The New Warden

Story by SolusLupus on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Stories and Flash Fiction

A VERY fetish story involving forced sex change surgery and very non-consensual elements. If you don't like, don't look! You have been warned!

A new warden is in charge of The Pen, and a ram who thought himself invincible gets taken down several pegs.

This kind of thing isn't my personal fetish, it was a gift for a friend. :)

Though she wore no shoes, there was no mistaking her footsteps down the corridor. She was larger than any prison guard ever seen at the facility. Border collies and other medium-sized dogs were the norm, but now a wolf was warden of the Pen. She was not just any wolf, either, but was unusually large for even her own species; her ears grazed the ceiling, and she had to stoop to get through doorways. Her yellow eyes could silence even the toughest ram with a single glare, suddenly causing them to feel like a little lamb all over again. At least, that's what everyone thought.

In retrospect, it was no surprise that Brand was able to resist her. He got his name from the fact that he was the only ram to have gotten branded, growing no wool where he had the kanji for "Tough Ram" branded into his flesh. Even now, as she stood glaring down at the black ram with her menacing yellow eyes, he met them with a bored expression, the cigarette burning a hole in the dark. "Yeah?"

"Cigarettes are not allowed in here. How'd you get that smuggled in, thickskull?" She glared at him from behind the bars, but he knew that they protected him from her a lot less than they protected her from his horns. They were works of beauty, recently sharpened with a smuggled whetstone for maximum damage. The warden wasn't allowed a gun or even a tazer given the latest sheep laws, and extrajudicial justice wasn't on the menu, so neither was he.

Therefore, his response was to suck the cigarette, blowing a cloud of smoke at the big wolf. Her nose wrinkled, and Brand cracked the smallest of half-smiles. "Beat it, dog breath," he replied, glaring up at her. "I don't gotta be nice here, and I certainly don't gotta listen to a mouthful of yaps. You may look a wolf, but you're still nothin' more than a sheep-bitch. A lap dog." His eyes sparkled as he saw his words starting to affect her. He knew her rage was just masking the hurt. "Now get the fuck out of here, right?"

She said nothing, pulling her night stick out and slamming it against the bars. The ram shot up like a bolt, ruining his care-about-nothing attitude. There were various noises as inmates woke up, some seeing the stand-off between the two. The wolfess otherwise kept her composure, glaring down at the ram. "Now listen up, Brand. I'm going to say this once, and only once, because I believe in being fair. You have one chance. ONE chance, to stop what you've been doing. You keep it up, I AM going to make you regret it."

Brand's eyes narrowed. "You were sent here for me, weren't you? The Collies sent you just for little ol' me. What, I butt too many heads for their liking?"

The wolfess growled. "Maybe. Maybe the collies just prefer their cafeteria nice and orderly, yeah?" Brand's expression grew even more dour. She was telling him she was here because of the riot two months back. Took the wool-heads in charge long enough to find her, she must have been something. Top of her class, extra alpha bitch, or something.

He grinned wide, exposing his lopsided yellow teeth to her, slowly standing, hands coming up to rest on the bars. "Now listen up, sheep-bitch. I'm going to say this once, and only once. You have NO chance. I know the laws, and I know the Collies love their little rules. I know none of the sheep above them would authorize jack shit. So get out of my muzzle, and get bent. Go back to wherever you came from and deal with problems more your level, flea-bite."

Her nightstick struck the bar above his right hand, hard. He could still feel it vibrating strongly even as he stared her in the eyes. Even then, she couldn't hit him, and he knew it. Their eyes locked for a moment longer, before she stomped off.


The office door slammed hard enough behind her to knock the painting hanging on the wall down. She didn't even bother looking at it; it was a holdover from the previous warden, anyways. She pulled out a series of law books, each dealing with procedures and laws regarding internment. Catch 22; brought in to deal with a problem, didn't have the laws to deal with it. That's how it seemed. The wolfess had poured through every law book she could get her paws on. On her first cup of coffee, she had hope. On her second, the hope was diminishing. On the third, she started wondering why she got into this job in the first place. She was halfway through the fourth before the text grew fuzzy, and the pages started to look like they made a very comfortable pillow.

The phone call woke her up with a start, and she let out a higher pitched yelp than one might expect from such a towering creature. She had been drooling in her sleep, which had gotten all over a page on the section "How To Treat Inmates: Herding". She hefted a large sigh, steeling herself with a hand on the receiver. Then she picked it up.

"How's it going?" The female collie voice was hesitant and hopeful, the sound of someone who were pinning their last hopes on her.

"Still settling in," she replied, looking out through a crack in the blinds out at the prison courtyard, watching some of the rams playing basketball on cracked concrete. "Just need some more time."

"That's good," the voice said, sounding far too relieved. Dogs were far too trusting, just assuming the new warden couldn't possibly be lying about her confidence. They were simple, only a step up from the sheep, and if she couldn't manage to crack Brand, it would make her feel bad that they had misplaced their confidence in her. "Keep it up. Give me a report as soon as you make some progress."

"Got it." She hung up, sitting back and heaving a sigh. Her eyes once more went outside the window, her mind now registering someone was staring at her. Her eyes met Bland's, who was looking straight at her. She realized that would be impossible; the sun would be reflected off the window, he would barely be able to see inside. Still, it seemed like he was staring straight at her. Challenging her. She growled, fingers reflexively bunching up, crumpling pages scattered over the desk. She tore her eyes away, settling them on the balls of paper she had crumpled up. Then she noticed a page that was now revealed; one on a sex and gender change done in that facility. She read on, noting where the prisoner was being held. Still in an all male prison, in spite of a gender change? She started to read on, the gears in her head already starting to turn.

Oh yes. That might just work.


It took a lot to bribe the Batter Twins to mess with Brand. Several packs of cigarettes, a few nugs of weed, a bottle of whiskey, and the smallest MP3 player she could fine, and even then they needed to bring in other rams with some extra cartons and a six-pack. Still, smuggling was an open secret and the only real exception to the rules the Collies were willing to overlook, and even then only in moderate amounts -- but the wolfess was very convincing to such domestic types.

They cornered him on the way to the cafeteria, and shoved him into an empty part of the prison complex; one where the Collie guards were conspicuously absent from. The one thing Brand noticed on the way inside was a large surgical bed in the center, complete with state-of-the-art automated equipment poised over the bed. There was rope already there, which two rams used while Brand was being held down by the Batter Twins. With an extra tug, they made sure their knots were strong before leaving the room. The Batter Twins turned to follow, when Brand called out after them, making them pause a moment. "Hey! You idiots know you can't torture me!"

"Hey, it ain't torture. Just a different way of bein'," Jack Batter said with a huge grin. "Good luck on yer new life!" He slapped Jim Batter's arm, the two laughing heartily while walking off.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He shouted at them, but his question was only met with a slam of the door.

It was then he saw the yellow eyes in the dark, and the presence of one other; a rabbit standing in a doctor's outfit. "Yes, I do think we can proceed with this operation," she said with a firm nod. "Medical science has really improved, Miss Brand. What once took a long time and many referrals is now quick and easy."

"Miss Brand?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" The ram struggled roughly against the ropes, and the wolfess leaned in, her yellow eyes feigning gentleness.

"Oh, poor dear. Perhaps you forgot the notarized letter you just turned in to us fully expressing your consent to having your body match your gender..."

"Fuck! No! I'm a guy, fuck off! I signed NO letter like that!"

"But here's a copy of it, right here." The wolfess held up the official document. The signature was fully his own. "Turns out you are *quite* suggestible under a certain drug that, to us wolves, is just a sleep aid. Sold over the counter where I am from. Turns out it's perfectly legal to take without a prescription."

"Fuck! I am NOT-" as he opened his muzzle wide, the rabbit sprayed a can of anesthetic inside, causing him to cough. Before his coughing fit was even finished, he collapsed back and fell asleep in seconds..

"The operation will go better if we do this," the rabbit said, and the wolf nodded with a grin on her face.

As he fell asleep, the doctor looked to the wolfess. "I better be allowed back in..."

"Of course. Don't worry about it. You'll have another chance at medicine." She grunted. "But one more malpractice suit, I'm not helping you at all. Got it? It's only a second chance."

The rabbit sighed and nodded slowly, before turning to the patient. They didn't need a full-fledged hospital with the auto-bed as cleansing microbots made the area sterile, and surgical microbots went to work with precision not achievable with biological limbs. The warden watched with a twinkle in her eyes. "Make sure to get the horns. Careful, they're sharp." The rabbit nodded. The warden grinned.


Brand woke up on his prison bed, barely remembering what happened before he passed out. Something about a hospital bed, that warden bitch staring down at him... he looked down to his body, realizing his black wool was now white.

He stumbled up and over to a mirror, the view shattering his mind for a fraction of a second. His large horns were completely gone, his black wool had been bleached completely white, and a large plastic flower was clipped to the wool on top of his head. The figure staring back wasn't a tough ram, but instead a very attractive ewe.

That's when he realized he wasn't alone in the room. The Batter Twins were staring at him, grinning cruel grins. "Hey there, sexy," said Jack Batter. "We're your bunkmates."

"Yeh!" exclaimed Jim Batter. "Turns out, there was a mix-up, we both got assigned one bed!"

"But we have a solution to the problem," said Jack with a firm nod. "Only two beds, but one of us could share yours..."

"Even both of us!" said Jim with an ever-widening grin.

"Welcome to your new life," said Jack as he stepped forward. Brand screamed for help. The wolfess watched from the comfort of her security room, paws propped up on the desk, making sure everything was recorded for her personal library before being deleted from the records. She was already looking forward to the promotion and pay-raise waiting for her; Brand had been disarmed and made not a threat for the rest of her life. At least until the laws put trans women into a female prison; but then Brand would just end up in a prison for wolves. The warden would then find her new job assignment watching over the little ewe coping with bitches bigger than her.

She chewed popcorn, listening to the ewe's cries. A job well done.

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