His Weight in Bronze: Chapter Three
**His Weight in Bronze:** **Chapter Three** An RP by Shalion & Yjay [Yjay]: Xyo carefully stepped into the cold pool, feeling the water sting for a moment on his wound before the pain subsided. As the white drake was an ice dragon, the cold water...
His Weight in Bronze: Chapter One
His Weight in Bronze Chapter One An RP by Shalion & Yjay [Shalion]: The man bowed low on his hands and knees as he offered up the village's taxes for that year. Ylssa sniffed delicately at the sacks of grain, the bushels of turnips, oats and...
Being What You Eat
Dave stumbled down the dark alley, hardly able to see in the low light. The grey dragon had come down this narrow passage every day after work, but it was different today- He had to work overtime, so he got out in the dead of night. He looked around...
Outback Changes
The Australian Outback is one of the most interesting, if one of the most secluded areas, on the planet. It is full of different biomes, ranging from a desert to a wooded forested area to simple plains. In the Australian Outback, many creatures live in...
A Different Kind of Friend
It'd been a few weeks since school started. To say the least... things never got much better. That other wolf and his friends had been bullying and making fun of me every single day. At least I wasn't the only one though. They began picking on the...
Never Lie to a Wizard
From the feel of the weight gain had finally stopped, leaving him somewhere north of 600 pounds, but he couldn't even guess what his final weight was.
World's Worst Costume - 2
Don stared at the passing houses outside for a while, but there wasn't much to look at. His world might have been upended, but the outside world was the same as always, so he quickly tired of watching the houses fly by. There wasn't much to look at...
Dancing under the water
Gilbert and his dad, Mat, sat on the sofa. It was an extremely hot Sunday afternoon, both men were melting, the air conditioner broke recently, probably beyond repair according to Mat, who checked it out first. They would go to the store to buy another...
A Sweet Detour
The strong tropical sun showed brightly overhead, beating narrow shadows into the baked earth. The air shimmered with heat, and the entire resort seemed to sag with half-melted exhaustion. Still, the harsh weather did little to deter the adamant...
Food For Thought
Far from the city, a ram named Aouzy was taking a hike in a forest. The forest was fenced up but Aouzy, looking for an adventure, hopped the fence and explored it. For a forest that was seemingly off limits, it had paths which Aouzy decided to follow....
The Limits
Consultation is needed for possibility of breathing stint and insertion of feeding hose to reduce further mechanical complications of weight gain.
The Priest and the Orphan Chapter 3
When Steven said that he would look into the conpetition, he had meant it. He actually found a restaurant owner who would tutor him to win. The owner was a Lion named Alfred who owned the "best" (never use superlatives you can't quantify) burger place...