Student's Pet
The two teens sat alone in detention, one of them in each corner. Cole, the fox, let out a loud sigh and turned in his chair to face his friend. "Ohh, I'm bored!" He moaned, "Wyl, how long have we been here?" "About ten minutes." The tiger...
Watership Down: Request for Boomer
**This was a request by Boomerthemagniciant, who also wanted me to give a shout out to Tristan Hawthorne, here you go!** **Another yiffy anthro version of the Watership Down TV series.** Hazel surveyed the new addition to the Watership Down...
Redwall: Badrang's Plan
**Another Redwall story!** **This one was a request from Boomerthemagnificant.** "What's this about?" Martin asked, turning to the young mouse Brome. "I don't know, but everybody's here." The mouse answered, looking around at the huge crowd of...
Down in the Celler; Chapter 6
Jay was thrown to the celler floor. Aron lashed out at him in a rage. "You better hope that car killed your son!" He yelled, "You don't want to know what I'll do to him if he's still alive!" Jay grinned. "Fuck you." "Listen you little shit!"...
Down in the Celler; Chapter 5
A nearby click caused Charlie to wake from a dreamless sleep. "Huh?" He groaned as his eyes adjusted to what little light there was in the celler. His eyes widened in suprise when he saw the other fox from the day before standing over him,...
Down In The Celler: Chapter 4
Aron waited patiently at his desk. He had closed shop an hour ago and was expecting the rest of the group to arrive. "What's taking them?" Aron wondered. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. With a grin, Aron opened it. "Ah, good, you're...
Down in the Celler; Chapter 3
It was late afternoon when Jay arrived at Arons store, his face full of worry for his missing son. "No sign of him?" Aron asked. "None. Do you have any idea where he could have gone?" Jay asked. "I'm sorry." Aron replied, "Look, I'll close shop...
Down in the Celler Chapter 2
Charlie heard the celler door creak open. He couldn't keep track of time, trapped in the celler. He assumed he had been there for about a day now. His parents must have realised he was missing by now. Aron descended the stairs and looked at his...
Down in the Celler: Chapter 1
It was late. Charlie was sitting at the store's counter bored. There hadn't been a customer in there for hours and Charlie was starting to get fed up of waiting for one to come in. "What the hell kind of shop is open so late anyway?" The fox...
Starslut: A Dragon's Pets
McCloud kept wondering how the hell he kept getting into these situations. He was in trouble; deep trouble. He hung by his wrists which had been locked together in a single big, mechanical cuff that kept him dangling from the ceiling a good foot or so...
Rudolph's Sore, Red Ass
Rudolph was grumpy and upset. He sat outside Santa's workshop, leaning against a big old oak tree while snow fell softly around his naked form. The cold didn't effect him or the other reindeer; being Santa's reindeer came with a few benefits, one of...
Gargoyles: Hudson's Slave
Hudson was alone, his eyes looking over the old parchment he was holding. It was something Elisa had brought over; bought, among other things, from an antique auction. Most of the old artefacts she'd brought were uninteresting to Hudson; old junk that...