Echoes II: Elaria
"alright, i'll relay the info needed to stat. can you relay the info to me right now?" she asked. "negative, i was lucky to get a hold of you but the last known location of the infected was in the communications room.
A Slippery Problem In Japan
"route info: get a flight to tokyo." japan is an island nation known for sushi, hiroshima, and many movies that eventually turn into a us remake. players will travel to tokyo where they'll find their next clue. "c'mon!" rachel says.
Fiji Or Bust
"route info: head to hotel sofitel." kitty has trouble pronouncing the last word. hotel sofitel not only houses guests, it also acts as a resort and spa. teams will find the next clue at the entrance.
The One Where They Go To Zimbabwe
"route info: get back in the cabs and drive to hwange national park which an hour away." vince reads. "let's go!" the four of them start running back and getting into their respective cabs.
Greetings From Paris!
"route info: get on a train and head to... paris!" kit says, excited. teams will travel to paris, france: home of many famous landmarks such as the eiffel tower, arc de triomphe, and the louvre.
French-Speaking Rollercoasters
"route info: take a flight to baton rouge, louisiana." claudia says. that's right, this is the capital of the most french speaking state in the country.
Ferdinad though as he watched the other slink off towards their chosen destinations to gather info. ferdinad started to walk towards a tavern, when he felt other eyes upon him.
Plush - Chapter 2: Pencil Head
The pup held out the fork instantly sending info into the dane's brain. tony helped the dane get a better grasp (literally) of the fork and how to use it.
Alegeharian Almanac
**special info:** isel has a special power of turning his thoughts into actual items. **isels past:** isel like galen was born in the present verse.
Midnight Heat
Now that you have the info to read this and not be all wtf i dont get it...please enjoy.
digimon: the next step
(how the heck did they get this info!?) as he searched deeper in the pack of folders, he then saw jakes name and it was the same and soon his own name and saw it was the same too.
Case Study 1201
Pm for more info you're interested.\*\*\*\*\*\* ps-these commissions i offer are not free, but they're not expensive. so just give me a pm for more info.