She's Such A Tease - A Shower of Urges Pt. 5

Story by RainTigress on SoFurry

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#5 of She's Such A Tease

Skyler bolted from the library for the washroom. He took off his pants and removed his sticky, cum soaked boxers before sliding his pants back on. He jammed his boxers into the very bottom of his knapsack and swung it over his shoulder. 'This entire semester is getting really fucking weird.' He thought to himself as he exited into the hallway. He broke into a half-jog down the hallway and not quite focusing on where he was going slammed into another fur and fell to the ground. he looked up, dazed to see Ryan looking down at him.

"Where's the fire, man?" Ryan asked.

"I'm gonna be late for fifth." Skyler said picking himself off the ground and dusting off. "The hell's up with you? You haven't seen a full day of school since the seventh grade."

"Told you." Ryan said as they started towards Professor Fynx's classroom together, "I've got some shit to attend to."

"You know you've never been able to keep a secret from me, dude. Why start now?" Said Skyler with a slight smirk.

Ryan's only response was "You'll see. It's a surprise."

Skyler could only think as they walked the rest of the way in silence, that this had something to do with the experience they had together the previous night. Thoughts of their bodies locked together in a frenzied act of passion filled Skyler's mind as he briefly flashed back to remember the feeling of Ryan's hard cock pumping cum into his ass. He smiled a little at the thought of the pleasure he'd experienced at the hands of his best friend as they walked through the door of the classroom and Skyler laid his homework silently on top of the stack of assignments on Arabelle's desk .


They were greeted with only a slight smile from Professor Fynx upon their fashionably late entrance. "She told me I was allowed to be five minutes late today... but why didn't she bitch you out?" Skyler whispered to Ryan as they took their seats side-by-side.

"Maybe she's just glad to see I'm here for once." Ryan whispered back. As Skyler opened his bag to withdraw his books, Ryan smelled the scent of Skyler's jizz emanating from the bag, his pheromones filling the air with an unmistakable scent of sex. Although Skyler quickly zipped his bag shut, there was just enough of his scent in the air that he got several admiring glances from the girls sitting around them... including Fynx. Ryan knew that Fynx was doing well at being his little pet, and he could see the glimmer of the necklace collar glinting around her neck, though she had tucked the tag under her blouse.


Arabelle sat uncomfortably at her desk. She could see her students looking at her with curiosity due to the revealing clothes she was wearing. She heard the rabbit twins gossiping with a group of their friends.

"Have you ever seen Fynx dress like that?"


"She's usually a total tight ass."

"Except for the shoes."

"Who cares about the shoes? You can see her nipples through the shirt."

"Maybe she's got a hot date later and no time to change."

"No way. She's like... old."

"Enough out of you ladies." Arabelle said sharply. She didn't like the fact that she had to wear this getup to protect her job, and she liked it even less that she was being called "old". However, the outfit, and the predicament that went along with it, was something she couldn't help at this point. Throughout the day she had been trying to think of a way out of this, but none were apparent. She didn't mind so much teasing Skyler. There was something about his adorable innocence, his sexy physique... but she couldn't just tease him forever. She wanted him... Badly. She chided herself yet again for thinking of a student with such lust, but she couldn't help it.

She felt very vulnerable and exposed as she stood in front of the class giving her lecture, but the feeling was arousing in a strange but familiar way. She felt the eyes of several of her male students clinging to her form. She looked towards Skyler for a brief moment, his eyes were fixated on her, his muzzle hanging slightly open. Ryan was beside him with a bored expression on his face, his chin resting in his palm. Her mind filled with contempt for the young squirrel for a moment. 'How dare he blackmail me into this?' She thought angrily, but she continued with her lesson. Feeling the stares of the young, virile males around her sparked a warmth in her belly, slowly traveling down to the nether regions barely hidden by her short skirt. She felt herself becoming wet... her heart pounded heavily... it was so hard to concentrate on her lecture with her clit throbbing between her thighs. The moisture from her slit began to bead on her thigh. She felt it trickling ever so slowly down her leg. Her brow began to sweat, 'How long until they notice?' She thought to herself. She excused herself from her class with a stutter and headed towards the faculty locker room.


The locker room was always abandoned in the afternoons. It was a wide room covered entirely in white and blue tile with benches running down the centre. She lay down on a bench and hitched up her skirt. She slid her fingers inside her dripping slit and began thrusting them in and out hard and fast. She fingerbanged herself mercilessly, sometimes slowing down to rub her clit with her thumb... her felt sparks of ecstasy flowing through her body as he shifted her weight onto her side and lifted a leg around her head. While still rapidly finger fucking herself she began lapping at her own pussy, eating herself out. It only took a few strokes of her tongue before her fingers found that magic spot on top of her vagina and she began to squirt waves of cum into her own mouth. She was so busy lapping up her own fluids, she never noticed the sound of the door opening behind her...

Ryan strode over to her, unnoticed by the Professor in the throwes of orgasm. He grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and pulled her up to look at him. "Did I say you could cum?" Ryan said, looking into her eyes.

"I... You didn't..." She stuttered.

"You cum when I say you can cum." Ryan said. He spied the door to the shower room off to the side of them. He dragged her into it and locked the door. It was a long narrow room with several showers in it. A long tiled bench was built into the wall. He undressed her fiercely and pushed her forward so she was doggy style on the bench. He removed his own clothes, removing his belt from his shorts and bringing hit with him as he turned on the shower, a cascade of warm water coming down on them both. He slid himself inside her pussy with a hard thrust... though Arabelle din't protest. She was relieved to have his massive, hard cock inside her and she moaned in pleasure as he hilted himself against her hips. "Make me cum, pet." He ordered her. She began bucking her hips against him, but she had barely started into her rhythm when he snapped his belt down on her back. She cried out in pain. "We can't have that." He said removing the bandanna he wore around his wrist to silence her.

"Make me cum, bitch!" He ordered again. She started bucking again, but felt the belt whip against her back for a second time. She whimpered out from behind her gag. "Not that way." He said.

Arabelle was confused... she didn't know quite what to do. She started clenching the muscles in her pussy, trying to stay as still as she could. She heard him let out small sighs, but after no more than a couple of minutes, the belt cracked down on her once more. "Not good enough, pet." He said. "If you don't please me there will be punishment involved." She looked around for anything that could help... he spied a large black shampoo bottle nearby. It was about nine inches in length and at least three inches in girth, and it had small nodules down the sides making it ridged and bumpy. She knew now what he wanted her to do... she grabbed the shampoo bottle and deepthroated it, making it slippery with her saliva. She reached behind herself and forced the large bottle, with great difficulty, into her tight tailhole. She worked it in slowly, it hurt, but she knew her tailhole would adapt.

Ryan groaned as she worked the large bottle into her tailhole, stretching it so that he could feel the ridges of the bottle pressing through the barrier between her ass and her pussy, stroking his cock. She worked the bottle in and out of her sweet, puckered sand dollar, jerking him off with the bottle through her ass. She worked it faster and faster until Ryan released wave after wave of sticky, hot jism into her sopping wet pussy. After his knot was enlarged about half way, he pulled out with a cruel "POP!" and showered her wet, matted fur with his hot seed. He flipped her over so she could sit on the bench and got between her legs. "Now, maybe I'll let you cum." He said. He took just one tantalizing lick at her clit before pulling away and spitting on her pussy. He stood up. "You taste like a whore." He said. "No pet of mine is going to taste like a whore!" He said mockingly and walked to his bag, by the corner. "I bought you a present... pet." He said, pulling a drugstore bag out of his knapsack. It was a raspberry flavoured douching kit. He assembled it quickly and inserted it into her clam. He pushed the liquid that smelled strongly of raspberry into her pussy. Only seconds later, the mixture of the fluid from the bag and the fluids from her pussy splashed out of her. He untied her gag to tie it back around his own wrist and he caressed her cheek. "That takes care of that... but I think we might just have to postpone your release until you prove your loyalty to your master."

He towel dried himself and put his clothes back on. "Get cleaned up." He said apathetically. "You've got a big night ahead of you. He laughed and tossed an envelope at her as he left her naked in the shower, her fur wet and matted,, the shampoo bottle still jammed into her tailhole.


After she had cleaned up both herself and the shower around her, Arabelle dried herself and redressed, her mind filled with fiery contempt for the predicament she was in and for Ryan. She wasn't quite back to the classroom when the bell rang, so she turned to her office instead.

Sitting down at her desk she retrieved a long, silver letter opener and sliced the envelope Ryan had tossed at her. The inside was a room key to one of the sleazier hotels in the city and a note. "Check into this room at 5pm tonight, more instructions will be there for you."

Arabelle looked at the clock... sixth period was over at 4:30 and this hotel was all the way across the city. She wouldn't have time to change, but for the time being she had no choice. She had to go or who knows what Ryan would pull out of his sleeve.

"I'm just going to have to go with this." She thought... "It's just a little cock, after all.".....

She's Such A Tease - The Pet Pt. 4

Skyler stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. It was obvious that he and Ryan had effectively wasted most of the evening and it was already approaching 10:30. As Ryan walked into the bathroom while he started back into the living room, he...

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She's Such a Tease - Midnight Visitor Pt. 3

Arabelle collapsed into her recliner and kicked off her heels. She was exhausted from a long and abnormally bad day. She had spilled her coffee in second period, been hit with an impromptu staff meeting over her lunch hour... But her fifth period...

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Frozen in Time

It was the year 2009 A.D. and it was a perfectly rainy, grey, crummy afternoon in September, and a lone raccoon named Richie was trudging his was towards only his 3rd day of senior year. He kicked a soda can out of his path and flicked his cigarette...

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