Filled Up

Three steaks in and Kilo was feeling full. He wasn't stuffed, but he was taking smaller bites with longer spans of time in between them as he continued to work his way through the veritable pile of meat beside him. A whole, fat chicken, several more...

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Acceptable Losses

**Acceptable Losses** "I accept." The leomon-like beast hadn't even finished uttering those two little words before he lunged forward with unrivaled speed towards a tied up lizard across the room. The leo's fangs were bared and his claws...

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Nate and Kullo

Muzzles met muzzles; tongues greeted tongues; and the best kiss Kullo had ever had was under way. Passion flowed from him to his partner, a passion which was returned ten-fold by said partner in the form of warm paws and even warmer lips. Even with...

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Good Life

All 6 of the numbers matched. Dexter was just in shock as he held his ticket in his shaking paw, staring from the string of numbers on the crumpled paper to the television and back again. Standing up in front of his run-down sofa in his small...

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Hyphy knew that he couldn't tan. He was covered from snout to paws in fur after all, his husky roots giving him quite a thick coating of fluff. The canine was also not one for swimming though, so when his friend had invited him to the pool, the husky...

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Chewing was just utterly tiring. James' jaw ached, his arms were sore as could be, and yet he kept doggedly lifting his paws to his face to stuff more of the food before him into his muzzle. Try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to stop feeding...

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"Wow, hey there tiny. What're you even doing in here?" That was the third remark from the rather drunk otter of the night, and Alonely had had enough of it all. The wolf had come to the party on the invitation of the host, Sasuke, and hadn't exactly...

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Grand Finale

The veritable wall of pink undulated and shifted slowly before the drake, little rippling waves of bulk interrupting those tectonic shifts as it was handled. Zero just stared straight on, mesmerized by so much blubber being handled and moving slowly...

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Kent tugged lightly on his jacket as he waited just outside the doorframe. Never one to barge into someone's house, even when he was invited, the shy womble just waited patiently for his friend Chester to get the door. The koala had invited him over...

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Consumer Rights

_BRRRRAAAAAAAPPP!!_ The air was silent for a moment around the blue and grey drabbit after that blueberry-smelling outburst, several tables around him just staring in mortification or shock. Alkora paid their stares no heed though, just setting down...

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Stress Relief

It had been an utterly horrible day for Jerome. He had started the day employed, happily working at a three-star restaurant as a waiter, and was now unemployed with no prospects whatsoever for a job. One slip, literally, had put an end to his...

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Snow never had felt as small as he did right at that moment. This was not to say that he was someone small in the least, it was more that he was just so far undersized by the reptile opposite him that he had no idea just how to feel. There was nothing...

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