Forever Afternoon
_"Post sonos, relinquat nuntius."_ As the dull note sounded in his ear for the third time that afternoon, the young lion smiled sadly and disconnected his cell phone. "Still no answer." "I'm sorry, Bobby." Feigning nonchalance, the athlete set...
_"WHAT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL DID YOU DO?!"_ The well-dressed wolverine, breathing carefully through his aristocratic nose in long, deep draughts, kept his muzzle clamped shut so that the scream that his mind had so carefully constructed did not,...
_ What's the worst thing you've ever done?_ _ I won't tell you that, but I'll tell you the worst thing that ever happened to me... the most dreadful thing..._ --Peter Straub,_Ghost Story_ The deep crimson blur that took up so much of Parker's...
Chado (The Way of Tea)
Soft electronic music - what was called "ambient" by musicologists and those souls born in the ancient cauldron of the starstream - flowed effortlessly into the living room of the small, pleasantly cramped apartment. At his study desk, the lean...
Character Reference
The muscled young lion shifted the pin in the weight training machine to add another five kilos to his lift, then returned to his position in the chair, readying himself. He breathed slowly and fully three times, then pushed his arms smoothly,...
Stuck On You
"Oh, gods _damn_ it!" "Don't pull, you'll hurt yourself. "I can't fucking believe this..." "Relax, you'll spoil your afterglow." The melodious tenor voice chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." The tall, well-formed Akita resumed his silent...
The Smell of Fresh-Mown Grass
The great jet-black wolf stepped quietly into the bedroom, clad only in somewhat modest shorts which nonetheless concealed very little.
He sat on one of the benches outside of the sauna room, wrapped only in a towel, his sleek panther's body already the object of more than one salaciously raised eyebrow, crooked grin, or openly lewd wink. He had merely smiled and tried to look very...
Give and Take
User=144113&character=0&clevel=2) 122x1]( "122x1") requested that i write a story of his fennec fox encounter a certain big buff black wolf (ahem... preen, preen...) and "being used good and hard."
Scenes from the Movie of My Life -- Hotel Lobby
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I will sometimes post things that are mere scenes, not quite whole stories. Things that are more autobiographical than not will appear under the heading of "Scenes from the Movie of My Life." What follows is a piece of my...
Three dark-clad canine figures, their features obscured by their masks, worked feverishly in the blackened alleyway. They were assigned Company authorized sobriquets of Tinker, Tailor, and Soldier. Tailor stood at the alley's mouth, his eyes fixed on...
Mini-Story -- You Hear Music in the Background...
This is only a scene, created from a writing warm-up excercise that started with the first sentence as a seed crystal. There's actually very little editing; I just had this idea of some young furs playing something like D&D, with one of them trying his...