Death Of The TITAN: glimps

He slipped over the empty bullet casings that littered the ground an fell bleeding, franticly trying to aid himself till he passed out from blood loss, soon he died while his friend tries desperately to wake him up the commanding officer of

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Icebound - Chapter 4

He would probably die of blood loss if he didn't bind his arm soon. he leaned back against the tree and slid down it, hearing the rasp of bark against the bow strapped to his back. as he held his ruined arm it began throbbing in agony.

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The Xenomorph Saga Chapter 1: Lost and Found

Elrain died of seven bullet wounds to the stomach and chest, likely from blood loss and internal bleeding, a few minutes after being found. before he died, prof. elrain entrusted a xenomorph drone, id. z-03, into the care of private innings.

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Full Circle - Part 6

We have a male deer, roughly twenty-five years of age; suffering from a concussion and severe blood loss." he listened closely, listening if they mention anything about andy.

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A otherkins memories

The blood loss was beginning to get to me. as everything began to fade to black. it felt horrible knowing the one that would most likely kill me was the last thing id ever remember. (scilia when she found me) scilia saw the dragon from before.

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After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]

"i'm alright... it's just the blood loss keeping me dizzy." he said, managing a slight chuckle. "don't suppose your aura can replenish blood... can it?" the riolu smiled and closed his eyes as he shook his head.

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Chapter Two: Jihad

She could feel blood matting the fur of her back, and it wouldn't be long before she would become dizzy from blood loss. panting roughly, she struggled to concentrate.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 16 - Now Accept It

He didn't even get five steps beyond the monster before blood loss prevented him from going further. he soon collapsed, a trail of blood from the monster to his body, accepting his guilt in the quiet of the mist.

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Cave of the Twin Dragons 1: A New Slave

She pounded into him, though he'd long since lost consciousness from the pain and blood loss. "i'm gonna... i'm gonna.... ooooohh!!!"

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Jasper's Odyssey (C2)

Perhaps it was from the blood loss. when the man returned he had in his hands a jar, which, true to his word contained a brain. it was less human - more animal. he disappeared behind the terrified jasper again. "don't worry, you won't feel a thing."


My Busty Family Part 4

Examining the bite mark showed there was no blood shed, so the hunter seem to have died of blood loss.

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THE FRONT: PART 12 (Last Part)

Scott, exhausted from pain and weak from blood loss, told him. colonel maus lit a cigarette and minty smoke filled the air, scott wrinkled his nose, but the colonel kept smoking.

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