Chapter 3: The Journey Begins part 1, An Embarrassing Morning
She demanded embarrassed. "what did you see dear?" celestia asked with a smile knowing full well what luna saw. "you know what i saw don't play games with me!" luna growled angrily trying to replace her embarrassment with anger.
Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny Part 6 Chapter 3
She was right in saying they were quite cute in their undies, especially when they were embarrassed. his over-sized bunny prick began to bulge out into his hands more.
Foot Fetish Story: Tickling TV
Tickling TV for Txeptirea by Draconicon As the jingle for the dance competition drifted through the apartment, Alex made his way back to the couch with a platter-sized piece of machinery in his hands. The wolf smiled as he got comfortable,...
Uncomfortably Happy [1]
Ears folded back in embarrassment, he quickly snatched the beer and turned away. mark couldn't help but chuckle. the fox was even a worse case than he ever was. he jumped over the back of the couch and landed on the cushion.
Sisterly Love Chapter 2
This makes kane blush but only makes trina giggle at kane's embarrassment. trina starts the car and they drive off towards their first errand, the grocery and clothes store.
The Grin Paws - Chapter 3: The Grin's Fate
"this isn't just something that's embarrassing or funny anymore...whatever that shopkeeper is, we need to stop him and quickly...if they can do something like that, then you're more of a weapon than just some dancing fool...pardon the pun."
Hypnosis after the Rain
Hypnosis after the rain, by AnotherAperson "Damn, you're soaked. Are you alright? You look exhausted," said Ben. The snake walked up the hallway and took the bag from my hands before I could drop it. I wasn't sure how to answer his...
Flesh and Scale chapter 3 Locker Room Mishaps and Growing Bonds
Flamedramon snickered "i just thought i'd try to make you face your fears in a more embarrassing way so that you'll be prepared, by the way can i call you bite size?" luke was confused for a moment then his face took over that of pure horror.
"You're Acting Like a Child!"
"sorry miss," eliza mumbled, looking embarrassed. lenore gave her a venomous look, and went back to her magazine, muttering darkly to herself.
A Familiar Temptation
A Familiar Temptation For Engy By Draconicon Leora wasn't entirely comfortable with someone new in the house. It wasn't so much the newness, she admitted, as it was the fact that the newcomer was quite a bit more powerful than...
Rhannah and Halia 10
The day goes on at the dairy, and Halia focuses her efforts all on what Rhannah has her do. The horse has to admit that she never actually thought of what working at a dairy would entail. Still, the whole experience is proving to be quite energizing....
Of Impropriety
Falling-star whimpered, burning now with embarrassment. she dared not to see the knoll now, but the doe was certain that the pronghorn had seen her folly.