polyps, the sessile males that would bond themselves to a creature's bones, and the free-floating females that would remain in the bloodstream.

It had taken millions of years, but the coral colony that had found its way onto the world were it had converted sea-dwelling mammals into bipedal sentients, that had broken through the dimensions once their world had grown full, welcoming the transformed Sharks into their fold, and then the Rays. Together, with the hands and minds of the transformed races, together with the community and support of the coral, technology advanced, then raced ahead, until it reached this point. The point where the second stage could begin.

New members of the race could be altered according to the template all the female polyps had within them, the lone draconic progenitors that had been the first sentient race in all the multiverse to evolve. They had been creatures powerful enough that unconscious images of them seeped into the minds of all the cosmos.


Ice herself was only an intermediary stage. In those she transformed, the female polyps would bud off, grow and multiply, granting each of her 'children' the ability to thrive without the mutagens of the male coral.

The male coral improved a host's body, made them bigger, stronger, made it easier to defend themselves with their bone spines. But with the technology they had they no longer needed to be improved, no longer needed to be better predators and survive against wild beasts. With each generation apart from the male polyps the daughter corals would apply more and more of the draconic template to the host, until true dragons roamed the multiverse once more.

Ice threw her head back and roared with blissful climax, the pleasures of her body and the images of her mind combining to give her ecstatic bliss the likes of which she had never known. She panted, the only light in the darkened room the glow of her female polyp-laden seed upon the bed and her sexual juices upon her master's cock.

The Orca turned the dragoness over, his blunt muzzle finding her own, kissing her deeply. A reward for a job well done.

"Good girl, Cornel." He said, giving the dragoness a new name to go with her new life, one that the dragoness adored, as it sounded much like her beloved coral.

Her master was tired, his romp with her something at the end of a long day of work for him. Cornel smiled and stroked his cheek with a taloned hand, "Rest, master," she said softly, "I'll show myself down to the showers while you sleep." She said with a grin, licking her lips.

The alien mitochondria, tapping the primal elemental energy that infused all dragons, gave her wondrous stamina, a gift that her master, with half of his body cells altered to be unsuitable for them due to the influence of the male polyps, would never know the wondrous feeling of near-limitless endurance.

Cornel's member was still almost painfully hard, and her pussy throbbed with need. Her master gave her a parting kiss before heading to the shower of his own room to clean up. The researchers and scientists had their own facilities, more private, more personal, more efficient. The laborers, on the other hand, had communal facilities to improve their bonds and strengthen camaraderie. The dragoness, the first Bonded dragoness, was only happy to serve in whatever means she could to help her new and wondrous race.

Above all she longed to spread her gift to other humans, but for now she couldn't imagine anything grander than being the centerpiece of a rough, intense, sexual feeding frenzy as she was surrounded by shark laborers.

As her Orca master left the room, leaving her to drift off to sleep, she wondered what their claspers would feel like inside of her.

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