Dragonnus's Best Dream EVA!!!

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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After Dragonnus and Sarra have sex before they sleep in bed, Dragonnus has a dream that will change his life, his wife, Sarra, will give him the best cock-tickling of his life.

Before Dragonnus and Sarra have sex before they sleep in bed, Dragonnus has an ultimate fantasy in his life, his cock and balls being sensually tickled by his sexy wife, Sarra, for hours and hours. Sarra secretly read his mind about that fantasy, and she will grant him what he desires.

As Dragonnus and Sarra fall asleep, Dragonnus tries to sleep better, but suddenly, his arms and legs couldn't move. His eyes open slowly, and he suddenly realized that Sarra is not here.

''S-SARRA!?!?!? W-What the....'' He then looks to find that he's chained up in a X-frame position in the same exact bed only this time, it's on a pink and rather beautiful dimension. He then looks to find that his cock and balls were locked in the same exact stocks as before. Dragonnus immediately blushed from the sight of this. He remembered the time he was tied up before, so he figures it must be Sarra.

''S-Sarra......Oh Sarra...Is it you that tied me up?'' He asked to himself.

''Why yes my dear, it's me, your sexiest wife ever.'' The familiar voice said. He looked up to see that it really WAS her. The same sexy green dragoness that have been seducting him, and giving him sex and cock tickling all the time. Dragonnus's member immediately went erect from the sight of her, as his dick grew taller and taller and taller to about 6 feet tall. He stares at his evil grinning wife with a horny puppy-like look.

''I knew about your ultimate fantasy my dear, and I figure I can grant you what you desired.'' She said simply.

''R-REALLY!?!? Y-YOU READ MY MIND!?!? WOW!!! I knew that you're sexy as fuck but....I never know that you're extremely intelligent.'' He said in amazement. The two paintbrushes magically appear from her hands as she holds them.

''I have the power to control your dreams, baby, I promise this will be your best dream yet. Everything that you feel in this dream will be real.'' Dragonnus simply couldn't believe this, his wife has the power to control dreams, and she has the power to make him the luckiest dragon on earth.


''Hmhmhm....As you wish.....My dear husband.'' She then used the paintbrushes to tickle his dick and balls, making him laugh and moan loudly in pleasure.


''I can't wait to taste that delicious cum...'' She said. Dragonnus continues to laugh and moan in pleasure as his wife continues to tickle torture his dick and balls for about 3 minutes until....

''*Moan* AHAHAHAHAHA SARRAHAHAHAHAHA *Moan* LET MEHEHEHEHEHEHE Aaaa....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa....'' He shoots out lots and lots of cum into her mouth for 2 minutes but she still continues her tickling.

''Mmmm.....Delicious as usual.'' She flirted. Dragonnus continues to laugh and moan in pleasure again.

''OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH BABY!!! *Moan* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Moan* YOU'RE AMAHAHAHAHAHAHAZING!!! *Moan*.'' His body is now filled with extreme amount of arousal. Her tickling has turned him on more than ever before.

''Ooooh, I'm more than just amazing, baby, I'm sexy, naughty, seductive, and evil at the same time.'' Her words made him more aroused than ever before. He never felt so lucky before in his life.

''OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH YEHAHAHAHAHES *Moan* YOU'RE ABOAHAHAHAHAHASULTY *Moan* RIAHAHAHAHAHAGHT!!!'' The tickling lasted for another 3 minutes until...

''*Moan*..OHOHOHOHOH GOAHAHAHAHAD!!! SARRA!! I'M GAHAHAHAHAONNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa.....'' He shoots out a lot more cum into her mouth for another 2 minutes and yet still she continues her tickling.


''Because my control of your dreams gave you infinite stamina, and infinite seeds, so you can cum anytime, my dear.'' She explained. The tickling lasted for hours and hours and hours, with Dragonnus still laughing, moaning, and cuming in his dream.

''THIS IS *Moan* THE BAHAHAHAHEST DRHEHEHEHEAM!!! *Moan* EVAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!'' He laughed and moaned the title of this story.

''Hmhmhm.....Good. I've been wanting to do this throughout all my life.'' She said, still tickling his dick and balls.

3 hours later....

Dragonnus wakes up to find that his wife is grinning at him seductively next to his bed, and his arms and legs are free from the bondage.


''Good morning, my dear, did you enjoyed your dream?'' She asked.

''OH YES, HONEY!!! You're the best wife ever. And you given me the best cock tickling of my life.'' He said happily.

''Ooooooh...Does my husband want some more cock tickling?'' She flirted, poking his chest, making him giggle.

''Oooh you.''

''Alright, I'm gonna fix some breakfast.'' She said getting out of the bed.

''Ok. I would like some bacon and pancakes.'' He said, getting out of the bed as well.

''You got it.'' She winked at him as she leaves the room.

''Man......I love my wife SO MUCH!!!'' He yelled in his mind. Everyday when they have sex before they went to sleep again, his wife gave him that dream everytime for the rest of his life. Can you believe how lucky this dragon is? Because I sure can't.

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