Emara and Worrin: Second Morning

You, lucky little one, get to take a bath with me!" his eyes went wide and a smile hit his face, his tail starting to wag, "how many benifits do i get for being your boyfriend?!"

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The Omega promoted Ch. 5

The bathing girls had been so gently with him and even now still had a tingling sensation coursing through his body. he couldn't help but replay the scene over and over in his head as he walked.

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Mereck Stories Ch. 8

Sam must've woken up as i was washing myself, as shi snuck into the bathroom as i kept showering and humming to myself. i didn't know he was even awake till i reached for the soap that i left on a shelf in the shower, and it wasn't there.

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The Cat with the Chained Pants

"oh good lord, are you trying to take a bath or boil yourself for dinner?" "i'm sorry, is the water too hot for you? i don't want you to get burned if you're not used to it."

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Kerr 8: Rent a Bunny.

._ "and i intend to get my money's worth out of you," she continues, oblivious to the rabbit's sigh of relief, "and you can start by preparing my bath!" then she pushes him inside and points him towards the kitchen.

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Stream of love

"hey uiro, i hear water, it's pretty warm out i could use a nice bath before town." the girl spoke with a smile to her fox friend who looked at her with an awkward smile.

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Renamon's Super naughty Fun Time Happy Sex Adventure!

U: well you are not getting in to my bed with out a flea bath. u: rule #1 a digimon should always be clean in side and out and ready for action at any time. and in any place.

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Vulpan Sexuality Research

In the baths, the genders are separated, though there is another third section for mates to bathe that i was able to spend much time in by special appointment by the bath staff in order to do my research.

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Unexpected Company

"don't you know it's rude to watch a woman bathe?" ruby replied half jokingly. nall may have been groggy, but he would never miss an opportunity for a cocky remark. "i'll keep that in mind when i see one."

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Babysitting Part 2

"i was thinking, that to save time, we both take a bath together. jess,did you ever get to bathe in your parent's tub?" "no, they never let me in there," answered jess. "only in the bedroom."

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Leaving me to prepare the bath, which is nice 'cause all i have to do is turn it on and drop in that bath bomb thingy i bought. plus i like to be the first in, so bonus! it's after i lower myself into the tub that the doorbell rings... and i freak out.

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Home Sweet Farm chapter 6 "Steaming Bath and Brother"

He got up and undressed and put on his swimming trunks and walked down the hall to where they said the bath was. he put a towel that was hanging by the door and flung it over his shoulder and opened the door.

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