Big Fun At Club HighTower

Story by DracosBlackwing on SoFurry

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Big Fun at Club Hightower

by Dracos Blackwing



Species: White Tiger Height: 6'5" Weight: 275lbs. Nickname: None (Ben)


Species: Crocodile Height: 6'3" Weight: 300lbs. Nickname: Johnnie


Species: Grizzly Bear Height: 6'7" Weight: 280lbs. Nickname: Big T


Species: Golden Eagle Height: 5'10" Weight: 200lbs. Nickname: None (Zephyr)


Species: Grey Wolf Height: 6'0" Weight: 190lbs. Nickname: Razor

The day ground to a close throughout the city. Across the town the various clubs and bars opened for business, as afternoon slid into evening. Each one had their own gimmicks and ideas for how to attract new patrons and keep the old coming back for more, from exotic drinks to strippers to floor shows. Recently, fliers and postcards with high quality print and pictures had begun appearing all over the city, telling of a new club... Club Hightower. "Are you attracted to larger people? Have you ever wanted to meet with a live macro, but didn't want to be squished in the process? Do you have exotic or exciting ideas that you would like to explore... or are you just a size queen?" The owners grinning vulpine face appeared in the middle of the text, tilted to one side and ringed with a yellow aura, then it continued. "Then come down to the grand opening of Club Hightower! The only club that caters to both normal sized people and small to mid sized macro patrons! The club is divided into several sections for your entertainment and pleasure, from our main restaurant and bar, to our various mature areas. Unique and amazing sights await the curious or the fun-loving, so come down, visit... and get a taste of the high life!"

In most of the pictures, well-formed females and males posed, holding trays of steaming food or mugs of beer... with the owner, Derrick Malone, standing next to them. In each image, Derrick only reached to the waist of the waiter or waitress, and wore a large grin, winking at the viewer. The servers were dressed in clothes that just barely contained their ample endowments; usually a very short skirt and tight, low neck-lined shirt, or a pair of tight pants and an equally tight t-shirt in the case of the males. A few of the cards showed him with a macro dancer crouching behind him, only the fox's body hiding his or her endowments... and most times just barely even then. The club had been opened in an old abandoned warehouse that had been behind a 50 foot tall wooden construction wall for well over a year now; security had been high all around the site, and the sounds of loud thumps and large voices had been known to come from behind it at late hours of the night.

Ben strolled up to the outside of the club at dusk, the fading light of the setting sun gleaming off the shining metal and spotlessly polished glass of the huge dome of the newly build club. A soft whistle passed his lips as he tilted his head up and back, staring up towards the top of the massive structure, the likes of which he had never seen before. The entire building had been designed to cater to 'mid-sized' macros, which meant each floor was designed to allow someone from 10 to 16 feet tall to walk inside comfortably. It gave the huge edifice a sensation of colossal height, making it seem more a skyscraper than a club, though it was only two stories high by macro measurements. Only the thumping sounds of the dance hall in the basement let on that it was anything other than that... that, and the two doormen watching the place. Each one was 13 feet tall and rippled with muscle under the casual clothes they wore; one a rhino with a well-sharpened and polished horn, the other a dragon with sharp, quick eyes and well groomed claws on hands and feet. There were a pair of smaller guards as well to deal with the 'normals' (people under 8 feet tall), but they were almost lost to sight in front of the macro guards; there'd be little to no gatecrashers in this place.

As he stood there gawking, someone roughly bumped into him, and he turned, teeth bared. "What the hell...? Watch where you're walking...!" In the next second he cut off with an 'I should have known!' expression on his face, seeing the grinning muzzle of his buddy Tony. "Big T! Glad you could make it!" The grizzly grinned, shaking his huge head slowly. "Well, they say this place is made for big people; who's bigger in the clubs around here than us?" Ben grinned, and nudged his friend in the ribs. "Just try not to get into any fights, alright? Those bouncers look like they were trained to bounce people out of town, not just out of the club." Tony looked to the guards, and his expression could only be described as... hungry. He was always working to make himself bigger in the gym, in his work as an executive, everywhere. Ben knew that Tony had a fetish of sorts for big things, and so this had been the perfect place to invite him for the first day of the weekend. "Damn ... I wish I could get that big ..." He shook himself, and grinned. "Anyway...Have you seen any of the others yet?"

The two of them kept their distance, even as they saw some truly beautiful macro males and females walk in through the front door, and even more moving about inside. Finally, Zephyr arrived and Razor with him. The eagle looked mildly annoyed; mostly due to his beak and wide, fierce eyes. He was dressed in simple fashion, with a comfortably loose shirt designed to fit his wings and some slacks. There was a hint of a smile on his face though, as he had been looking forward to coming here since he had heard of its impending opening. The wolf wore a laid back, superior expression on his muzzle, his clothes casually fashionable; a leisure suit and open necked shirt, showing his lean, scruffily furred chest. "Hope we didn't miss anything." The wolf said in a tone that matched his stance and dress... he sounded like it wouldn't have mattered in any case, since nothing ever really happened without him. Zephyr nodded, smiling a bit more. "And would you look at this place! I flew around this place once before landing; there're some amazing things inside!" Ben rolled his eyes at the eagle's enthusiasm; he was a great guy, but he was always slightly out of kilter with the rest of them for some reason. They tried for a cool, in control appearance and mindset, and he always seemed excited and cheerfully ignorant of the others attitudes.

As usual, John was the last to show; Johnnie-boy always had to make the biggest entrance. He rolled up in his tricked out low rider truck, leaning out the window with the four 15 inch speakers in the back bumping out a powerful beat. Big T just laughed at the noise and flash of the strobes and neon lights built into the hot rod; Zephyr chuckled and covered his face with a hand, glancing at the guards at the door. Razor just watched with a faintly amused look in his eyes. They all jumped a bit more to attention when the dragon moved from the door of the club, stepping to the side of John's car. With hardly any effort, he gripped the side of the roof, stopping the car as if it were only rolling in neutral with the engine off. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask that you not blast your music so close to the entrance; though we have a dance club, its downstairs, and through here is the restaurant. People will want a peaceful meal." John blinked at the dragon holding his car, then shut off the radio. "Mind not bending my roof?" He met the macro's eyes, and the dragon's own narrowed slightly, then he let go of the roof. "Do you need a valet for your car... sir?" John nodded then passed the keys to the dragon, the two still meeting each other's eyes in an unblinking stare. It was only when the rhino stopped talking to one of the macro guests and turned his own narrow, slightly bloodshot gaze to John that the croc realized what he was doing and to whom, and dropped his eyes.

"Think I'm a punk or something, huh? Just 'cause you're bigger than me, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, you scaly...!" John muttered to himself, and then turned to the others. He was dressed casually as well, T-shirt and jeans, and seemed more than a little out of sorts for just having arrived. Razor went over and nudged the croc in the ribs. "... You alright? You ain't been drinkin' again before we even get into the place? I kinda want to get a look into this one *before* we get bounced." John laughed, shaking his head and switching to cheerful just like that. He was always kinda bipolar, and he drank a lot, but he was tons of fun to hang with at clubs... even if he did get them thrown out for fighting sometimes. "Nah, I'm cool. Say, are we going in, or standing outside?! Let's show them why we're so well known around this town!" 'Why they were so well known' was a matter of infamy; they didn't really care about anyone else but themselves and were almost legendary troublemakers in the clubs across the city. They had been banned permanently from at least half of them for fighting or wild drunkenness and they were always watched in the others. The police had all of them on file for more than one barfight in which someone other than them had been badly hurt, though none of them had ever been convicted yet.

After walking through the front doors (Johnnie kept his eyes to himself, paying and walking through quietly), they came into a huge main area where macro waiters and waitresses moved smoothly around the large, spacious floors, serving the various visitors. They were all dressed in carefully crafted uniforms to show off their forms to full effect, and it was hard to tell who was staring harder, the macro patrons or the normals. Ben poked Tony and pointed to a normal fox male, trying hard to think of something other than the 2 feet of cleavage his lioness waitress was showing him as she bent over, asking him what he wanted to eat. The eyes of the normals behind her were all so wide it was a wonder they weren't popping out as they stared under her short skirt. From the expression on her face, she was well aware of what she was doing... and was loving every second of it. Looking over at Ben, she grinned a bit then winked, poking the fox in front of her playfully, he seemed to have gone completely stiff. "Sir? Would you like something to drink first?" Razor said in a low tone, "I think he wants a d-cup of milk..." Zephyr chuckled as they were led to their own table.

The five of them waited until their own waitress, a cute panda in the same short skirted, low neck-lined uniform had left then huddled a bit over the table. "As soon as we're all done eating, we fan out and take a look around this place; find out what's the most fun, and maybe stir up some trouble; but not too much, ok? I *really* don't want any of the hired muscle around here hitting me; I doubt any of you want to fight someone who can lift you and throw you out the door without moving closer to it either." They all nodded. Big T spoke up with a chuckle. "So, what kinds of things do they have in this place?" They spread out the map of the various areas in the club on the table and began to read; as they did, they all began to look more and more surprised and intrigued. The club was divided into several areas. There was a dance floor down in the basement, deep enough underground for the ceiling to be high enough for macros to dance and as wide and long as the entire building. It was divided into 'public', 'private', and 'adult' areas... obviously, there was some stripping going on inside as well. Further, there was a section in the 'adult' area designated 'males only', which hinted at a gay dance hall or stripping location. Razor snorted a bit. "Seems they want a bit of every market they can get in here; not a bad idea, considering the number of people this place is going to attract."

The next area, off to the left of the dining area, was a 'science hall', where people who were curious could experiment with all sorts of 'special devices and techniques' for getting themselves larger. Big T's eyes lit up as he saw that. "That's mine. You guys can choose from the rest of the places." Johnnie chuckled, rolling his eyes, but said nothing. To the right of the dining area was the adult area, where people could enjoy some more private time with one of the servers if they wanted to, or could go alone to spend some time with their dates... Apparently, the servers were also escorts, and were paid well for their services by the owner, leaving the choice up to mutual agreement between the server and the patron. Razor let out a low whistle. "Wow... so all you have to do to get laid in this place is get one of these hotties to drag you off and screw you? Not bad." Ben shook his head. "Wait a second; look at this." At the bottom of the page, there was a disclaimer.

"The club willingly invites you to engage in your deepest fantasies here... but with a warning. The employees here are well paid and willing, but they come from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. Some possess special abilities and are more than willing to use them for your (and their) pleasure, but be warned. We will not be held responsible for patrons engaging in any potentially dangerous or fatal activity, nor will we be able to detect easily which employee has performed the act in the case of a missing person. Vore, unbirthing, or insertion of any sort is only *prohibited*, not forbidden. Please use your own discretion when deciding on what you wish to try with an escort."

The five looked at each other with disbelieving expressions. "Vore?! Unbirth!? I thought that was only rumors and... and role-play! People can actually *do* that?!" Zephyr blinked, looking at the others; he was unaware of a few of the servers who had looked up or twitched an ear at the sound of those words. Some of them smiled, and a few marked him with an interested gaze, one a large, well rounded polar bear female, and another a slim, scarred wolf female. "Shhh ...!!" Ben put one of his hands over the avian's beak and only then did Zephyr realize he had been speaking aloud. Razor was hardly paying attention anymore though; as the wolfess was turning back to her table, he had caught her eye, and they were gazing at each other quietly, noses unconsciously twitching for each other's scent. The wolf slowly turned to look at her, chin in paw, and smiled slightly behind his fingers. "I think I might want to explore that area myself..." The others, seeing the direction of his attention, nodded with grins on their muzzles. "We've got two areas covered... So who's going to check out the dance floor?" Zephyr tilted his head a bit to one side, and jumped slightly as Ben tapped the tip of his beak again. "You know you can't dance that well, so the dance halls are for me... which leaves only the male only areas for you to investigate!" Zephyr clacked his beak. "What ...? Why do I have to do it?" He glowered and grumbled, as he looked at all the others grinning at him; all except Razor, who was watching the wolfess sway from table to table.

Johnnie smacked the bird with his tail. "It's only 'cause we like you so much! Besides, you need a boyfriend anyway!" He laughed, and Ben and Tony chuckled along with him; the wolfess was getting closer to the table, and Razor was getting more and more antsy; he glared at the others and shushed them, then turned quickly back to the table. "Ok... Fine. So you all have places to go, right? Where are you going Johnnie?" The croc grinned widely, as it was so easy for them to do. "Me? I have something... interesting planned!" He eased a camera above the table, then back down, slipping it back into a pocket. "I wonder what the backstage areas look like in here... and what I could find to look at there..." Ben rolled his eyes, chuckling and shaking his head, and Tony just grinned. "Don't turn up missin', John. We wouldn't know who to check first!" With that settled, they relaxed a bit, letting Razor speak to the waitress, who seemed more than a little interested in him. After the meal was done, the group split up; Razor remained at the table, watching the wolfess and getting return glances from her; Ben headed down to the dance halls to see what they were like; Zephyr walked dejectedly over to the 'males only' area, and Big T moved to investigate the 'science wing'. Johnnie let the others wander off on their own then strolled off in a random direction, hoping to get a good picture or two for the group to look at later.

* * * * *

Johnnie was soon lost in the crowd, walking around the groups of people talking and eating and staring despite himself at all the amazingly huge servers. They came in all shapes and sizes, and most were in peak physical condition, no matter their shape. After some time on the floor, gazing at the beauties surrounding him, John noticed one of them in particular, and his sense of humor was instantly activated. A slim, sexy gazelle female was in the process of taking an order, and as he watched her, she squirmed just a bit, as if needing some release. "Oh man...! This is too perfect! She's the smallest of the females out here, and more to the point, she looks like she's going to need to use the big girls room soon; a perfect chance to sneak in with her and snap a few pictures!" The fact that she was a gazelle just seemed to make the situation all the more perfect, and he could barely hide his expression when she turned for the back of the room, glancing at him curiously.

He waved to her in a distracted manner, pretending to be sizing up someone else then when she had wandered off, followed her as sneakily as he could. She moved to ask another server to cover her table then headed to a cleverly concealed door in the back wall, slipping behind some indoor trees and into the back area. Following carefully and watching for bouncers, Johnnie crept after her, closing the door soundlessly. In the back, he found himself in a short hallway, with a set of four doors; two bathrooms for each sex and size. The macro female room's door was just closing, and he quickly caught it and slipped inside that as well, only pausing to check that the gazelle was already gone into a stall. Once inside, he looked around the huge accommodations, struggling to contain his amusement; he would wait until she had to be using the bathroom, then yank open the door and take some pictures!

A few moments later, wet sounds were coming from behind the door, along with some soft panting and a few grunts... Johnnie slid slowly over to the door, carefully trying it and finding it open. Shaking with sudden nerves, he yanked open the door, camera raised to press the button... What he saw made him nearly drop his camera, the pictures and everything else forgotten for the moment. The gazelle was sitting on the toilet seat, frantically pumping her sex with a huge-looking dildo and muttering even as she tried to contain her gasps of pleasure. "...Umm... I should have stayed home... uhh... while I was in heat... Oh, gods, it's not enough...! I need...!" She looked up at the gator, still standing with the door loosely gripped in one hand and the camera in the other, and blushed furiously. "Uh... wh-what are you...? You shouldn't be in here...!" Johnnie was speechless. The scent coming from the soaking wet folds of the huge gazelle was mind numbingly intense, and his pants felt as if they were going to burst from the sudden pressure inside. He shook his head, trying to remember why he was there, and barely recalling anything other than the fact that he was standing in front of a huge female with her dripping pussy lips only inches away...

The gazelle looked at John, and a soft smile came to her lips. She drew the dildo out, dropping it to the floor, then spread her lower lips apart with a soft moan... juice flowed down her fingers and John found himself licking his lips hungrily, moving a bit closer and shifting his gaze from her eyes to her cunt, the pink inner folds twitching as he watched them. "I could use a little help here, and there's no one around; do you want a little taste?" she purred at him, lightly flicking his leg with her tail then raising her legs and bracing her hooves on the sides of the stall, exposing herself fully to him. "Come and get it if you want it; I need some attention." She moaned again, and lightly cupped one of her pert breasts in a hand, stroking her already erect nipples. John stood, blinking rapidly, totally overwhelmed by her scent alone; it took a second for what she had said to sink in. when it did, he said, trying to retain some of his swagger, "If you let me get a picture of you first for my buddies, I'll do anything you want." The gazelle grinned at him then took the tiny (to her) camera. Lowering it to her sex, she slowly pressed her sopping folds against it, sliding it up into her tunnel and clicking the shutter. Drawing it out with a soft, needy gasp, she dropped it on the floor next to the dildo. "Show *that* to your buddies... Now come here; you promised."

John rushed forward, but she stopped him, gripping his shirt, and pulling it over his head and off. "You don't want to get your shirt all wet, do you?" He shook his head as she rubbed his chest, kneeling in front of her and quickly sliding his tongue over her mound. She gasped in pleasure, then spread her legs as far as the stall would allow, letting him do as he pleased. John's tongue was only mid length, but he knew how to use it, and she was more than happy to let him stroke her sex inside and out as he pleased, slowly guiding him in closer to the center of her widespread sex and moaning eagerly. Soon he was slowly easing his muzzle in and out of her as he licked, running the rough ridge of his upper muzzle along the underside of her clit. It wasn't long before she was showering his upper body with wave after wave of juice, panting rapidly and stroking his entire body as best she could.

"Uuaahh...! Yes...! Deeper! Come on... let me show you how I need you..." She hooked her hands under his arms then pulled at the gator with surprising strength; before he could do more than try to voice a yell of surprise, his head had slipped up into her tunnel. "Now *this* is what I needed...!" The gazelle thought, pulling Johnnie deeper and sliding his shoulders against, then into her twitching mound, filling her out much better than the dildo could ever have. Greedily, she shoved and pulled at him until he was in up to his waist, his wild squirming setting her off yet again. Still cumming, she yanked his pants loose, stripping him completely of all his clothes. She gripped him just below his thighs, pushing him in deeper and raising her hips to meet her hands as she slid him slowly into the twitching, rippling depths of her tunnel, gasping and cumming so hard she was quickly forming a puddle on the floor underneath the toilet. She dragged him deeper still, until only his feet and the tip of his tail were sticking out, squirming wildly still, the raised nubs along his back and tail only serving to excite the gazelle more.

Johnnie couldn't believe what was happening to him; her tunnel walls gripped him like a fleshy vice, juice flowing past him in enormous amounts as she tugged and stroked him in and out of her shivering sex. She would drag him up and back nearly to his middle then plunge him back in with loud passionate cries; he tried to escape, but he had a feeling that was partly why she drew him so far out. His struggles only seemed to excite her more. He couldn't do much more than flail his arms and struggle to get loose; an act that seemed to be exciting the gazelle into cumming even harder and for longer periods... If it hadn't been for his natural ability to hold his breath for a long time, he would have drowned in her tunnel long ago. His own stiff shaft stroked along the pulsing, heated walls until with a loud grunt he came, his muzzletip pressed firmly to her cervix. Eventually, she seized up around him, clenching in with such force he thought he would be crushed, then he was forcibly ejected from her tunnel as she lost her grip on his slick legs. He slipped out, landing with a wet splat on the soaked floor in front of her. Panting weakly and too amazed at what had just happened to think to do or say much, he stared at the sleek, dripping thighs of the gazelle sitting in front of him, lightly rubbing her clit. "Mmm... I really needed that, sweetie... Thanks!" Getting up, she took down some towels from a set of shelves over the toilets, and cleaned herself up, completely ignoring him; her removing his clothes had proven to be totally pointless, as she had cum so hard and so much that they had been drenched as well.

When she was done, she looked at him and seemed to feel slightly embarrassed, blushing a bit and dropping an oversized towel over him. "Sorry 'bout that, love... but I really did need the relief. I hope you're not too upset... Maybe I'll see you around again." With that, she retrieved her skirt and panties from a hook outside the door (of course they had been missing, but John hadn't even noticed), and dressed quickly, leaving the gator sitting on the floor of the bathroom, a sticky, slimy mess smelling of sex. A few minutes later, there came a knock at the door, and a female bouncer came in, snorted with barely contained laughter, and gathered him up...

* * * * *

Tony walked through the dining room and into the science area; he was immediately enveloped in a silence that was broken only by the faint humming of machinery and the sounds of pleasant music playing at a low, easily ignored level. He assumed that it was low so that people could concentrate on getting big, and could barely contain his urge to grin; this was something he had wanted for so long; and now his chance was finally here! He walked through the hall, which had taken on a distinctly laboratory-like appearance, with clean, sterile looking sliding doors on each room to either side of the lengthy hallway. He peeked at the titles labeling each door one by one, and growled to find the doors locked or 'in use' signs lit on the outside. 'Muscle Expansion', one read, and 'Hydraulic Macro Expansion' was written on another. All the doors were closed, and he quickly felt himself getting upset that he might be missing out on something... especially when from behind one door that read, 'Hyperpedal Enhancement', he heard a voice say, "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Make 'em bigger!" Muttering to himself, he was just about to leave when he saw a door was still open.

The sign on the door read, 'Hyperphallic Inducer', and there was an "Out of Order" sign on the outside; a small added note mentioned something about it being used too much and needing to have something reattached or adjusted or something... Tony barely bothered to look at it. "Humph! It just needs a part reattached or something; I can use it! I'm getting *something* out of this place!" He tore the sign down and went inside, closing and locking the door. Looking around, he saw there was a large T shaped couch mounted on a slant, and a set of signs hanging from the ceiling, depicting how to use the machinery. As he entered the room, a pleasant voice sounded. "Welcome! This device is presently ready to accept your biological data; please stand still." Before he could do anything else, a series of lights scanned over his body; red, then green, then a piercing white one. "Thank you!" the voice chimed. "Please proceed to the couch; for the protection of your personal effects, you will need to remove your clothing and objects... Don't worry, they'll be safe until you return, and no one is watching, so enjoy!" Tony carefully looked around, wondering if the voice was serious, then carefully stripped out of everything, revealing his hugely muscled form. He left on his tight black underwear, not comfortable even in this plainly empty room with complete nudity.

Pausing for a moment, Tony thought of perhaps not going through with this; after all, the machine might hurt him or something... A second later, he dismissed the thought, and walked over to the couch; he had waited his entire life to get the chance at this, and some sign wasn't going to stop him. Walking to the couch, he stood on the small footrest near the bottom then lay back nervously, raising his arms to the crosspieces. The couch hummed, adjusting to his size and girth. Before he could react, a set of ankle and wrist restraints snapped into place, and a thick band of metal ringed his waist, pulling comfortably tight. "Did we scare you? Well, not to worry! The reason for the restraints will become obvious in a moment. Trust me... you'll enjoy this a lot!" Tony was just beginning to have some serious doubts about that, when a large device with a diamond-like attachment at the end lowered from the ceiling through the roof, and the sounds of something charging up filled the room. The bear thrashed against the restraints, and was about to open his mouth to yell for help, when the gem discharged.

There was a blinding flash of light then Tony slowly regained his sight just in time to see the gem retract into the ceiling. "Sorry about the flash, but now the fun can begin! We've infused you in a certain 'special' place with optically transmitted nanites that will enhance you there to ten times your present size! The changes should begin once they're all in place." "TEN TIMES!?" Tony shivered with anticipation, and for the first time began to wonder what 'hyperphallic In... whateveritwas' meant... Just then, there was a stirring in his crotch. He squirmed a bit, trying to look around for some kind of picture to give him an idea of his soon to be hugeness, when he felt his underwear draw tight. He looked down to see a massive anaconda squirming in his crotch! He jerked at the bonds until he realized that the thing in his tightening black underwear was *his* thing, and it was swelling rapidly to unheard of sizes! He panted as he quickly grew erect at the thought of his cock being ten times its normal 10" long, 2" wide size, and grunted as with a soft pop, his waistband snapped. His length was already twice the size it had been before, and was growing steadily.

"Mmmnnhh... yeah... Bigger... Bigger!" He squirmed in pleasure, watching the thing grow to the length of his own body in almost no time, and continue to swell, widening to well past the width of his hips and swelling out even more. Large mechanical hands, covered in padding and lubricated for the purpose, slid from the wall, slowly stroking the monstrous phallus, working it stiffer and longer as it swelled even bigger. Tony grunted and shuddered as his cock began to slowly pin him to the couch, pulsing rapidly, and pouring pre down in a torrential shower over his body; he could feel his balls sagging steadily over his thighs, then spread out, drooping to either side. Soon he could feel them resting firmly on the floor, and STILL swelling... the tip of his cock was pressing to the wall above and behind him, expanding still and making odd creaking noises as the couch was shifted on its base. The bear grunted and panted as his gigantic length was stroked and massaged; more hands extended from hidden panels and joined in on the caressing, working over his balls and making them tighten.

"Ahhh...! M... more... more...!" He shuddered, then suddenly roared out as he came, drenching the wall and the banks of machinery behind him. The flood was enormous, and he guessed the increase had included the parts that produced cum in his body so he could enjoy it more. Just then the voice sounded. Unlike the last time, it sounded slightly unbalanced, the tone slurring up and down in pitch and speed. "Not bad huh? And we've only just gotten started! You'll be amazed when you reach your final size of 100 yards long by 15 feet wide!" Tony shook, his eyes perfectly round under the erupting length atop him, already much longer than he was tall and wider than his shoulders... and still growing. "For a guy as big as you, that's almost as big as you are!" "I'm not that big! What the... Uughh...!" A spray of sparks showered from behind him, and he twisted as best he could to get a look at what was wrong... As he did his eyes went wider still as he saw what was happening. There was what looked like protective panels down on the floor next to a tool kit. His cockhead was pressing against the hole the missing panel created, and his cum had spurted into the opening, drenching the machinery behind it. "Oh, shit..." he whispered, grunting even as he did as another orgasm began to build. Just then the voice, which he would come to be *very* afraid of, came on again. "Don't worry..." it said in a suddenly sinister seeming tone, "I'll be sure you grow every single inch, and make sure you enjoy every second of it!"

* * * * *

Razor was sitting with the wolfess and looking into her eyes; she looked back at him with a frank, interested stare. The two of them had spent more than a little time talking and getting to know one another, Razor trying to be smooth and direct at once, and the female responding with chuckles and just as direct responses, making no attempt to be smooth or coy. "So... you think I should take you to a back room for what reason?" she looked at him with a slightly suspicious expression, her eyes reflecting something hard and untamed in their depths. She was a lean, rangy sort, with many scars showing through her scruffy looking fur; it gave her a rough and ready look, as if she were just as likely to attack you as to do anything else for you. Her eyes were painfully direct and hard to look away from, being a light gray with amber flecks. "Well, you seemed to be interested in me; I would think you would want to get to know all of me, not just what you see here. Besides... don't you get paid for this sort of thing?" Razor had lost some of his interest in the female since she had come over; rather than take him and show him a good time as he had hoped, she had been asking an almost steady stream of questions that seemed pointless. "What's the name of your pack?" and "Who was your mother and father? Where did they grow up? Do you know what packs *they* were from?" She had seemed more and more disappointed in him with each evasion and attempt to draw her away from the subject, and he had begun to feel the same, thinking she was only playing with him now.

The wolfess snorted at him, then finished her drink, getting to her feet and turning to look at him over her shoulder; in spite of himself, he couldn't help by admire the sleek curves of her wiry body, or the amazingly deep eyes she showed him. The hard, almost feral light in them made him swallow slightly, just thinking what a ride a female like her would be. "Well... come on then. I guess I *should* try to get to know the rest of you, hmm?" He blinked at that, watching as she walked to the far side of the room, headed for the private areas. Carefully, trying to hide his eagerness, he finished his drink then walked after her, smiling to himself. They threaded through an area of closed off, frosted glass rooms; the sounds of soft moans blending with the silhouettes of the people inside cast on the glass. The entire atmosphere was charged with the smell and near feel of sex, and Razor found himself walking a bit stiffly, hurrying as best he could after her while trying to appear not to be in a hurry. She led him to a room in the back, and opened it, letting him enter first, then closing the door behind him, grinning to herself.

Razor looked around the room, which was basically round, with an open area in the center; a small bar sat in the very middle of the room. The rest of the room was a series of thick, soft beds with pillows tossed on them. He suddenly grunted in surprise as he was tackled to the beds, getting pressed face first to the pillows. "If you're not a strong male, then all you're going to get from me is a beatin'!" She grinned nastily at him, then pinned him down, climbing up behind him and thrusting *her* hips to *his* acting as if she were fucking him! "Is this what you want, tough guy? Huh?" Razor growled in disbelief and anger, straining to get free, and finally wrenching his arms loose, only to be pinned once again with her sitting on his chest. She smacked his face, making him bare his teeth, then again. "Ha! And you think you have what it takes to lay with me?! Don't make me laugh, mutt!" Razor was more than against hitting females, but this was going too far... He kicked up at her head from behind, knocking her off balance, then rolled her under him, pinning her. He thrust his own hips up against hers, and she wrestled powerfully with him, growling and struggling to slip his grip long enough to fight him some more.

Oddly enough, the wolf found himself enjoying this odd sort of tussling, and the two of them were soon grinning with equally game expressions on their faces as they moved around the room, jockeying for the best position to try a hold or a pin. When she ripped his jackets arm off, he just yanked the rest of it off, then tackled her, using it to pin her underneath him by tangling her legs and returning the favor by ripping her top off. Piece by piece, they stripped each other down to fur and skin, then continued to fight, their fur getting matted with sweat and in a few places with blood, as claws scraped over sensitive skin. Soon, Razor was surprised to see himself sporting a considerable erection, and to smell the wolfess' own arousal growing. He supposed he had impressed her enough to rekindle her interest. Moving in quickly, he decided to test just how well he had her attention. Purposely letting her grapple with him, he dipped his head in to lick her nose and lips.

She looked at him for a while with an amazed expression on her muzzle then chuckled. He did it again, getting a lick in return and was surprised when she suddenly gave up, letting him pin her on her back underneath him. They stared into each other's eyes, then as if on a mutual signal, gave up their efforts and pressed into each other greedily, kissing deeply and struggling with each other to get into position. Razor had barely gotten his shaft in place between her thighs, sliding it through the thick, shaggy bush of fragrant fur between her legs when she thrust herself down on him, swallowing his shaft into her hot tunnel. She was tight as a vice, and he winced, but he knew what it took now to satisfy this bitch; getting his knees under him, he began to pound himself into her as hard and fast as he could, holding nothing back. He knew if she wasn't impressed with him, she would just end up leaving him to deal with all his horniness alone. Thrusting with all his might and bouncing the wolfess' hips on the mattresses, he leaned over her, sweat dripping from his fur, to force his muzzle to hers... only to find her own lips pushing back almost gently in return, her long, soft tongue lavishing his muzzle and face with sweet licks.

He leaned into both his efforts below and above, hooking one of her thighs and thrusting hard against her, while pressing his own tongue to hers, licking along her muzzle and the inside of her gaping jaws, stroking his nose lightly to hers and nuzzling into her lips with his own. She whimpered and panted, thrusting back to him and going completely passive, letting him have his way with her. "THIS is what I was hoping for...! I knew she couldn't resist me once I got a chance to get her down like this!" The wolf pulled her over onto her belly and began humping at her in earnest, growlingly gripping her scruff in his teeth and driving powerfully into her tunnel. She cried out in pleasure, arching her hips to every thrust, and raising her tail high, panting loudly and rolling her hips to his. The two of them climbed closer and closer to the impending orgasm building between them, growling and panting furiously as Razor let the female pin him to the bed, riding on his fully swollen knot and shaft, plunging herself around both easily due to her size. She gasped and yelped, until with a loud howl, she came, drenching his hips and upper thighs in her sweet nectar.

That was all he could take, and with an answering howl, he came hard into her, what seemed like days of spunk spraying up into her tunnel and coating them thickly. Minutes seemed to pass before they came down off their high, and finally the two of them lay against each other, the wolfess curled down over Razor and looking at him quietly, panting. "Not bad for a squirt... not good enough yet, but not bad." He grinned at her, and she grinned back. "There's just one problem..." Razor sat up on his elbows, and she leaned in over him, lightly gripping his forearms. "What's that, hmm?" The female grinned, showing large, sharp teeth, then gaped her jaws wide, thrusting them down over his head and neck. A muffled cry came from with her throat as she paused a moment, breathing heavily through her nose, then shoved forward again, her cheeks sliding down over his arms, pinning them to his sides. His cries were barely audible as she pulled his shaft from her, wrestling him up in front of her then used the bed for leverage, forcing him even deeper into her throat and now swelling belly. Her chest, throat and belly rippled as the squirming wolf struggled to get free; he was still seeing the glint in her eye as she looked at him just before she had taken him in... a gleam of raw hunger.

The female pulled him to his knees, using her weight to keep him pinned and holding his thighs, slowly swallowing around him and slurping his hips into her throat, pressing his thighs into her mouth. Another forceful push and he was in up to his shins, still kicking feebly and being forced to curl up inside her well-rounded belly. She sat up and tilted her head back, gripping his feet and slowly forcing them down into her mouth, closing it around the twitching toes, and swallowing several times until she felt those same toes touching the inside of her stomach. Dropping down with a deep intake of breath, she lay on her back, propping some pillows up under her head and belching softly, rubbing her still squirming belly. "Oh... that problem I had? It was that I don't really like gettin' drawn into sex with squirts; I just like eatin' 'em!"

* * * * *

Zephyr made sure that his friends had all wandered off then stopped acting as if he were upset. He really didn't mind checking out the male area; he had seen more than enough in that place to attract his attention, and was only trying to save himself from the inevitable jeers and annoying behavior his friends would treat him to if he let his interest in males show too much. For the most part they were completely cool with the idea of his being bisexual, but when the five of them were out on the town they would worry at it until the eagle was ready to claw one of them in the throat just to get them to lay off. Now, though, he was alone and able to just enjoy looking at all the amazingly attractive males strolling around the area. He hadn't expected such a large number of male macros to be interested in other males as he was nor did he expect to see so many other people from the town wandering around and sneakily checking each other out. He even recognized a few, though they didn't exactly stop to speak. These kinds of places were fairly rare in town before now, and usually kept to couples who knew each other meeting someplace people would be civil seeing them together. To see so much out in the open and being encouraged was heartening to the eagle, who walked to a table and sat down.

His eyes roamed from this muscled rump to that powerful thigh with obvious pleasure, and in each case, the bulging crotches of the various males made him click his beak, nervously trying not to stare too hard. It was soon quite obvious that it didn't matter though. Most of the males seemed to encourage it, and more... at one nearby table, a sleekly muscled wolf with a bulge like he had hidden his entire sock drawer in his pants was leaning over a table and it's lone occupant, letting him rub at the swelling rise with his tongue lolling out in combined amusement and arousal. At another, A server was sitting in one of the normals laps, gently of course, and was making playful comments about how rich the guy must be, 'cause his wallet was lifting him up about 7 or 8 inches. The atmosphere was playful combined with a kind of cautious happiness, as if the people who had come there were just starting to realize that their preferences meant nothing here. They would be both respected and treated well, and if they were lucky, given a chance with one of the sexy males walking all around.

Zephyr was so caught up in the sight of the macro sitting in the smaller males lap, grinning and shaking his head, than when he heard, "Can I help you, sir?" he didn't look around right away. When he did, he found his beak resting rather firmly to a massive bulge, which itself was resting along the inner thigh of the most attractive palomino stallion he had ever seen. The tall, well-muscled male was a warm blond color, with thick flows of cream-colored mane and tail hanging down over his trim rump and graceful neck. His eyes were an arresting shade of green, deep and verdant, and his hooves were a deep mahogany brown, well polished and shining in the lights of the room. The server had snuck up close to him, so that the moment the avian responded, he would find himself a bit deeper into things than he had expected. Zephyr felt the blood rush to his face, the edges of his beak turning deeply red, and at the same time, inhaled the rich male scent that reached his nostrils even through the cloth of the stallion's pants... His head swam a bit in sudden, furious arousal, and he nuzzled the thick curve before he caught control of himself enough to ease back. "Well... I could use some help with my pants now, but other than that... what say you bring me something to eat that won't require you getting naked? ...Not that I would mind..."

The stallion's eyebrows rose into his blond mane, then he laughed, drawing back and grinning at the eagle. His eyes slid over Zephyr in a considering way, and he decided to test the avian a bit more. "Oh? So you want something to chew on, hmm? Well, there's quite a bit here to choose from; most of your choices are thick and meaty, and all of them come with a free beverage... but you have to work for it." Zephyr was pretty quick though. "Well, suppose I just want something sweet to nibble on for a few hours? I love desserts. Maybe a little beefcake with a thick coating of something hot and creamy?" The stallion held up his hands on that one, laughing still as he settled partially into one of the chairs there at the eagle's table. "Alright, alright... you win this one! But seriously; do you want something to eat?" Zephyr chuckled. "Who was jokin'? I was completely serious!" He laughed then added, "But I could do with some food; I ate before I came here, but I'm still hungry." The stallion rose, then winked at Zephyr. "Well, let me pick something out for you then; I'm a bit hungry as well, so we can talk and such while we eat. Besides... you don't want to get *too* full before strenuous exercise..." Smiling widely, the stallion walked off, and Zephyr noticed that the palomino was one of the few who were wearing serving towels tucked in his waistband, hanging down to his knees in front... which did little to hide the thick length running down one of his legs nearly to that knee when viewed from behind.

A little while later, the server returned with a tray of various samples; "On the house; I have a little pull with the cooks here." He grinned at Zephyr, and the two then settled into quite a pleasant meal, eating and learning about each other in more depth. They each tested the other on various beliefs and ideas, thoughts and concepts, and both found the challenge an enjoyable one. As the night progressed, they began to feel an odd kinship to each other, easing their seats together and leaning into each other, enjoying the closeness. Zephyr found himself drawn to touch the stallion, who encouraged it by doing the same in return, stroking his fingers through the eagle's chest feathers. They moved closer together, and though he tried to pretend it wasn't the main thing on his mind, Zephyr's claw returned again and again to stroke the long, firm bulge in the stallion's pant leg; he kissed the palomino at one point, and as they pressed into each other a sensation unlike any he had ever felt poured through him. They both shuddered, and only the faint sound of ripping cloth yanked them back to reality. It took them a second to realize the source of the sound; the stallion's pant leg had ripped and his thick, surprisingly dark brown shaft was straining the remaining stitches, threatening to leave him nude from the waist down.

"Why don't you show me the rest of this thing? I... I don't think I can just..." The palomino lightly touched his fingers to Zephyr's beak. "It's not like you need to explain... I can feel it too. Come with me." Getting to his hooves rather stiffly, the server walked to door, behind which could be seen a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. Zephyr blinked a bit at that, having expected to head to a lower level or a room on the same floor, but followed. As soon as they were on the staircase, the stallion said, "Some of us who work here live here as well... it's just easier that traveling from all over. Macros don't exactly fit into the apartments for rent in town either!" He grinned, then his expression turned more serious and he leaned over, pressing Zephyr to the wall of the stairwell and kissing him deeply. The eagle gave back as best he could, trying in vain to compete with the palomino's huge tongue, then just holding his beak open to let the huge male explore. The kiss seemed to last forever, and when it was over, Zephyr felt weird, like his clothes were too tight; he needed to get out of them as soon as he could. "Come on... show me where you live, ok? Otherwise, we're going to get into things right here on the stairs!"

The two rushed up the stairs, and Zephyr felt as if he couldn't keep his claws off of the stallion; he pawed over his well muscled form, stroked his body to the palomino's and stroked the stallion's shaft through his pants until the horse was walking funny, trying to deal with it. For his part the stallion was just as bad, licking and nuzzling Zephyr so closely the eagle nearly stumbled down the stairs. He cupped the eagle's feathered rump and tugged up on his tail feathers until Zephyr would pause just to let him knead and stroke the feathered curves, rubbing eagerly back to the thick cock that was taking up more and more of his attention. By the time the two of them had made it to the top of the stairs, their clothes were mostly undone, and the stallion's pants were through, ripped from crotch to ankle down the left side, his thick chocolate shaft hanging free.

The two peeked from the staircase door, giggling and laughing, shushing each other as they considered the hallway, then streaked across. Clothes shed in the stairwell, they stood naked in the hall as the stallion tried to open the door before someone caught them, and darted inside just before they were seen, as one of the janitors walked past, whistling to himself. In the room, they moved directly to the bedroom, both their minds on the same thing. Zephyr stumbled along as the palomino worked a thick finger under his tail, sinking it in slowly and stroking him in the way he had been hoping for since he had seen this awesome male. He climbed into the bed, the stallion half lifting him up into it, then leaned forward, groaning eagerly as his hole was worked carefully, another large hand wandering along his feathered belly and crotch. His achingly stiff shaft throbbed furiously in time with the stallion's; even though the palomino's hips were well back from Zephyr's, the tip of his cock still rubbed along the eagle's inner thigh, hot and pulsing. When the stallion bent and gave Zephyr a long slow lick, his huge tongue covering the eagle's shaft, downy balls and sliding up over his rump and tailhole, he nearly lost it right there. "Oh gods, please... Come on... I need it..."

The stallion moved in front of Zephyr, letting the eagle see the full length of what he was asking for; even as horny as he was, Zephyr had to swallow once, not sure he wasn't about to ask for *way* more than he could handle. Oddly enough, as he watched the 3 ½ foot length getting lubed up slowly for his entertainment, he found he didn't care... he wanted to join with this sexy stallion, and if that meant walking funny for a month, then he would do it. ...and maybe do it again once he had recovered... Finally, the palomino had finished, and the thick, veiny length gleamed in the low light of the room. Fingers teased under Zephyr's raised tail, slicking up his own rump and tight hole, probing deeply and drawing a low moan from the panting eagle. "Are you sure you want this? You and I... we might end up getting entangled far more than just for the night with this..." Zephyr nodded, lifting his head to kiss the stallion deeply. "I wouldn't mind having someone like you as a part of my life... we... we seem to fit pretty well. I hope." The eagle smiled, then jumped a bit as he felt the huge head of the stallion's shaft pressing to his rump.

He stumbled forward on his knees, suddenly not sure if he could do this; the stallion followed him, until the eagle was pressed against the headboard, basically pinned there by the huge length pushing in tighter from behind. The palomino paused, and after a moment, Zephyr glanced back at him then raised his tail feathers, angling his hips up and back. Giving a soft grunt, the stallion leaned into Zephyr's rear, the thick mushroom head of his shaft sliding thickly down to press up under the avian's tail and tightly to his hole. The eagle let out a soft cry of pleasure, and felt a wide, guiding hand draw him back, holding him just so. His hole spread more and more and he squirmed a bit, waiting for the immense pain of having a leg thick shaft thrust into his ass... but none came. What did come was a warm, wet sensation all through his hips and body, shivering through him all over; he gasped at it, pre spurting from his own cock as the massive crown of the stallion's length slid into him with nothing but pleasure. A second later there was a moment of intense pain, followed by a slow lessening as he adapted to the feel of that huge girth in his hole.

The stallion had winced as well, and then moaned, pushing deeper still. The thrust came too fast for Zephyr to do much more than take it, as a foot of the huge length squished wetly into his twitching tailhole, his inner passages suddenly full beyond anything he had ever felt. The stallion gripped the eagle's shoulders, and pulled him back, forcing another foot into him and dragging another gasping cry from both. Zephyr reached up, wrapping his arms around the much larger male's neck and almost whimpering as with a final thrust, the palomino sunk the last of his shaft in to the hilt, grinding his hips to Zephyr's feathered ass and thrusting the eagle's own hips forward a bit. "Uuugghh...!! Yes... !" Zephyr tried to squirm against the stallion, but the two of them were entangled somehow, and he could only hold still as with long, powerful thrusts, the stallion began to pump in and out.

In less than three long thrusts, Zephyr had come, spurting his seed all over the headboard and crouching as best he could to take the most direct thrusts he could. It felt so good to him, having what must have been 20 pounds of cock pistoning in and out of him, stroking along parts of his insides that had never been touched, and even deeper still. The stallion had fallen silent for the most part, other than a steady panting and snorting as he thrust particularly hard. The fist sized balls that served the column-like cock smacked steadily against Zephyr's asscheeks heavily, and both males shuddered with each impact. Zephyr's beak was gaping wide, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to focus on the immense length reaming in and out. The palomino had picked up in speed and strength now, and the sound of the mattress protesting and the headboard beginning to thump to the wall joined with the other sounds of pleasure in the room. Short whinnies of pleasure and chirps and screeches sounded from both males, along with the long, wet slurping sounds of the yard long cock driving in and out, and the slightly muffled smack of muscled thighs and hips to feathered rear. People in other rooms next door rolled their eyes and tried to ignore the rising volume, most with little success.

Zephyr screeched loudly as he came again, and a few minutes later as he came once more, marveling and reveling in his partner's stamina. He wondered that his hole wasn't burning painfully, and gasped as he was pulled to lay on the mattress, the stallion laying atop him and grinding deeply, then returning to a powerful, hip bouncing rhythm. Strong hands spread his legs out to either side, making exposing him fully to each hip-rolling thrust, and he pushed up and back into each one. The loud snorting and rising pitch of the stallion's whinnies let the eagle know he was about to feel what it was like for a macro to cum... A moment later, the palomino neighed loudly, cumming furiously into Zephyr and holding him tightly. The eagle's eyes squeezed shut at the feel of what had to be gallons of hot stallion seed hosing his insides; he clenched down as best he could and couldn't hold back another orgasm of his own, shuddering and grasping at the stallion behind him. Oddly enough, he couldn't seem to keep his grip...

That made the eagle's eyes pop open, and he twisted as best he could to see the stallion... draining into him! The huge male had somehow turned into a liquid of some sort, and was now pouring himself into the eagle's ass, pumping himself inside the wide-stretched hole he had been so eagerly given. Zephyr reached back desperately grasping, but the fluid just slipped through his claws... he pawed and gripped at his ass and the stallion... or whatever he was... pouring himself into his body with a panicked expression, but it was no good. Zephyr could feel his belly swell out with the influx of the liquid stallion, and soon he was gripping his asscheeks, lightly probing his hole as if hoping to pry him out somehow. Jumping to his feet, Zephyr called out, "Help...! Help...! Someone get this... what... HELP!" Just then, a voice sounded in his mind. "I told you I liked you, and that we might get to be much closer than you thought... Don't worry; we fit together well. You said so yourself. Now just relax..."

Zephyr was about to run to the door when he saw to his horror than his footclaws and wings were dissolving! He tried to voice his loudest shriek, but only a wet gurgling came from his melting beak. He staggered a half step, then his entire body began to run like overly heated wax... in only a few moments, there was nothing left but a brown and blond colored mass of liquid on the floor, swirling slowly and blending to a single color...

* * * * *

Ben looked around the room in curiosity, still somewhat winded from the dance floor. If there was nothing else to be said for this place, the people who came to dance could *dance*! He hadn't had such fun in a club setting in ages, and the fact that there were so many scantily clad macros on the floor, shaking their tails and letting the normals cop free feels didn't hurt things at all. He had gotten under this one giraffe macro and tilted his head up, nuzzling her silk clad mound, and all she had done was pause and press against him until he had retreated, embarrassed. She had grinned at him, flicking his ears with long, delicate fingers, then returned to dancing. When he reached up, he had found a card stuck in one ear, with a savannah image and a pair of giraffe horns in profile against it. He had learned that this was how people showed their interest in you; if you took the card to a guard, you got directed to a private room then the person who had given it would contact you. What happened from there was up to you and that person.

Ben grinned, looking at the three other cards he had gotten; one had a mink on it, a city skyline in the background, her eyes sparkling playfully. Another had a polar bear female laying on a tundra scene, her soft, full figured form displayed in tantalizing detail, with just enough hidden to make you want to get closer. The last was a prehistoric jungle scene, and depicted a huge brontosaurus female, with a body that *had* to be fiction, crouching and looking at the viewer, her expression one of seductive interest. That last had been given to him by a normal mouse, of all people, who had said, "I likes 'em big... But that's too much for even *me*!" He had chuckled and handed the card over, but his expression had been thoughtful and reluctant. The tiger had chuckled, thinking the mouse might end up going back for another card if he remained for much longer.

Ben moved from the active club area to the adult section, more than ready to relax to the sight of some sexy, attractive females. He settled into a seat near one of the long stages, and bought a drink from the waiter walking through the crowd; down here, there were less macro waiters and fewer females, so as to not distract from the floor shows. Ben figured on the male side of the club, it was normal females who served the guests. As he settled into his seat, one of the other stages lit up, and a huge egg was shown to be lying in the center of it. As he blinked wondering what kind of show it was, the egg cracked, and a slickly oiled macro snake fem slide out of the casing, licking her lips and moving with a boneless grace that made his mouth go dry. "Wow..." was all he could say to the guy next to him, who simply nodded. "Exactly." the male replied, then got up and moved to that stage. Ben figured he was hoping for a card from the snaky female, and saw that he had a good chance, as the ophidian had already slid wetly across the stage towards him, seeing him coming.

Ben turned back to the stage in front of him to find it already lit... and the most hypnotizing, alluring, sexually exciting face he had ever seen looking at him from less than three inches away. The macro's soft feline muzzle was a soft jet black; every curve and line of it was perfection... no other word came to mind. Eyes of the deepest violet gazed into his, seeming deeper than infinity itself, and soft, sensual lips curved in a gentle, teasing smile. Her small triangular nose twitched once, and her long lashes batted once as she blinked in deliberate fashion; their touch sent shivers through his body from his head to his toes. "So tell me..." Her voice was honeyed silk, brushing his ears and making him turn them as fully as he could to the sound of it. It was a tender, sultry, rhythmic pulse in his mind, and he found himself wishing she would use it again as she paused, looking at him unblinkingly, drawing the moment out. "...What, exactly, does she have that makes her so much more interesting than me?"

She paused, waiting for him to answer, but she might as well have been talking to his chair; he could no more speak than breath water at that moment. He swallowed slowly, and trembled as she drew an inch closer; he didn't know if he should touch her, kiss her, bow and worship her... His mind was in shock, and her closeness only increased his lack of control. The addition of her scent to the mix didn't help, nor the touch of her tailtip to the ends of his ears. Lightly, he heard chimes, and he supposed there mush be some tied to the tip of that tail, with its fur like the finest of silk, matching that of her face. Slowly she drew back, and he literally let out a soft squeak of disbelief. If her face had been awesome to gaze upon, her body was even more so, perfect in every detail. Each curve, each inch of flawless fur and skin, each contrasting color of her costume to the midnight black of her luxurious fur... Everything seemed beyond the range of what was possible.

She wore a belly dancer's outfit, but one that had been made for stages such as these; as such, it was composed of thin sheets of transparent cloth of gold, sparkling with small gems. Finely woven patterns of felines had been stitched into the cloth to accentuate each curve of breast and hip and thigh, making it seem as it they wandered about her cleavage, or lay curled around her deep maroon nipples, or framed the sweet curve of her mound, leaning to the glistening pink lips peeking from the midnight fur. The thin cloth hid nothing from the eyes, only enhanced its appearance, making looking at her a fight with oneself to decide *where* to look. Everywhere was enticing and maddening at once, since you knew that for each second you looked in one spot, another was being neglected. Ben stared at her with eyes wide, panting weakly. She pouted at him. "Aww... not going to talk to me? Well, I guess you'll just have to watch me dance then, hmm?" She lifted her arms, slowly rolling her hands in graceful gestures, and he saw that from each wrist hung a streamer of the same golden cloth. Felines embroidered into the cloth there appeared to be leaping and dancing at play; the sense of joy coming from the images was uncanny.

Ben shook himself, then again, draining his glass in a single long gulp then blinking rapidly. When he looked up, she was standing as if frozen in time, watching him with her deep, lovely eyes, and smiling very slightly. She was waiting for him! He nearly spazzed out right there, unable to believe she had chosen him to direct her performance... He could see the furiously jealous expressions of the other patrons around the table, but he was purely focused on her now. "Yes... Er, continue." He regained a touch of his control, and added, "Trust me; you have my *full* attention now." She smiled a bit deeper, bowing to him and somehow while nearly naked exposing her cleavage to him while doing so, then began to move.

There were no true words for it; everyone who looked at her had fallen silent, and were watching spellbound. She moved with impossible grace; with flawless form and motion. Emotions poured from her like water from a fountain, with only the gestures of her hands and feet. As she began to dance in earnest, Ben noted that more ribbons on the gold cloth had been lightly bound around her ankles, dancing along with her motions... She sent them fluttering through the air as easily as the ones around her wrists, displaying a level of flexibility that had more than one male imagining her using it for other things. Ben was beyond thinking of her in those terms though; anyone who looked into his eyes would see that he was totally worshipping her within, completely taken with her in every way possible. When she stepped down from the stage, people half rose from their seats, moving towards her; they wanted to touch her, to be closer to her flawless beauty.

Ben was instantly furious, though he didn't know why, and before he had thought, he was standing there, moving with her, and guarding her from the hands of the other patrons. They voiced their complaints, but he showed them the heated fury in his eyes and they backed down, until she was able to move unhindered. Shaking his head a bit, the tiger was about to sit down again when she brushed his chest with her fingers, her finely manicured claws sliding through his chest fur. His eyes went blank and he turned to her, gently supporting her as she began to dance with him, moving without thought in the same graceful, flawless way that she did. They spun and twirled, moving in perfect harmony for a time... finally settling into his seat, with her sitting like a dream given flesh in his lap.

The two of them looked at each other without saying a word; then she cupped his cheek, and drew him in for a kiss. "I choose you as my own... do you accept?" Ben nodded dumbly, and she gently stroked his jaw. "You must speak the words; only then can you come with me." The tiger shuddered; he had never felt such intense emotions, such powerful need for anyone in his life. "I accept. Take me as yours and do whatever you wish with me. I give myself to you." She nodded, smiling, then rose, drawing him to his feet. Almost as an afterthought, she flicked his hand with her tail; there came that soft chime again, then he was holding a card with an Egyptian pyramid in the background, and a large violet eye framed by graceful black cats on it.

Taking his hand, she led him through the room, drawing stares of wistfulness and jealousy, then through a narrow hallway and into a room made up to look like an Egyptian harem room. A fountain played softly in the background, the soft sound of the water offsetting the hot wind off the desert sand. Large plush pillows covered the floor, and colorful tapestries hung along the walls and over the windows, holding back the slightly past midday sunlight. She guided him to stand before her, settling to a comfortable lounge, then smiled. "Perhaps you would be more comfortable in some more fitting clothing?" she gestured to the pile of clothes on one of the other lounges. He nodded, then carefully began to strip; for some reason, he felt he should be trying to please her, and so he moved carefully, letting her see each angle and curve of his own body now as he slid out of his pants and shirt, then tossed his underwear to one side. He considered hiding his raging erection from her, but her pleased gaze on the length of it made him think better of it.

He soon found it wouldn't have mattered anyway; the clothing on the couch was far too revealing as it was, leaving him basically nude from the waist down and almost as much so from the waist up. Only a slim pair of cloth strips hung from the narrow belt he wore, and they blew this way and that with every errant breeze exposing him to her slightly amused, slightly aroused gaze. On his shoulders and chest, he wore a wide panel of cloth, ringing his neck and covering the upper expanse of his moderately muscled chest and back, but nothing more. A set of pendants that matched the rest of the costume rounded out the costume, along with a few bracelets for his arms and a small ribbon of that golden cloth for the end of his tail. She purred at him, having him turn for her, gesturing afterward. "Perhaps if you were a bit more muscular..." Ben was about to say something, when he felt an odd tingling in his chest. Looking down, he felt himself staring yet again as his chest swelled out with thick muscles, quickly doubling in size and weight! "And perhaps some stronger arms; thin arms don't look right with such a thick chest." She giggled just a bit as his biceps and forearms swelled out, giving him a powerful build in his upper body.

Ben gulped again. "What... What's going on here?" She gestured him to silence, and he found himself shutting up and holding still, blinking in surprise. "Just be still, my tiger; you'll see in but a moment." She gestured again, and he turned for her, grunting as his thighs and shins swelled out with lean muscle. Veins rose to the surface of his skin beneath the fur then sank from sight; tendons grew taut, then faded; his muscle definition grew to an extreme, fading slightly a moment later. Ben's mind was awhirl, and he was plainly terrified of what she was doing to him, but eventually it all stopped. His body had assumed a form that was half bodybuilder half-feline sleekness... He felt he could press a truck, or bend over backward and touch his head to his rump. "Hmmm..." her thoughtful, playful sound made him pause in his marveling at himself. He spoke up quickly and nervously. "Do you think I should change more than this?" he asked. "I mean, this is incredible and all, but I..." She cut him off with an upraised hand. "There's only one place left that I think can use a bit more... weight..." She smiled at him, and he smiled back weakly, hoping that she didn't hurt him *too* badly...

Instead, all he felt was a rush of ecstasy as his shaft and balls both swelled up and out. His red, spiny shaft throbbed with impossible pressure as all the blood vessels in it swelled out fully at once, and the already decent sized organ doubled itself in length and width. Its color descended to a dark maroon and the spines all stood out more prominently. Ben winced to think of using it on someone while it was like that, but one look at the feline's expression told him that she at least would enjoy it thoroughly. His balls swelled as well, first touching, then pressing to his inner thighs, and then sliding out in front of them, no longer able to fit in between. He grunted and reflexively thrust his hips, panting and purring helplessly under the amazing sensations rushing through his form. "I think... that you still need to be more... properly sized before you can be of any use to me..."

Ben looked up at her, his mind slightly hazed from the surge of hormones running through his mind after the increase of his maleness, and then shivered as his entire body grew larger, swelling and stretching as he grew to be a macro himself. She stood at less than 12 feet tall; he grew to over 14 feet, his mind so overwhelmed now that he could only shiver and shake weakly. All he could do was hope that she would restore him at some point, or that there was a reason to all of this. After the last jolts of change flowed through him, she rose, and wordlessly moved into his arms; he held her, and found he was just the right height to hold her head to his chest. She purred powerfully, and the confusion seemed to clear from his mind. He found himself stroking her shoulders and back, and purring back at her happily. "And now, my male... Carry me over to that pyramid there, and I can give you your reward for being such a willing concubine." Ben blinked. "Carry you to the pyramid? But we're just... in... a..." It was then that a few things hit Ben's mind, all at once. "The wind blowing hot off the sands... in a *room*?" He looked to the pyramid she had pointed to, and saw people walking along its many tiers, doing working at maintaining the great building. Glancing down at the feline in his arms he then noticed the panel on the wall behind her and his eyes went wide as he saw the same face reflected in artistry that was in front of him, smiling wider every minute. Swallowing once, he meekly lifted the feline in his arms, walking towards the stairs down out of the room. "Yes, mistress..."

* * * * *

Hours passed, and the club stayed open until far into the evening. People came and went, and a good time was had by all, no matter what it was that they had come in search of; the club had been considered a huge success, and would soon become one of the hottest spots in the city once word had spread. About three hours after midnight, a large hippogriff walked slowly, almost embarrassedly out of the club, and stood looking around. It was nearly 8 feet tall, and sported honey golden feathers with brown tips and a faint golden sheen. Large, softly feathered wings graced its back, and large, mahogany hooves with cream blond feathering walked across the sidewalk as if their owner wasn't quite sure how they worked. Its clothing didn't seem to fit it exactly right, being too small in some places and too large in others. Pausing, the hippogriff looked around as if searching for someone and blinked as he apparently spotted one of them... though he seemed unsure.

"...Razor?" Zephyr said, walking over to a scraggly looking wolf leaning against one side of the building. The wolf wore torn, loose fitting clothes, and had only a short fuzz of gray fur covering his body. In those spots where it was visible, his skin was an angry red, as if he had been exposed to something extremely harsh. Cuts, claw marks and what looked like bite marks covered his arms and legs, as well as parts of his face. The wolf was leaning as nonchalantly as he could against the side of the building, smoking a cigarette, though his attempt at a cool demeanor was marred by his appearance, and by the way he shivered when the wind blew, then winced from the motion the shivering caused.

"Yeah, it's me, Zeph..." He trailed off as he looked at the former eagle then chuckled in spite of everything. "Maybe *I* should have gone to the male area... you look... good." Zephyr blushed a bit, remembering how he had come to look like this. "There's another one just like me inside... This place is really something else." He paused, looking back toward the building and muttering to himself, "...I'll have to come back here again soon..." The wolf only nodded; he had plans for coming back as well. Even though she had eaten him, he planned to find that wolfess and show her he was no mutt; he was going to look into his pack and family history, and maybe spend some time in the gym. Maybe next time he'd show her what it felt like to get eaten. He grinned at the thought. Like he knew how to swallow someone twice his size!

"Have you seen Tony or Ben? And what about...?" Just then, Johnnie's car pulled up. He was sitting in the front seat and his expression was one that had the others walking over to stand near the window. "I bet you had something... interesting... happen to you too, huh?" Razor said with a chuckle. Johnnie looked from one to the other; he seemed slightly dazed, and took a while to say anything. After the bouncers had nabbed him in the bathroom, they had taken him to a back room. There, they had decided that he should be 'taught a lesson' for sneaking into the macro female's bathroom... One of the guards had been a massive T-rex female who had grinned nastily at him as she cuffed his ankles together and tied his arms to his sides; the other, a large, heavily muscled lioness, had nodded to the T-rex, then headed out saying she would 'inform the others'. For the next 6 hours or so, Johnnie had gone through the same treatment the gazelle had given him with bouncer after bouncer, plunging into one tight, hungry sex after another and getting drenched from head to toe. He had been made to pleasure each one in whatever way they decided, and when he protested, they had held him inside them until he had almost drowned.

In the end, he had given in to them, just to save his life. He had considered reporting it to the police, but... who would believe 10 macro females had used him as a dildo for 6 hours, much less think he should be complaining about it? He had had no choice but to accept it, and when they let him go, to leave the club. On his way out, the gazelle had apologized for the other's rough treatment, and asked him to come back. The gentle kiss she had given him as he had left was the last straw, and he had wandered out to his car in a daze, not even noticing that he was dripping with juice until he touched his door handle. As he sat looking at the others, an *enormous* grin came to his face, and he said in a still disbelieving voice, "Yeah... you could say that..." He looked to the doors of the club. "So... when're we comin' back?"

Zephyr, who could smell the scent of many females on Johnnie's scales laughed, and even Razor grinned a bit. "We're still missing Tony and Ben; should I go back inside?" the hippogriff offered, but just then one of the bouncers came over. "Are any of you looking for a bear male by the name of Tony?" Razor rolled his eyes, and Zephyr nodded. "Well, for some reason, he wandered into an out of order room in the science area... He got scanned incorrectly by the RGB system, and in the process of getting himself... adjusted... he damaged the system more, causing it to... over-enhance him. They're taking him to another location to undo the effects." The guard jerked a finger over towards a long trailer that was being hauled out of the back lot of the club. Thumping and odd growling sounds came from within, then a distinct, "But I *like* being like this! Just leave me alone, dammit!" Razor broke down laughing, and Johnnie was literally biting his steering wheel trying not to laugh; Zephyr was the most straight-faced of the lot, but that was only because his avian features were hiding his mirth.

"Uh..." he said with an effort. "...Ok..." The bouncer turned and walked away, chuckling himself, and Zephyr couldn't help but do the same. "Unbelievable... this place is... unbelievable." Johnnie paused, then called out to the guard, "Excuse me; have you heard anything about a white tiger in there named Ben? He was with us as well, and he's been missing since he headed down to the dance floor in the basement." The guard blinked in surprise, then walked back to the four, handing them a sealed envelope; it was of a high quality paper with a large violet eye on the front of it, and the image of a desert landscape behind it. "Oddly enough we do know about him. We received this about an hour ago from a feline messenger. He said that someone would be looking for a white tiger, and that we should give them this." The guard looked perplexed. "He said to tell you also that he had gone into the Egypt room with a black feline macro... but we haven't finished the room yet; it's still being set up. We had just been situating the Bast bas-relief we acquired onto the wall and making sure it was stable." The guard actually looked spooked. "What's more, we don't *have* any black feline macro dancers! It's all pretty weird; people swear they saw this incredible black cat, and when we showed them the room, they said she looked just like the bas-relief!"

Shaking his head, the bouncer walked away again, and the others paused, looking at each other. Zephyr took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a letter in Ben's handwriting that read, "Well... I guess this is goodbye for now guys. My mistress and I are going to be busy with many things elsewhere, and she wants to keep me close until she feels I've adapted enough to my new role as her concubine." They could almost hear him chuckling as they read on further. "Yes, I said 'mistress'. Mistress Bast actually; apparently other people besides macros and normals took an interest in the club, and now there are all kinds of odd things going on inside. She tells me that all kinds of powerful... and bored... beings have been waiting for this place to open. It has such a sensational atmosphere that the presence of a god or other special being would go totally unnoticed" "You think?" Razor quipped, and Johnnie snorted. Zephyr glared at them both, and they quieted, then he read on.

" But don't feel too bad for me; she says once I'm trained properly, that I can come back with her once in a while to see you all again. I hope I can see you there next time; she says she's thinking of inviting Anubis or Ra to the club, and that Sobek has already been there to look around and liked what he saw. ...Apparently other gods of the older pantheons are thinking of showing up there as well, so this place is *really* going to get interesting in the future! Take care and I hope you still want to drop by from time to time."

The four stood looking at each other after they had read the letter, then Zephyr placed it on the dashboard of Johnnie's car, walking around to sit in the passenger's seat. Razor sighed a bit then moved to sit in the back, wincing as his burned skin shifted inside his clothes. "Well boys, there's one thing I can say for this place... We're definitely *not* going to be causing too much trouble here." The hippogriff grinned. "This place is going to be plenty of trouble all on its own." Razor nodded, and Johnnie couldn't help but grin, lightly tapping his chin. "I wonder if that elder god guy... you know, the one with all the tentacles on his face... is gonna come and hang out here?"

((This is my longest, and one of the more carefully worked over stories I've ever written! And for those of you who are wondering... yeah... i have a crush on Bast! ^_^ I ranged far and wide with the subjects here; as always, thoughts and comments are welcome... Send an email if you enjoyed reading this!))