After School Super Hero Club: Chapter One - Superheroes Do Exist

Story by DaBlackStallion on SoFurry

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Standing at the entrance of the school, Jonas couldn't help but think how oddly familiar all schools looked. No matter what town he was in or what school he went to, all of them looked the same. A two or three--in this case three--story building made of bricks with a set of blue doors at the entrance. A parking lot that seemed to be filled with the most affordable cars that you could buy with one or two more luxurious vehicles usually parked in the spot marked "principal". A flag pole just on the perimeter of the parking lot proudly flying the country's flag. Though, the tall, caramel-coloured, white-limbed equine did admit, somehow this place, Jorgenson High, seemed much more mundane and boring than all the other schools he had been to.

Students rushed past him to get into the building, some pushing and nudging him. Figuring it would be best to stop blocking the entrance, Jonas decided to head inside and search for his locker. The school had mailed him his schedule, locker placement and all the other information he needed for his first day. His mother took it a step further by calling the school and requesting a list of material that he needed to be caught up on when he started. Jonas would have been irritated, but his mother had done this so many times that he had gotten used to reading all his course material on flights and during car rides.

Preparing for his semester at Jorgenson High was a bit more difficult since it was the middle of April, which meant he had already missed out on half of a semester. Jonas wasn't too worried though. He didn't have much of a social life, so he would have plenty of time to complete any mandatory assignments before the semester was up.

As Jonas entered the school, he took his earbuds out of his jeans pocket; his white fingers brushed his shoulder length, chestnut hair out of his eyes and stuck the earbuds into his ears. Never one for mornings, Jonas made use of the universal teenage sign for "don't bother me": hood up, headphones in.

The stallion found his locker on the second floor, right next to the drama studio. He pulled his hoodie down, took his chemistry and calculus textbooks out and put them in his locker before shutting it. Jonas was never one to decorate his locker. He never really liked decorating his locker with a mirror or pictures. He was a minimalist, and he embraced that.

Jonas looked at his class schedule on his phone. His home class was Literature with someone named Mr. Corry. He lucked out because it was only a few steps away from his locker. Even though Jonas wasn't very fond of school, minor conveniences like this were enough to make the experience more enjoyable.

Literature class was boring and filled with students who were more interested in an easy mark than actually dissecting the texts. The worse part about it was that the teacher offered nothing insightful about the works they read. It was just a bunch of discussion questions that Jonas ended up completing quickly. The highlight of the class was when a student asked a question about something that had happened in the book, and the teacher Mr. Corry, who was an almost unbelievably, boring mouse dressed in all gray, answered, "Read the passage over again. The answer's there."

The bad times kept rolling. After literature was Advanced Functions. Much like the average person, Jonas found it difficult to get excited about math. Though he did admit he did get a bit of a thrill after solving a particularly difficult problem, listening to someone talk about derivations and tangents wasn't his cup of tea.

The most interesting thing that happened in that class occurred when Jonas took his seat. He chose a seat in the back, like he always did. He ended up sitting next to someone who could only be described as preppy. The fashionable teen was a husky with blue and white fur that made Jonas think of glaciers. His hair was the same deep blue as his fur with a few white highlights, and it was combed neatly to the left. He had on a navy blue cardigan with a white, Oxford shirt and black tie underneath, which matched his black slacks and dress shoes.

Jonas found himself staring, wondering why someone would go through so much effort to dress so well just to go to a public school. "What the hell are you looking at?" The husky asked. The equine caught a glimpse of the canine's eyes. They were as blue as sapphires, yet so cold and unwelcoming. It made the stallion turn away quickly.

"Nothing." Jonas replied as turned his head forward, facing the chalkboard. The husky scoffed.

"Fucking new kids." The prep muttered as the teacher started the lesson. Jonas kept an eye on his behaviour throughout the class. There was an elitist air to him that the equine found gross. Any time a student asked for help on a question, Charles (he found out his name during attendance) would scoff. Then, when he had answered a difficult problem correctly in class, he had remarked, "It wasn't that hard." By the end of the class, Jonas had concluded that Charles was a massive, snobby prick.

The bell rang again, ending the teacher's lesson as students rushed out of the door for lunch. Jonas waited for the rest of his classmates to leave before he got up. He shifted his eyes to Charles, who paid him no attention as he walked out the door. Jonas knew no school was complete without its share of assholes, and he was positive he had just found one of Jorgenson High's.

Jonas made his way to his locker, his peers travelling in crowds around him as they made their lunch plans and searched for spots to eat. The tall equine didn't have anywhere to go or anyone else to eat with, so he just sat in front of his locker, pulled out his brown paper-bagged lunch from home (which consisted of a ham and Swiss sandwich, an apple and some orange juice) and began eating.

He scanned the hallway as he munched on his sandwich, seeing groups of like-minded furs laughing and talking with each other. There was a part of him that wished he had someone to eat lunch with, but with each passing school that he had attended, that part of him grew smaller and smaller. He found that unless you were amazing at sports, incredibly intelligent or an extraordinary performer, no one would really care about the new kid. At first, Jonas found it difficult to cope with having no one to talk to. Now, he was so used to being the new kid and, to put it bluntly, being alone, that he didn't mind.

"Mind if I join you?" A cheerful, breathy voice asked. Jonas looked up from his sandwich to see the voice coming from a cute squirrel in front of him. She had light, creamy, tan fur and long, silky hair that started off as a sun-kissed orange at the top, covering her right eye, and gradated into a deep, auburn red as it cascaded down her back. The squirrel had a petite but slender figure, accented by the blue and yellow halter-top that revealed the lighter, beige fur on her stomach. She also had a voluptuous, heart-shaped rear that was barely hidden by the pair of skimpy denim shorts that covered it, and a long, bushy tail that looked softer than the squirrel's rosy, pink lips. It was all topped off with a sexy smirk with she maintained with both her lips and her eyes. Whoever this squirrel was, she gave Jessica Rabbit a run for her money.

Jonas almost couldn't believe his eyes. He never expected someone so stunning to go to school in a place as blah as Jorgenson High. His eyes followed the curves of her sexy body involuntarily, mesmerized by what he was sure to be the physical embodiment of seduction. She was indeed the hottest girl he had ever encountered in real life.

The squirrel smiled mischievously. Her eyes were a bright, crystal blue. They seemed so innocent and fragile, which was in complete contrast with the seductress vibe the rest of her body was giving off.

"You're new here, right? I'm Tori, with an i." She said as she sat down next to the equine on the floor, resting her tail on top of her lap.

It was only now that Jonas could take in her wonderful scent, which was an odd but tantalizing mixture of strawberries and chestnuts. The flirtatious squirrel giggled as she looked up at equine. She placed a paw on the horse's chest, stroking it achingly slowly.

"You gonna tell me your name? Or are you the strong, silent type?" Tori asked as her paw moved to the horse's arms, caressing his biceps over the fabric of his black hoodie. The squirrel's touch was skilled and sensual. For the first time in a while, he found himself speechless not by choice, but from shock. Tori didn't mind the silence because Jonas' body was speaking volumes for him. Just from the simple caresses, the stallion's pants were beginning to tent.

He was beyond embarrassed. Had he really been that lonely that a hot girl's touch was all it took to get him to stiffen up? Tori giggled again as the paw moved lower, rubbing his stomach through his hoodie. His jeans were now straining against his crotch. Jonas was beginning to panic. As much as Jonas wanted to feel that hand on his aching horsehood, he didn't want to do it so publicly. Still, he struggled to find anything so say, distracted not only by the pleasure of Tori's touch, but also by the bizarreness of the situation.

"Jonas. Nice to meet you Tori, with an i." Jonas finally replied as he gazed down at the squirrel with his deep, brown eyes. The edge of the squirrel's lips turned up into a playful smile as she looked up at Jonas. His eyes were as brown as oak trees, which gave off a more natural, outdoors-esque, masculine vibe. It was a vibe that Tori was a huge fan of.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Jonas." Tori said as she moved away from the equine, sitting up straight.

Tori smirked and winked at the stallion. He did find it weird that someone as sexy as this squirrel would spend time with him at lunch. Perhaps moving around a lot had turned him into a pessimist, but he wasn't totally convinced. "Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you sitting with me?" Jonas asked. "I'm sure someone like you has some friends she can eat lunch with."

"Someone like me?" Tori replied, sounding offended.

Jonas panicked, realizing how horrible that sounded. "I meant someone as cute as you--"

"I'm just playing with you." She said as she laughed. "But thanks for the compliment. You're not bad yourself." She replied. "And to answer your question, you looked like you could use some company." She shuffled closer to the horse, their shoulders touching each other. She grabbed the stallion's arm and wrapped it around her shoulder, allowing her to rest her head on the stallion's shoulder.

Jonas continued to be surprised by how forward Tori was being. Maybe she was this cheery and outgoing. It was the first time in a while someone attempted to converse with him. He realized the squirrel just wanted to talk, and that was something he did on occasion. "You love flirting, don't you?" Jonas asked. It had been a while since he had the opportunity to flirt with someone, so when the squirrel rested her head on the equine's shoulder, he didn't pull away.

"No shit." Tori replied with a playful smirk.

Jonas smiled back at the squirrel, enjoying the sassy remark. Tori brushed her hair out of her face as she stroked his chest again. "It's fun, and it's rare to find someone who plays along with my games so well." She told him as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

As enamoured as Jonas was with Tori, it was all becoming a bit too much for him. He gently pulled himself away from her, removing his arm from around the squirrel's shoulder. "Sorry. Nothing against you Tori, but we've only known each other for less then ten minutes." He explained. Tori pouted before breaking out into another mischievous smile.

"Aw, don't tell me you're a stick in the mud, too?" Tori complained.

"No, I'm just more of a 'kiss on the third date' kind of guy." Jonas replied.

"You're so conservative." Tori playfully teased. "What else do we need to know? My body likes your body, and your body really likes my body." She told him, emphasizing the word "really" as she placed a paw on his bulge and gave it a good squeeze, eliciting a sexy, throaty grunt from Jonas. "That's an interesting noise." She quipped as she ran her free paw through the stallion's chestnut locks. "Fine. We'll play by your rules. Besides, it might make things a bit more fun. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"

"I guess." Jonas responded. It was the only thing he could think of to say. No matter how fast he tried to process what was currently happening, Tori seemed to move faster than his brain and body were capable of comprehending.

"I'll see you after school, cutie. I've got something special to show you." Tori said as she kissed him on the cheek again. Jonas could do nothing more than gaze at her as she stood up and walked away. His eyes were glued to her magnificent ass. Each time her hips swayed left to right, his eyes followed them. His cock throbbed just from the thought of doing anything with her. He reeled back when he saw Tori turn her head around to look at him, winking at him and blowing him a kiss before turning the corner of the hallway.

"What just happened?" Jonas said out loud. In less than a few minutes, he had been cuddled, kissed and groped by a sexy, sassy, strange squirrel. To top it all of, she seemed to want to spend more time after school. The craziest part of it all was that Jonas wasn't opposed to it. Usually, someone as brash and forward as Tori would rub Jonas the wrong way, but she didn't. Maybe he was thinking with his penis, but it wasn't everyday that he met someone as unique as Tori, and he did kind of want to know her better.

It had been a very long time since Jonas had any sort of intimate encounters with someone. The seductive, flirty squirrel had left quite the impression on him. Maybe it was her strange, playful personality, or perhaps it was just his hormones telling him that he and her were bound to hook up.

He thought about what would happen after school. At first, his thoughts were purely platonic, not wanting to get his hopes up about what the squirrel had planned. Maybe just grabbing a bite to eat somewhere close, or perhaps just hanging out in the backfield. However, as he sat in his Geography class, his imagination and hormones got the better of him. He began running scenarios in his head as to how to turn these platonic dates into some action. By the time he was in his History class, he was envisioning just how good his mouth would feel on his cock and how many times the squirrel would suck him off before they would call it a day.

When the end of the day came, Jonas was more than pumped to meet with the sexy squirrel. The brown stallion descended the staircase and headed through the hallways filled with students chatting at each other's lockers. At the other end of the hallway, he could see a petite squirrel standing at his locker. She was already waiting on him.

"Hey." Jonas said as he approached.

"Right on time. I like a man that's punctual." The squirrel playfully teased. "Come with me." Tori grabbed Jonas by the hand and tugged on it hard, leading the stallion through the hallway, down the staircase and out into the back of the school.

The back of the school was massive. The lot easily dwarfed the size of the school building itself. In the center of the lot was an expansive field that currently had some students tossing Frisbees across the width of it. On the north and south side of the fields were goal posts that could be used as soccer nets on the bottom and football on the top. Currently, some freshmen were currently using it as a bench.

Surrounding the field was large, clay track that had four lanes clearly designated by the thick, solid, white lines. Some of the track team were practicing their hurdles on one side, and sprints on the other. Just west of the track was a lengthy sand pit, and further west of that was a row of portables that students were still emerging from. On the east side of the track was a modestly sized greenhouse and a colourful patch of flowers that a gentle-looking fox was currently tending to. There were some benches and picnic tables a few feet away from the garden, probably for anyone who wanted to eat and relax by the beautiful flowers.

Past the north end of the track was a dark and dangerous looking forest. The entrance to the forest was filled with broken branches and even a few fallen trees. Jonas stared into the forest, glimpsing at the creepy, foreboding field of towering evergreens. He felt a wave of unnerving energy wash over his body. "I don't think we should go into the forest." Jonas said, but it did nothing to deter the squirrel. She ignored him, yanked on his arm and led him into the forest.

Jonas followed blindly, stepping over moss-covered logs before he stopped again. The muscular horse tried to pull away from Tori, but the squirrel had an iron-like grip on his arm. Feeling the resistance from Jonas, Tori stopped as well "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Why are you taking me into the forest?" Jonas asked.

"To murder you of course." The squirrel replied as she giggled. Jonas didn't know if she was joking around or not, so he laughed nervously.

""You're joking, right?" He asked. Tori rolled her eyes.

"Of course! Why would I want to murder a sexy stud like you?" Tori replied.

Jonas was unnerved that he couldn't figure out the answer to that simple question. He was beginning to think that the quirkiness that made her so intriguing was instead outright insanity. He started to slowly step backwards.

"Really? Still scared? Some people can't take a joke." Tori huffed, upset that Jonas actually thought she was capable of murder. "I just wanted to show you a secret. I was going to wait a while before I showed you, but if you're moving soon, then I think you should see now." Tori told him.

"What's the secret?" Jonas asked, making sure he was outside of Tori's reach.

"Why the hell would I tell you now? It'd only spoil the surprise!" The squirrel told him.

"You know how sketchy this looks from my end, right?" Jonas told him. Tori giggled and scratched the back of her neck.

"Yeah. I guess you have a point." Tori admitted. She took a deep breath. As she exhaled, her permanently, seductive features distorted into a more serious expression. "Do you believe in superheroes? She asked.

"What?" Jonas had to make sure he heard what he heard.

"Superheroes. Do you think they exist?" Tori repeated.

"Of course not." Jonas replied.

"What if I told you that they did?" Tori asked. Jonas knew now that the squirrel was indeed crazy.

" I'm leaving now, Tori." The stallion turned around and began to walk out towards the school. He had only made it a few steps before he felt his pants drop to the floor, exposing his black boxer briefs. "What the hell?" He pulled up his pants, but it fell again. That's when he realized his belt was gone. "Where the hell is my belt?" Jonas asked as he looked at the floor.

"Muscle buns, turn around." Tori yelled. Jonas did, and what he saw made his jaw drop. In between himself and Tori was his belt, floating in the air as if attached to a string. The equine walked forward and moved his hand horizontally across the top of the belt to make sure there wasn't a wire of some sorts. There definitely wasn't one. His eyes moved to Tori, who had a wide grin on her face.

"How are you--"

"Told you. Superheroes exist." Jonas felt his pants shoot up his legs and hug his hips. He watched as the belt floated towards him before coiling itself around his waist and tightening itself. The stallion still couldn't believe what he saw. There was no way that superheroes exist, but there was no denying what he just saw.

"So you're a--"

"Yep. I'm a superhero. A telepath to be exact." Tori revealed.

"So you can move things with your mind?" Jonas asked.

"And I can read people's thoughts, amongst other things. It's kind of confusing. To be honest, I'm not really sure how it works exactly. Ian's better at explaining." Tori explained. Jonas didn't know what to say. That's when he realized that she said she could read minds.

"So this entire time--"

"Yeah, I've been reading your mind." Tori said, the mischievous smile returning to her face. "And don't worry, I think you're really sexy too." The squirrel bit her bottom lip before taking a few steps towards Jonas. "So, are you gonna keep following me now?" She asked.

"Wait, that wasn't the secret?"

"Oh no. Not even close. Follow me." Tori entered the forest, climbing over the fallen trees. Jonas just stood still. If reading people's thoughts and moving things with their minds wasn't the secret, the stallion didn't think he could handle whatever Tori wanted to show him.

Nevertheless, his curiousity got the better of him as he followed her into the forest. The outer perimeter of the forest wasn't too difficult to navigate. It was mostly just fallen leaves and broken branches. However, after a few minutes, following Tori got more difficult. There was already little sunlight due to the overcast skies, but now the soaring pines and sturdy oaks were blocking out the light. _ _Jonas wasn't one to get scared easily, but even he was on edge by how eerie the forest was.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." Tori told him. It took him by surprise. He forgot that the squirrel could read his mind.

_ _ "Yeah. It takes some time to get used to. " She added. As the two creatures ventured deeper into the forest, they came across the bottom of a cliff. Tori placed a paw on the cliff side and began walking east. "This way." Jonas complied and continued following Tori along the cliff wall. As they continued walking, Jonas noticed that bits of moss and strands of vines were starting to appear on the wall, and the further east they walked, the thicker and longer the moss and vines became. Eventually, the surface of the cliff wall was no longer visible. It was just a messy entanglement of greenery.

After a few more minutes of walking, Tori came to a stop, which prompted Jonas to stop as well. "Everything alright?" Jonas asked. Tori didn't respond. Instead, she turned towards the wall.

"Hotel. Echo. Romeo. Oscar." The squirrel said. Jonas was more than familiar with the phonetic alphabet.

All of a sudden, a slight rustling noise was heard. Jonas watched as the vines and moss in front of Tori began to recede, revealing a large opening into the cliff. The few doubting thoughts that had remained in Jonas' head about superheroes and that entire make-belief stuff were completely vanquished after witnessing the greenery move. He peered inside the opening. All he could see was darkness.

The squirrel stepped into the opening to what Jonas could only assume was a cave of some sorts. "Come on." Tori said, holding out her paw for the stallion. "We're almost there." She told him. Giving into his curiousity, and seeing no other choice, Jonas took Tori's hand into his own and followed her into the cave. As she stepped into the darkness of the cave, she vanished in front of Jonas' eyes. Had the equine not been holding her hand, he would have thought she completely disappeared. He felt a tugging on his hand, prompting Jonas to step into the cave.

As soon as Jonas stepped into the dark cave, the vines began to move again, slithering into the center of the opening until it was completely covered up again. He tried to look around the cave to try and get his bearings, but it was impossible. The room was pitch black and dead silent. The only thing he could hear was his heart racing.

Tori began moving again, so Jonas followed, taking small steps to make sure he didn't bump into the squirrel. They had only taken about thirty paces before they both came to a stop again. Tori raised her paw, placed it on the wall in front of her and pressed down on it hard. A loud click filled the room, followed by the sound of gears grinding against each other. Light began to pour into the room from the floor in front of Tori. A section of the wall began to ascend, letting more light into the cave. As the door continued to ascend, Jonas took the time to look around, confirming that they had been inside a cave.

The stallion felt a tug on his hand again, causing him to return his attention to his front. He walked into the room beyond the doorway, freezing in place at what he saw.

"Welcome to the After School Super Hero Club." Tori said as she stood proudly next to Jonas. There was so much to take in. In front of him was a giant, fully furnished hangar. The equine couldn't figure out how he could even begin to comprehend how all of this was possible. All four walls and the ceiling were covered in studded foam that had been painted white. There was a metal walkway along all four walls, which served as a second level to the hanger. There were several doors along each of the walls on the second floor, except for the south wall. Jonas noticed that the staircases were located in each of the corners of the hangar. That seemed to be it for the second floor.

The first floor, although it remained one giant, open space, seemed to have about seven different sections that were separated by white walkways that were about six feet wide. The walkways stretched from the center of the northern and southern walls, as well as the western and eastern walls, both paths intersecting in the middle of the hanger. A thin, silver line marked the borders of each area.

Directly to the left of him was what Jonas believed to be a training area. Along the west wall in the southwest corner of the room, was a row of paper, human targets, as well as a five training dummies. Along the south wall was a rack of weapons: swords, bows, daggers, and a whole variety of others that he didn't recognize. Underneath the staircase were a few cabinets and a sink. The floor of that area was completely padded in blue foam.

To the right of them, in the southeast corner of the hangar was the gym and was about triple the size. Closest to him were a row of eight treadmills that faced west, and beside them was four ellipticals. Two racks of dumbbells lined the southern wall of the area, while the weights for the barbells lined the eastern walls. Some punching pads, medicine balls and yoga mats were stored away underneath the staircase. All of the heavier equipment seemed to be relegated to the center of the area. Jonas spotted a three bench presses, two rowing machines, three cable and pulley stations, three leg presses, two squat stations and pairs of other machines he didn't know the names of. The area was rounded out by a row of chin up bars along the north border.

"It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it." Tori told him as she started walking down the walkway. Jonas walked behind her as he continued to examine his surroundings. Just north of the training area seemed to be a medical center. There was an examination table in the center of the area while the western wall was lined with glass cabinets. Below the cabinets was a countertop with a few drawers and a sink. Jonas could spot a few empty orange containers on the counter top, along with a stack of books.

On the other side of the medic station was the smallest area in the hangar, the garden. The countertop on the west wall from the medic station continued into the garden. Instead of drawers, there were cabinets along the bottom, and there was no sink. The rest of the area was filled with five long rows of shelves, each shelf having three levels. Each level of the shelf had a clay pot with its own plant growing. Jonas didn't have a clue what any of the plants were, but from the looks of it, each of the plants were unique. All of the shelves had their own source of lighting that consisted of a pair of fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling.

"So, is this place your headquarters?" Jonas asked as they continued walking towards the northern part of the hangar.

"Yeah, pretty much. Pretty cool, isn't it?" The squirrel responded. "I'll let you look around while I go get Ash." Tori sauntered away, her hips still swaying hypnotically side-to-side as she climbed the nearest staircase in the northeast corner of the hangar.

The area that the staircase was in confused Jonas. It was almost like two different areas in one. On one hand, it looked like a mini-apartment. On the other, it looked like a conference room. Along the eastern wall of the area was a kitchen. There was a fridge, a sink, a dishwasher, and a stove that was all connected by a marble countertop. On the countertop there was a coffee maker, a kettle, a microwave and a blender. Behind the kitchen, along the southern border of the area was a long, white sectional sofa that could easily seat ten people. The sofa faced a home entertainment center, complete with a large, flat-screen television, surround sound and an array of game consoles.

Behind the entertainment console was the conference room. There was a long, glass conference table with eleven seats (five on each side, one at the head). The entire northern wall of this area had been turned into a massive whiteboard. On the whiteboard it read: "Training Groups (Week of March 21st): Group A - Ash, Felix, Neil. Group B - Cyrus, Ian, Braeden. Group C - Tori, Hayden". Underneath the writing was a seven-day schedule with the week's dates filled in. Each day except for Sunday had three sections: Weapons, Gym and Chores. On Sunday, it read: "Mission Training". Jonas looked closer at the whiteboard. In the bottom corner of the whiteboard, he could see some more writing that read: "For a good time, call Tori - (555) 340-4433". The stallion cracked a smile.

He turned his attention to the left, towards the northwest corner of the headquarters. On the left was a massive workshop, or laboratory. Jonas wasn't quite sure which one it was. There was a metal worktable in the center of the area. On top of it were multiple beakers, test tubes and flasks. There was a vice attached the table and also a set of knobs on the side. On the western wall was another countertop. There was a desktop set up with multiple monitors on one side, while the other had a bunch of scattered papers.

The last area in the hangar was by far the most impressive. It was a garage. There were only four vehicles on it, but they were a very, very nice set of four vehicles. The first was a blue Corvette with black racing stripes. The top was down, so Jonas could see the insides. It had sleek, black leather seats and a sweet sound system from the looks of it. It looked like had come right out of a racing game.

The next car was a candy red Mercedes Benz C300. Jonas couldn't see much else on the car. The windows were tinted black and the rims were stock. Still, it glistened underneath the lights of the hangar and was more than enough to make Jonas jealous of anyone who got to drive it. There was a black Hummer H3. The stallion wasn't a big fan of Hummers, so he didn't look at it for very long. Plus, something else had caught his attention.

The last vehicle in the garage was by far the coolest ride there. It was a jet-black sports bike. Jonas had never driven a motorcycle before, let alone a sports bike like this. He could only imagine how fast it went. The stallion stepped towards the bike. He wanted to touch it. Just to get a feel of what it was like. He reached out to touch the handle of the bike.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Jonas looked up to see where the voice came from. Leaning over the walkway above him was an auburn-furred wolf with white fur on his stomach and face, yellow eyes and spiky, crimson red hair that would look right at home on an anime character. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of loose, black basketball shorts. Standing next to the wolf was Tori, who kept a paw on her hip as she looked down at the equine. The canine vaulted over the rail of the walkway, dropping fifteen feet to the floor and landed crouched down with one knee and one paw on the floor as if he were ready to battle. He looked up at Jonas and smiled. "Felix wouldn't like it at all."

"Such a show off." Tori said as she took the long way down, walking down the stairs. The wolf stood up and walked over to Jonas, offering his paw to him.

"The name's Ash. I'm a founding member of the After School Super Hero Club." The wolf said as he flashed another friendly smile at Jonas.

"Founding member? Stop being so fucking modest." The squirrel said as she rolled her eyes at the wolf before turning to face the equine. "He's our leader." She added. Jonas took Ash's paw into his hand and shook it firmly.

"I'm Jonas."

"Nice to meet you Jonas." Ash pulled his hand away. "Firm handshake. Not bad." He added. "So, Tori decided to bring you here, hm? That can only mean one thing."

"What?" Jonas asked.

"So about that secret..." Another mischievous smile appeared on the squirrel's face. "Well the secret wasn't my powers, or even this place. do I put it easily?" Tori gently tapped her finger against her lips, pretending as if she was thinking. "You're a superhero too." Today had been filled with bizarre events and crazy revelations, but not even Jonas could believe what Tori had told him. He laughed. It was the only thing he could do. He looked at Tori and Ash, but neither of them were laughing with him. That's when he realized they were serious.

"Tori, you're crazy. I'm not a superhero." Jonas told her.

"I'm afraid you are. Tori can sense when people have powers." Ash told him.

"I'm not quite sure how it works myself. Ian tried explaining to me, and I think I have the gist of it." Tori told them. "So, you know that I can read thoughts. Well, the way I do that is by scanning someone's brain. " The squirrel explained. "And apparently, the thing that gives us our powers is a part of the brain. In most people, that part of the brain is shut off. People with powers, I can sense the signals being sent to that part of the brain, which means they have superpowers." She concluded. "At least that's what Ian says."

"Tori's never been wrong before." Ash added. "And I'm positive you're no exception."

"She has to be. I've never done anything spectacular." Jonas replied. He was still in denial, but part of him did want to believe them. The thought of being a superhero was exciting.

"Sometimes it takes some testing to bring the powers out. It manifests differently for everyone. We just have to figure out what yours are." Ash told him. The wolf and the squirrel looked at the stallion for a reaction, but the black equine was expressionless.

He wasn't sure what to make of the news. On one hand, he could just forget what they said, walk away, and pretend like this never happened. He could continue living his life normally. But, on the other hand, he was a superhero. He could possible teleport, or turn invisible, or even fly! A flying horse! The more he thought about it, the more he wondered if living a normal life is what he even wanted. Moving school to school, having no friends, remaining in solitude. What was so desirable about that?

"Nothing is." Tori said. Jonas shifted his gaze to her. "The bond you develop fighting side by side is something that can never be broken. Even if you move, you'd still have those memories." She told him. "Plus, if you do move, you can use your newfound powers there. You could be like a traveling vigilante." She added.

The squirrel made some good points. He finally had a chance to add some much needed excitement into his life. Why turn it down?

"Alright. I think...I think I'm in." Jonas said. Tori immediately jumped at the stallion and hugged him tightly. The stallion smiled and hugged her back.

"I will warn you, it can get dangerous." Ash told him.

"A little danger isn't a bad thing." Jonas replied.

"Right answer." Tori told him. She looked up at the stallion seductively; her eyes half-lidded and glazed over in lust. Her paw slowly traced his biceps.

"It's settled then. Welcome to the team, Jonas." The wolf said, grinning at the stallion.

"Thanks. I do have some questions for you though." Jonas replied.

"I'm sure you do." Ash said as he turned towards the whiteboard. "But I don't need to be a mind reader to know what Tori wants to do with you right now. And, by the looks of it, you want it too." The wolf said. "So you two go have your fun. Ian should be here soon. We'll answer your questions then." He added.

"Will do, captain!" Tori exclaimed. "Time for me to perform my own unofficial welcoming ceremony." The squirrel whispered. She grabbed the stallion by his arm once again and led him up the stairs. Jonas simply smiled and followed her. Today, he had started off thinking that he was going to another boring school and meeting more boring people. Now, he was allegedly a superhero and about to get some action with the hottest squirrel he had ever seen. He couldn't imagine what other surprises the world had in store for him.

Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter 4: The Epiphany

**Becoming a True Stallion** **Chapter Four: Epiphany** Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's me again, BlackStallion! I know it's been a while since I've updated the series, or even uploaded anything. My sincerest apologies. I hope I can make up for...

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Rooming With Michelle - Chapter One: Meet Michelle

**Rooming With Michelle** Chapter One: Meet Michelle Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm back again, and with a little surprise! This work is a piece that came about because of my desire to right a nice piece of straight smut :3 I hope everyone...

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Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter 3: Becoming the New You

**Becoming a True Stallion** **Chapter Three: Becoming the New You** Author's Note: Hey everybody! I'm back and with another chapter of Becoming a True Stallion. I'm sorry it took so long to update, but life has been pretty hectic lately, so...

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