Interlude: That History
The other pony looked unsure of what to think, but the first pony quickly pulled him to the exit and shoved him out the door.
Kingdom Hearts: The Path of the Heart Episode 1: An Unexpected Journey
The first was a purple pony, with an even deeper purple color for her mane and tail with a pink stripe. its eye color was also purple, instantly thinking the pony a triple purple pony.
daring do story
What a story this would make the golden ponies she felt like that other pony from russia tin something with the little white dog.
I love the wubs
The ailcorn pony said looking though them "sure, just don't drop them, or get hoof prints on them" vinyl said looking at the pony sighing.
The new mare in town
Dream pressed his head to the floor, lifting his ass up in the air, both ponies drunk with lust.
A Million Stars
Dash drank up as much of the pony as she could, becomingly increasingly entranced by the tight, slick feel of the pony she was tonguing. pinkie slid down and settled her haunches down in between dash's.
Big Doggie's Little Pony Ride Before Dinner
Duncan grinned as he played with himself in the pony's plain view, "...had a shower and got all ready for my pony..."
My Brother's Best Friend - Hot Chocolate Ponies
"guess that's cool," the older pony said. "yeah, it is," jeff replied.
Alternative Swearing
Apparently in your time here, the only ponies that actually heard you swearing were your two best friends. you thought that the other ponies would freak out if you swore at them, and you actually had never heard any other pony swear.
Pony in the Pillory chapter 1
The mayor of ponyville asked a trio of ponies that flanked a vaguely pony shaped outline covered in a sheet. "yes mayor mane, my spell will speed her body's natural healing process by about five hundred and eighty-four point six percent.
My Friend Tenty
Accused of an attack on a pony village, tentacle ponies send their representative to clear up the issue with celestia. the ambassador, however, does not come alone, as sweetie belle finds out. this story is my little pony: friendship is magic fanfiction.
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 09 - Encumbered Forever By Desire and Ambition
She heard a sharp knock sound and the other pony yelped. "ouch!" the other pony shouted, rubbing her own jaw in pain.