
O ever the best of friends are we, we three who say, "The best are we!" my friend, my brother, him and me, and my other half completes the three. And ever together, us three, are we, for us two are joined at the hip and knee, and the other's...

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- what does my twin have that i don't?" he blinked. "i'm...not sure i understand." "well, marco, i was curious. my twin and i are identical, no? perhaps a simpler question: would you prefer her, or me?"

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Grow Up

I wish we weren't twins. people would stop thinking i'm like you." the walk home was long and uncomfortable, short in distance, but it took all of my remaining energy not to turn and take out all my frustration on my brother.

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"I have to speculate that God himself did make us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay..." (Such Great Heights, The Postal Service) "I sometimes think that I'm too many people, too many people, too many people..." (Too Many...

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Yes, they were brother and sister - twins, infact. fraternal, but still twins. they had completely different lives - claire was popular, nathan was a social reject.

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In Brothers Arms Chapter 1

In Brothers Arms Chapter 1 As I said before, my characters are mine only. If you wish to use them in your stories ask me first. Unless u want to draw them....then that's ok if I get a copy =^,.,^= hint\* if I put on a song for...

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Slice of Lex Ch. 9

The twin vixen said defeatedly. "yep, and that's where you'll be staying." "ah come on, i've traveled so far to be here. can't i just share the queen with you?"

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 3

_ _ _ as soon as dirk, the head groom at twin oaks, heard those words he knew that it was his responsibility to convince therese of the folly of her plan.

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 1

His father had recently purchased the animal from twin oaks and he thought it a fitting choice for an outing with twin oaks' beautiful debutante.

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 2

As head groom he was responsible for the wellbeing of all the precious stock at twin oaks, and he hoped there wasn't a disease in the barn.

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Chapter Eleven – Brotherly Love

Sitting down on his twin-size bed, he carefully thought out his first words, "i didn't mean to scare you before, i just got so excited that i wasn't the only one trying to vent his frustrations. is this why you've been on edge lately?"

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July 5 2027

Little bit of a background story to explain the twins better: (check profile for a more detailed description of the girls looks) the tail of the dog curled nicely, sign of her deep concentration in the task, constant rattle of a tool against some metallic

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