Keeping Morale High

Story by Cepheus Runeweaver on SoFurry

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#1 of Flight Rising

My first foray into writing for the breeding game "Flight Rising", this story features three of my own dragons... letting off some steam.

A booming roar echoed from a maize-colored Tundra male, and flames spewed from his maw in a vicious display of heat and magma. The fur down his body rippled and waved as the force of the blast altered the air pressure around him by creating a significant heat front. His target, a large, battered Guardian dragon, finally got the hint and turned tail to flee. With a departing threat and harsh words, the intruder limped away as fast as scorched and beaten legs would take him, spreading his wings and forcing himself skyward before those too were damaged by the territorial dragons.

"Well done, Avernus!" Came a female voice from his side. A pink and spotted Tundra dragoness, stood tall, royal purple wings spread wide in an impressive display of color and rank. This was his Matriarch, Allura, and in the cases of defense, his commander. "You gave him quite the flame lashing there!" She grinned at him before her attention was pulled away by the third member of their warband. A navy blue and steel Tundra male was weaving simple, tribal water magic to heal minor wounds on The Matriarch. He stuck his tongue out as he bent the complex magics, his typically simple mind struggling with the methods of wielding magic. Allura turned to him and rested a wing over him. "That's fine, Acalan, you don't need to worry so much."

"I did good?" The blue Tundra popped out of his spellweaving trance. "I did good, mistress?" He almost immediately reverted to his typical dog-like state.

Avernus's eyes rolled slightly. He didn't know Acalan well, but he knew he was excessively simple. All Tundras, himself included, were simple beasts at heart, with simple pleasures and desires, but Avernus kept to himself, out of the way, while Acalan seemed to embrace simplicity, acting like more like a wild beast than a true dragon most of the time.

Allura, however, was the farthest-flung from her Tundra kin. She - unlike Avernus and Acalan who were beings of fire and water, respectively - was a being of magic. She had grown up in arcane lands, with magical ley lines and ambient mana found even under a rock, and thusly her mind had become addled by it. The simple, friendly, and curious innate natures of the Tundra dragon line were present in her, but were infused with superior intellect, above that of most of her kin, yet also borderline insanity, as her thoughts fired and bounced through her mind with the burn of magic fueling them.

"Yes, Acalan my love, you did well." She leaned forward to rub her head against his, a gesture he gladly accepted by lowering his own head to her.

Avernus felt no particularly strong feelings towards Allura or Acalan. More than anything, they were both bizarre extremes of Tundra variance, two extremes that Avernus himself stood in the middle of. Allura was supremely intelligent, while Acalan was almost bestial in nature. Somehow, for some reason, she'd chosen him as her 'preferred' mate. 'Preferred' meaning the male that recieved the honor of sleeping in her den, and getting the pleasure of whelping her more than the other males of the flight - though that didn't stop her from allowing other males to mate with her with alarming frequency. Avernus had never been interested in her licentious antics. Primarily because he had never witnessed what happened next.

Acalan, fueled by adrenaline from the battle and lavished by praise from his coveted Matriarch, let his primal physical strength shine through as he let loose a playful growl and slammed his head beneath the chest of Allura, throwing his entire body weight into her and flipping her over onto her side.

"Ack! Acalan!" She giggled, seemingly unfazed by his brutal and blunt display of dominance towards one of higher rank.

Avernus nearly stepped forward to stop him, despite Allura's seemingly pleased disposition towards him. And then he noticed what he was actually doing.

Acalan was trying to navigate between her thighs, growling and roughhousing with her, his large, ridged, pink malehood beginning to show itself from beneath his large, furry frame. Backing off with a mixture of intrigue and disgust, Avernus watched Acalan as he began to mount Allura right in front of him, his shaft rutting her fur and probing her groin until he saw it find it's mark.

Almost immediately, Allura yelped out in pleasure. "A-Acalan! Oooh, good boy! You're going to do this right here? In front of Avernus?" Her voice was lustful and sweet; it was like she wanted him to watch, though her eyes were shut and her neck pulled up to hug Acalan closely as he didn't even hesitate to start mating with her lewdly. He grunted and groaned, simply stating "I-I love my mistress..." As his body thrusted against hers vigorously in lustful mating.

Avernus sat cooly, folding his wings in and relaxing ever so slightly, feeling compelled to observe the two, despite having just ended a heated battle. They seemed more than happy and willing to allow him this voyeuristic pleasure, and it was a good way to let off steam while the adrenaline of battle wore off. Not to mention, he'd never actually seen Allura being taken by another male, though he had heard it happened quite often.

Acalan was hilted on top of her like a rutting wolf taking his bitch, his hips a blur as his forepaws were hanging on his Matriarch's wings, pinning them to the ground while his hind legs were anchored in the dirt and grass, allowing him leverage to bestially mate with Allura, something he seemed particularly good at. His animal-like nature seemed to have it's rewards, as Allura squirmed and roared with delight beneath the merciless pounding of her lover, the lewd sounds of his ridged and firm length slipping in and out of her becoming audible in the air around them.

Avernus could feel his temperature rising considerably, impressive, considering he was a Fire dragon. He could feel his own shaft extending between his legs as he sat, and he licked his lips. His own primal nature began to press at the confines of his normally quiet and withdrawn mind.

He wanted her. He admitted it to himself. Watching her be bred right before him, it tickled his fantasies. Her royal wings splayed across the ground, her limbs in the air and wrapped around another, her head back and eyes shut in carnal bliss. For a Matriarch, she was incredibly sexual, and very attractive. Best of all, Avernus knew he could get her. If the stories were true, she would have no qualms about allowing him to slip underneath her tail. He fidgeted at the thought of it. He wasn't particularly bashful, but he wasn't one who had had a lot of sexual interactions before. Not many females interested him, and while he had coupled with one or two for the sake of adding to the flight's numbers, none were carnal, feral romps of sheer bliss and pleasure like what Acalan was doing to his mistress right now.

His hips came closer, his thrusts turned more shallow as Acalan seemed determined to bury himself as deep as possible into Allura's womb, no doubt quickly approaching his limit, quickly being pushed to climax by the sweet moans and calls of the royal dragoness he had beneath him. She stroked his mane and clawed at his shoulders, lavishing him in pet praises as one would to any pet, a concept that once again, both intrigued and repulsed Avernus. He'd never known of any dragons to make love to their pets or familiars, and if he'd been asked prior to today, he would have found the mere thought disgusting. Now, however... The way she spoke to him, calling him a 'good boy' and kissing his cheek while he mated her like a wild beast. It sent shivers down Avernus's spine. Just the way she did it, the way she acted as if an animal was having his way with her... He found himself wanting that treatment as well.

Pushed to his finale by Allura's sweet lavishing and praising, Acalan roared out, hind claws kicking up dirt and grass as his feet scratched at the ground from the force of his release. He ground his groin into hers as he drained his seed into her, growling and huffing, grunting as he no doubt pumped ribbon after thick ribbon into his Matriarch's belly, who seemed all too pleased to bring her 'pet' to climax. She gasped, shivered and crooned, feeling the water dragon's warm seed fill her core, her limbs relaxing as he allowed Acalan to whelp her.

Avernus was fully erect and ready now. In his sitting position, he could feel his length brushing the fur on the back of his arms, and he noticed his breathing was heavy. Now was his chance... If it was one thing he was good at, it was being blunt without words. He rose from his sitting position and strode over to the mating pair. Allura hadn't even opened her eyes before Avernus lowered his head and began to push Acalan off of her, not too forceful, but enough to get his attention.

He yelped with a bit of surprise and growled at him, a wet and bawdy coming from Allura's flower as he was forced out of her, still dripping with spilled dragon semen. Despite the growling, Acalan clambered off of Allura with little other complaint, ending with a whimper as he walked around for a bit before lying down next to them.

Acalan no longer concerned him. Without saying a single word, Avernus positioned himself as Acalan had, stretching out his wings and blanketing them around her, resting his cock on her belly.

Allura, opening her eyes with a bit of a giggle, wrapped her forepaws around Avernus's neck in a soft hug. "You too, Avernus? Did you enjoy the show~?" She practically sung to him, lucious pink eyes gazing up at him.

He now understood her allure, the appeal to his own Matriarch. The way she sung to him, the way her voice caressed his ears as her paws did to his neck, he opened his mouth and huffed, a bit of smoke coming from it, a product of his sheer arousal and flustering. "Y-yes... I want a turn..." He grunted and let his body fall onto hers, resting his long neck over hers and granting her a couple nibbles to her ear. He rutted her, humping without penetration, parting the fur on her belly as his shaft traveled over her, dripping with eager pre-cum.

"I can't say no, sweetheart, you must know that, mm?" She panted and crooned softly, licking her lips and wriggling around beneath him, teasing his malehood with her fur. "Come take your prize, you've been so loyal~" She praised him.

Pulling his hips back until his cock tip touched her slit, he pinned her wings to the ground and gave her another bite to the ear, before whispering: "Talk to me... Talk to me like you talk to him..."

He could feel her muscles move in her face as his was pressed to hers. "Oooh, you want me to call you a good boy, too?" Her legs opened wider and her tail coiled around Avernus's. "Come get your treat, sweetheart... Be a good boy and make your Matriarch happy..."

Now he was happy to oblige. The same tingle running up his spine as he had gotten watching her and Acalan teased him again and without hesitation he plunged his length into her pussy, easily sliding all the way in until their bodies met. The sensation of slipping into her was fascinating; she was loose, no doubt from Acalan and however many other males had taken her prior, and she was soaked, wet and hot from the deposit he'd made only moments before. Avernus let out a gruff, restrained moan of pleasure as he felt his body shiver and his wings flutter slightly. Almost immediately, the steam he had worked up was releasing itself.

The song Allura sung didn't do his lusts any favors. She let out a blissful, long moan, crooning and rumbling in her throat, like a long, loving purr. Her talons clutched his mane and combed through it softly. "Atta boy... You've never gotten to play with me, have you? Poor boy..." She licked over his cheek and whispered again in his ear, "Take as much as you want, okay? No holding back... Holding back is bad for you~"

The playful, almost innocent-sounding way she talked to him only did more to ignite his passions. He shivered again and began to couple with the pink dragoness. Hind claws pulling up and anchoring in the ground as Acalan's had, he began to thrust and buck his hips into her, evoking a bounce from her as he was slamming into her with full force in no time. Lifting his head to moan again, he rested it on the other side of hers, eyes opening slightly to lock on Acalan. He had expected to see more discomfort from Acalan, considering his mate was being pounded in front of him; no, he seemed quite content. He simply lied there, eyes locked on them, tail flickering with his cock still hanging out, only partially flaccid, still dripping some unplanted white seed onto the ground.

"Does he... like to watch you often?" Avernus grunted in Allura's ear as he pounded into her, going much slower than Acalan had, but each thrust using his entire body's weight to hit her womb.

Something he was quite well at doing; each thrust illicited a sharp moan or huff from Allura, who was clearly being given quite the treat each time Avernus's tip touched her cervix, her vocalizing a mixture of predominant pain and after-shocking pleasure, and her words were interrupted by each one of his forceful thrusts. "Y-yes...! He loves... To watch... C-areful though... You might get him riled up... Again!"

Grinning, he relished in the knowledge that Acalan had not illicited these sounds from her during his mating. Perhaps he had a bit of length over him to reach her core more easily? His tail coiled around hers tightly, and he threw himself into her more, increasing in speed now, wanting to really rut his Matriarch like she seemed to enjoy so much. In no time, Avernus was pumping his hips into her, claws rooted firmly in the ground and his forepaws clutching Allura's shoulders as he took his treat, reaming her loose and soaked pussy with his own dragon length, coating it and lubricating each thrust with a mixture of Allura's honey and Acalan's mess. He was absolutely falling in love with her and the sensations it gave, to be the 'sloppy second' after Acalan. She was slick, hot, and worn out from her earlier rendevouz, allowing Avernus to be as rough and as fast as he wanted. Without warning, he could feel himself quickly reaching the point of no return, and he embraced it. Tightening his grip around his queen and pressing his body into her firmly, his hips began to roll and pound like a beast's, his wings quivering and his breath becoming strained. "A-allura..." He panted wetly, drooling slightly near her ear. "I'm gonna... Gonna breed..."

She hummed and caressed his neck, her talons scritching through his fur to comb softly and sensually at the flesh underneath. "Go ahead sweetheart." She sung again, curling her head up to moan more directly into his ear. "Whelp me, Avernus. Add your seed to the mix... That's a good boy..." She started to kiss his neck and his ears, making more pet-praises.

Avernus had never been pushed over the edge so quickly, or orgasmed so hard as he did right then. Suddenly picking Allura up with a squeeze in his large furry arms, he clenched his teeth, growling and grunting fiercely, smoke puffing from his nostrils and between his teeth, he loaded her with cum in a way he never had to another female. She yelped a bit as she was lifed off the ground, her back arching and she giggled slightly, letting out an impressed croon. "Ooh! Avernus!"

He spilled a veritable flood of mess into her, heated by his natural element and pent up after months of hidden desire. Filling her with several good gallons of cum, he made sure not a drop leaked from her, keeping his body firmly pressed against hers.

From her awkwardly lifted position, she stayed lax and limp, combing through Avernus's mane as he continued to breed. "Good boy~" She said soothingly, "Very, very good boy... That was quite the treat for me, too!" She squrimed and moaned softly, "It's so warm. And there's so much of it! What did I tell you about holding back, hon?"

He huffed and grunted as he came down from his earthshaking climax. "I-I wasn't holding back... I just don't cum often..." He wetted his lips again, that despite his salivating during his breeding, had become dried out from his heavy panting. "No female has ever felt that good..."

She giggled a bit, still trying to catch her breath. "Oh? You don't say? Well, if you ever need another warm place to bury that amazing bone of yours again... You know where to find me." She rubbed her nose to his and gave him a wink. "I would say all you need to do is ask... But you don't even have to ask... I think you did just fine for not asking."

"Mmph..." Was all he could muster, now feeling drowsy and drained after emptying his load into his flight's Matriarch. "Anytime?"

"Anytime." She smirked. "And I certainly enjoy sloppy seconds and threesomes... So don't ever worry about being left out, mm?" She caressed his cheek with a taloned hand, tilting her head and giving him a sweet little kiss on his lips.

"Y-yes mistress..." He quivered again. He had never called her 'mistress' before, but after this endeavor, certainly felt far more loyal to her than ever before. Like a siren, she was, luring any male under her tail or into her arms with her sweet voice and lustful desires, except unlike a siren, coupling with her had no grave consequences.

Except, perhaps for wanting more; the desire that Acalan was overcome by.

Salivating and fully erect once again, Acalan rose to his feet and started to pace back and forth over his position, whining and whimpering. Avernus paid him no mind at first, he was relishing in the warmth of his queen. Only when he felt Acalan's head nudging into his shoulder did he finally get the message. He wasn't pushing like Avernus had to him; he was too timid to knock another male right off, or perhaps he knew Allura would scold him if he did.

"I think he wants to play again." Allura giggled. "You might wanna let him, when it's convenient for you, of course~" She gave a wink to Avernus.

"Of course... my queen." He panted and gave her a long wet lick over her cheek, something he never particularly did, being rather scant with affection of any sort; but the relief of pressure he'd built up had him in a remarkably good mood... And she had charmed him into a few kisses herself.

Still a bit weak in the knees, Avernus stood up, wetly and audibly pulling his dragon length out of the sultry pink dragoness, leaving her with a croon and an exhale. Was this regular for her? Or for Acalan? He wondered as he stepped aside, lying down nearby as Acalan had to catch his breath and relax as his malehood slowly retracted back into his sheath. It wasn't without interest though that she watched Allura take her third romp from her mate. Again, like a giant, winged beast he clambered on top of her clumsily - tripping over her and misstepping on her chest and wings several times, making her laugh and paw at him - until he finally had himself situated between all four of her legs. His cock was erect and dripping once again, no doubt brought on from the show that Allura and Avernus had put on just moments prior, and he was determined to add even more dragon seed to her womb. This time, he had no trouble finding his mark on his Matriarch's body, and a loud wet sound signified his penetration and hilting to the base of his length with one swift motion.

"Aaah!" Allura cried out, almost immediately gripping Acalan's mane and clawing at his shoulders. "G-good boy~!" She sung, driven into pure pleasure the moment he penetrated her, the feeling of two previous breedings coming together the enhance this one. "Goodness...! I'm going to walk away with a dozen eggs this time, aren't I?" She giggled a little before her laughter gave way to moans and pants, as Acalan started to once again claim his prized mate.

Acalan seemed thrilled to be sharing in his sloppy mate, too. Almost in a trance, his head was pressed down, his teeth were latched painlessly onto one of Allura's horns, and he was pounding away at her like a rutting stallion. Allura had curled her wings inward to allow Acalan to claw at the ground, a wise move to avoid him scratching at her wings as he gave into the lusts that dominated him. With his claws beneath her wings, his front talons clutched at the earth as his hinds did, each thrust from his rolling and bucking hips making a squishy wet noise and pulling out some of the gooey mess that had been deposited into the female. He drooled slightly as his teeth were clamped onto his queen's horn, grinding at some of the bone, chipping it slightly.

"C-careful Acalan, down boy..." She tugged at her head and gave him a caress to his cheek, feeling the teeth against her horn start to grate damagingly. "Don't... hurt your queen... too much." She kissed his neck and allowed him to continue breeding.

His head was still pressed to the ground, however, teeth clenched as he was too lost in a frenzy of thrusts to really notice anything had changed, or the touch to his face. Clawing at Allura's shoulders, he grunted, slammed into her once more, and let out a roar into the air that shook the birds from their trees and echoed through the sky.

He coiled his head down again, quivering and grinding quite ferociously into Allura's core, who looked visibly impressed by his display, and something more. "Oh, wow, Acalan... Are you okay, sweetie?" She combed through his mane, grunting a bit and twitching her leg and tail. "T-that's... quite a lot of eggs you've just given me, darling." She quivered a bit, taken aback by the sheer volume of seed that Acalan was spilling into her.

Licking his lips and huffing, he found the breath to speak. "I-I love my mistress..."

"Awww... I can see that!" She reached under his neck to scratch at his chest affectionately.

Avernus found his own breath had become quick and needy again, but this time he tried to shake it off. At this rate, if he were to mount her again, there would be no end to it. Just the three of them would be trapped in a neverending cycle of coupling and sex, until, heaven forbid, another male from the flight found them and would most likely want to join in on the fun, seeing as how Allura already had experience with most of the males in the flight. "Nng..." He shifted uncomfortably, taking deep breaths and trying to look away, but failing as he watched Acalan's loins kiss Allura's, a bit of white seed trickling onto her flank from her loosened petals.

"Getting needy again, Avernus?" She grinned at him mischeviously. "You've never coupled with me before..." Her voice was turning seductive again as her taloned hand ran down Acalan's neck. "I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't get enough of this... new experience."

Avernus fidgeted. "I-I really shouldn't." He knew he wanted her again, and he imagined how drenched she would be if he were to mount her again, how hot and pliable she'd feel. "If this keeps up, my queen, we'll be stuck here all day."

She shrugged. "Mm, that's true. I suppose I should do something else to unwind besides helping all my lovely boys relieve themselves? Acalan, love? When you're done, go back home and wait for me, okay?" She lifted his chin with a single talon and kissed his nose.

Flickering and wagging his tail, he returned her kiss with a large wet lick over her face. "Okay, my favorite pink dragon love..." He began to inch out of her, exposing the pink of his length, but found himself quivering and drawn back into her. "Nnnghhh..." He hummed and fell back onto her, re-hilting his cock into her warm cavern.

"He really likes you, huh?" Avernus said, feeling himself grow erect once more. This spell she had over him was irresistable, and he couldn't deny that breeding with her was a new, unmistakably pleasurable experience. Of all the things, he'd never imagined coupling with the Matriarch of his flight, or even more, finding himself aroused by the concept of her being so... slutty. Yes, something about her sharing herself, about so many other dragons filling her with warmth and Avernus burying himself in that heat... Made him tremble.

Again, Acalan tried to pull away from his beloved, this time pulling his length from her core successfully with a lewd sound, dripping a bit of extra seed onto her tail base.

"Good boy," She praised him, rolling over onto her side, allowing a gush of white to spill from her dragon slit, and although her eyes were not turned towards Avernus, her tail was lifted in a way that showed her flanks to him perfectly. "Feel better, sweetheart?" She gave him another kiss.

"Y-yes mistress. I feel better now..." He lowered his head and bumped it against her sweetly. "I... I go home now?"

"That would be best, sweet Acalan." She smiled. "I'll be home soon, don't worry."

"O-okay... I will miss you though."

"Go on... off with you, you won't miss me long," She sung to him, and Avernus was already approaching her from behind, the anticpation starting to get to him.

With a whimper, but complying, Acalan reluctantly broke into a run, then took off into the skies not too far away, letting the wind carry him off towards the den that he called his.

Before he even made it off the ground, however, Avernus was eager to take his prize yet again. He had climbed over her as she lie on her side, and she lied there like a playful dragoness, teasing him by keeping her legs closed and her body off to the side.

Growling and huffing, he nudged under her neck and gave her several wet licks and playful love bites to her furry scruff, his cock parting the fur of her thighs and dripping more eager precum onto her flanks, matting her fur with clear gooey fluid.

"So you do want more, then?" She fluttered her wings, wrapping one of them around Avernus.

"P-please..." He found himself eeking out a whimper of his own, trembling with greater intensity with each passing moment. The teasing was too much for him, she was like a drug to him this day, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his bone in her one more time... Biting at her neck and raking his talons through her chest fur, he tried to force her to roll over.

She complied, gracefully. Beneath his clawing talons, she rolled onto her back once more in a full submissive pose, exposing all her softest parts and allowing Avernus between her thighs yet again.

Foreplay was the last thing on his mind. Hooking his paws beneath her flanks, he pulled her upto him, forcing his throbbing cock into her gaping slit as quickly and as smoothly as Acalan had on his second breeding. Allura gasped and wrapped her arms around him again. "Aah... There you go, boy... Take what you want... I'm all yours."

He growled, taking her pussy at a modest, but firm rhythm. He wasn't slamming her like a stallion, but was methodically and firmly rolling his hips into her as deeply as he could. Each kiss of their loins resulted in a firm bounce from her, and a chuff of pleasure. "You're such a slut, my queen... You love this, don't you?" He puffed smoke near her ear.

"Oh yes, Avernus... It's a blessing, believe me... I can't get enough of it... You're doing me a favor, adding more stuffing to my belly..." She moaned out, curling her head to meet with his, clawing at the scruff of his neck with both hands. "Give me your all... Help satisfy me... Like a good boy..."

He had never been more willing to please his leadership. Throwing his body into her, he lifted her hindquarters off the ground as he plowed into her, making the pink female unf and squeak with each impact. Holding back once he felt the urge to spill would be difficult, this time. He hardly wanted to wait. "A-allura... I'm going to cum inside you, fill you up, empty myself into you... Don't stop me..." He grunted and gave her ear a wet lick.

"I wouldn't... dream of it, Avernus." She gasped out, feeling what was now three hot loads from her lovers swishing inside of her.

And he was more than happy to let himself go wild with her. Soon enough, his thrusts turned into those of a breeding stallion, long and forceful, quickly pushing himself to the edge, and then over it. Clutching her at the shoulders tightly, his cock throbbed and sprayed into Allura's belly, gushing several good gallons of seed into her, no doubt the product of teasing and pent-up desires.

"You don't get to play much, do you, Avie?" She grunted and looked down between their chests, feeling the heated cum flow into her. "I can tell, poor boy... So much to give, and no one to give it to..." She smirked up at him.

"Mmph..." Was all he replied with. He continued to grind his hips against hers, milking out every drop he could muster until he was content with his filling. "Maybe you'd like to help with that?"

"If it keeps happening like this? I'd be very sad if you didn't let me help..." She curled her hands into her chest, looking sweetly up at him.

He quivered and pulled out of her, leaving a stringy bridge of fluid between her gaping cavern and his ridged and tapered dragon length. Again, he panted, huffing out puffs of smoke as he found himself relieved yet again, this time - hopefully - for the rest of the day.

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