Keeping Things Interesting

Story by DracosBlackwing on SoFurry

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Keeping Things Interesting

by Dracos Blackwing

(all chars copyright me! No stealing please! ^_^)

((This is my first foray into writing this; I hope you can all find it interesting!))

The room was dark and warm, the lighting dim, with only the center cast in a shaft of light from somewhere near the ceiling; the rest of the room lay in deep shadow, too dark to make out details. The air of the room was filled with the smell of well-polished wood and sex, along with the warm scent of hay; the floor was covered in a light coating of hay as well, small motes of dust drifting in the light. In the center of that light, hanging by her wrists from a thick chain dangling from the unseen roof above, a milk chocolate brown mare hung by her wrists, which were tightly bound in shackles. Her form was beautiful and shapely, from the smooth swells of her mid-sized breasts to the wide, well muscled curve of her hips and thighs... She had obviously won a few races in her day, and from the look of her exquisite face as she turned her head a bit, quite a few beauty contests as well. Long, dark lashes framed deep, mist gray eyes, shining now with the hint of tears; soft, full lips graced a sleek, white tipped muzzle, and the fall of dark brown hair down her neck, covering her shoulders even now in a graceful spread glistened with natural golden highlights.

She wore the remains of a maids dress; long black lace stockings that accentuated the shape and fullness of her calves and thighs, topped with white lace and matched by a frilly garter belt. A pair of sheer, silken panties, more a thong than anything else, followed the well rounded swell of her hips and rump, and outlined the smooth swell of her crotch, caressing lightly over the soft expanse of her mound, the silken lips peeking forth showing plainly. Elbow length gloves of black with white lace covered her arms, and a maids headpiece sat in her hair, slightly askew after her rough treatment getting her there. Over all of this, she wore a hastily strapped on black leather harness and shackles. The shackles fit around each of her ankles and wrists, forearms and thighs; tight but comfortably so. She wore the harness around her torso and hips, all of the parts adorned with loops, hooks, and buckles of bright steel. She looked around with an air of contained panic, her eyes wide and pleading, but made no sound, and no attempt to escape, though she pulled at the chains from time to time as if testing her chances... They gave not at all.

Slight movement in the shadows caught her attention, and she turned her head to face it, and then quailed as a booming voice yelled, "I don't remember giving you permission to turn your head!" She shivered, and then lowered her head meekly; face blushing a deeper shade as she faced the floor. Still, she rolled her eyes to one side to look into the shadows again, just making out the movement of several large, muscled forms in the shadows and shivering a bit more, the darkness giving them the appearance of monsters out of nightmares. She scanned for one shadow she knew must be there, especially after that outburst, then squeaked in startlement as it sounded again directly behind her, jumping slightly and jerking her arms painfully.

"What did you think would happen after such a failure? Did you think that I wouldn't punish you for messing up so royally?!" The voice moved slightly to one side, never far enough for her to see who it was coming from without lifting her head; she kept her head solidly down, shivering repeatedly. "Of all my pets, you have to be the most worthless of the lot! To do such a thing, and after I claimed you as my best, and trained you so hard... I don't know what to think, but I DO know what to do about it..." The voice had taken on a tone of menace that sent shivers up her spine, and made her shift her hooves about nervously. A hand gripped her hair, tugging her head back slowly, but still not enough to see who it was that was pulling it. "What do you think I should do to you for failing as you did?" Silence followed as she considered if it were a trap of some sort; the Master had been known to do that, just so he could punish her for being weak.

"P... Punish me for... for messing up as I did... Master?" She was unable to keep the tone of fear and desire out of her voice, and the shudder that passed through her made her blush with embarrassment. She was actually looking *forward* to her punishment, and it sent tingles through her skin as she remembered the times before when the Master had punished her... She was rudely yanked out of her imaginings by a sudden hard jerk on her hair, making her wince in pain and shift to as submissive a stance as she could reach while chained as she was. "Oh... you'd like that, wouldn't you? You've been secretly ENJOYING my punishments, letting me think that you were 'learning your lesson'! Haven't you!?" She knew better than to deny it; he seemed to know exactly when she did, and then she didn't enjoy the results nearly as much until toward the end; sometimes not at all. She nodded as best she could with his pulling her hair, and winced as he barely let her do that much; tears formed in her eyes, and she whimpered lightly.

"Well, this time I'm not going to punish you." To her surprise, the Master released her hair, and then walked away. She was so surprised that she turned to look after him, seeing only a huge shadowy form walking away from her. She watched as he raised a hand, and snapped his fingers three times... three of the massive shadows came over and knelt at his feet. "These three are going to do it." His head turned and she saw him in profile, a cold feeling of dread in the pit of her belly as she wondered what he was going to order done to her. He knew her limits and always pushed them with skill and control... these three had no idea what to do to her. They could hurt her badly! "Master... Please no... I'll do better, I promise, just not this!" She tried to turn, but a hand came from the shadows to push her back, facing her away from him.

"Give her a bit extra, just for that outburst. I've told her about talking back as well; another lesson not learned it seems." He turned to her, and she could almost feel him grinning. "You'll learn sooner or later my pet; you might want to make it sooner." With a lazy gesture of his hand, he directed the three to begin her punishment. The first to walk out into the light was Leo... she had no idea what his real name was; the Master would give them names at random it seemed sometimes, just for his amusement. He was carrying a long, wide strap in one hand, covered in rounded silver studs. Her eyes went wide, and she opened her mouth to protest then closed it again, feeling the tears running a bit more now. He only used that when he was extremely displeased with her. Leo looked at her rather sympathetically, then whispered, "I'm sorry, love. If I go easy on you, I'll get it next..." The well-muscled lion shook himself to steady his nerves, sending his finely combed mane rippling about his broad shoulders and setting the various metal hooks and loops on the brown leather harness gracing his honey furred form to jingling. He moved behind her, then drew back, swinging hard.

Despite teeth clenched in readiness, she yelped loudly as he struck her tender rear, proving that he didn't know her limits. When she looked back at him, begging mercy, he just frowned and struck her again, drawing a cry of pain. The Master waved to the lion lazily. "Try not to bruise any part of her TOO much; I still have plans for after this, remember?" Leo nodded, his expression hard as he swung again, striking across her shoulders and drawing a loud moan of pain from her. The mare shuddered as the next blow landed across her thighs, nearly buckling her knees; she struggled upright, knowing that if she fell the lion would be required to start again. Leo swung again and again, making her cry out in agony... and yet at the same time she felt a rush of erotic pleasure at the rough treatment. She struggled to stay standing, even as the crotch of her panties grew moist with her growing heat.

Soon, her scent filled the air, and the sounds of Leo's swings were being punctuated by the sound of his breathing, which had picked up a bit. Another sound came from the shadows, and she realized that her pleasure had touched a nerve in the Master. She wasn't supposed to be *enjoying* this! "Enough! Since it appears you're all warmed up, we can move on to the retraining. Darius! Get out there. Leo, stand aside for the moment." The mare's eyes went wide at the name of the next 'punisher'. They went wider as she felt her chains being adjusted, the Master's voice in her ear as he added a few things, and repositioned others. "We'll see if you can learn to do things right with a bit more... practice." He lowered her arms, then twisted them up behind her back, crossing her forearms and attaching the shackles there to the hooks on the back of her harness, then attached the chain there as well. Another chain was attached to the harness just above her tail and pulled tight, lifting her off her hooves and leaving her hanging from the chains, horizontal to the floor. She kicked a bit, her legs hanging down loosely.

As she hung there, Darius walked forward, and she shook her head as he approached her from the front, remembering what she had done and shaking her head. "M... Master... I don't think I can do this!" The Master smacked her already stinging rump, making her jump in surprised pain. "Oh, you'll do it, alright, and if you should fail, I'll make your punishment for *that* twice as painful as this ones been... so far!" Darius was a rhinoceros, and a huge one by any standards... masses of thick, rippling leg muscles carried the broad barrel chested male forward to stand in front of her. His thickly muscled arms folded over his curved belly, the wide abs there twitching slightly... as if she needed any more reason to worry, or was even looking at those parts of him.

What her eyes had focused on was the massive package that dangled between his tree truck thighs. His shaft hung freely from its sheath, slightly swollen, and already it looked too big for any part of her body. The sight of the melon sized balls behind it didn't help in the least, swinging heavily in their sack; she could swear they sloshed audibly with the gallons of cum she had seen him hose out of that monster when he came... She had watched him coat another of the pets from head to toe, front and back, after what passed for him as a blowjob... which was basically someone sucking the tip of his shaft! "You're going to take all of Darius here... right to the hilt. You're going to suck him dry, and you're going to do it without spilling a drop of his spunk... Or you're going to regret it for a *long* time." This had been her failure. The Master had told her not to waste a drop of his cum either; she had wasted far more than that, and he had been furious. They had trained at it in private sessions for weeks, and he was showing her skill to the other pets when she had lost it; he hadn't forgiven her yet.

"Master..." Before she could say more than that, wide, powerful hands that she knew were his had her by her head, prying open her mouth. "Darius... get in there." Darius blinked in slow surprise, then said, "Are you sure we should..." "IN!!" The Master's shout surprised the rhino enough that he walked forward without further thought, hefting his shaft and pressing the huge tip into her mouth. The mare almost immediately gagged, but wasn't able to close her mouth. Forcing herself to relax and telling herself she could handle it, she slowly relaxed her throat, letting the massive length slide down and swallowing until she was pressed nose first into the heavy, swollen ballsack of the rhino, sucking gently to ease her fear of him at full size. Darius snorted, unable to ignore the heat and wet tightness of her throat around his shaft, as he grew harder. His own huge hands took a firm hold on her head, and she knew any chance of her escaping were gone; once Darius got started he had to finish or he would become wild with the need to screw something, needing several pets to calm him down enough to even deal with him.

The Master released her, then walked back into the shadows, settling himself at a good angle to watch the action... Her throat worked as Darius filled it tighter and tighter, and she gurgled as she drew slow, even breaths around the immense intruder. Deeper and wider he grew, until she could feel the tip of his shaft pressing into the bottom of her stomach. Her throat had opened as wide as it could go, and she hoped he would stop growing soon; she was well trained but this pushed even her limits to near the brink. Still he grew wider, slowly cutting off her breath as she drew one last deep lungful of air. Gripping her head, Darius began to stroke back and forth inside her muzzle and throat, the head of his cock feeling as if it was trying to push even deeper into her belly. The sounds from around the room were a mixture of amazement combined with the slick sound of some of the more interested pets sneakily stroking themselves as they watched the spectacle.

The mare twitched, swinging slightly back and forth as Darius got into a rhythm, pumping his hips with long deep thrusts, pressing her nose tightly to his crotch... not that she could breath anymore anyhow. She concentrated on her earlier training, sure she could hold out until the rhino was done and secretly reveling in the feel of the huge length pulsing seemingly through the entire length of her body. After a time, the Master spoke again; he sounded pleased with her. "Not bad so far, my pet, but now it's time for the next part of your punishment." She rolled her eyes over to look at his shadowy form, and tried to shake her head, but Darius was holding her too tight. She squirmed a bit, trying to snap him out of it, but he barely seemed to know she was there, other than the grip he had on her and the feel of her insides as they slid over his length.

"Lancer! Get in there and give my failure of a pet some inner massage of a different sort... See if you can stroke her cunt as well as Darius is stroking her throat." Lancer walked out into the light, and the mare tried to pull free of Darius, getting a soft moan of pleasure and a grunt from the rhino. "I'd concentrate on your training my dear... that is, unless you want to either smother before Darius is done, or choke to death..." She tried for a moment to calm down, but she couldn't concentrate on anything but the unicorn who had walked out into the light... or the huge length of equine cock he was holding in both hands. Lancer was one of the rare favorites of the Master, a sleekly beautiful male with a simple attribute that had earned him his name; and it wasn't his horn. The four foot long cock standing out from his crotch was covered in thick, pulsing veins and slick black and pink mottled skin. It was as rigid as a piece of metal, and was capped with a mushroom tip that was a full two inches wider than the 4 inch wide shaft. She had felt him inside of her once before, and she knew trying to concentrate on anything else while he was in her was going to be a *real* challenge.

Lancer looked at the Master, who impatiently waved him on, and then moved to lie under her, his shaft easily reaching up between her thighs from his position on the floor. "He lightly stroked her cheek, and pressed himself to her. "Just... try to focus on him, ok? It'll be over soon." She wanted to nod, but Darius had picked up his pace, and she could barely move her head in his powerful grip. Slowly, the unicorn raised his hips from the floor, spreading apart her lower lips and squeezing the fat head of his shaft into her; she whinnied wetly around the rhino and tried to pull free, but there was nowhere to go, and no purchase. Slowly, the stallion eased his thick length into her sex, stretching her out widely around the veiny length of his shaft, working about a foot in before giving her a thrust that nearly made her gasp out the last of her air.

She writhed in pleasure, and closed her eyes, her lower lips spread deliciously wide by the massive stallion; as he thrust again, letting loose with a snort himself, she forced herself to ignore the feel of the stallion as he threaded his way right up into her to press hard against her cervix. He drew back then thrust again, and she squeaked loudly as he nearly passed deeper into her, then drew back again. She knew from experience that the stallion was able to push nearly a foot of his hot cock into her womb, and was praying at this point that the Master wouldn't... "All the way in! I want her to learn to concentrate!" Lancer frowned at her chest, then gripped her hips, holding with his strong arms and letting the chain take the weight of them both. He began to pump his hips rapidly, snorting as his shaft hit with increasing force against the back of her tunnel.

The mare was panting, though not a breath of air was passing her lips, and everything had taken on a more focused, yet distant sensation as she slowly drew closer to being completely out of oxygen. She looked up at Darius, his face a mask of pleasure as he pumped in and out quickly, then down at Lancer, feeling him nuzzling her breasts as he thrust as well and listening to him saying... something. She couldn't seem to hear him clearly, only the wet sounds of Darius and the stallion working her holes so deeply... The sudden intrusion of the Master's voice shook her out of her daze. "Now for the last piece of this lesson! If you can take this, then you'll be able to do what you're supposed to without effort next time. I hope that you learn this lesson well."

The mare swallowed weakly around the rhino's length, wondering what he meant... then she came fully awake as she felt a large finger pressing into her tailhole, a huge paw lifting her tail and the head of a massive cock pressing to her rump. It was so large that it barely touched her pucker, pressing mainly to her rumpcheeks. Her eyes went wide as she realized what he was doing, and she flicked her tail in a real panic... there was no way she could handle this! She tried to catch the attention of the two males eagerly pumping into her to stop him, but neither of them could help. Lancer was caught up in his own efforts, at the wrong angle to see anything, and Darius was too far gone to stop, pre pouring already into her belly in steadily increasing amounts.

An image rose in her mind of the Master in all his glory; a huge, powerfully muscled chimera, thick veins rippling beneath his smooth, leathery hide. Soft golden fur covered his body, his underbelly and wide chest covered in a layer of smooth golden dragon scales. His thighs were especially thick and powerful, mostly to support the deeply red length of his gargantuan cock, veins the size of some of his pets' whole shafts pumping gallons of blood into the massive thickness; head sized balls hanging behind and throbbing visibly. His powerfully muscled shoulders sported three heads of noble visage and a kind of savage beauty. The central head was that of a lion, with an even more luxurious mane and more kingly features than Leo's. A softly golden-grey furred mountain rams head, dark brown, polished horns curling smoothly around the strong featured muzzle rested on his left shoulder. Last, a large, golden-scaled dragons head on a short neck that kept it on a level with the others, whose eyes glowed with hidden knowledge and power. The thick cobra tail and massive wings rounded out the image of power and strength. She could see him now in her minds eye, all three faces showing their powerful lust in their eyes as they bent to the task of using her, and she quailed inside, even as she felt a desire to do as she was bid somehow, no matter the risk.

Shuddering and rolling her eyes in a near panic, the mare squealed despite the shaft in her mouth as the massive length of the chimera's shaft pressed hard to her rump. Spurting pre as it ground against the underside of her tail, it spread her hole wider than she had ever felt before, sliding up into her body and making her hipbones creak in sympathy. Blocked or no, the scream she let out as the Master shoved himself deeper into her ass sounded loudly in the room and she writhed as he thrust in and out of her, forcing more and more of his oversized length into her. The room swam, and she jolted and shuddered as the Master's watermelon sized balls were shoved closer and closer to her hips, yards of cock slipping up into her untrained tail, forcing the air from her lungs. She felt Darius in front of her shaking as his orgasm surged up in him; underneath her, Lancer was giving her all he had, his shaft slipping back and forth past her cervix and working against the inside of her womb.

Unable to hold back any longer, and with no thought but to the pain and pleasure of the experience, she came furiously, legs kicking and tight passages pulsing and throbbing around the enormous cocks rippling through her body... Never in her entire life would she have imagined that such a thing would be possible, or that she could endure it, and she came again, then again a moment later, nearly blacking out from the intense sensations. "Don't waste any of it!" The voice came as if from a long way off, and she vaguely remembered something about... the test! Just as she regained enough of her control to concentrate on it, Darius flooded her belly with his seed, grunting low and long with each amazingly hard pulse of cum into her.

The mare kicked helplessly as Lancer, now blowing in a way that said he too was getting close, and the Master, three heads grinning evilly over her as her pumped and thrust into her continued working. Darius' cum blasted the inside of her belly, and she tried her best to contain it all, swallowing hard and aching from the need to breath, but determined to not fail in this... Her belly began to swell out slowly from the titanic gushes of cum into it; then Lancer screamed out as well, adding to the hot flow of cum into her by flooding her womb, his hips bumping up against her swelling belly. The sight and smell of the others cumming so hard drove the Master into a frenzy, and he thrust fast and hard, hips rocking all four of them back and forth before he suddenly came as well.

If Darius and Lancer's orgasms had been impressive, the Master's was insane... It was as if he had unending amounts of cum stored in the huge globes swinging between his legs, and the muscles that drove it out of his body were dynamos of pure energy. The first shot made her feel full and swelled her out hugely, leaking around his gigantic width; then second overflowed her hole, and poured down her ass and thighs, drenching them both and showering Lancer's hips. From there on, a literal torrent of cum poured from inside her as he flooded gallons at a time of thick, creamy seed into her ass, swelling her out more and more until the stallion beneath her was pinned to the floor; and still he came. The mare was hard put to hold down Darius' powerful flooding bursts of cum, but she just managed to do it, taking the last of his spunk into her belly, and drawing a massive breath as he drew free with a moaning sigh of relief and pleasure.

Lancer lay under her, smiling as he was pinned by the silky soft swell of her belly, and she could barely do more than smile back at him dazedly as the Master vented his lust on her rear, pounding away and making her roll back and forth on the sated stallion... Darius nosed up to kiss her cheek and she nuzzled him, having done what her master had ordered and feeling a sense of happiness and accomplishment; how could he fail to be anything but pleased? After nearly five more minutes, in which Lancer got drenched in the Master's seed, pinned under the widely swollen mare, she felt him give one last, powerful gush into her hole, then pull slowly out, coming around in front of her.

The look on his face made her blink, then shake her head in disbelief. "But... But Master, I..." "LOOK AT ALL THIS WASTE!" His triple throated roar silenced her completely, and she just stared at him in disbelief. "Didn't I tell you to not waste a drop!? ...and look!" He gestured to himself, coated from the waist down in his own seed. "You let all of this go to waste, when I tell you to..." At that moment, she shook her head, then burst into tears, weeping brokenly. "Tears aren't going to help! Do you think that...?" He trailed off, blinking at her in surprise as she showed no sign of letting up; in fact she got louder and more teary, shaking weakly as she sobbed.

Lancer eased out from under her, and looked at the Master with an expression of disgust, then walked out; in the shadows around the edges of the room, the sounds of irritation and frustrated passion came, followed by the sounds of people leaving. The Master looked around, shaking his heads. "Hey... Get back in here! You know better than to leave when I didn't..." He looked to the crying mare, and then over at Darius. "Stay here for a moment? I need your help with..." Darius glared at the Master for a long time, then stood and calmly walked out. "You're the master here; you take care of it." With a final snort, he was gone as well. Blinking, the Master bent and carefully unchained the mare, looking at her and then carefully hugging her, growling and grumbling to himself.

Slowly she quieted and he just held her; after a few moments, she kissed his chest lightly and sighed. "I'm sorry... I just... I tried so hard... How am I supposed to handle all of that by myself?" The chimera grinned with all three heads, and looked at the puddle of cum on the floor underneath where she had been hanging. Sheepishly, he offered, "I went a little too far...?" She looked up at him incredulously, then took one of his hands, placing it on her belly. "A LITTLE!?" She raised an eyebrow at him, smiling a bit as well. She then leaned into him, nuzzling his tight abs. "...But that's what I like about you; you *always* go too far, and I end up enjoying it." The Master looked at his mate, and shook his head. "So... what can we do about it?"

The mare sighed, and settled a bit more into her mate's arms. "Well, I *was* the one who suggested we try this, since you enjoy doing this sort of thing, and I..." She blushed, though by this point in things there was really no reason. "You enjoy me doing it to you; I know. That's one of the reasons you and I are together." the Master smiled. "And when you told me you had some friends that might enjoy a show of sorts, it just made me hotter to try it." She was grinning now, and snuggled more comfortably into his arms. "I guess I just need some more practice before I'm totally used to that level of harshness." The Master shook his head. "No, you're fine at it! I don't think I've ever met anyone like you before... really." They paused, both thinking of how they could teach the teacher, so to speak.

The mare grinned then, and gently hugged him again. "You know... I have some friends who think you're hot too... and they would kill for the chance to see me pushing you around and smacking your ass." She giggled at the thought, the sound mixing with his deeper chuckle. "Oh, you think you can teach me a thing or two, do you?" Rising, the manticore bowed to his Mistress. "Then I am all yours, oh Mistress." Rising slowly, her belly sloshing still but gone down somewhat from the time they had sat together, she walked around behind him, smiling as she considered what she would do with him first. Seeing that she was alright again, he bent to pick up one of her shackles that had broken in all the excitement. A second later, he jumped up straight as the studded leather strap smacked across his so readily offered bottom. "Hey!!" She grinned at him, and he rubbed his posterior, wondering what he had just gotten himself into, even as he grinned in return.

((As always, comments are welcome; feel free to email me or post here. Let me know if you think I'm doing anything wrong. ^_^))