Relaxed muscles, but sore feelings

Thad almost jumped to his hooves, only the weight of nora on his back slowed him down. "look it's been real... but i need to go."

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Due a Win

The big buff snorted in agony, as the alcohol burned his eyes and nostrils, rocking him back on his huge hooves. "wha tha gak..." his words choked off by the solid punch to his throat, forcing him to gulp and gag for breath.

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Make'em Howl

Make'em Howl The huge stallion stretched and cracked his long equine neck, as he considered who in the sports bar he would pursuit for the evening. Looking up and down the bar at last the horny equine spotted a male who caught his interest. A huge and...

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Have a plan

He grunted, still thinking of how good the young felines mouth would feel... rocking up onto the tip's of his hooves as those fat heavy ball's are squeezed. "why not just try a little... just be-careful."

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Harry Potter and the gender potion

Harry Potter and the gender potion Harry and Ron only barely got themselves cleared up, before their next class; which just so happened to be defense against the dark arts. Professor Stevens was proving to be a charming and very competent teacher, if...

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A straight Stallions confession

Straight stallion confessions Or watch out for Foxs "I'm not gunna lie..." The big stallion's expressive lip's curled up into a shy self mocking smile, his breath snorting through long slotted nostrils. "None of that cliché crap... I wasn't drunk or...

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The Proposition...

The big red stallion moaned, and rocked up on his hoof tip's as the jaguar's soft paw tips and needle like claw points teased his hard male organ.

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Unbearably Hot

Dan got a thick thumb between those lips and pressed hooves mouth open, sticking his cock inside. hooves having no choice but to lick and suck that thick musky cock, that tasted like his own equine ass now.

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Only the very tip's of his silver hooves touching the filthy stone floor, which unlike those hooves was strained yellow by his own urine.

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Daddy May I

Hard, shiny, flinty, gray hooves click on the beautifully patterned white and green tile floor, coming closer and closer to the translucent glass.

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A share of misery

He was now officially a prisoner doing time in the state pen, roger gulped as he listened to the big bull's hoof steps walking away. while the three furs in his cell looked him over with curious stares.

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Harry Potter and the room of fulfillment

Harry Potter and the room of fulfillment In the next few hours Harry was barraged with many awkward apologies, and even a few offers to return the service he'd provided. But all he wanted was for everyone to just forget it, and not say a word. Which...

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