Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 5
Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's...
Getting There
During thenext few days the kitten started to get bitter that he was chased away. The confusion had been cleared as he resolved to stop worrying as he noticed his stomach growl. He could still not bring himself to be angry with his Mistress,...
Fatherhood, Interrupted
"No!" Roger groaned. So far, today had been a complete disaster. He was trying to have a fun day with his girlfriend's daughter, Olivia, but the kitten was determined to hate everything about it. The new dress he'd bought her, which Cindy insisted...
My family...
I don't like to put age(I.e restricting access to what you can't read) into the contents I may or may not post or publish but if you are under ....10 then don't read but you are welcome to do so it's just that I am not responsible this is your decision...
Harpoon Fishing:1
Close your eyes and imagine waking up on the beach, sunrise creeping in above the horizon, your partner resting quietly beside you. A smell of smoke reminds you of the campfire last night where you had some delicious fish, and made love for the first...
ToLaD: Chapter 13: The Tournament
Amato was amazed by the many spectacles before his eyes. Luckily, he got to come to Braedon's big tournament, meeting the rest of the team as well. The two hyena twins both 'awww'd when they saw Amato taking off the collar from Braedon's neck....
The Story of a found Myth
My whole life I lived in seclusion. Only ever knew one other wolf I could trust. Wasn't even my own parents, I practically raised Myself. The other wolf I knew never told me his name and he never knew mine. In fact I never had a name. The wolf that...
A simple story II part 3
The old and beige Lincoln gently travelled the last streets of the estate before arriving at its destination. Behind the wheel, Daisy tried vainly to curb a yawn by turning into the alley of her house. She mentally noted the height of the grass to...
Jim had taken Elaine for a walk in the deep forest. It was one of their favorite cheap dates, plus as their relationship deepened, he felt compelled to tell her something before they went any further. It was something that Jim felt she...
The pain of Ultrawoman
_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **The pain of** **Ultrawoman** ** ** **At midday the...
Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)
The excitement could be felt throughout the whole arena as the last of the warm-up fights were completed, leaving only the main event ahead now. Many people had come to see this, as they commonly did when the fan-favourite champion was to be seen. But...
The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 2
Freezing winds and blowing snow were the last things that Kirtok wanted to deal with as he trudged through the snowdrifts towards Swifthaven. It was far too cold for a night so close to the spring thaw, and his eyes stung from the blinding snow. His...