Coyote's Last Howl - Page 1

Coyote's Last Howl I can feel my life leaving me. It's a dark and stormy night, like all the nights I can remember before. As I lie with my back on the alley floor, my canine ears twitch weakly with each roll of thunder above me. My...

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Fur Tales Erotica-Page 2

The day was young with the sun high in the sky, and the sky as blue as the sea. But unlike most days, today was different. Today was the day two people would meet for the first time, and get involved with something that crossed their minds at first...

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Fur Tales Erotica-Page 1

Awhile back in a world distant to our own, lives a world of fantasy and wonder. It was there that beings and creatures of all sorts comes together. In a land where forest grow lush, lakes are crystal clear, and the plains are full of life lies a...

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Love Letters - A Few More Pages

There're so many of these smudgy pages here that i don't think i have it in me to go through it all again. this has to make for you before the big time, after all, and you have to read it too, dan.

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my life page 3 and 4

I opened my mouth to protest but my mom cut me off "We will leave you two alone." They never liked her. One night after she left I asked them about her. My mom, being the more polite one said simply that I could do better then her but my dad let me...

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my life page 2 and a half

When I woke up I found myself laying in a bed wearing a hospital gown with an I.V. tube sticking out of my arm. I sit up and feel a sharp pain on the back of my head. I reach back and feel a bandage above a large bump "Great I bet there is a bald patch...

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Love after all - Page 5

The smell of the bar hit me like a battering ram, cigarette smoke, alchohol, get the picture. I had to force myself not to throw up. John looked around the bar, looking like he felt exactly like me. Than he smiled...

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Love after all - Page 4

John smiled and kissed the top of my head, "Breakfast's ready" Than he turned and started flipping the breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast onto two plates, setting one for me and one for him across from my seat. I took a seat...

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Love after all - Page 3

I could hear John gasp, but I was afraid to open my eyes because his reaction might be nagative. I was expecting him to get up off the bed and leave. But he didn't, what he did was both unexpected and enjoyable. He kissed me on...

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Love after all - page 2

John smiled softly at my last comment and than kissed my finger softly. I smiled and sat up, climbing into his lap and putting one arm behind his neck and laying my head on his shoulder, looking out over the ocean. Finaly...finaly John was mine. He...

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The Gentle One (page 3) [comish]

Last page for mhisani the bear immediately pulled away as the fox's shaft left a trail of cum. the bear slowly reached for the plug as he gently stroked the fox's shaft. the fox started to arch his back as a tickling feeling took over his shaft.

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The Gentle one (page 2)[comish]

The bear snarled and stood up. He took his belt off and tied the Fox's paws together. He grabbed another belt and wrapped it around the one that was around the Fox's paw. The bear looped it throw one of the opening on the head board. With out saying a...

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