Orcish Delight
Looking down at the torn remains of his clothes, nat chucked in his deep baritone, noting how nothing fit.
Thawing Season
He could smell hot sweat underneath his winter clothing, the telltale nervous symptoms of a man in need.
420 Buds: Discovery
Among the cloud of smoke sat two friends one tiger and the other a hyena. A television played a movie, one of those low budget, fresh out of college sort of movies. The LED lights cast a halo around them both and washed the room in white flickers. Half...
The Tiger and the Taxi
He was sure that hulking out of one's clothes was not an everyday -heck, even a once in a lifetime- occurrence. yet, the two kept talking like they didn't notice the tiger's massive, growing body.
02B - Back to Work
When he turned back hesh was naked from the waist down and stepping out of her crumpled clothing. she swept her lab coat back, using her thick, bald tail to hold things out of the way as she sat on the edge of her desk.
A Day in the Life of Clive Updike
Clive hated the library. He could never get work done in there. The silence was oppressive, and he was always on edge about disturbing others or breaking some unwritten code of studying etiquette. These were things he never worried about it in the...
Made Of Moogle
He retained the same color as his clothed, but he changed into a swimsuit more and more. his head retracted into his body, as did his pompom.
School of Girls.
Miyi barely fits into her clothing now. velvet wastes no time getting his clothes off his body. "whats your name, boy?" she says, leaving miyi to float lightly above the floor. the slightest draft could take her away. "z-zello.." the student responds.
Striking out on Your Own
I was still clad in my underwear, the rest of my clothes strewn on the floor as my changes completed. but as far as i could tell, my cock was unchanged until now.
What a Lovely Fursona you have!
All he could do was walk around the room, muttering "not my clothes, not my fucking clothes!" as the dimensions of his new werewolf body grew steadily larger, his clothes started feeling beyond form-fitting now on his more animal-like body.
The Chief's New Groove
His pointed curled ears flicked at the delightful sounds as his clothing popped off his massive frame, falling in shreds around his powerful body. a sharp rip from his shoes joined the cacophony of clothes rending away.
Matched Set
She lapped her chops as she slipped on her casual clothes shoved the rest into her bag.