Shiny Hunting

Story by Angrynightmob on SoFurry

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Here's a story written by special request by a friend of mine (Who wishes to remain anonymous).

Today is apparently Zangoose day, and since that's one of his all-time favorite Pokemon, he asked me to write a oral vore story with one. First time writing in this style, so hopefully I did alright.

So, as a warning, this story contains Zangoose, Vore, and Bellies. Adult rating for a CV scene at the end.

Zangoose belongs to pokemon.

It didn't take long for you to finish packing your things after lunch; a rather hearty meal, a bit sweet, but a nice surprise while out on the road. You had been on Route 114 for a few days now, looking for shiny Pokemon, and today you felt was the day you were going to get lucky. You just knew that today was going to be the day that you would never forget.

All that you had left to do was finish snapping your Pokeballs back to your bag. You'd already set up and packed you camping supplies and sleeping bag, and carefully washed your cookware in the nearby river by the waterfall. Even if it had only been a few days, you felt like you knew this route like the back of your hand. Now, with the shadow of Meteor Falls receding in the afternoon sky, it was time to get back to looking for a shiny Pokemon.

You didn't really care what it was. You knew that all it took was determination and patience to find one... And perhaps a tiny twinge of jealousy you'd felt every time you were with friends and their own served to motivate you as well. They always seemed to have a new one every time. But this time, you'd have the accolades and praise, your moment in the sun. But, you knew, even if it was just the one, that's all you'd need. You'd care for them no matter what. And no matter what, no matter how many days it would take, you would succeed. You had to succeed.

Then, suddenly, you would hear a rustle in the tall grass nearby. Quickly you'd turn to face it, but... There was nothing. Perhaps it was just the wind. After all, it wasn't the first time that had happened. A few times for the last few days you'd think you'd hear a rustle in the brush, only to see the same thing every time: nothing. The excitement was probably getting to you, that's all.

Undeterred, you continue through the brush in the shadow of Meteor Falls. Just you, the breeze, and the fresh air all around. Every few steps, you'd come across a sleeping Seedot, and near the river, you could hear the Lotads playing. But lately, they had been showing up less and less. Maybe it was all the noise. You would be the first to admit, you weren't the stealthiest of trainers. A stray root or tree branch could catch you off guard. Curiosity from some of the wild Pokemon had probably long since turned to annoyance with you being here this long. But, this was the spot you were going to find a shiny Pokemon, and you weren't planning on leaving until you found one.

Another rustle caught your ears. It was behind you. Quickly, you turn around and see some of the tall grass moving. Whatever it was, it must have run off, and quick. You thought you caught the glimpse of something white, but by the time that you rush over, whatever it was had left. You linger in that spot for a moment, seeing if you could make out any tracks, but unfortunately the soil was much too hard to leave any.

Well, no sense in waiting there. Whatever that Pokemon might have been, it hadn't stuck around. You were about a mile from the entrance to the cliffs at the falls by this point, at least as far as you could guess. You had walked this route every day since you had been here, and once there, you'd head back in the direction of that strange guy who lived alone and collected fossils. If you made good time, you could check Route 114 twice between sunrise and sunset.

Still, one thing seemed to be on the back of your mind. Something seemed... off, somehow. As you got closer to the mountain, you were hearing fewer wild Pokemon off in the distance. Normally, there were a few that lingered around, perhaps the occasional Nuzleaf, but you at least heard something from time to time. Today though, just silence. Well, aside from the rustling bushes. But, every time you looked, nothing. That last time though, you definitely know you caught a glimpse of something white. It looked like an ear, slightly bent, but only out of the corner of your eye before it was gone in a flash.

You run over to where you saw the white streak, quickly trying to see if you could find out what it was. But, this time, you wouldn't make it. Right as you rushed over, you'd suddenly feel something fast strike you from behind. It was quick and pointed, and hit you right on the small of your back, knocking you forward and off of your feet. You'd land hard on the ground, the breath knocked out of you as you lay prone for a moment before you roll over to look up. A few seconds later, you'd see a shadow in the sky above you in a vague shape, and coming down fast. A second hit, a sturdy Body Slam striking you.

You'd gasp out for breath again, but much of your mouth would be blocked by a fuzzy mass of some kind. You couldn't move. It felt like you were paralyzed. All you could feel was a big, soft, white-furred belly on your face. You had to lay there for a moment as the mystery figure slowly backed off, the gut slightly wobbling in your view. Now you could see what had hit you. It was... a Zangoose!

You cough a few times, still trying to catch your breath, but you still find it hard to move. You struggle to turn your head to the side. That first strike was quick, and the force had knocked your bag off of your shoulder. Feebly, you try and claw your fingers towards it, trying to reach one of your Pokeballs, but you can't reach it. The few inches seem like miles as you give everything you have to try and grab any of them, even the one you just used for HMs. No good. Your hand goes flat on the dirt as you look up, seeing the Zangoose stand over you.

The cat-ferret is looking down, a nasty grin across his face as he holds up a single paw, his claws shining in the afternoon sun. You see him wind up and you shut your eyes as you feel a sudden flurry of slashes come down around you, yet you don't feel any pain. You slowly open one eye again, only to see a torn piece of your shirt in his claws. You strain to look up, and suddenly blush brightly. He had torn off every shred of clothing you were wearing in just a few furious swipes. Even your shoes and socks were in tatters as you lay before him, naked, in a pile of cloth shreds.

You really want to struggle again. You're doing your best to move. Slowly, feeling is returning to your arms. If you could just reach your bag you could....

And suddenly, you can't move again. The Zangoose slashed once more, but pulled his strike at the very last instant, nearly knocking you out completely. You could feel your strength fade, and you realized that you were completely at his mercy. Your eyelids were heavy as you felt close to blacking out. You saw the Zangoose duck out of your sight. Was he just leaving you here?

You could hear the Zangoose behind you. But he was only out of sight for a moment before he returned to your shrinking field of vision. He had your bag in his teeth, his features still in a wide grin, bending over and picking you up by the feet. You could feel your toes press along his belly as he started walking backwards, dragging you off of the shredded pile of clothes and into the taller grass, away from the main paths of the route, out of sight of anyone who might pass by.

He certainly wasn't gentle. You could feel every rock and bush that you were getting dragged through bump and scrape at your body, no longer protected by your trainer's outfit. You give out a few soft cries of pain as you're stolen away, until you reach a spot near a large rock, almost completely surrounded by trees and bushes. There's no way anyone would be able to find this spot unless they already knew of it. Then, unceremoniously, he drops your legs and tosses your bag to one side. You can hear it land with a soft thud, but nothing seems to rip or break. Thank goodness for small miracles, although you're still at this Zangoose's mercy.

The mercy would not be coming, as he looked back towards you. The plump normal type Pokemon was soon standing over you again. Then, without warning, he pounced. His stomach pressed into yours, knocking your breath out once more, and you were looking at the Zangoose square in the face as he licked at his lips, a sort of feral hunger about him. There was no way this would end well for you, surely. Then, his face pressed onto yours, lips locking together, the cat-ferret aggressively... kissing you? Is that what he's doing? His tongue slurped and licked along your mouth, pressing into yours.

You would go wide-eyed in surprise, but unable to resist his advances as he went in deep, practically sliding his tongue to the back of your throat. This can't really be happening, can it? The licks and slurps from his tongue would continue, and soon began to spread once he broke the sloppy kiss, now licking at your nose and cheeks as well. An appreciative purr was escaping his throat as his tongue continued to wash over you. You thought you were blushing hard when he sliced your clothing off, but... This was almost too much!

The tongue lashing would continue for almost five whole minutes. By the time he was done, every bit of your face was soaked and coated in Zangoose saliva. Even some of your hair was dripping wet. When he finally backed away and was licking at his lips, you couldn't help but think he had gotten a full taste for you. You were actually shivering slightly from all this, the slick coating across most of your head creating a very prominent difference in temperatures.

The Zangoose was smacking his lips now, and looking back towards you. The same evil grin he had before was crossing his features again. You tried to struggle away again, trying to find some lost reserve of strength to try and free yourself, not liking the look of that evil grin at all. But it was no use. The normal-type Pokemon was sitting on your stomach again, and holding up your upper body. He licked at his lips once more, and then opened his mouth wide right in front of you!

You could feel your entire body freeze up at the sight. His wide-open maw gaping in front of you. The countless sharp teeth lining his jaws, the hot breath blowing right into your face... the hanging uvula in the back of his throat. Wider and wider the Zangoose was opening his mouth, and you were just frozen in place, gazing into that abyss. His tongue slipped out like a welcoming red carpet as he pulled you closer, and then all at once, he stuffs your face right into his mouth. Your vision of the outside world was fading as your eyes were letterboxed by the Zangoose's jaws, and soon all you could see was the inside of his mouth as he started swallowing you whole.

You could feel his tongue on your chin as he slurped and licked you deeper, gulping loudly around your head as he tried his hardest to stuff you inside. You could see his throat widen around you, paralyzed to stop your descent further into him. The dark tunnel ahead of you was welcoming you to your fate. This was it! He was actually swallowing you whole!

But then... he stopped. He was still gulping and licking and swallowing at you, but he wasn't taking you any deeper. You could see his powerful throat muscles trying to drag you deeper, but he couldn't make it. You had to wonder what it was...but soon you felt it. It was your shoulders. He couldn't stretch his jaws around your shoulders, the sudden change in width was just too much for him to manage.. No matter how he tried to hold you or position you, he couldn't get you deeper. Deep down, you breathed a sigh of relief, taking a deep breath inside the Zangoose's throat. Slowly, you were being pulled out again, strands of saliva sticking to you as he removed you from his mouth. With an aggravated grunt, he dropped you back onto the ground.

You were panting hard, free from the confines of his mouth and throat, but this wasn't over yet. The Zangoose looked incredibly frustrated and grumpy, and he had daggers in his eyes as he glared at you. It looked like he was actually blaming you for not being able to fit in his mouth. Such an expression might almost look cute if he wasn't such a genuine threat to you right now. But, he soon stood up, his stomach rumbling loudly from being denied his meal. He patted his belly three times, making it wobble as he looked you over. But then, his expression changed. It was like he had an epiphany. Whatever it was, you didn't want to be here for it.

You started to struggle again, feeling strength return to your body, but that didn't last long. The Zangoose noticed your movements and slashed at you again. It was the same false swipe as before, and he pulled his slash at the very last moment once more, but it was still enough to make your second wind fade. Again, you couldn't move, and once more you were at this Zangoose's whims.

The cat-ferret headed over to your legs once more. He picked up one of your feet and looked at it, and then let it go and picked up the other one. He was toying with your legs, and then he forcibly turned you over, putting you face down in the dirt. Your eyes would spin for a moment, but you would feel your legs get picked up again, feet once more raised in the air. This time, however, you were hoisted higher than his belly. You would feel his tongue again, this time lapping at the bottoms of your feet. Your toes would curl from the sudden sensation, but soon his hot breath washed over your soles and you would feel your feet get stuffed into his mouth! He was still trying to eat you!

You didn't have the strength to struggle. You tried to kick away, but his grip on your legs was tight. You barely had any strength left in your arms to try and hold on to something... anything... to stop him from swallowing you whole. Your fingers clawed into the dirt, but even with your last ounce of resolve, you couldn't escape. Your legs were vanishing into his throat, and you could hear the swallows resuming in full force. Every gulp, every pull, every inch was dragging you across the ground, and deeper into the Pokemon.

You were sinking much easier this way. Before you realized it, your knees had vanished beyond his jaws. You tried to struggle, to hold on, to do ANYTHING to keep from going deeper, but still you sank. Yet, as you would hate to admit it, that firm throat rippling around you did feel strangely good. It was like his muscles were firmly massaging you as you went in. The rest of your legs soon sank into his jaws, and you could look and see his feet firmly planted as you were slowly getting pulled closer to him.

Your face would brush along his thighs and belly as you ascended his form swallow by labored swallow. For a last ditch effort to escape, you summoned all the strength that you had, wrapping your arms around his midsection and burying your face in his furry belly. It was no use, however, and he'd reach his strong paws down and pull your arms off of him, and hold them close to your side. He started gulping them down as well as he worked over your thigh and stomach. You continued to press your face into his gut, and would go wide-eyed as you felt your feet press into his belly. That was the last sensation, however, as he pulled you up, beyond his chest. His maw was eagerly and easily stretching over your shoulders now, with just your head sticking out of his mouth.

You would do your best to look back, but you could no longer see his face. It was too late anyway. You could feel more of yourself sliding within him, falling away. With one last look around you, you could see the trees, forest, ground, bush and sky start to slowly being framed by the toothy jaws of the Zangoose as the inside of his mouth filled your vision. His teeth were some of the last things you'd see as you sank away. Just as the gulps got stronger and deeper, his tongue flicked up and pressed against your nose. Then, he closed his mouth, trapping you in darkness as he gulped hard, sealing your fate once and for all.

The strong swallows of the Zangoose continued around you as you went down his throat. The firm squeezes and swallows of his esophagus pressed around you, pushing you down deeper and deeper into him. You could feel your feet and legs press along the tight walls of his stomach as you sank. The squeezes and gulps continued, but soon, you found yourself dropped entirely in the Zangoose's hot belly, still growling and groaning like it had been from the outside.

You could hardly believe how cramped and tight it was inside of the cat-ferret's stomach. Your hands and legs pressed out, making imprints under his white fur as you struggled inside of him. You managed to jostle and shake enough that you could get your face pressed out by his navel, trying to find some way to escape this tight prison. Your struggles did bear some fruit as you managed to get turned to face towards the tight ring that lead back into his throat. You did everything you could think of to try and squeeze through that entrance. You rubbed at it, you tried to massage it, you even tried to lick at it. The only answer you got was more belly rumbles from the Zangoose.

Then, suddenly everything shifted. You would roll back as the gravity around you moved, soon pressing you onto your back as you moved in his belly. It got slightly hard under you, almost like the ground was there. It took a moment, but you realize what had just happened. He had moved onto all fours and the predator's large belly was resting under him now. You tried to struggle again, seeing if you could get upright, but the swinging was too much. He was running off on all fours now, your prison swaying and shaking between his legs with you weighing it down. You didn't know where he was going, but giving the rumbles and sloshes around you, you had a funny feeling you weren't going to find out...

What you were feeling was a growing numbness around you. All the presses and compact feeling from the Zangoose's stomach was starting to get to you. Not to mention, all the shaking and wobbling and swaying was getting you very dizzy. The gurgling and rumbles were growing louder around you as he ran off. You gave one more last ditch effort to try and escape from the pit of his stomach, pushing outward in any direction that you could, but your strength was fading fast.

You didn't know how long it had been, but suddenly, everything came to a stop. You didn't know what was going on, but everything shifted again. The Zangoose was back on two legs, that you could tell, but it seemed like he was sitting down, given how the bottom of his gut still had no give. Then, you could hear something coming from him, something quiet. It sounded like... snoring... Oh no. He had fallen asleep! You pushed out hard, trying to wake him up, to do anything to get him to let you out.


There was no response but more of his soft snores.

There was nothing to do now but wait for the inevitable.

You pushed out softly once more, trying to free yourself. His large belly barely moved, until it would wobble from him sleepily resting a paw along your last distinct imprint in his gut. You were trapped. This was really happening. A Zangoose had swallowed you whole and now, you were just going to be food for him. Already his growling stomach was gurgling louder around you. You could feel some fluids splash around you in the dark. The only saving grace you had was that you were already going numb. You couldn't feel yourself slowly oozing down and melting away in his stomach. More and more of your consciousness was fading as you were reduced to nutrients, fueling the pudgy normal type. Slowly, you closed your eyes for the last time. Well, one thing was sure... You were right about today. You would never forget it. At least that thought would give you a last laugh as you were taken by his powerfully churning gut.

He hadn't even been asleep for an hour before you were just more pudge on his belly.


The sun was setting by the time the Zangoose woke up from his nap. He stretched out and yawned, a few soft pops coming from his arms and shoulders. He exhaled softly, smacking his lips a few times. He had never eaten a trainer before, but that one had been on this route for days now, doing Arceus knows what and scaring off all the things he normally hunted. But now, he realized that trainers were absolutely delicious. He still had the taste on his lips.

He looked down and rubbed a claw through his soft, white, furry belly. The lumps and bumps the trainer's outline had made inside of his gut were gone, and they were nothing more than just some more pudge on his form. He patted his gut a few times, enjoying the wobble of it, each drum on the soft surface sounding a bit deeper than before. A happier grin crossed his face as he leaned in and rubbed his face on the top half of his gut, shaking it a few more times. Not only were they tasty, they felt good the entire way down. Forget the normal game, he was going to feast on trainers from now on! And whatever it was that they had eaten before being prey themselves wasn't bad either, he could still taste it on their mouth.

The Zangoose stretched out again and got back to his feet, his stomach still wobbling slightly, but not as much as it had when it was full. He waddled over to the bag he had taken and started to rifle through the digested trainer's belongings. There were countless things that he didn't recognize or care for, though he did poke his head out of the bag wearing the trainers hat. It didn't look good on him and made his ears heavy, but it did look colorful. That might have a use at some point.

A few more things were rattling around in the bag. A few metal and cloth things he didn't know how to use, but a few clacks caught his attention hanging from the outside of the bag. There were six red and white orbs that he didn't recognize, which had words on them that he couldn't read. Words like 'Charizard', or 'Blaziken', or 'Gogoat'. He didn't know what he could do with those, until he felt his morning wood pressing up along the underside of his heavy gut.

The Zangoose slashed the cords connecting the balls to the bag and just decided to pack them away. They were nice and smooth for the most part, so they should go down rather easily. Go down where? Well... His equipment, of course. It seemed to be quite needy after such a nice nap, and since it looked like all six could fit inside without much concern, that seemed like the best place to put them.

The Zangoose sat down and spread his legs apart. His cock was still pressing along the underside of his gut as he rubbed along his shaft and teased open his tip gently with his claws. One by one, the tiny orbs were pressed down. The sudden jolts of pleasure shook him from the tip of his ears to the end of his tail, letting out a feral moan. That must be their use, as some kind of pleasure toy. Well, he'd make sure that he did this with the others orbs he found on trainers he ate. His spine was shivering and shaking the entire time he stuffed them in, his orbs clacking a few times as they hit each other inside of him. He didn't know how long they might last in there, but they felt really good going down, and to him that was all that mattered.

He was still rock hard when he was done. Those might definitely have a use later if he could convince others to try it out. But for now, he had been gone too long. The Zangoose grabbed the trainer's bag in his teeth again and ran off, heading back to his clan after his successful hunt, his belly still swaying between his legs as he took off like a white rocket towards Meteor Falls. As he continued to run, he passed the spot where he first jumped the trainer. There was another Zangoose with a blue stripe instead of a red one sniffing at the shredded clothes he had left behind.

At least someone had a successful hunt today.

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