Day at the Park
The luminous spiral of the galaxy was overtaken just as fast as her solar system, and she set her sights on the other luminous blobs of the universe.
Heist - Prologue
The beautiful red rock seemed to catch even the tiniest of lights in its multitude of facets, reflecting and refracting the luminance in all directions in a fiery crimson hue.
The Rape Machine
"undress and go over lick luminous' tail hole. now, or you will bleed. i promise." quickly liam undressed and hurried over to the bed. bleeding? no matter how many times he was raped, never had he bled.
Hydration Station
It turns to the side and winks at you with a huge luminous blue eye before pressing the front of its glossy muzzle against your lips.
Like Paper Lanterns
And luminous sailed on ... this time, for a hot, arid world. run by kangaroos. a bit of a desert. they would arrive in a week ...
3.2 - Talk Through It
It was only a matter of time before luminous became involved. "i thought ... i mean, i knew it was gonna be tough, but i didn't think ... " " ... hey.
Till Death 5
Drazzy paused, three pairs of luminous eyes looking up at him sheepishly. "drazzy, just stop," dorn said, his cheekfur damp with tears.
Till Death 4
Panting, he gently licked his love's luminous acrid cheek. drazzy smiled, turning his snout to lick back. their hot tongues flicked over each other. suddenly, his stomach rumbled in pain...
[Scraps] Fluorescent Coast
It is nearly one-thirty in the morning, and the night is so luminous... the light of the moon, the neon waves, the soft glow that came from our shack up the beach... i raised the mug to my lips and took a sip, placing my arm around the foxwoman.
3.3 - Now and Again
A few years ago, when luminous had launched, they'd been flying the federation flag, only to be exiled after uncovering treachery in the predator-fronted government.
Max Terbating: Overloard of the Night
Max asked the luminous figure, rubbing his eyes for luck. "aye, it's me," peter replied in his fake pirate accent, rubbing the sweat from his pale, red brow. "b-b-but you're d-d-dead!" max screamed in peter's face, trying to mask his excitement.
Keldeo's Quest (1: Introduction)
She skillfully manoeuvred as to not get her rainbow luminous horns tangled in the vines above, well-practiced from millennia strolling through this land. keldeo's breath had been taken away.