The Comfort A Friend Can Give

Story by PROKNIFER69 on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon short stories

A zangoose who has felt more than his fair share of pain tries to bury his emotions in alcohol. However, his best friend, who also happens to be his lover, tries to help him through a difficult time. As the two men talk about their pasts, it leads to thoughts of their future.

In a dark bar, in London, there sat a zangoose. The zangoose wore a black hoodie, with a gold diamond pattern stitched into it. Covering his short legs were black trousers. He was right in the corner booth, where no one could disturb him. Quietly, he drank from the glass in his paw. The paw he held the glass in was not made of his own flesh and blood, it was made of metal. His whole right arm, right up to his shoulder was made of metal, with a carbon fibre pattern to it. Although his arm was synthetic, his throat was not. It burned as the vodka slid down his throat. He was not in the mood for talking, he just wanted to drink, and forget who he was for just a bit.

A blaziken sat himself down in the booth, sitting just opposite to the zangoose. The blaziken did not have any metal limbs, or anything like that. He wore brown jeans, and a brown leather jacket with a plain white shirt underneath it. "It has been a while since I saw you here."

"I didn't ask for company," the zangoose quickly replied as he looked down to his glass.

"Oh, well nice to see you too... What's wrong?"

"Right now, everything," the zangoose responded. He didn't need sympathy, and he felt like that was all he was going to get from this blaziken.

"You want to talk about it?"

The zangoose proceeded to empty the glass of vodka straight down his throat. "If I wanted to talk to someone about the countless fucking problems I have, I would hire a psychologist."

Normally, the blaziken would leave him alone if he was feeling grumpy, but he could tell that he wasn't just feeling grumpy. "What harm can it do, to talk to someone?"

"Aiden... I really, really don't want to talk about this right now. I just want to forget everything. I hope someone invents an augmentation that wipes away memories. It would be easier to just start a new life, rather than live in constant pain... You're not going to leave me alone, are you?"

"No, so you might as well tell me what's going on in your troubled little head," Aiden replied with a soft smile.

The zangoose sighed as he looked up to the blaziken. "My... brother died," he said. It was hard, he had to force himself to get those words to even leave his mouth. He remembered when he received the news. He felt as if a razor blade had been dragged right across his soul.

"What? Oh my god, I am so sorry."

"Why? Wasn't like it was your fault... Everyone always reacts the same way, not that I can blame them. Fucking cancer," he weakly whispered the last part. "His death comes on top of everything else. My neuropozyne bills, work driving me into the fucking ground... I am not sure how much more of this I can take."

Aiden had met his brother a few times. He didn't know him well, but he knew the two of them were very close. Although he did not know his brother well, he knew what it was like to lose someone close to him. "You don't have to go through this alone."

"Oh, what? Are you going to scoop me up in your arms, and tell me everything is going to be alright?" the zangoose sarcastically replied as he struggled to hold back his tears. He then hid his face with his mechanical hand, not wanting anyone to see the tears. "Got me crying in public, bastard..."

Aiden reached out, and held the zangoose's left paw. "Jacob, you don't have to be ashamed to cry," he said to him. After all these years, he had never seen him cry before, until now.

Jacob looked back to the blaziken, tears soaking the fur underneath his eyes. "Why are you so worried about me?"

"Because I know what it's like to be hurt, and how much less it hurts with someone there to talk to," he told him.

Jacob didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just said nothing. He had to admit, some part of him was glad that this blaziken was here. "... If you really want to make me feel better, come sit a little closer."

The blaziken smiled as he got up, and walked around the table to sit down next to Jacob. He wanted to get his mind off the pain and misery, so he began talking about something a little more pleasant. "Remember the night we met?"

"Mm, you mean the night we fucked each other's brains out," Jacob replied, remembering that night well.

"Hah, yes, I do. Normally I don't just sleep with any man, but you were just so sexy... You still are. We've had our ups and downs, but I will always be here for you when you need me."

Jacob looked up to Aiden, he knew the big wingless bird cared about him. The blaziken was a lot taller than him, yet whenever they found themselves in bed together, he usually found himself to be the dominant one. However, he didn't want sex at this moment, he just wanted to be held. He leaned against the blaziken, as he felt his arm wrapping around him. He felt more than a little drunk, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe it would take his mind off all the awful stuff that seemed to be happening in rapid succession.

Aiden looked down to the zangoose, seeing him gradually closing his eyes as he cuddled up to him. Although they had sex multiple times, they kept things simple between them. They were more like very close friends, with benefits. It just worked better this way for them, because neither of them wanted to be hurt again. However, there were a lot of moments where Aiden thought about being more than friends with benefits. "Are you working tomorrow?" he asked.

Jacob shook his furry head. "No, not tomorrow."

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight? I've got plenty more to drink back home," he told him. He wouldn't feel right, leaving the zangoose alone tonight.

Jacob liked the sound of a free drink, not to mention the company that would come along with it. He said that he didn't want any company, but really, he just didn't want to drag anyone down with him. He knew that even if he refused, Aiden would still insist anyway. "Alright, let's get out of here." He figured he should leave now, while he was still sober enough to walk.

Aiden got up out of the booth, and helped the zangoose up too. He noticed by the way he was having difficulty getting out, he was already a bit drunk. He took the zangoose's metal hand in his, and led him out of the place. Together, they got a taxi. The taxi was black, an older model. It stood out amongst the more modern sleek cars on the streets. They both climbed into the back, and took a seat as Aiden gave the address to the driver. He then turned his attention back to the zangoose. "Have you seen Ryan or Nathan recently?"

He shook his head. "No, I think they've been buried in work."

"We should get all the guys together one of these days," Aiden replied.

"Easier said than done. Fucking work schedules keeps us from all meeting at the same time. In fact, you're the first friend I've seen since my fucking life went down the shitter..."

Hearing him say that made him wonder something. "Why didn't you call to tell us all this stuff was happening? We're your friends, I would've taken time off to make sure you're alright."

"I'm sure everyone has their own shit to deal with... I can't ask people to risk their jobs for me," he told him. He looked out of the window, looking at all of the modern, well lit buildings they passed. Amongst the modern buildings were a few beautiful Victorian structures. Since his brother had passed, he began to see things differently. His life could be cut so short, so suddenly. It made him wonder, what was beyond death? And what would he leave behind once his time was up? He could never leave behind something as beautiful as these buildings, and he couldn't even have sons or daughters of his own, because he was not interested in women. He knew eventually, he would be forgotten, and so would everyone he knew and loved. After all, he was no one important, he was just another face in the crowd.

"I would risk a lot more than my job for you," Aiden replied to the zangoose. He knew that he must be in a very dark place right now, after his brother's passing. "You're more than just a friend, you're my best friend. I am going to stay with you until you get through this."

Quickly, the zangoose snapped his attention away from the window, and back to him. "You don't have to do that."

"I know I don't have to. I want to," the blaziken replied.

Jacob let out a sigh, before resting his head against the blaziken. "You know what to say to make me feel better, I'll give you that."

Aiden wrapped his arm around his zangoose friend, and held him close. "After all the times you've made me feel good, it is the least I can do."

Jacob smiled briefly, a faint chuckle escaping him. For a moment, his mind was taken off death, and that was exactly what he needed right now. He needed something to take away the pain, or to at least dull it. Just as he was getting comfortable, the cab stopped. They had arrived at their destination.

After a few minutes of walking through corridors and an elevator ride, Aiden unlocked the door to his apartment. "Here we are, again," he said with a soft smile as he pulled his key out of the door. He walked in, immediately taking off his jacket, and throwing it over a chair as he entered the large living room.

Jacob walked in, noticing the shiny granite floors, and the massive window looking out over London. He was a little envious of how beautiful his place really is. On his wage, he could never afford a place this nice. He didn't even want to think about how much this place must've cost him. He walked over to the nearby couch, and plopped himself down on it. He looked over to Aiden, who sat himself down close by. "I'm surprised you haven't got yourself a boyfriend yet."

"I am not really ready for a boyfriend, not after what happened last time, you know?" Aiden replied.

"You did the right thing when you left him. I fucking hate gold diggers," he said to him. He hated it whenever he saw any of his friends getting taken advantage of.

"I should've listened to you," Aiden replied as he looked away for a moment.

"I can't blame you for wanting to think the best of someone close to you. I've made similar mistakes in the past," Jacob responded. He knew what it was like to be in love, and lied to, betrayed.

"After that break up, I knew why you prefer friends with benefits."

"When you got together with that nidoking, I really did hope for the best, for you. Even though I was losing the benefits side of our relationship, I was just happy to see you happy. Then, when I realized why he was with you, I wanted to try and pull you out of that bad relationship before you got seriously burned."

"I got burned pretty bloody badly, but it was my own fault. I should've realized sooner what was going on. I was lucky you were there for me." Aiden never did forget how much Jacob helped him after the break up. The zangoose stopped him from doing some really stupid things. He also made him feel loved.

"I could see how much you were hurting. I knew that same feeling... Now we're thoroughly depressed, shall we get shit-faced?" the zangoose replied, before seeing the blaziken hastily stand up.

Aiden felt bad, bringing up shitty memories like that when he was supposed to be helping his friend to cope with the pain from his sudden loss. He walked into his kitchen, and came back with glasses, and a bottle of vodka, and some cola. He liked a little cola with his vodka. He placed the bottles and glasses on the elegant oak table in front of the couch. "Let's drink until we forget the world even exists."

Jacob watched as the clear fluid filled his glass. He took it in his metal paw, and watched as his friend filled his glass up with both vodka, and cola. "Cheers," he said before drinking up.

"Cheers." Aiden soon tasted the vodka and cola, feeling it filling his mouth, before passing down his throat. He didn't really like vodka all that much, but he knew it was one of Jacob's favourite.

An hour later, Jacob found himself with an empty glass in his paw, again. He was resting back on the couch, with his feet resting on the blaziken's lap. The blaziken was massaging his feet, rubbing at the paw pads. He sighed happily as be watched the blaziken. "You're really good at this."

"You say that to me a lot," the blaziken chuckled. He didn't mind giving his friend a foot rub. In fact, he enjoyed it. He liked finding different ways to make the zangoose moan, and feel good.

"That's because you're really good at a lot of things." Jacob bit his lower lip a little, before a fiendish grin spread across his face.

Aiden could tell by Jacob's expression that his mind was probably as dirty as a gutter right now. He couldn't blame him, because so was his. "Want to tell me what exactly I am good at?"

"Happily." Jacob softly moaned as he felt Aiden skilfully massaging his paw pads. "Mmm, you're really good at cooking, dancing, fucking... Above all though, you're really good at making me feel good. I'd still be your friend, even if we weren't fucking. Just the way you look at me, the way you hold me, it sometimes makes me think about being more than friends with benefits."

Hearing the drunken zangoose say that made him pause for a moment, before going back to rubbing his feet. "How long have you felt that way?" Aiden asked, curious to know more.

"A loooong fucking time... I am probably fucking up right now, telling you this. But fuck it, if I don't tell you now, I might never get a chance to tell you again." Jacob was definitely drunk, but what really pushed him to speak his mind was his brother's passing. Just thinking about all the stuff he may have left unsaid just made him want to say the things he had always wanted to say, but was too worried about the consequences. Maybe it was the alcohol making the decision for him, but he decided he wasn't going to leave this world with words left unspoken. "Aiden, I fucking love you. You don't just make me laugh and smile, you make me feel loved. Even when I am being a dick, you're always there for me. I don't know what the fuck I would do without you sometimes."

Aiden sat there, with a big smile on his face. Hearing how much he meant to this zangoose, it meant a lot to him. He always knew that the zangoose cared about him, but hearing him out it into words made him feel so happy. "You'll never have to find out what you'll do without me, because I am never leaving your side." Gently, he crawled on top of him, and rested his butt on the zangoose's crotch. "I love you, Jacob."

He gazed into the blaziken's perfect blue eyes as he reached up, running his metallic hand through his hair-like feathers. He was such a perfect, handsome blaziken. He pulled Aiden's head down, so his furry lips could meet his beak. He felt Aiden's mouth opening, and their tongue quickly met. Just feeling his warm moist tongue filled the zangoose with such excitement. Eagerly, he pushed back against the blaziken's tongue, and forced his own wet muscle into Aiden's warm welcoming mouth. The wet sounds of their make out session was all he could hear, occasionally interrupted by moans, and gasps for air. His cock stiffened in his pants, whilst the blaziken rubbed his feathery butt against his groin. Jacob gave his beak a nice long lick before he smirked. "You really want my cock, don't you?"

"Mmm, can you blame me? You started this as soon as you kissed me." Aiden could feel his own erection, making his underwear feel so tight. He reached under his own shirt, and hastily pulled it over his head. He tossed it aside as he felt the zangoose, touching his body.

Jacob reached up to his chest, running both his touching him with both mechanical, and biological paws. Gradually, his paws slid down to his belly, and then to the top of the blaziken's trousers. He undid them, pulling down the zip before then spotting his red underwear, and the bug bulge that was there. "Wearing my favourite underwear again?"

"I know how much you like them," Aiden casually replied before getting up off the zangoose. He had to take off these pants right now, he didn't want them getting in the way. He turned around, his rear facing the couch. He wanted to give his furry friend a little show. He bent over, giving Jacob a very good view of his ass.

Jacob couldn't resist, not even for a second. He sat up, and gave his blaziken friend a slap on his cute rear. He grinned when he heard a faint moan escaping the blaziken's beak. "You love a good spanking, don't you?" he said, whilst he took off his hoodie, tossing it aside to reveal his furry, scarred body. There were many small scars, especially close to his right arm.

Aiden chuckled as he looked back at the zangoose, and then rested himself over his lap. He didn't bother to take off his underwear, he knew that Jacob would soon do that for him. "You know I do. Come on, give this naughty blaziken a good spanking!"

Hearing him begging to be spanked, it was like music to Jacob's ears. Sweet, dirty music. He gently caressed the blaziken's ass through his tight rear hugging briefs. Then, he brought back his metal paw, and slapped his butt. That loud smacking sound rang throughout the blaziken's apartment, followed by a moan. "Tell me if I am being too rough," he whispered.

"Not rough enough," he whispered back. Lust practically drenched his every word. He wanted this, he wanted to be spanked, and touched.

"Maybe you're getting used to this. I will just have to spank you harder!" Jacob excitedly said, before giving his blaziken friend another big spank. He could feel Aiden's cock, rubbing against his thigh. He could even feel it twitching whenever his paw made contact with his backside. Another big spanking came. Each time the zangoose slapped his rear, he put more force behind it.

Aiden whined a little as his rear almost began to feel numb from the harsh punishment. The spanking only stopped, when Jacob began to pull down the blaziken's red underwear, exposing his butt. "T-that all you got?"

Jacob chuckled at his words. "If I spank you any harder, you won't ever be able to sit down again." He then let his metal paw touch the blaziken's bare ass, groping it. "I wouldn't wanna break such a cute ass, not yet anyway."

Aiden could feel the metal of Jacob's augmented hand, gently rubbing against his anus. "Nhm, you really get off on teasing me, don't you?"

With his other hand, he reached for the blaziken's balls, touching and massaging his sack. "I noticed you cum a lot more after a nice long teasing." The thought of emptying this blaziken's balls only made him want to get to the main event right away, but he held back, barely. However, he needed to get these pants off right away. It was getting more than a little uncomfortable.

Aiden looked back at the zangoose, noticing him trying to undo his trousers. "Let me help you with that," he casually said as he got off the zangoose, and knelt down in front of him. He helped pull down the zangoose's trousers and boxers at the same time, seeing his penis spring free. He was big for a zangoose, eight inches of pink throbbing flesh that would've been hidden behind a white furry sheath, if he was not so aroused. Almost immediately, Aiden dragged his tongue over the pointed tip of his zangoose's dick, tasting him once again.

Jacob rested his legs over the blaziken's shoulders as he closed his eyes, and let out a soft, satisfied sigh. The blaziken's skilled tongue lapped away at his very tip, dancing over it so elegantly. Aiden knew exactly what to do to please him. "Fuuuck yesss," he whispered to himself as his paws went to the back of the blaziken's head. He ran his claws through Aiden's feathers. He slowly opened his eyes to watch the lewd act unfold. He watched, whilst the blaziken wrapped his hand around the zangoose member in front of him.

Aiden slowly stroked the zangoose's length, making eye contact as he did so. He saw him staring back, with a happy grin on his face. He knew that his zangoose was loving every second of this. Whilst his right hand worked Jacob's cock, his left hand went straight down to his furry balls. Gently, his fingers rubbed over his orbs, causing the zangoose's shaft to twitch in his grasp. Gradually, his hand slid up and down Jacob's manhood faster, and harder. His tongue flicked his tip, licking away the zangoose's precum in the process. "Ahh, nothing beats the taste of your cum."

"Keep moving your tongue like that, and you'll get a big load of it soon!" Jacob was finding it harder and harder to restrain himself from forcing this blaziken to take every inch into his mouth. His long wet tongue encircling his tip, before finally being dragged up and down his entire shaft. Then, the blaziken surprised him by shoving his long finger up Jacob's ass. Feeling his long finger invading his backside pushed him closer to his limit. It pushed against his insides, and quickly found his sweet spot. All Aiden had to do was prod that spot to send him over the edge, and that's exactly what he did. That familiar feeling in his loins quickly overridden every other sensation in his body. All he felt was pleasure beyond belief, as his essence was poured right down the blaziken's throat.

Aiden closed his eyes, as he brought the zangoose's cock into his mouth. He could feel the man's warmth, flowing down his throat, and into his stomach. It felt far better than any alcohol he ever had. He could feel Jacob's paws keeping his head in place right there. It was clear that someone certainly loved the feeling of his warm maw. When the zangoose finally let go of his head, Aiden pulled back, and took a deep breath. "It looks like someone needed that," he chuckled whilst pulling his finger out of Jacob's rear.

Jacob looked down to his feathery lover, his heart still thumping away from his orgasm. He stood up, and spoke with such desire in his voice. "Get on the couch, and bend over."

There was no complaints from Aiden, he did exactly as the zangoose asked. He took off his underwear, letting his nine inch cock flop out. His member was pink in color, and was similar in shape to a human's. He climbed onto the couch, and rested his arms over the arm rest. He raised his rear, giving Jacob a great view of his tailhole. "I'm all yours."

Almost before he could even finish saying those three words, Jacob pressed his pink nose against his asshole. His tongue quickly found the blaziken's sack, and licked over it. He loved to taste Aiden, he loved to touch, and probe him. He lapped at each testicle, soaking them in his saliva as the blaziken's penis twitched in response. He took that as a sign to keep on going. He began to suck on each testicle, bringing one at a time into his mouth as he wrapped his paw around the blaziken shaft, jerking him off. Such a loud moan came from the beak of the blaziken. If his mouth wasn't full, Jacob would've grinned. He slurped on each of his balls, savoring his taste and scent. He could feel his heart beat, through the blaziken's cock. He wanted to make it beat a little faster. He pulled his furry lips away with a wet sucking noise. "You like that?"

"You know I d-" he was interrupted his own surprised gasp. He felt something wet and warm pushing past his perfect pink sphincter. It worked its way deep into his hot depths. He knew exactly what it was. He looked back, seeing the zangoose buried face first in his feathery rear. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a few passionate moans as his friend explored his rear, coating his insides in saliva. He gripped the arm rest of his sofa tightly, finding it incredibly difficult to stop himself from moaning. He was not sure how much more of this he could take.

Jacob's wet muscle squirmed around inside the blaziken wildly. There was no real pattern, he just wanted to give him a good tongue fucking he wouldn't forget. There was no where he didn't leave untouched. If it was in reach of his tongue, he gave it a thorough cleaning. He could feel his ass, tightening around him. That feeling got more frequent with each passing second. His paw moved up and down Aiden's penis swiftly, whilst he happily gave him a deep rimming.

"Jacob! I... I'm fucking cumming," he could barely get the words out. He buried his face into the arm rest, and closed his eyes tightly as he was forced into a state of utter bliss. He screamed into the sofa as he felt his member throbbing so hard, spraying his seed underneath himself.

Cum soaked not only the couch, but also the zangoose's paw. He did not stop, kept stroking the blaziken's cock, and tongued his asshole. Hearing him crying out like that as his over sensitive manhood was being touched, it made him want to see how far he could push this blaziken. He noticed him squirming so much, moaning so loudly even as the cum stopped flowing. He was dry cumming. Only when his groans grew quiet did the zangoose pull himself away from the blaziken. He licked the cum away from his paw, swallowing every drop of his seed that made it into his mouth. "I'm not done yet."

Aiden panted so hard, knowing very well what was coming next. He just stayed there, trying to catch his breath before feeling the zangoose's paws on his hips. "Give it to me," he quickly said, wanting to feel his lover inside him. He was more than willing to take whatever Jacob could give him.

"You are so fucking beautiful," he whispered to him. He then plunged his manhood right into the blaziken's saliva soaked rectum, making it stretch around his girth. He went right in, balls deep. To him, there was no better feeling than being one with someone else he cares for, and now, there was no one in the world he cared more for than Aiden. This was more than just sex, this was love. He started off slow, rocking his hips back and forth.

Feeling his warm cock, being pushed so deep inside his bowels made him feel whole. Aiden felt a little empty whenever he drew back. He pushed his rear back onto his shaft, wanting to feel it back inside him sooner. "Harder," he quietly said.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you," he replied with a soft smirk. He wanted to bang his pretty ass faster and harder, but he also wanted to hear the blaziken say it. The way his ass hugged his cock, it felt so right. It was like he was made to take him.

"I want you to fuck me harder!" Aiden lustfully demanded as he kept pushing his rear back onto the zangoose's length. He liked to go slow sometimes, but this was not one of those times. He just wanted his friend to go wild, and use his ass all he wants.

"As you wish!" He gave him exactly what he wanted. He put so much power behind his thrusts, his force alone made the blaziken underneath him move, no matter how hard he tried to stay steady for him. His soft anal walls worked wonders on his bare zangoose dick. Jacob was not gentle, he knew that Aiden could handle it as he had done so many times before this. Each time he pushed into him, it was like entering heaven. His own breaths become heavier as he so happily hammered away at his lover's backside. The saliva from the deep rimming he gave him before made it easier to push in all the way to the base.

The sound of his ass being rammed filled the room. It was such a dirty noise that Aiden absolutely loved. His ring was being stretched so wide, so quickly. Each time he was entered, the hard shaft touched places inside him that made him just want to scream in utter joy. He could feel the zangoose's furry sack, slapping against him each time he delved deep into his ass. The pleasure built up so quickly, causing the blaziken to yell out profanities. "Fuck! Fuck!" No matter how much he wanted Jacob to keep going, he knew that pretty soon, he was going to blow. He could already feel it, the constant rubbing of his most sensitive area got to him. His cock twitched, sending more cum straight onto his fancy couch whilst the zangoose relentlessly pounded him.

The moment Jacob felt the blaziken's rectum clamping down onto his member, he knew what was happening. He knew it was going to happen to him very, very soon too. The way the blaziken's ass quivered around his hard breeding staff sent him into a lust filled fucking frenzy. His hips met the blaziken's bottom almost in a flash. Jacob's big fluffy white tail swished behind him as he pushed himself to go faster, and harder. He held his breath for a good long moment, able to fight off the orgasm just long enough to get twenty seconds of intense pleasure, before intense turned to unbearable. With a big long exhale, he filled the blaziken's bowels with big powerful spurts of his male fluid. He kept himself buried inside Aiden, using his own manhood as a plug to keep his seed from escaping his lover's cute butt.

Aiden panted heavily, feeling that familiar sensation of warm cum, soaking his bowels. "Fuck... You really filled me," he weakly said.

"Not done yet..." Jacob replied as a soft smirk crept across his face.

Aiden looked back to him. He had a feeling that his rear was going to be really sore once the zangoose was done with him.

The next morning, the zangoose slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight coming in from a nearby wall sized window made him squint. "Nhm, fuck, I feel like shit..." he whispered to himself as he sat up, seeing that he was in Aiden's fancy Victorian bed. It was so comfortable, but with this hangover, he couldn't fully enjoy it. He scratched his head, but as he did so, noticed he was wearing something. He looked over to a large element golden framed mirror to his left, seeing that he was wearing Aiden's red underwear on his head. His ears poked through where the legs were supposed to go. He didn't remember putting them on, but he took them off his head, and tossed them aside.

"Hey," the blaziken said as he walked into the room. His feathers looked a little wet, and he was still completely nude. He held a glass of water in one hand, and a small box of something in the other. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like I am forgetting something... Grh, got a bit of a headache."

"Got you covered," he said as he sat down next to the zangoose. He handed him the glass of water, and opened up the box. It was a box of VersaLife paracetamol. "Here, swallow these," he said as he popped out a few tablets and gave them to him.

He took the tablets, and popped them in his mouth. He then took a big mouth full of water, and swallowed it down with the tablets. "Thank you," he said, before then drinking up the rest of the water.

"So, about last night. I always had a feeling you were in love with me," Aiden said with a smile.

Quickly, the zangoose began to remember mentioning something about love to him. His memory was a little hazy, but he did remember quite a bit from last night. "How come you never said anything then?"

"I didn't want to make things between us weird, you know? Because I know you love us just being friends with benefits, and I know you didn't want to risk getting hurt again," he replied. Now that it was out in the open, he hoped that maybe this could be the start of something big. "I did think about telling you how I really felt a bunch of times, but I was worried about what you'd say."

Softly, the zangoose smiled. "You don't have to worry anymore... From now on, you're mine. My cute blaziken boyfriend." He reached up to his cheek, stroking the side of his face. Life was far too short to be messing around, his brother's death made him see that. He wasn't going to leave this world, regretting what he didn't do in life. He may never be remembered for anything grand, like buildings, or politics, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the people that cared about him, the people that would be by his side. It hurt him, to think that one day, Aiden will be gone too. It was going to happen, but not today. He kissed the blaziken's beak, before gazing into his eyes.

Aiden lay next to the zangoose, and cuddled up to him. He rested his head on Jacob's chest, and stroked over the zangoose's many scars on his body. He knew that Jacob's life hadn't been easy on him, but he hoped that now they were together, that would change. His fingers grazed over the spot where his augmented limb met the zangoose's flesh. "I should've told you how I felt a long time ago..."

"You're with me now, and that's all that matters," he replied. He was content with being forgotten in death, so long as he lived the rest of his life with Aiden by his side.

The blaziken closed his eyes, and just lay there with the man he grew to trust more than anyone else. "I love you," he quietly said.

"I love you more," Jacob replied with a smile. Although he was going through one hell of a shitty time, he was glad that he was going to have Aiden by his side, helping him through it. Whatever life throws at them next, he would be there for Aiden in return. Not even death will end the love he feels for this blaziken.

Author's Note: Just wanted to do this quick short story. :) Listening to the Deus Ex and Blade Runner soundtracks made this easier to write! Anyway, thank you to BigBossSonic for editing out a ton of mistakes from this. XD I need to be more careful. And thank you to everyone who reads this!

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