Condor of the City ***PREVIEW***

"bernardo, please tell me you don't believe in this fairy tale..." "well," he started, "according to myth, the house is haunted by the past owner's slave.


FINISHED - Let's Make a Story (Voting)

Fantasy (time of myths and fairy tales. indistinct) 2. main character's gender (or transgender) -a. male -b. male -\>female -c. male -\>herm -d. female -e.

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Furry and Proud: Prologue

Life really isn't a fairy tale for a person like me, or a furry like me. a furry wolf to be exact. i'm not the only one though; there are many other furries in the world, different species too. but that's nothing compared to the humans.

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Resonance Universe (V2) - United States map

They're a fairy tale to tell your cubs and reassure them good people exist in this world, despite the contrary. the truth is that everybody contains a little sin.

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chapter 14: forgivess...ship..hiding no

In my books, i started to wounder if pirates are real i thought they only exist in fairy tale books. i was so up in my thoughts, i didn't feel roo paw on my hand than i was .

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The Volunteer Maiden, Chapter Eleven

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eleven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elyra spent a few days organizing...

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We heard of him in fairy tales, unfinished epics, songs in braille. from all ends of the ending earth we tracked him to this place. we each believed the others fools. but all believe: those are the rules.

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On an Endless Sea

Nah, this ain't a fairy tale with a happily ever after. real life is harsh, and help usually isn't coming. it's why griffonstone has gone how many years without a king. we're, what do those eggheads up in the universities call it? a failure state?

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Issue 04: The Prophecy of the Ancients

Most of the time this prophecy already existed, most thought it was just a silly fairy tale. a story that you can tell your children. only the priests of the five waited patiently for the signs that were announced.


The Princess Canine: Chapter 6: Saying Goodbye to a Forgotten Fur

"but, the fairy tale ended. he handed you back to me, apologized to me, and said that he was married." lexter nodded again. sara balled her paws up to fists. "i was so furious at him. i told him to never see us ever again.

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Army of Cuteness Part 1

It wore a conical hat like a fairy-tale princess, giving it a sort of regal guise as i was lead towards its grinning face.


Song in the Dark: Day 3

He thought again about the dreams he'd been having, and the fairy tale. did it all connect to possum springs in some way? "no, no it doesn't," he muttered to himself.

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