Brinsop and Mikhail

With that the two friends set off to building their campfire and prepare for the night. both knew that their old lives were behind them now, and that new adventures awaited them.

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Red Skies: Part 2

Asked the conscious as it projected a simulation for the group to talk in. the surroundings turned to a grove with a small campfire in the middle of them. the three of them all had stools faced towards the campfire.

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mliatbhrpg ch10 and 11

James scooped some water from the barrel of drinking water out with a large pot and put it right over the campfire as howard and diana looked over the injured.


The secret adventures of Tails Prower I

Only laugher was heard as they played and joked around with each other before huddling side by side to one another as they relaxed in front of the campfire.

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The Hunt For Buckeyed Joe

He stares at the campfire until his sight grows heavy and fades to black. several hours later es stirs awake and notices how warm he is, even with a smoldering campfire.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 2

The rat and stoat walked away from the campfire to regroup with some of the other beasts who were busy scoping out the area for intruders. everything around the campfire suddenly became quiet.

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Gutpunch 10: The Ur-stalker of the Deathplane; A Hunting

As the dragon laid on the ground, curled up and gasping for air, the pair continued to wrestle until they rolled over the campfire.

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Pitched Tent Story

Within a few minutes the campfire was completely lit. the two sat down on the ground which was mostly grass. surrounding the campfire the grass had been burned and charred, now, it was brown and dead leaving a dirty perimeter around the campfire.

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Pen, love and Pokemon - Chapter 3: Awakening

He was lieing on his bedroll, close to the campfire. keir sat next to his trainer, watching over his injured friend and gently caressing him whenever he seemed to suffer in his dreams.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 13

On looking closer he saw that most of the spots of lights illuminating the landscape were small, campfires.

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Reaver - The Ascendance - Chapter 4 - Longing and Regret

I turned to run back but kofri grabbed my shoulder and manhandled me easily back in the direction of the campfire.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Four

No wood, it just sat on the bare sandy ground, and yet it burned brighter and hotter than any campfire adlis had ever seen.

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