Devil Seed Ch.8

Both cain and aaron dove for the ground a few feet away from the truck and covered their heads.. terry threw himself to the sidewalk behind a trashcan. all three projectiles hit the truck one by one. the truck exploded upon impact with the first two.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 18-Autoshow

My friends truck was sporting two rwd stickers on the back,as were all the other trucks expect for the ridgelines,both of which were sporting awd stickers. as we looked around at the trucks,dj came up.

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Front Mission Final (FanFic)

In the forest, the mechanized giants lurked, their upper bodies slowly turning as the convoy passed by them a truck at a time. before the last truck reached them, their cannons lifted and aimed forward.


Day 40 1:10 PM 1/4/2023-Chapter 11-A New Friend

Jericho pawed at the back door of the truck, whining as he did. i pulled it open and he let off a loud bark before hopping in and making himself at home in the backseat. now my truck is gonna smell like dog.

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Pandemic-Day 35 7:15 AM 12/30/2022-Chapter 5-Camping...Sort Of

"now we get to the gas",i said walking around to the back of the officer's truck. i lay on my back underneath the truck. with some groping and visual searching, i located the fuel lines.

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Chapter 6

He said finally as he disappeared to the back of the truck, putting is own earplugs in. rick growled under his breath as he carefully brought the truck to a controlled stop in front of kirsten.

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Goddess Complex

She could hear the human's speaking in the truck as well as in the truck driving in front of them. she pulled herself up to the feet, watching the road slide behind her as the truck drove on, her body still shaking with power.

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Chapter 1 - Attacked!

Suddenly, a big gray pickup truck from a left side street pulled out quickly in front of her. sara slammed on the brakes, narrowly missing the truck.

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Iron Dragon Chapter 188

Because the chase trucks might not always be able to reach them. the trucks would have to take anything the race course or other drivers threw at them.

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Encounters: Prologue

The truck then lurched as it made contact with the ground again. the parachutes came down next and cascaded down around the trucks, with a soft ruffling. other trucks could be heard touching down as well.

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Wastelands-Chapter 30-The Dead City Part 3-The Biologist

I resupplied my ammunition and grenades and before long the trucks were parked outside. i joined my team at the trucks and hit my radio, as well as hailing truck. he picked up nearly immediately.

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Shadows in Light

The truck spun, and crashed through the railing tail first. down, again, the exact same experience as the earlier hill, save for being in the truck.

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