Eric's physical examination

Story by k9k on SoFurry

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#3 of Eric the mouse

Eric, once Ben's knot had gone down, hid himself under a blanket as he sulked. He heard Ben tell Jeremy he was taking a shower and sighed, he wanted someone to share a shower with just for once!

Eric squeaked when he felt something yank the covers off him and surprised to see it was Jeremy. Eric asked sharply "Why did you do that to me?!" Eric was pissed at getting set up like that!

Jeremy smiled as he said "Because Ben said that he knew you would be too shy to try it on me and too scared to try it on someone who was awake, so he came up with this little plot."

Eric was surprised and said "Wait, he came up with it?" Eric didn't peg the fox as the planning type. Jeremy chuckled and said "Yep, while he may not look it, he graduated Egregia Cum Laude, top of his class, about 20 different awards, and a minor in psychology."

Eric had a new respect for the very odd fox, he never would have guessed that guy was well, smart! Jeremy chuckled and said "Image how I felt when I found out the fox who had been licking my balls all this time had an IQ in the top 20% of the world."

Eric felt kinda bad but squeaked when he felt a wet furry hand on his crotch. Eric looked up to see Ben, wrapped in a towel, smile as he said "So my friend how would you like to get a boyfriend?"

Eric was surprised and a little confused before the fox continued "I know a guy who was in my psych courses, he now works as a dating specialist, namely, using psychology, he matches up the perfect person for you. Normally he is expensive but as a friend, he will do you for free, and also because I helped him get out of a nasty situation involving a herm tranny hooker, long story."

Eric took a breath and said "Alright, I will try him out." Ben smiled and after getting dressed in a tank top and loose gym shorts, he told Eric "Go home and get dressed in your regular clothing." Eric blushed and said "I came over in my normal clothes." Eric hated wearing underwear and large mouse balls were the main reason, they rubbed and scrunched!

After Eric got dressed, and got into Ben's sedan, he was surprised at the kiss on the cheek and blushed as Ben said "Eric, Jeremy and I like you and if you ever, EVER have a problem, come talk with us, okay sweetie?" Eric nodded, he felt, well, loved by the very odd fox. Eric got another surprise as the car was turned on and of all things, metal came out of the car speakers. Eric's questioning look was answered by Ben saying "Sheet music of classical and metal is very similar." Eric was quiet throughout the drive and when the car stopped, they were in the country, rolling meadows as far as the eye could see. Eric silently followed, surprised to enter a rather nice house and was surprised when the anteroom had been made into a waiting room.

Ben let out a "Here kitty kitty!" And a lynx poked its head out and smiled broadly. Eric squeaked and hid behind the fox, it was politically incorrect to do so but well, a mouse's self preservation instincts are very very strong. The lynx smiled and passed the mouse a clip board as he said to Ben "While he fills this out, you fill me in you naughty fox!"

Eric heard them go into the office and begin to talk as he began to fill out the form, it started with some basic stuff, name, age, height, weight, sexual orientation but it quickly got very personal and odd, Eric's ears turned crimson when it asked if he had ever done auto-fellatio! Eric, by the time he was finished, was embarrassed, blushing a deep crimson, so deep you could see it through his fur and slightly aroused.

Eric heard the door open and saw a very amused Ben open the door, followed by a laughing lynx, who said "You are a very naughty and perverted fox." Ben smiled and said "Call me when you're done with him Jason, and be gentle." Eric gulped at the gentle bit and shuffled as he was motioned into the office. Jason smiled as he said "Relax, my tastes are more toward feline then rodent. Also, I am a licensed doctor." Jason pointed to the certificate on the wall as he added "So what I am going to do next is something I am trained to do."

Eric squeaked as he saw the lynx slip on latex gloves and jumped as the feline snapped them. Jason smiled as he said "Please get undressed, I need to examine you and take measurements." Eric asked with shock "WHAT?!" Jason chuckled as he explained "You see, people lie on those forms and well, for safety, I gotta verify, what if you had brittle bones and I set you up with someone who was a hard core sadist who treated you roughly? You could be killed by accident! Also, people are specific about wants; I know one guy who wants a rabbit herm who is exactly 4'3.21" inches and not a hair more!"

Eric sighed as he removed his shirt and squeaked as he felt a hand on his chest and blushed as he felt his nipples rubbed. Eric faintly overheard the feline writing and mumbling numbers and he gulped as he felt two fingers on his neck, and giggled as his belly was tickled. Eric sat still as his ears, tail, and feet were examined. But he fidgeted as the lynx's hands creeped toward his belly and let out a squeak as his shorts were pulled down.

Eric blushed as about an inch of his penis poked out the top. Jason smirked and said as he wrote "No underwear, let me guess, chafes your testicles?" Eric nodded and blushed as he let out a soft moan as he felt the latex glove cup his testes and he leaned back as the lynx rolled them around in his hand. Eric felt himself lifted and placed on a leather examining table and moaned as he felt a finger rub his anus. He watched with wonder as he saw the other hand approach, one finger shiny and he squeaked as he felt something cold slide inside his rear.

Eric moaned as he felt the finger move around and he squealed as he felt it hit what he later found out was his prostate. Eric gasped "Wh-wh-what are you doing?!" Jason smirked as he said "1. I know you have had at least a dildo up there, so I was checking to see your tightness, some prefer loose others tight. 2. Prostate health. 3. To help speed up the semen collection." Eric's questions were lost as the lynx pulled his sheath down and began to stroke him off, and he arched his back as Jason pumped his finger in time with his stroking paw.

Jason smiled and said "You have a very nice penis, perfect for a mouse and quite adorable." Jason pushed on the prostate as he said "Sadly, as much as I would enjoy you returning the favor, ethically, I can't molest a patient." Eric couldn't form a retort as he squeaked and finally came, Jason catching all of it in a specimen jar. Jason smirked as he bent down and licked up what was left on the mouse's shaft, earning squeaks as the rough cat tongue rasped on the now hypersensitive penis. Jason smiled as he said "Mmm, nice flavor, kinda milky but not too bad. Now that I done examining you, you can go clean up in the bathroom and by the time your done, I will have your perfect match!"

Part 4 will cum after the next Anun update, also, please comment