Tailing the Guildsman

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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It's always fun to write in the Mongoose Court universe. So I'm thankful for FA: WhiteWolf009 for commissioning this piece, where Diego the celestial wolf continues his job as the royal family's mercenary. Enjoy the show.

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Hope you enjoy.

Tailing the Guildsman For Diego By Draconicon

The white wolf knew that he would stand out if he waited on the streets. There were few enough canines of his coloration around, and none of them were armed. Anyone looking for a tail would have seen him immediately.

So he stuck to the roofs instead. Nobody ever bothered looking up, no matter how many times it was proven that was where the real threats came from.

Diego watched the front of the Golden Home guild, his eyes peeled for any signs of movement at the door or the windows. His legs were cramping up, unsurprisingly, considering that he had been kneeling in place for over an hour, but he didn't dare shift his position. He had a good hiding spot, and he could lose it in a second if he moved.

"Come on, come on...I know you're in there, Shandrei..."

Finally, he saw movement at a window, and moved his gaze to watch. As soon as he saw the oddly-patterned tiger - with lightning stripes rather than solid ones - the wolf smiled.

"Got you."

Shandrei wasn't that much different from the other Guild Heads of Aparajita. The newly wealthy merchant class had all sorts of ideas of their own importance, and most of them used their wealth to try and control the lives of the people around them. Of course, that didn't always work out that well for the people around them...or the people above them.

This tiger, according to his sources, was becoming a threat for the royal family. Too much wealth in one hand, too many little land plots being sold around. And too many criminals suddenly being housed in the center of the city, in Golden Home buildings.

He was planning something, and from what Diego had been able to dig up, the tiger didn't have anything good to say about the Mongoose Court. Nothing good to do with them, either.

Of course, his boss - Prince Saunak - didn't have any worries about this tiger. Considering the prince wasn't fucking him, he wasn't altogether surprised; Saunak didn't care about much that wasn't hung by at least eight inches, preferably ten. In this case, though...well, perhaps the mongoose should have been worried.

He watched the tiger, and realized that the guild head was leaving the building.

"Time to go."

He ducked back below the edge of the stone building, keeping himself low until he reached the far wall. It was easy enough to slide down the edge of it, and he didn't even have to use any of his celestial powers to keep himself balanced as he hit the ground.

He did, however, groan as he stepped on something sharp. Rubbing his bare foot - and cursing the fact that one of his own employees had stolen his shoes this morning - the wolf snuck over to the edge of the alley he'd dropped into.

Shandrei was on the move, along with two footmen. The wolf grumbled to himself, seeing them already walking towards the middle of the street before joining the flood of people heading towards the center of Aparajita.

Where are you going? You don't have any business deals today...

Either something had come up, or he'd missed something. Either way, Diego didn't like the possibilities.

Shaking his head, he ducked into the crowd, pulling up his hood. It wasn't much, but it at least kept his white ears from being seen in a crowd of red, brown, and creamy colored fur. He kept his eyes glued to the back of the lightning-bolt tiger, keeping track of him. The last thing he needed was to lose him in the crowd.

Now if only the flame-weavers above his head would turn down the heat a bit, he wouldn't be so uncomfortable...



The wolf was panting as he kept walking down the streets, shaking his head as he barely kept up with the tiger. The whole idea of keeping hidden was great, but the hood and the heat that was kept in by the city dome didn't make it very comfortable. He swore that he was sweating out his weight in water from his head and his feet, and he didn't even want to think about how sweaty he was under his clothes.

But...he was keeping up with the tiger, and he hadn't been spotted yet.

As they approached a main square, however, he noticed that Shandrei stepped away from his footmen. The wolf immediately did the same, ducking into an alley about a block up from the tiger, and saw that his target did the same.

What are you doing...

He hastily climbed up the side of the inn he'd hidden behind, and as he reached the top - cursing the hot rocks under his feet the whole way - he saw the tiger reaching the roof of the building ahead of him. Diego barely got down fast enough to avoid being seen, and wriggled across the roof to the ornately carved railing on the other side.

When he lifted his head back up, he saw that the tiger was facing away. At least there was that. Keeping as quiet as he possibly could, Diego slowly lifted himself around the railing, and then paused.

It was a very, very long way down, he realized. The inn had to be at least seventy feet high, and if he did fall from here, he would make an unholy amount of noise. Not to mention, he would be in a lot of pain if he didn't make a good landing.

He could probably make the jump between the buildings...probably...Certainly if he used his abilities, but that would make noise as well, and then Shandrei would know he was being followed.

Let's wait...see what he does. He lowered himself back behind the railings, and settled in to watch.

Still, there was only so much watching that a wolf could do, and inevitably his eyes began to wander. He glanced down at the city square, watching the people milling around. Mongoose citizens, elephant soldiers and mercenaries, tiger tradesmen, even some lizardmen that were looking for work in labor and other places. The city buzzed with activity, and -

Oh...damn it all...

Coming from the western road was Prince Saunak himself. It was impossible to miss the prince, considering he was dressed as flamboyantly as ever. Purple vest opened to show off his chest, pure white silk pants that cupped him...well, everywhere, and his bare feet thumping along the streets as he walked along. That joyous grin as he looked everyone around him in the crotch, then moved on if they weren't up to his standards; that was the prince, alright.

It was only confirmed by the fact that Windsire - the great red and black stallion bodyguard - walked behind him. No other mongoose would have that guy around.

He flicked his eyes back to the tiger, and saw him unfolding a large, metal weapon. It had to be a sniper rifle; rare as they were in Aparajita, they were still easy enough to import, he'd found out. Contacts were good here, and they reached far into the outside world beyond the domed city.

It's an assassination, he realized. An assassination, then a coup.

Diego looked back to the ground, hoping that there was some sign that the prince knew that this was going to happen. Some idea that it was a sting, to draw the tiger out.

But no. Not even Windsire seemed to know that something was going to happen. The stallion was completely at ease, and so was the prince. They were sitting ducks, just waiting to be hit.

And judging by the bullet that the tiger slapped into the gun, they were going to be hit hard.

The wolf groaned. There was no way that he could stop Shandrei from firing, but maybe, just maybe, he could do something to keep the bullet from finding its target.

He leaped to his feet and extended his hand. It glowed with blue light, and he struggled to get a bead on Prince Saunak once more. He flicked his hand from side to side, trying to aim his finger at the prince as he danced about in the crowd. It was more difficult than he'd like, and he didn't have the advantage of a railing or tripod to steady his aim. If he missed -

Hold still, you slutty prince...

He heard the crack of the gun, and in desperation, unleashed his own power. Time seemed to go by in slow motion, and he swore he saw the light glinting off of the bullet as it soared through the air. His own power was flying true - he hoped - and he just prayed that he'd released it on time.

Thankfully, he had.

A great blue barrier soared up around the prince - who almost bumped into it - and the bullet spanged off of it into the ground. The crowd immediately started panicking, and he saw Windsire leap into action. The stallion blurred to shadow, and was coming across the square.

And Shandrei...

Shandrei had turned around, and was staring slackjawed at him. Diego couldn't help but put a massive grin on his face.

"You aren't the only one keeping an eye on the prince."

The sniper rifle came up, but the wolf was already moving. A burst of power under his feet launched him through the air, and he was up and above the shot before the tiger knew what was going on. He came down hard, his big feet slamming the guild master in the head and knocking him to the rooftop.

As he pulled out a pair of handcuffs, dragging the tiger's arms behind his back, he felt the shimmering presence of the stallion behind him. He looked over his shoulder and chuckled.

"What took you so long?"

"I was here as quickly as I could."

"It wasn't quick enough. If I hadn't been here -"

"I know."

The stallion nodded, and Diego didn't push it. The pride of the horse demon was strong enough to be a punishment on its own; doubtlessly, there would be an inquiry into Windsire's ability to protect the prince from this point on, and doubtlessly, there would be points of pride that would keep the stallion around.

Diego didn't really care. He'd proved that he was just was useful, if not more, and he had no doubt that the prince would remember this for a long time.

He tossed the tiger over to the stallion, chuckling.

"Take him off to the lock-up or something. I think that Prince Saunak will want to give me a few congratulations."

"Perhaps more..."

"What, drag me back to the tower or something for fun? I'd be game for that."

He chuckled as he leaped off of the side of the building, his hand glowing blue once more as he extended a rope from the edge of the building to his wrist. He heard Windsire shouting something after him, but it couldn't have been that important. It was about Saunak, and nothing about that prince was ever serious.

His barrier had fallen by the time he crossed the square to the prince, and he smiled in greeting at his employer.

"Hello there, your highness. Everything alright?"

"Ah, my snow-white wolfy. Yes, everything is precisely alright. Save for perhaps my nose; a very sudden barrier, that."

"Oh, sorry. Did you run into it?"

"Ah, but a small price to pay for dodging a bullet. You were very prompt; were you expecting this?"


A part of him wanted to say yes, just to brag and show off...but it would have been lying.

"Not quite like this. I knew that Shandrei would be doing something, but I thought it'd be more like a coup attempt towards the palace, not a direct attack on you. I didn't think he was that..."


"I was going to say careless."

"Same thing."

The prince shrugged, then smiled. It was a smile that the wolf knew all too well, and he started to hold up his hands.

"Wait, wait, no, you aren't going to -"

He didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence before he was shoved back by a sudden gust of wind. Knocked off his feet, even, he came down with a crash on the ground. No sooner had he landed than he felt the light touch of the prince's feet resting on his chest...and one of them dragging down to the waistband of his pants.

"Ah, ah, you didn't think I would let you go without a reward, did you, my snow-white red-rocket?"

Talented toes squeezed down on him through his pants, and Diego groaned as he almost immediately started growing hard. The wolf's eyes cast around him, seeing a number of people staring at him and the prince. Not exactly in surprise, either, which almost made it worse.

"Uh, couldn't...couldn't we do this somewhere else? I'm sure that there's someplace nearby -"

"Ah, the pleasures of royalty, my good wolf. We never need wait for anything."

He swore that there was a smell of smoke in the air as the foot over his crotch suddenly heated up. Diego yelped as it went from a teasing pressure through his clothes to a warm, wet touch right on his sheath, the wolf squirming under the prince. It was only fear of startling the mongoose that kept him from rolling over and trying to displace Saunak that way; with those feet so near his cock and balls, he didn't want to be damaged by the effort.

"But...but your highness, surely even you -"

"Ah. Do not protest. Windsire informed you, surely, that you would be rewarded?"

If that's what he was trying to shout at me...Damn it, why does he keep doing this?!

He tried to push the mongoose prince back, but Saunak was relentless, already stroking the wolf's sheath with damp toes, tugging on it and rubbing it until the wolf's cock began to emerge. Immediately, Diego slumped back, groaning and trembling at the feeling of the prince's oiled-up toes tugging and stroking it.

As the toes curled around the head of his cock, Diego leaned his head back, panting and thrusting upwards, unable to help himself. The little giggles from the crowd didn't help his embarrassment one bit, but the prince kept stroking him, rubbing him, even grinding the heel of his foot down on the base of his cock to keep him hard.

"Aw, look at the big wolfy. Getting such a lovely, big, red-rocket for his prince. Yes, you know what I want."

The prince's words were a mix of condescension and teasing, and the wolf could barely take it. He tried to say something, anything, but all that came out was a series of whimpers as the full length of the mongoose's foot suddenly came down on his cock. He sprawled out, biting his lip as his cock throbbed to full erection, his knot rapidly inflating at the base as that heel kept grinding into him.

"Mmm, I do so love the way you get so big underfoot. Heh, some of my siblings would love that sort of thing."

Diego barely kept his cool as that foot lifted off of his cock, the white wolf shivering as the prince suddenly sat down on him. He felt the hidden hole in the back of the prince's pants, felt it as his cock was slipped into it and rubbed against Saunak's rump. The ass cheeks were hard muscle, but took his cock between them easily. Too easily, for any other prince.

He looked up, watched as Saunak straddled him, and blushed at the easy grin from his employer.

"You are so fun, Diego. But it's time for you to get your proper reward. Lay back and enjoy it; I know I will."

And with that, the prince slammed down, hard. The feeling of sliding into that loose, eager hole was like no other, and the wolf bit his lip again to keep from whimpering as hot, wet flesh squeezed down on his cock from every side, milking him, squeezing him, teasing him constantly.

The prince started bouncing up and down, swiveling his hips to take the wolf's cock from every angle, and it only made it harder for Diego to hold back as that eager hole teased and tugged and squeezed on him constantly. His hips twitched, but the prince shoved him back down every time. He even crossed his arms as he bounced, chuckling to himself, and Diego blushed even worse at that.

"Mmmph. You're nice and big, fuzzy-wuzzy-wolfy. Not so big as most of my guys...but big enough. Hey, maybe your next reward should be to grow your cock even more. Maybe then I'll keep you in my harem, instead of just visiting you at yours, huh?"

The wolf groaned louder at that, turning his head away. The last thing he needed was to have the prince taking him in; as things were, he was getting too many visits from the royal mongoose as it was.

He was forced to look up again as the prince suddenly shoved a foot in his face, his eyes rolling back at the sudden flood of musk in his nose. He stared up between Saunak's toes at the smirking prince, only to have that foot taken away and the other one shoved in his face instead. One after another, light nudges that came at the speed of powerful kicks, pushing his face from side to side and teasing him with their musky soles.

It was more than he could bear. His cock started twitching, on the verge of orgasm as he turned his head from side to side. He was almost there. Almost -


And then the mongoose slipped off. Diego groaned at the top of his lungs, and leaped to his feet to see that the prince was leaning against a nearby building, one leg lifted, his sloppy hole on display.

"You ready to finish?"

The wolf barely thought about it as he leaped forward. He grabbed the slutty prince by the hips and yanked him down on his cock, impaling Saunak in one smooth move. His knot slammed into that hole once, twice, three times before finally popping in, and the wolf smothered his groans in that upraised foot. He nuzzled against it as he ground against the prince, barely lasting another minute before he came, hard.

He shivered as he emptied his balls, realizing that he was sucking on the prince's toes at some point, and he almost collapsed. He would have, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Windsire behind him, the stallion keeping him and the prince upright.

"His highness has rewarded you well, I see."

"I, um...yes, yes he has."

The stallion nodded, glancing around.

"And I believe people will forget about the dangers of the attempted assassination before long, due to the sensationalist show."

"My plan all along, Windsire."

The wolf blinked at Saunak's statement, turning to look down at the prince. Though on tiptoe, on one foot, Saunak looked no less cocky than ever.

"THAT was the plan? That was the reason you fucked me in public?"

"Well, not the only reason, but a good one."

"For a change, your highness."

"Oh, relax, Windsire. You still have your job. You're just...on probation for a while."


Diego finally put together the pieces. He didn't know if Saunak had known about the assassination plans or not, but he had obviously not told Windsire to beware, and he was using it to get the horse off his back for a while. After all, the demon stallion wasn't so amenable to bribes or giving the prince any space...while he...

The wolf smacked his hand across his forehead. He had just become the prince's primary bodyguard, while Windsire was under review. The whole thing had essentially removed the babysitter and replaced him with the boy-toy.

Saunak chuckled.

"Good, you get it. Now, walk me home, wolfy. I believe you have a lovely hood ornament to carry."

"All...stupid knot..."

He grumbled, almost wishing that he'd let the assassin take the shot. Not really, but as he walked home with the prince in his arms, and his knot only barely hidden - and his balls not at all - he did have the temptation to teach the prince a real lesson for this humiliation.

The End

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