Bored Meeting
It was the holy symbol of all office buildings: the sacred pie chart.
Soul Harvesters: Manual
World:- A modern-cyberpunk world with fantasy elements that is somewhat similar to our own. A world that finds itself under threat by unknown and unseen forces, but there are those who are able to protect it against said forces. Technology is a...
Interlude: Meet Nadia
The Draft Brand. Volunteer Corps and Military FamiliesCall me Nadia, your friendly interlude narrator. I thought I would set some things straight about the world before we move forward. There are three ways to join a crew. First there is the...
Memoirs of Shadow Dire Husky Chapter 1: Birth of a Sadist
Allow me to preface the beginning of my story with this short note; I do not claim to remember that which happened before my birth, or even that of my younger life, but thanks to the journal of my father I can tell my entire story... In a small...
Digging in the Dust
Thiago resumed walking, ralizing that the wall that ran down the middle of the building stopped just shy of the last bunk, giving a view down the side of the building and to the only window he'd seen.
The Wurm King
This is meant to be an adventure and character based story it may get erotic in a later chapter but that depends on where the story goes. i'm pretty new to writing story's so any honest critique is appreciated. i'm not to sure on tagging so help with...
Potion Cat: An Elemental Find
Small cool drops of rain fell from grey skies down onto the potion maker's hill. A soft mist curled against greenery and folded around the hill. The potion maker herself stepped out and shivered as she felt the cold air touch her, but she smiled as she...
Jack's Tail: Chapter-10 Recovery and Routine
Chapter 10: Recovery and Routine It seems Alpha wants to stay the night again in my residential container, like she doesn't trust me to not do something stupid. Not that I was planning on doing something stupid, like harming myself. Without a way...
The wave inside chapter 1
**Chapter 1: "We gotta get out of this place."** \*\* What I _had_ to do was take a piss. What I _wanted _to do was go back to sleep. You see, there was a good chance the day ahead was going to be both strange and stressful. Well, now, wait,...
Furtasia: The Canari
#5 of furtasia - world building information on the canari people of my fantasy story-world of furtasia.
streetwolf cronicals chapter 2 {full chapterwith some fixes}
Hafe way down the road he began to notice the sign of several houses and trailers torn up blood outside all the signs of a massacre brought about by zombies. Keeping alert he proceeded down the road till coming to his street noticing the vehicles were...
The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari
Now it came to pass, when the generations since the Time of the Shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the Gods of Old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways. Dai Yel, He of the Highest...