A Week In My Spaced Out Life
A sort of journal/log of what a week is like...
- Sunday -
Saturday is usually when work has a meeting, by work I mean any of my work surrounding Earth. My other work is a sort of police work I have on other nearby planets when I have some time. Usually my non-police, planet Earth based involves me from time to time with human subjects on Earth and/or other Earth related things that don't involve, though those very seldom happen. Yesterday, for some reason, there was the idea for my race who does the sort of experiments on humans to have a personal daily sort of journal/log of thoughts and events throughout the day. Well, it was thrown back and forth and eventually it ended up as an out there idea and to anyone who was interested to take on and suggested I should take it. Okay.
You know what I think?
I think whenever anyone is like "I suggest you do this or that," is just a polite way of controlling you to do it.
Granted, I do follow orders, it is a common nitpick I find too often to people who interact with me.
As in terms of this daily log, I woke up to my usual routine of getting up, turning off my white noise, going to the bathroom, dressing myself in a sort of bulky pants and snug tee and sweatshirt and socks and just hung around for the day in the entertainment room. My ship itself was clung to Earth's dark side of the moon as well. I didn't treat myself to a game, yet by the time I'm done typing I'll be showering, dressing in PJs, streaming a show or movie, having a screen break for dessert and then a bit more streaming and then off to bed.
- Monday -
Today I woke up later than usual, but it was quite busy. There's nothing much I can talk about in this log here other than I was called to Earth to 'assist' armor clad humans amidst some gunfire. Of course I was issued a firearm along with armor. There was really no point in me being there other than the humans interacting with my race and having to deal with their own issues for, against, or some other thoughts around me. This sort of thing only lasted for about six hours, but it was a bit intense six hours. At least I shared a nice dinner before I went back onto my ship. That kind of work required me a bath just to ease the tenseness physically and mentally off of me for a while since I didn't want to look too wrinkly after the bath, but at least PJs early, so there's that. I was tired from the bath and the day too so I got to bed a bit earlier when I settled my ship in an abandoned underwater cave.
- Tuesday -
I do not like relying on others, but I get tired of being this ship so I need air. I know it's probably not good for me, but it hasn't stopped me, but I just took a few hours up in disguise in New York City and then picked up some dinner and then went back to the ship to eat it. I did have breakfast and dinner on the ship along with just hanging around on websites, but I felt I needed to be free of this combined space, and I try to be as careful as I can about it, and I think I haven't gotten in trouble with it, at least to my knowledge. Unless my boss is hiding something, but I'm probably overthinking, but whatever.
- Wednesday -
I sometimes think my race shouldn't cling to Earth so much. There are so many other places other than Earth. Yet here we are, waiting and clinging to some hope that contact will be fine even though we don't know. Personally, most, if not some of Earth proved to be destructive physically and mentally to each other but I still share the thought that I don't know if that'll change. As for what went on throughout the day, it was just the same routine and events as Sunday. Though I think I should manage my streaming more because I'm streaming more from one service than the other and I still want to catch up on a few shows.
- Thursday -
Up until noon today things were going normal yet I was pinged for work because I had another human subject. Most of these picks for human subjects are random but if I had my way I would change some things like only around people who live alone so no other factors come in the way. It might sound cruel, but dogs do come in the way as well as additional people. I'm not saying that I can't deal with it, I can easily snatch them up. I have a particular way of doing it and it's easiest to do it when they are in bed alone. If they aren't, maybe in the bathroom or when they are away from home doing something quick. My tests usually don't take too long, I do have to consider human-related factors when it comes to taking humans. So when I got this new human everything did go smoothly throughout the tests since he was fast asleep the entire time.
- Friday -
Today was almost uneventful as Sunday, however in the evening I did get a call from the humans I worked with Monday since one of them was worried about another's mental state. He said that the person requested for me, which did seem odd. I went down to Earth at around eight in the evening and discovered that there was a lot on this guy's mind. He had that sort of feeling when you look at someone and just there's something about their personality and think that you could connect with them easily and he found it with me which felt a little unsettling. But we did connect. I think we talked too long too, but it felt good to help him, keep him company, and hopeful. I only say that since on each side of what we work for our race and the human race are still a little so-so on interacting with off worlders. Me and him personally didn't have a problem, we just know the ones around us wouldn't. I don't like following rules, but sometimes I can't take risks. It's hard but I try to get over it. But at least I haven't been taught of having some friendships outside the military with humans...
- Saturday -
Well, Sunday's daily events unfolded mostly like this past Saturday's events, but I guess that's what you get when you're called to work every now and then. I'm submitting this to my boss and their superiors after I'm done typing, I just hope anything I've revealed in here gets me in trouble. Yerneley, signing off.