Coming of Age

Story by paula on SoFurry

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James had finally turned 13 and hit puberty. His mother Samantha first became aware of this while she was doing laundry. She had just thrown in all of her sheets and went to go collect James'. As she pulled back the covers she noticed a very large stain that somewhat resembled a heart. At first she thought he'd simply wet the bed when she noticed his discarded pajama bottoms on the floor, the entire crotch was soaked. A faint scent of musk came to her nose as she examined them. He'd had his first wet dream. Samantha blushed and smiled, her lil boy was starting to grow up. She was also quite surprised at how "grown up" he could be for his age. She looked at the intimidating stain on the bed. "Wow, that's more impressive than what most men I've seen can do," she thought to herself. "Damn, if he's gonna cum all over the linen every night I'll spend a fortune on laundry detergent."

Samantha suddenly remembered a friend of her's talking about the same problem when her son hit puberty just a few weeks ago. Samantha gave Justine a call. "Hello, Hi Justine, Yah, it's me, Samantha. Hey, my lil man finally had his first spooge incident. Yah that's right completely soaked the bed. So, how do you deal with it? I mean that much laundry is not an option.

James got home from school a few days after Samantha made her helpful phone call. "Mom, I'm home. "

"I'm in the living room James," called Samantha.

James walked in to find his mother holding his soiled pjs. They were still wet, there was so much cum, they hadn't even started to dry yet. "James honey, do you know what happened last night?" She asked spreading the crotch of the pajamas out so that he could see the large stain.

"Umm...." James replied. "I had, sort of an accident."

Samantha smiled as her son's face turned beat red. "It's okay, honey her, I'll explain, pull down your pants dear." She said as James pulled his pants down for her. As his pants fell to the ground his surprisingly large cock came free of his elastic batman undies and bobbed in the air. Samantha paused as she took in the sight. He was only 13 and it had to be at least 7 inches, and he had a pretty large sized pair of balls to match nicely. "Ooh, my", Samantha said aloud, as she too started blushing. "Ahem, she said trying to regain her composure. "Honey this is your," she thought for a moment, why not make this fun. "This is your dolly." She giggled quietly. "As you can see your dolly is standind up right now cause she's excited. But when she gets too excited", She said grasping it firmly. "She starts to drip milk from her "pom pom's" she said pointing to his balls. " She was now gently stroking him which quickly produced a cute little pearly drop at the head of his penis. Jame's blushed and whimpered a bit, it felt strange, but really nice. "Now", Samantha continued. If your dolly gets too excited she'll spit out a bunch of milk. Samantha gave him a few quick rubs and that was all it took. James shot several large loads all across the carpet in long thick streaks. Samantha had a bit of fun aiming his shots around the carpet, "Hehe, nice shot honey" she thought giggling. James let out a large sigh of relief, enjoying the short ride for all it's worth. His face as well as Samantha's were beat red. "He, he, see honey", Samantha said, pointing to his impressive work. James blushed as he gazed up at the carpet which his loads had thoroughly coated it. "Now honey, don't be upset. It's perfectly ok for your dolly to shoot milk, but as you can see, it makes an awfully big mess. So, from now on you're going to be wearing these. "

Samantha held up a pair of pink teens diapers that had wonderwoman on the butt. James blushed an even darker shade of red. As his erection slowly subsided dripping white drops of milk. "Do they have to", he asked shyly.

"I'm sorry honey but these were the only kind they had in your size. That was a blatant lie, they had all sorts of brands colors and styles, but she thought these ones were the most, "adorable." Samantha pulled James pants all the way off and slid the diapers up his legs. Even though his dick was going limp she still had gently tuck it as well as his balls into the crotch of the diaper. "There we go." She said smiling as she eyed the nice bulge he made in the front of the diapers. "And you look so cute too." "Good luck trying to keep that under wraps Wonderwoman", she thought to herself as she pulled the back snuggly up James' butt.

James moved around a little to see how they felt. His cock and balls were firmly pressed against the soft absorbent padding in the crotch, and one of the large pads in the back was tightly pressed against his tush, it had slid up like a wedgie and was now firmly seated. Overall it felt kind of nice for some reason. "Well how's it fell honey?", Samantha inquired.

"I kinda like it", James said smiling.

"Good, because you're going to be wearing one every night. You never know when your dolly might have a lil accident." She said giggling again.

"But mom, I can't. I mean, my pants won't fit over my diaper. " he said with a shy frown.

"Don't worry honey, I thought that might happen. " Samantha produced a cute yellow dress with sunflowers on it. I'm sure this will fit over it.

"A dress?" James said embarrassed.

"Yes dear, lot's of boys wear these, you just never notice because they look so natural in them."

James reluctantly took off everything but his diaper and put the dress on, he always had a habit of wanting to please his mother. "Oh you just look so cute", she said after he'd slipped it on over his head. James blushed. With his hair as long as it was and his natural feminine features, he really did look like an adorable 13 year old girl. Samantha had always wanted to have a girl in addition to a boy, and now she had both. "Tomorrow, honey, I'll taking you shopping for some more clothes. And we can buy you some nice soft undies so you don't have to wear those diapers all the time.

"Okay mom. " James said smiling, he enjoyed the loving attention and affection his mother gave him, even if it seemed a lil strange. He didn't care, she was happy and so was he. After cooking dinner for the both of them Jame's mother layed him down for bed. She kissed him on the forehead and tucked him in. She had enjoyed the day. So many fun options had sprung up from one simple load of laundry. She stretched out on the sofa and decided to watch a movie. Jame's had had a chance to get off earlier so she thought it was only fair that she did too. She popped in an old favorite, "Prison Mates 3."

Just as the credits has finished and the movie started James came walking in, still wearing his Wonderwoman diaper and sunflower dress. "James", Samantha said startled. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep", he said yawning. "Can I stay up and watch a movie with you until I fall asleep?"

"Sure honey" said. She stood to get up and change movies but stopped. "Hmm", She thought, with a slight grin. "Why not." She left the movie in and layed back down on the couch as James layed next to her. The mother and son watched together as the movie progressed. James saw a bus full of prisoners drive up to the jail and get unloaded, he then watched as they got led to their individual cells. The camera followed after a rather small looking Fox who seemed understandably nervous. As he walked into his cell 2 Wolves stood up to greet him.

James continued to watch as they exchanged words and to his surprise the 2 Wolves unzipped their pants and let out their vary large dicks. "I love this part", Samantha thought to herself. Two of the wolves held down the fox as the third proceeded to slide it into the fox's mouth. Samantha had quietly slipped a free hand down her pants and had begun to play with herself. "That's it lil fox open wide." She thought to herself with a sinister grin. The fox was now crying as he got rammed in the mouth over and over. "Mommy" James said.

"Ah, yes dear." Samantha said sweetly.

"Why is that fox putting his mouth on that wolf's dolly?"

"Oh, that's just a game that big boys, play sometimes."

"It looks like the wolves are having fun but not the fox"

The fox was now crying as he the wolf rammed his cock down his throat.

"No, honey, he's enjoying it too. See those are tears of joy", Samantha lied.

Samantha continued pleasuring herself as the wolf finished his fun and sent a large load of cum straight down the foxe's mouth. "Mommy, my pom pom's are tingling" , James said as the fox made horrible gulping sounds. Samantha now had two fingers in and was avidly enjoying herself. "Don't worry honey", she said with a smile, "That's normal."

Jame's lil dolly was now starting to get stiff, to his confusion. Samantha continued to wet her panties as the wolves now bent the fox over and began to sodomize him. "You're screwed now foxy", Samantha whispered with an evil smile. "This is another fun game", Samantha said to James as the fox's ass took the head of the wolf's dick. The fox made a loud yelp as he was slowly violated. A loud shrill scream echoed throughout the jail as the wolf's balls finally touched the fox's butt cheeks. Without realizing it Jame's was slowly stroking himself his diaper straining as a result. James and his mother quietly played with themselves as they watched the fox take it up the tush. The fox continued to scream as he got railed harder and harder. "hehe, no lube, too bad", Samantha thought with cruel glee. Finally the wolf had enough and let a loud joyful roar as he quickly filled the fox full of his seed. At the same time James as well as Samantha had reached their limits too and all 3 came together. Samantha's moans of pleasure almost rivaled the wolf's while James' cries were closer to soft pleasant whimpers and moans. The wolf had loaded the fox's ass, Samantha had soaked her panties and James had filled his diaper with his plentiful warm load. Samantha and her son drifted off to sleep together on the coach as the movies ending credits started.

"Good night, mommy", James whimpered.

"Good night James", Samantha said in a half moan.

Bus Stop Encounter

"Jessica!",said James. "What now?",replied Jessica. "I'm hungry" "Just wait a little longer I'm sure the bus will stop soon." A short while later the bus pulled over at a small diner and the brother and sister stepped off. The sun was warm...

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