A Better Breeder

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of A Better Creature

A Better Breeder

by Von Krieger

There is darkness, emptiness, a never ending void empty of all sensation. Just a strange tickle in the back of my mind, whispering things, telling me things. Things I don't yet understand. Then there is a pinpoint of light. I know the word, I know many words. Though why this seems odd to me, I don't know why.

I feel cold, wet. I'm coughing. The light is bright, hurting my eyes as I open them. Suddenly the room turns darkens and turns slightly red, and the pain in my eyes is gone. Nictating membranes. I know I have several layers of them and currently have engaged those that block out UV rays and dim bright lights.

Soon my eyes adapt to the brightness and it is safe for me to retract them, looking out upon a room, a laboratory of some sort. I'm laying on a round metal plate sheathed in rubber, an intent a few inches in and a protruding ring beyond that. I'm also laying on the floor beyond, metal grating of some sort, allowing the wetness from my body to drip downward and drain away without making a mess.

There's a sudden spray of warm water from the ceiling, I cry out in surprise, but soon find myself purring at the luxurious sensation of my fur being gently massaged by the spray, washing the green goo off of me.

The tickle in the back of my mind becomes a bit more insistent, but I still don't quite understand what it is trying to tell me. I roll over, pushing myself up. Now the water is coming from below as well as above. I laugh as it tickles my undersides. I lift up my legs and twist my tail, making sure that I'm well cleaned.

I rub myself with my hands, scrubbing gently to aid the removal of the goo. My purring grows louder, I find that I rather like this, especially rubbing down between my legs. I hear a sound that I identify as feline laughter, a purring chuckle like my own.

That tickles continues to grow stronger, almost annoying in its intensity. I turn to look for the source of the noise, but cannot see through the artificial rain, as it's flowing down over my eyes and blurring my vision.

Instinctively I once again blink, and I can see through the rain as clear as day. A pretty long haired feline in a long white coat. She resembles the mental image I have of a long haired tabby, long fluffy fur in a mix of silver and black. Beneath the lab coat is nothing more then a tight black bodysuit that clings to her curves, circular cut outs have been made in the fabric, showing off the fur beneath it on her belly, above her breasts, and down each leg.

The sight of her stirs many emotions inside of me, adoration, devotion, love, loyalty, respect, and arousal. I hear that wonderful purring sound again as the water flow ceases and I yelp again, suddenly finding myself being bombarded by warm high speed air currents.

Suddenly the tickle is gone, and I'm made aware of everything. I smile, realizing how special and unique I am. Creatures seldom have the capability to not only be able to be conscious at their birth, but actually able to comprehend it.

As the blowers turn off I step forward to hug my mistress and my mother, the scientist who created me. She opens her arms and snuggles into my ample chest, my breasts perfectly head level for her.

"Gods, you look just perfect!" she says happily, "Now I can only hope that your mind works as good as your body looks."

I chuckle as she gives me a command. "Anya, identification and description." she says.

I immediately recognize my own name, and recall her own. "I am Anya, project ident BDE21162-X, a prototypical genetically engineered creature created by Cally Baines on the research station Damocles. My purpose is to test a number of prototypical processes and combinations of processes to help create an all purpose artificial life form."

My mistress raises a brow, waiting for me to continue. I can't help but blush, the fur on my cheeks fluffing. "As well as to serve as a helper, bodyguard, and playmate to my creator and her associates aboard Damocles Station."

My blush dies down as I continue. "I am a union of genetic engineering, cybernetic, and nanite technologies." That explains my full awareness, despite having only perhaps a minute of actual consciousness. It had been programmed into me. Knowledge and personality both. I'm a little awed at my mother's thoroughness and her thoughtfulness as well.

I know that most wouldn't bother giving their creations a personality like that of a normal furre, so I'm rather glad for it, even if it means feeling embarrassed when matters of a sexual nature are brought up. Like now, I'm fluffing up again, feeling a little warm, the blood rushing to the surface of my skin.

"I am the first of my mistresses projects, created to serve as a base example to study and work off of the aspects indented for use in other more focused projects as well. I am also designed to serve as mother to other projects that follow, as it's less expensive to impregnate me then it is to keep a growth tank running." I say, licking my lips, blushing even more at my desire to be in such a state, filled with growing life, my belly swelling to be all round.

My mistress smiles at me. "Go on." she whispers, "Describe yourself, continuing from the current topic." she purrs, snuggling against my soft scaled tummy. Her rough tongue feels so nice on my scales.

"I..." I gulp, feeling embarrassed, but knowing that my reactions make my mother happy, I continue. "I am a tauric layout lifeform, quadrupedal land motion with an additional humanoid torso featuring limbs suited strongly for manual dexterity. For ease of maneuverability in all planetary configurations I also have wings while my forepaws and hindpaws have webbed toes. My tail is very long as well, much like a snake's. It features an expandable vertically aligned fin to aid me in swimming. I lack gills, but my lungs are capable of filtering oxygen from water, as well as several other substances."

Mistress senses that I'm trying to avoid the subject. Her silence is deafening, I know what she wants me to say, but I'm too embarrassed to give it voice. I want to continue on with my appearance, about how I'm a mix of dragon and feline, my current coloration like that of a tiger. Though that's changeable given my desire to alter it and the provision of the proper sources of pigmentation.

My fur exists over a layer of superdense scales that can interlock tightly and form a nearly impenetrable layer over my internal muscle and organs. The outer two inches of my body are expendable. In a vacuum the pressure differential would activate the scales locking process, cutting off blood flow to the outer portion of my body, preserving that which I need to move and survive.

I use blood based resources at a much more efficient level then natural lifeforms, meaning that even without a renewed flow of blood, my outer extremities will still function decently for several minutes. Though when the outer layer dies, I only operate at 45 percent efficiency compared to being in a whole form. That it until the intense radiation of space essentially baked my outer layer off. Then I improve to 62 percent efficiency.

Either way it rather hurts and I'd be best suited to wearing a spacesuit. But I am capable of surviving for a week in the vacuum of space without aid, though I'd only be conscious for the first 4 hours. Then my body shifts over to functioning much like a plant, my inner scales containing chlorophyll and photoreceptors. The process would essentially have me cannibalize my biomass until the point where I only have minimum organs supporting my brain, nestled in a thick ball of scales with my cybernetic aspects tucked inside.

At that point technically, I die. My biological aspects shut down and are converted to power the cybernetic memory stores. That sphere is capable of surviving planetfall through most atmospheres, and the nanites and the controlling cybernetic aspect of myself are capable of constructing a miniature hydrogen propulsion engine. Making planetfall on a world with the proper resources, the nanites are capable of rebuilding an identical body and instilling it with the stored copy of my memories. Essentially a twin to myself with my own memories. Though not actually me as I'd have ceased to exist as a life form in any meaningful way, at least in this dimension.

Mistress believes in an afterlife, and has programmed me with the same faith-based beliefs that herself and most of her colleagues share. Seeing as how the spirit cannot be measured scientifically, Mistress believes that having ceased existing as a life form, that I will pass over to the next realm.

Mistress is also tickling my tummy and urging me onward. The pause in my speech in the past few seconds as I've pondered some of my designs now becoming noticeable. "I... I am equipped with three sets of male-female reproductive organs, as well as having an additional female sex. They mimic my three aspects, feline, dragon, and serpent."

My mother purrs happily, licking my belly, slowly moving downward. I moan softly as she takes my maleness in her handpaws, caressing the white furred sheath, as my scales start slightly down and below it on my draconic underbelly. From slightly below the waist up, I am much like her, completely feline, save for a few facial features and my horns.

She begins to lick me, my black shaft sliding from its confinement, glinting wetly in the florescent lights of her laboratory. My sexes are independently excitable, I can direct my arousal to any combination of my seven sexes. At the moment I chose to activate my frontal pair.

"My foremost sexual organs are situated between my forelegs. They are designed to mimic those of my mistress' species, my maleness being somewhat thin compared to others, covered in tiny spines that... oooh..." I moan as she takes my cock, such a wonderful non-technical term, into her mouth. I have a great deal of data on oral sex, and sex in general, but none of the dry information can prepare me for the actual feel of it.

Heavenly, the wet warmth engulfing me. I can't help but move my hands forward, placing them on the sides of her head, rubbing the base of her ears. I know that such a motion is pleasurable in most felinoids. I please her in return for pleasing me. I also know that she will also be pleased by my continuing to describe myself as she sucks me off. Mmm, another wonderful term that I like.

I'm beginning to think a little more organically now, rather then the raw logic and data contained in the cybernetic portion of my brain. "That aid in ovulation in females in heat. I... ooh Mistress!" I gasp as she slides two fingers into my dripping wet cunt. A shiver runs through my body at the very thought of that word, so deliciously shameful and naughty. I'm such a bad kitty for even thinking it.

I'm beginning to pant, since I don't actually need to breath hard at the moment it's merely a simulation process. It mimics the expected reaction in most furres so that they can interact with me easier. I cry out as my mistress begins to interact with her entire first, not just her fingers.

"M-m-my f-front most sex is capable of accepting objects of at l-least f-fourteen inches in diameter without trigger any p-pain signals." I don't have a skeleton, not exactly. Most of the supporting pieces of my body are made up of a dual state substance that is normally the consistency of cartilage, but hardens when given a sudden force, and softens when exposed to a slow gradual force, like one of mother's egg pods being slowly pushed into me. My tigerish womb can hold three of those, the fourteen inch pods.

"I... I'm capable of p-producing both male and female gametes in... mmm... p-purebred version of my three component species, hybrids of the two, or.... oooh... all three in humanoid, tauric, quadrupedal, naga, and wyvernoid forms, with or without wings. I... please Mistress, slower." I beg, I don't want to climax to quickly. I want to savor my first sexual experience. I'm only ten minutes old and already I've being fucked. I love my life.

With my meat in her mouth she can only nod, slackening her pace slightly to make up for her lover's inexperience. "Th-thank you." I moan, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Th-that feature makes me able to produce offspring with mammalian, reptilian, avian, and mythalien based creatures." Mythalien being creatures that were genetically engineered by an alien 'seeder' race long, long ago. Those that don't really make any biological sense compared to most. Dragons, gryphons, chimerae, and that sort. Though all are technically compatible and can produce viable offspring, theoretically, it proves somewhat difficult outside one's own species, much less with another class.

"A.. as a result I am capable of serving as a mass production breeder for any one of s-several planets." As strange as it may sound, some societies equated number of offspring with social statues, and thus someone like me, who is capable of mothering anywhere from one to four dozen (depending on the species) at a time would be an invaluable asset. My exotic look and my ability to create a variety in the species of my children would similarly be looked upon with favor. Though it's something that I might enjoy doing one day, at present I would much rather stay with my mother, she's such a wonderful cocksucker.

Oooh, another delicious, naughty shiver. Mother pulls back, letting my prick escape her lips for a moment. "Cum for me," she says softly. "Cum for your mother, Anya." she tells me.

Immediately I'm overcome, the sudden pleasurable pressure inside my body swells to a needful intensity, exploding with a wonderful ripeness that makes me howl. I can do nothing except buck my hips slightly as I experience twin climaxes, from my cock and cunt. Mmm... orgasmic shiver.

I open my eyes, looking down to see my mother's beautiful silver and black furred face covered in my whiteness. She slides her hand from me, a sticking popping sound indicating my reluctance to let her go. I wasn't aware that I could orgasm on command. It's noted in my programming that several of my features aren't included in my knowledge, so that I'm delightfully surprised by them.

I rather like this surprise. I also rather like the taste of my own juices as I lick my mother's fur clean. My tongue is long and black, feline roughness on a forked, thick draconic shape. I can extend it up to two feet outside my mouth, which is a trait that I know those aboard the station will soon come to love. I make full use of all twenty four inches in cleaning my mistress.

She shrugs out of her labcoat, intent on trying other aspects of her creation. I smile as she alters the shape of her nanosuit, exposing her sweet pink netherlips to the air. I roll onto my back, knowing she wants to ride my big draconic dick. Mmm... what wonderful words to describe such beautiful aspects of anatomy. I begin to call to mind the knowledge of my second and largest sexes.

She begins to caress me, purring happily as I begin to grow hard once again. "My second set of sexes is designed for size, my cock being large in both length and circumference. My draconic sex is capable of serpentine feats of stretching, allowing me to take almost any male, as well as to engage in other fetishes. For purposes of reproduction, I'm able to successfully carry to term and birth an offspring of my own size and mass, though for the last week of the two month long pregnancy I'll be unable to use my legs for locomotion." I say, knowing that my mother is interested in exploring the 'other fetish' category.

As I become fully aroused, my mistress begins to caress herself with my cock's head. I purr happily, she made this part of me the most sensitive. As she rubs the point against her sex she reaches down to gently rub the lower part of the spade-like arrowhead shape common to most dragon cocks. She rubs the places between the main flesh and each side point, drawing a pleasured moan from me.

"M-my draconic shaft is designed m-much like that of a f-feline's, the points making it d-difficult for a mate to pull away, and designed to induce ovulation. Th-the size has b-been increased to allow me to p-properly mate quadrupedal creatures somewhat bigger then myself, as well as fulfill the fantasies of several Damocles scientists. My s-semen production has been massively increased as well, again for sexual fulfillment purposes." I say, a large jet of pre soaking my mistress' belly and my own. That had been increased as well.

"Oooh! Glad to see that's functional!" my mistress purrs, gasping as she lowers herself onto me. I reach down with my forepaws, which have been designed to also function as hands, though not with the dexterity of my handpaws. I have a wider range of movement then a true quadruped would have, able to caress my mother's breasts. I know she loves the sensation, I've been programmed with the likes and dislikes of all six researchers aboard Damocles. But it still makes me smile to hear my mother's happy moans as I pleasure her.

Though psychic abilities are for the most part a mystery to my mother's people, I've been gifted with the most powerful sense of empathy they know how to engineer. I can feel my mother's pleasure, and it amplifies my own. It's another loyalty failsafe. Any attempt to lash out at my mistress would result in feeling far more pain then I caused. I love her attention to detail, even though I know that I would never do such a terrible thing as attempt to harm her. One of the other scientists though, is open season. Within limits. She likes it rough, whips, chains, biting, bondage. I can't wait to be introduced to them all.

"Mistress, do you... mmmm... want me to continue to the arrangement of sexes on my tail, or shall I talk about other things?" I ask as she plays with the puddle of goo I've made on her belly. She runs her fingers through it, bringing them to her mouth, licking off the sticky sweetness.

She chuckles, her amusement sending a pleasant thrill through my body. "No sweetie, I want you to describe them when I get to them. Talk about your other sexual adaptations." she commands. I don't find it at all strange that she's getting off on this. I also see that there is a scientific need to it, making sure that my data stores on myself are functional and uncorrupted. I don't mind at all, I love talking about myself. I know that I'm a wonderful, beautiful creature. It's a thought that wasn't programmed, and is one of my own. I know the pride I feel from my mother when she looks at me confirms my belief. I'm a dream come true for the scientific team here, and that makes me feel happy.

"At present I have one of my mammary node pairs active to simulate a typical female configuration. I have an additional three node pairs on my humanoid torso, as well as four currently inactive node pairs on my underbelly. Given the proper nutrients, I can increase my bust size by approximately 66 percent to achieve my maximum volume, or to activate any of the other nod pairs." I say, trying my best to stifle my pleasured moans so that the data is repeated properly.

I love my breasts. By this time tomorrow my basketball sized tits could be more like a pair of beach balls, and I could have sixteen of them. Due to the huge variety of mammalian creatures, I've been designed like this to mimic nearly any configuration and size to match the desires of any prospective owner. Though I know that as a prototype I'll never actually be put on the market. Untested as I am, though I eagerly look forward to the tests ahead, making my creator even more proud of me.

Having cleaned herself off suitably, my mother begins to pay attention to the cock inside her once again. My files on her indicate that she's the most sexually active member of the crew, and that she knows many techniques. The muscles of her tight tunnel are strong and well trained. She's very tight and she begins to milk me wonderfully. The two of us moan in unison for a moment as I coat her insides with a warm blast of precum. She loves the feeling, and I love that she loves the feeling. I can only imagine what it feels like to bring her to climax as I experience one also. I can't think of anything that could be more lovely.

"My physique is also highly malleable, though a reduction in muscle mass, or a shift in appearance via my nanites can occur within the span of several hours, bulking up or taking on a primarily male appearing configuration could take up to several days." I don't expect to ever have to use my any of my alternate settings. Those aboard the station all prefer my current style, it's comparable to a female athlete. I'm well toned, solid muscle. But I'm not disgustingly muscled like the bodybuilders that I have data on on my files. Ick.

I can also be lean and lithe, or varying degrees of fat. Technically I can't be overweight, as my metabolism works very efficiently. My cosmetic appearance is maintained by the nanotechnology instructed by the cybernetic portion of my brain.

"I am also to make cosmetic changes to my features so that while genetically a mix of feline, dragon, and serpent, I can appear as nearly any species. All of my visible aspects are customizable. With the proper elements to consume, I can color myself any way that my owner finds pleasing. I can also alter my outer covering to be fur, scales, feathers, skin, or any combination thereof." Another feature I don't expect to use for anything more then testing. My current shape and coloration were created and agreed upon by all those who I am to serve.

"I'm... mmm... capable of swallowing anything up to my own size and have been equipped with an internal pouch that can serve as an egg incubation chamber, as well as... ooooh... holding and sustaining a creature. I'm also capable of swallowing someone and keeping them asleep indefinitely, taking care of their dietary and excretory needs via specialized tentacles." Hehehe, vore and tentacle sex, more fun fetishes that I've been design to be able to fulfill.

My mother moans loudly, arching her back. She designed my egg pouch primarily for herself. The other aspects were ideas the other had to capitalize on the usefulness of such a space. "I'm going to be testing that out when we go to bed tonight, Anya." she says happily, "Are you going to be a nice, comfy bed for Mommy?" she teases.

"I hope so Mistress, but if you desire I'll extrude my tentacles and make it unpleasantly lumpy for you." I tease back. She's gifted me with a wonderful sense of humor. I love her so much.

"Continue, pet, talk about your upper tail next." she says, reaching down to caress my balls, eagerly awaiting the seed contained inside.

"My tailhole has been altered to act much as a reptilian cloaca, providing me with an additional female sex. The upper portion of my tail, as my respiratory and digestive systems are contained in my draconic body and the space is not need, has been altered to serve as an additional womb. Anal sex with me is clean and sanitary. Whereas my frontmost womb is designed for normalcy, and my middle for size, the two contained in my tail are made for speed. I lay eggs. They grow at an accelerated rate, ready to be birth at two weeks instead of two months. They take an additional two weeks to grow inside the egg before they're ready to be born. As a result I can be mated constantly and provide a steady stream of smaller, but quickly growing, offspring."

My children are also alterable inside of me. I can set their rate of development to be like my own, using my nanites to make them able to learn at an accelerated rate like myself. They can be functional adults within six months. I can also have them mimic the life cycles of any of my components, or the fathering creature. I can hardly wait to take my part in the creation of the other creatures my mistresses have in mind.

"Oooh, ooh Anya, I think I'm gonna... gonna cum long before I get to your tail." my mother moans. "Bring it up here, I want to play with it."

I nod and curl my long tail up to where she can reach my rearmost genitals. "Like a serpent I have a hemipenis, twin members side by side originating from the same opening and joined at the base. They're extremely flexible and mobile, almost prehensile. My testes are concealed inside to keep with the visualization of a serpent, as well as serving to make my genital slit almost unnoticeable, so I don't have to cover up my tail in polite company. I... AAAAAH!"

Her tongue on one of my tailcocks, the other being jerked off in her handpaws, coupled with the feeling of my massive dragoncock inside of her is overwhelming. I'm a one girl orgy centerpiece just waiting to happen. Oh gods... being pleasured by all six of my mistresses, all of us cumming as one. Oh I want it so bad!

"Oh yes Anya! You're so perfect!" my mistress moans. I know she wants something more, so curl my tail up, my pucker on level with her crotch. I must confess, I know I'm not being syntactically correct by referring to my mother as 'she' and 'her' rather then 'shi' and 'hir' as should be befitting a hermaphrodite, but my mother's culture lacks true males, so they consider themselves to be entirely female. Even if they do have dicks.

Her nanosuit alters once more according to her will, allowing her maleness to slide free, slide into my tailhole. Unlike myself, my mistress' sexes climax as one. Even though she prefers being mated as a female, she doesn't want to get her fur all messy. Though I'm perfectly willing to lick her clean, she wants the increased pleasure that comes from mating as both male and female at the same time.

The sensations have us both breathless, unable to speak. Though with a snakecock halfway down her throat, mother wouldn't be up much for conversation anyway. I feel the sensation of orgasm building within me. Slowly climbing up the mountain of pleasure. Each lick, each stroke, each caress, each thrust pushing me higher and higher up towards wonderful release.

I can feel the same sensation in my mother, she has been stewing in her own desire for the past several hours. The sight of my beautiful body arousing her as the nanites finished the connection between my electronic and organic brains. she's been wet and hard and aching for so long, denying herself the pleasure, waiting so long for this moment.

The release of her delayed pleasure is incredible. Her twin orgasm melds with my own climaxes. Every muscle in my body tenses for a microsecond, the natural result of orgasm in my body before my cybernetic aspect takes control of motor functions. I am unable to be debilitated by a simple stimulatory climax. A commanded orgasm on the other hand, drives me to my knees. Or it would if my legs bent that way.

My mother eagerly slurps down my seed, my second snake-cock covering her breasts with wonderful whiteness. Jet after jet of my nearly scaldingly hot dragoncum fills her womb. She's soon full, and it begins to leak from her, covering the both of us with the result of our lovemaking. My cloaca clenches tightly around her cock, milking her as expertly as she has milked me, my reptilian tunnel hungrily devouring her seed.

For a moment I'm disappointed. The amount she gives is so small in comparison to mine. But I banish that thought quickly. I was made to produce an amount of seed to fulfill the desires of sentient beings rather then a naturally evolved reproductive method.

We lie there for a few minutes, my mother and I, content to simply snuggle, basking in the wonder of the intense experience we've just shared. I slowly move my tail away, no words pass between us, none are needed. We begin cleaning one another off. She licks her juices and my seed from my draconic cock, I clear the massive amount of cum and pre from her furry belly, thighs, and tail. My skilled tongue brings her several smaller climaxes, while she doesn't bring me any as I've turned my pleasure centers down for the purpose of cleaning, her moans and the secondhand flow of orgasm over me is more then enough of a reward.

I use my tail to help her to her feet, and then stand on my own. She climbs onto my back, wrapping her arms around my torso. The positioning of my wing muscles makes for a natural cushion. She snuggles into my backfur, "Gods, Anya, you're amazing." she whispers, our mating having taken a lot out of her.

"I'm only as amazing as you created me to be mother." I say happily, extending one of my wings up to scratch behind her ear with the bat-like thumb.

"Let's show you off to the other girls quickly. I think I need a nap, and need to test out that wonderful pouch of yours." my mother says, caressing one of my breasts.

"Of course, mother." I say, purring happily.

Pet Project

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Goddess of Pleasure

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