Winter Wear

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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Winter Wear by Gene-Pool

By Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

Inspired by my complete distaste for cold weather in general, this story has been in the works for a while. Of course if this could really take place, I might have a new found appreciation for winter. But alas, this is a work of fiction and one that contains some instances of sex involving two males at that... but I think you expected that. Story void were prohibited; tax, title, and license are extra. Please enjoy responsibly and remember, friends don't let friends drive yiffed.

"Damn it, I hate this cold weather," I swore as I brushed the heavy snow off of my truck.

For the first time this winter the temperature had dropped well below freezing and the cold winds had blanketed the city with over a foot of lake effect snow. And of course ever since I had moved to a new townhouse my snow gear was nowhere to be found. My hands were starting to feel numb and I had even managed to get snow down the back of my coat.

I got in and started my truck and started my drive into work, however, I was still freezing and with the short drive, I was at my destination before the vents had started to blow some hot air. The parking lot seemed rather empty, only a few other cars were present. I got out and trudged through the knee-deep drifts to the door only to discover that the building was locked. A sign was posted stating that the office would remain closed today due to the inclement weather.

A steady stream of swears erupted from my mouth as I turned to make my way back to my truck. By the time I was back behind the wheel I was thoroughly frozen, the snow had made its way into my dress shoes now. I started the drive home and cheered up a bit as I watched countless other people with no clue how to drive in the snow spin off the road. That's when I spotted the bright neon "open" sign in the window of Sedrick's.

Sedrick's Athletic and Outdoor Apparel had opened a month or two ago but I had never taken the time to stop inside and check it out. From what I heard from others, the store had a great selection of sports gear, camping equipment, and outdoor wear, with pretty good prices, too. What the hell I figured, I needed some gloves and maybe a scarf and no other stores were likely to be open. Pulling into the lot I noticed a few other cars parked outside, apparently I wasn't the only one caught unprepared for the snowy weather.

Small chimes clanged on the door as I entered and a friendly store clerk looked up from the checkout to greet me.

"Welcome to Sedrick's. Can I help you find anything?"

"Actually, yes. I need a new pair of gloves, maybe a scarf too if you have some."

"Excellent, we have a wide selection of winter clothing located upstairs in the front. Feel free to look around and let me know if I can help with anything."

I made my way up to the second floor, nodding hello to a few of the other shoppers who were going about their browsing. I located the racks of heavy coats and bypassed them to check out the shelves of gloves and hats. Most were rather unremarkable, just ordinary gloves or wool caps. I was about to just pick out a random pair when my attention was drawn to a clearance display. There were several pairs of gloves that all seemed to have a different pattern in the fuzzy outer fabric. What's more all of the gloves only had three fingers and a thumb.

That's odd I thought. I picked up a pair with black and white stripes on it; the tag said the style was Siberian Tiger. Pulling it on, my hands easily slid in, my ring finger and pinky slipping into the same digit. The interior lining seemed to be some sort of fuzzy rubber-like material, like wet suit neoprene only furry and soft. It seemed to constrict a little bit around my hand but was not uncomfortably tight, the incredible thing was the way I still had full movement of my hand. Most gloves I've had are too bulky, you can't really use your hands while you wear them, but these fit like a second skin.

The gloves felt really warm and should do a great job handling the cold weather outside. I took the Siberian Tiger pair I had picked out and continued shopping but didn't see a scarf that would suit me. I made my way to the check-out up front to pay. I set them at the register and the clerk smiled at me.

"Excellent choice, these are the latest design from Gene-Pool Sportswear. They are fantastic for keeping you warm. You know, we're running a special right now. If you buy the three piece set of gloves, hat and scarf you get the second set free."

"Oh really? I didn't see any sets up there."

"Hmm, let me check back in the stockroom and see if we have any left."

The clerk hurried to the back of the store and disappeared into the store room. Several minutes later he returned with two bags.

"Well unfortunately we don't seem to have any of the Siberian Tiger left in large, just extra large, however I do have one of the Snow Leopard in large."

I thought about it for a moment and decided what the hell, it really was a great price, "Ok, well I'll take them both, I can use the large and I have a neighbor that the xl should be perfect for."

"Excellent!" The clerk rang up my purchase and bagged the items for me.

I trudged back out into the snow and had to brush off my truck yet again from the snow that had fallen in the twenty minutes I was inside. At this rate the whole city would be snowed in for a couple of days. I drove back home in the near white out conditions and pulled into the drive. I took my bag from the store inside with me and settled in a bit and just watched the snow fall.

Several hours later it finally slacked off enough that if I started shoveling it might actually make a dent. I grabbed the bag containing the smaller snow leopard set out and opened it up. The soft fuzzy coating on all three items felt so soft and warm I was sure they would keep me cozy out in the snow. I set the tiger patterned ones on the chair by the door, I figured they would fit my next door neighbor so maybe he would like them. After getting my coat on I wrapped the scarf tightly around my neck and chin and pulled on the hat. The hat was nice and big and cut real nice so that it would come down and cover my ears. It was lined with the same fuzzy neoprene as the gloves which made the fit tight but very comfortable. Finally I worked my hands into the perfect fit of the odd three fingered gloves. I flexed my hands and once again found that the comfort and dexterity provided by the tight fitting gloves was quite surprising.

At last I was properly outfitted for the elements. I walked out the front door into the bright white snowscape. The fluffy white snow crunched under my boots as I walked out to the garage and retrieved my shovel. I set to work, quite comfortable in the frigid air.

I had cleared off a good portion of the drive when I stopped to rest. I was quite pleased with the new outdoor wear I had purchased. I still felt perfectly comfortable; usually by now any shoveling would have gotten me all sweaty and clammy underneath the heavy clothing. Now however, even though I felt all nice and toasty, I had barely broken a sweat. I continued shoveling and cleared off my drive and the entire sidewalk on the block.

I was just about to get started on one of the elderly resident's walkway when I saw my neighbor's SUV pull in. That's odd, I thought, he usually doesn't get back in until later in the afternoon.

I bounded over in the snow, "Hey Jimmy. What're you doing home so early?"

Jimmy and I were best friends and drinking buddies. He was about my age and we had both moved into the neighborhood around the same time. He had gone into the Army out of high school and had just been discharged when he moved into the neighborhood, so he still had the clean cut and squared away look about him. He was big too, a full six inches taller than me and biceps as big around as my neck. He worked out relentlessly and even got me to join a gym with him.

"What do you mean early, it took me nearly 45 minutes to drive back from the shop because they haven't cleared the roads yet. Otherwise I would have been home around three like usual."

I stared at him in disbelief, when I walked out my door it was going on eleven, there's no way I could have been out here for nearly five hours. I looked around at the amount of snow I had cleared and noticed how another couple of inches had fallen in the areas I had started first. If I had been out that long surely I would have been royally frost bitten by now.

Jimmy was still talking at me while I looked around puzzled, "... nice hat by the way."

"Oh shit... yeah that reminds me. I have something for you." I leapt through the snow to my front door and cracked it open just wide enough to get the other package from Sedrick's off the chair just inside.

"Here, I got these for you." I walked over and tossed the bag to Jimmy.

"What's this?" he pulled the clothing from the bag and looked it over. His eyes widened at the sight of the black and white tiger stripes on the clothing.

"Something new I picked up today... you have really got to try them. I've been out here for a while and I don't feel cold at all."

"Thanks, maybe I'll try them in a bit. I want to get something to eat first. Thanks for doing my drive by the way." Jimmy turned and went up to his house.

I turned back to my shoveling but didn't feel in the mood for it any more. I just wanted to play in the snow. I threw my shovel down and jumped into the surrounding snow banks. Bounding and burrowing through the white I lost myself in the pleasure and fun of being outdoors, snow angels, target practice with snowballs, icicle popsicles and all the stuff I had forgotten I loved about the winter weather. I still felt really comfortable except I started to notice that my clothing was feeling very tight and constricting but mostly I ignored it and went about frolicking.

Soon enough though, my stomach was starting to remind me that I hadn't eaten anything lately, so I decided to take a break and head back inside. I shut the door behind me and stomped the snow off of my boots. Pulling off the gloves though, I received something of a surprise. After being forced into the odd three fingered gloves for so long my fingers didn't want to relax and come apart. My pinky and ring finger would only move together. I tried to pull them apart but it was no use, they were thoroughly stuck. I held my hand up closer to my face when I saw that the skin between them was actually starting to merge together.

I watched in fascination as on both hands the two fingers gradually became one. The nails had started to lengthen on all my fingers by now and grown out to form sharp claws. But if the gloves did this... what about the hat and scarf! I raced into the bathroom and flicked on the lights around the mirror. First I untied the scarf from around my face and neck. It looked like my jaw and face all the way up to my nose was a bit swollen. A funny looking rash was also spreading across my skin forming what appeared to be small spots. I swallowed hard as I reached a hand up and slowly started pulling off the cap. My hair appeared to be much shorter and much thicker but most of all what caused me to gasp was its color. It was mostly gray with dark black spots spread throughout; in fact, it looked just like the snow leopard pattern on the hat. My ears had also grown beneath the cap and now ended in distinct points.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time, I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. Dazed and confused it struck me, call the store... they would know what to do about this. I ran out in to the living room and as I reached for the phone a saw the spotted fur was now starting to spread across the backs of my hands. I grabbed a phone book and flipped through it for the stores number but after dialing them up all I got was a prerecorded message informing me of their hours. I looked at the clock and sure enough they would have been closed by now. What am I going to do I thought, this is just too bizarre. Suddenly the tight feeling in the rest of my clothing intensified along with an incredible itch. I tried to get undressed but it was too late.

My coat started to rip apart at the seams as my arms and chest grew, I could only picture the incredible hulk as the coat tore apart across my back. I looked down and saw that my chest and arms had nearly doubled in size, large thick muscles rippled under sinewy skin that even as I watched started to sprout a coat of fine fur. The fur spread down to my abs and onto my hips where the waistline of my pants had become much too tight. My pants were positively bulging, both in the rear and in the front and only seconds later, preceded by a terrific ripping noise, a long fuzzy tail came shooting out from my rear end. As if that wasn't enough the front burst open exposing a small furry sheath that quickly grew larger and more massive as it moved halfway up my abs.

The rest of my pants and underwear fell away in scraps as my legs changed in size and shape. Becoming a little longer and more powerful, they scarcely looked human, especially with the rich layer of gray and black spotted fur. My feet began to ache as they expanded inside my boots; I sat down and hurriedly pulled them off. My feet were stretching and changing shape beneath my socks, lengthening and broadening a bit. I could feel my toes curl and scratch as suddenly sharp talons ripped apart the end of my socks. In the end, my feet were rather long and very animalistic, like a large cat.

I couldn't dwell on it long though as my ears popped and my jaw stretched and I yawned, opening wide as my skull changed shape. I staggered back to the bathroom to look at myself and nearly jumped as I could see my face reforming beneath the skin. Teeth lengthening, nose flattening, my jaw line pushing out from my face. I shut my eyes to block out the sight, when I opened them again they had changed too, becoming a golden brown and much more catlike. The seconds ticked past and only minutes after it had all started I had completely changed.

I looked into the mirror and couldn't believe that the image staring back was me. The creature in the mirror was taller than I was, more powerful too. With the body of a strong agile runner, muscles bulged underneath the taut skin. A long tail flicked about behind it, him, the thick sheath in the front was definitely male. Strong clawed hands held the edge of the sink in a vise-like grip, and its feline muzzle with its short nose, sharp teeth and delicate whiskers, was definitely not my face. The short dense fur that covered him from head to toe was charcoal gray and laced with dark ringed circles. No this wasn't me... it was something better.

I stood and flexed in front of the mirror, muscles visibly tensing beneath my fur. I shuddered as a chill went down my spine causing my fur to ripple. I wasn't sure what I should do next, I felt so energized and alive. My body was so much larger and stronger than before, and sexier too. Just standing there looking as myself as I ran my hands over my fur I started to feel aroused. My crotch started to swell and just the sensation of my new dick sliding out of my sheath was so intense, but I stopped, startled when I felt myself starting to purr.

Even as I grew more aroused, I became aware of how uncomfortable I was being inside. It was hot and stuffy and I could detect the smells of the various cleaning products I had used the day before and it bothered my nose. I bounded across the house to the front door and nearly clawed it apart trying to open it. Soon enough I was outside jumping around through the snow. I found it just as comfortable on all fours as I did running around on just my hind legs. I rolled around through the thick blanket of white and even climbed up into nearby trees only to leap down into the snow banks. Then I noticed the scent.

It was coming from next store at Jimmy's. I didn't recognize it at first. The more the scent drifted through my nostrils the more I realized it was Jimmy's scent, but it seemed to be changing somehow. Shit! The gloves! If they did this to me, what about Jimmy? I sprinted through the snow and up to his porch, reaching his door I pounded on it with a furry fist. He didn't answer but the smell of change was stronger over here, I could hear movement inside along with noise that sounded like grunting or growling.

"Jimmy, hey Jimmy! Open up, it's me, Alex!" Are you ok?"

"Urr...raahhh... go away! I can't, I...just go away!"

"Please Jimmy; I need to talk to you. I think I can...well I can't explain what's happening but maybe I know why."

I waited by the door as the seconds crawled by. Just when I was about to give up I heard the lock click and the door creaked open ever so slightly.


I opened the screen door and slowly edged the other door open. Getting down on all fours I eased inside. All of the shades were pulled and the room was pitch dark but my eyes quickly adapted and I found I could see remarkably well. I could here Jimmy's heavy breathing over towards the corner and his strong scent filled the room. He was sitting back in the corner his head buried in his hands.

"Don't come any closer Alex, there's something wrong with me."

"What, you mean something like this?" I reached up and clicked on the lamp.

Jimmy turned away from the light trying to cover himself but I could see that he was different. His hands had strange markings and it looked like he had swirls of white in his black high and tight haircut. Finally he stopped cowering and looked up at me. Now, I wouldn't have though it possible to jump three feet in the air from a seated position, but he probably did.

"Holy shit Alex! What the hell happened to you? Fuck, what's happening to me?!" He stammered as he backed into the corner.

"Ummm well I'm not exactly sure but I think it has something to do with the gloves I bought. Did you wear the ones I gave you?"

Now that he was standing in front of me I could tell he wasn't as far gone as I was. In fact it looked like just his hands had changed though his head and face were covered in a fine white fur with black stripes, just like the tiger pattern on the gloves.

"Yeah! I wore the gloves and the hat but not the scarf. What are you anyway?"

I stood up proudly and stroked down my soft fur feeling my sinewy muscles ripple beneath the skin, "Some sort of snow leopard I think, that's what my gloves were. Yours were Siberian tiger so that's probably what you're changing into."

"Well how do we change back?! Is this permanent or something, what are we going to do?"

Jimmy started to panic and he seemed close to loosing it. I slowly walked over to him and placed my paws on his shoulders to hold him still.

"Its going to be okay, man. We'll figure this out. Actually, I kinda like it; I'm much stronger now than I ever was before." I grabbed him under the shoulders and lifted him off the floor with barely any effort. I could have probably held him up over my head if I had wanted to.

"Whoa! That is strong," Jimmy exclaimed as I set him down, genuinely impressed and calming down some. He started to look me over but when he looked down he quickly jerked his head back up again with an embarrassed smile on his face. "Uhh Alex? You feeling okay there?" he asked cocking his head indicating I should look down.

"Huh?" Unbeknownst to me, my dick had begun to stiffen, slowly emerging from its new home. I guess all off my preening and showing off for Jimmy was getting me turned on, either that, or it was the thought of how sexy Jimmy looked with those black and white stripes on his furry face.

"Oh sorry about that, I guess it has a mind of its own."

I dropped my paws down to cover myself but Jimmy stopped me. He looked down and slowly pulled my paws away from my pulsing cock.

"So that's what your dick looks like now? Wow that's wild, what does it feel like?"

I could scarcely believe what he was asking; it seemed too good to be true. Then I noticed a new scent mixing in with the odors of Jimmy's slow transformation. My nose told me it was arousal, the smell of sex. But it wasn't just coming from me. I looked at Jimmy and saw that his nostrils were flaring; he must have picked up on the scent too. His hands were practically resting on my hips as he held back my paws. By now my prick was fully hard, standing out to an impressive ten inches from the tip to where it disappeared into my furry sheath.

"Why don't you tell me what it feels like?" I said softly as I started sliding one of his hands over with a large paw.

His breath caught in his throat a bit and he shuddered when his hand finally made contact with my raging hard on. The short soft fur on his hand tickled but felt wonderful as his hand moved down my shaft, sliding along the smooth pink skin.

I noticed that, in addition to the plump furry sheath from which it had emerged, my dick was different than before. The skin was a deep pink almost red with a smooth blunt point at the tip instead of the circumcised mushroom head I was accustomed to. Also just below the "head" was a two inch area of raised nubs that encircled the shaft. I remembered from my biology courses in college that felines had spines on the penis but these were more like gentle ridges and smooth protruding bumps. When Jimmy's hand passed over them I felt as though I were going to blow right then and there, the stimulation of my dick through the nubs was like nothing I could have imagined.

My eyes closed to slits and my hands dropped away to my sides as Jimmy started to stroke my cock of his own accord. While he yanked and tugged on my dick, squeezing and pulling my arousal higher, he used his free hand to rub the fur than ran across my chest. I was so lost in the sensations I didn't even notice as he slowly fell down to his knees in front of me. However I did notice the warm wet feeling of his tongue on the tip of my dick. I jerked away from him suddenly but he lunged for my meat again. I had to hold his head back as he desperately tried to get his mouth around my cock.

"Jimmy! What are you doing?"

"I don't know... but I know I want to. Please man, I want to try this... I need to."

He looked up at me, his eyes pleading and hungry. I knew I wanted him to, with all my heart, but I didn't want him to regret it later. Even as I looked down at him something amazing happened. As I looked into his deep blue eyes, they started to shimmer slowly changing to a gleaming gold that caught and reflected the light. His pupils morphed into thin slits, giving his eyes a completely cat-like appearance.

My resolve melted away and I released his head. Immediately he dove forward, swallowing my cock in one fell swoop. His mouth felt so warm and wet as it tightly embraced my manhood, his tongue pressing firmly against my shaft. The bumps and ridges that lined my shaft seemed to add to the sensations of his tongue sliding across the skin. It was like no blow job I had ever experienced before. He bobbed in and out driving me deeper into his throat all the while sucking and slurping. I could actually feel my balls churning with their seed as an orgasm grew more inevitable. Jimmy never relented though and continued to work me over with newfound talent and enthusiasm. I held back as long as I could trying to postpone the moment of release, the building pressure within me felt so wonderful I wanted it to last forever.

Finally, I couldn't contain myself and I roared aloud as I blew off my massive load into his waiting throat. My knees buckled and shook as wave after wave of hot cum poured from my dick, I kept thrusting into Jimmy's face forcing him to take in every drop. I was still pumping when he had to pull away to catch his breath and several more jets of white plastered his face and ran down his neck and chest as he backed off.

Jimmy fell backwards but just as quickly jumped back up yelping in pain and surprise. He had landed directly on his new tail. Neither of us had been paying it any attention as it ripped itself free from the seat of his pants, but now we both stared as the long appendage covered in white fur ringed with black swung gently back and forth behind him. Jimmy looked back up at me grinning happily but it slowly changed from happy to devious. Without warning he pounced on top of me knocking me to my back. He was still smiling madly as drops of my own cum dripped off of him and landed on my furry chest.

Even as I stared up at him wondering what he was up to, his face became more bestial. His ears were pointed and his jaw line was just deformed enough to hint at a growing muzzle. He lay across my body when he suddenly moved in close and forcibly kissed my muzzle. His tongue extended further into my mouth than I would have thought possible and I tasted the unique combination of his animal lust and my own spent seed.

He roughly humped away on top of me grinding his crotch against my resurging erection. I could tell the bulge in his pants was shifting and growing larger by the second as his hips thrust into mine. Unexpectedly a great ripping sound punctuated the air, interrupting our grunts and groans of pleasure. His button fly popped apart ripping away as his mammoth cock broke free of its cloth restraints. This monster sized organ flopped out landing heavily on my furry stomach. It was easily two inches across and well over a foot long from the tip to where it disappeared into Jimmy's thick pulsing sheath. It had the same sleek tapered look and smooth ridges as mine, only larger. Most surprising was the stark white color of his tender flesh, as bright and vibrant as new fallen snow.

Jimmy was just as surprised as I was at the sight of his dick, but that only slowed him down a moment, just long enough to examine the claws on the tips of his fingers and use them to shred away the rest of the clothes he still wore. A solid coat of fur now covered the rest of his body; his rippling muscles looked even more impressive with the accents of the black stripes in the white fur. It looked like he was still growing too, his arm and torso lengthening and adding more muscle as they did.

His massive white prick towered above me slowly dripping with clear pre-fluid. His hands continued to increase in size as he ran them across my chest through my fur. Jimmy was strong before but if my increase in muscle mass was impressive his was truly spectacular. He could have easily rivaled the best body builders but the beautiful coat of fur he wore gave him a softer look not like the over-juiced appearance the pro's all have. He thrust his hips against mine, creating a wonderful friction between our surging cocks. I was in heaven as the soft fur of his stomach and chest rubbed across my exposed dick as he slipped lower, hovering between my legs.

Jimmy continued to drive into me, starting to growl with lust and pleasure, his hot spire of flesh grew closer to my ass. For a moment he hesitated, a glimmer of uneasy doubt flashed in his eyes but was quickly replaced by lust and longing, my moans of joy filled the room as he filled me. Every ridge and bump of his cock excited me as he pushed deeper inside. I had never been fucked by anything so massive before and I can't remember it ever feeling better. The fur on his stomach played across my own cock further stimulating it. I wanted to reach down and grab it but I found that I needed my arms to my sides to keep from being plowed away by his powerful thrusts.

For the second time in only a matter of minutes I felt an orgasm building in my loins. Jimmy's pace quickened and he leaned into me even more, moving in closer until our new muzzles met. The awkward way we mouthed at each other in no way diminished the passion I felt from him. Our tongues mingled occasionally smacking each other's noses as my arousal swelled. I couldn't believe this was happening, but I never wanted it to end. My entire body suddenly tensed and threw my head back and roared, my cock throbbed and jumped, squirting gobs of cream that covered my chest. The great loads of seed started to soak into my fur, pushed in more as Jimmy rubbed against me, sticky strands infiltrating his new fur coat as well.

The massive hunk of a tiger wasn't though yet though, as he continued to pummel my rapidly numbing ass. He was growling louder now as well, large sharp teeth barred, his tongue hanging from his mouth as he grunted and panted. Both his pace and his breathing quickened and I could tell he was close to cumming. I looked up at him and smiled as he went slightly cross-eyed just before he blew, his hot spunk burning in my ass as he filled me. The heat was phenomenal, and it just kept flowing. Jet after jet flowed into me, near to the point of bursting. It added to the pressure and weight of his gargantuan cock in my guts, ultimately leaking out and pooling around my tail on the floor.

When at last his orgasm subsided, Jimmy pulled himself free then collapsed down on the floor beside me. He was still panting heavily; the warm rush of his breath tickled my ear, making it twitch. I looked over at him and shook my head in disbelief, as for what he just did as for the massive and sexy creature he had become. His face still held his human expressions but the short muzzle and square jaw line looked very much like a tiger. The short dense fur hugged his body close, accentuating his muscle mass in all the right areas.

Part of my mind told me I should be concerned about the changes in us, but that part was a small and shrinking one. The more I pondered it the more I realized I liked what was happening, I only wanted to run and play in the snow, and spend every moment with Jimmy.

Jimmy sighed next to me, "is it just me or is it really hot in here?'

I giggled, "You do look pretty hot, especially those stripes."

"Hmmm, well I think spots are sexy," he added, sitting up and using a massive paw to play connect the dots across my chest.

"Oh yeah? If you want 'em you're gonna have to catch me first." I playfully shoved him aside and made a break for the door.

I barely made it out the door before I was tackled and thrown down to the snow by a mass of black and white fur. The sun was starting to move lower and the sky and cast long shadows through the bare tree branches above, it made Jimmy nearly invisible. The snow and cold scarcely penetrated our fur as we roughhoused in the yard. Sometimes I would catch Jimmy looking himself over in wonder and I would take the opportunity to blindside him with a barrage of snowballs.

Even as the sun disappeared and darkness set in I didn't want the fun to end. Fortunately our new eyes had much better vision and the increasing cold still was no bother. Eventually we did decide to go in, if for nothing more than a chance to get something to eat. It took a little while to shake all the snow from our fur. After we ravaged the kitchen we were sitting together on the couch, I had my head in his lap as he scratched my ears when I noticed the message light flashing on my answering machine.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kraus. I'm calling from Gene-Pool sportswear. Our records show that you purchased some of our new line of winter clothing today. By now you should be acquainted with some of our product's unique features. As such we would like to invite you and a guest to join our research and development team at our new facility in Northern Canada."

I sat up and Jimmy looked at me questioningly, but I didn't really know any more than he did so I just shrugged.

"I can assure you that our benefits and compensation package are second to none and you will be extremely comfortable in the community we have set up. We will take care of all personal matters for you so you can join our company immediately."

"Transportation will be waiting for you tomorrow at 5 A.M. in front of the sporting goods store where you purchased the clothing. There is no need to bring anything as you will be provided with everything that you need. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you."

By now we were both standing over the answering machine as the message finished. For me, there was no doubt, I definitely wanted to go, there was nothing keeping me in my current life anyway. I wasn't sure Jimmy felt the same way though.

"So what do you think?"

"I don't think we have that much of a choice Alex, but really I don't care. So long as we're together."

I grinned from ear to ear and hugged the massive tiger. "You know Jimmy, I didn't like the cold that much before, but I guess it's not so bad after all."