Grey and Rainy

Kira shook her head, stepping in a little and admiring the stuffed animals from a respectable distance, still muddy as she was. "i really like it....

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Sensations of the Plush

It also has to do with fucking a stuffed animal. thus the name 'of the plush'. enjoy! have you ever noticed the way raw chicken drips like honey from your fingers?

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Freshers’ Week Friend

A couple of viola's posters were the same as mine, too, and the stuffed animal on _her_ pillow was a balding kangaroo. she didn't have a cd collection at all, just an mp3 player in a pink dock with speakers.

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My Kitty Chapter 15

He picked me up and put me in trev's bed beside the stuffed animal. i didn't move, too caught up by the thoughts running through my head. i eventually fell asleep, distracted by the many things going on around me.

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The Renewal of Babies chap 2

There were blocks, chewing rings, and stuffed animals. least the blocks and rings weren't as big and scary. she carefully picked up some blocks, becoming more interested in them and putting them together.

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The world expands ch.10 - love, snakes and sponsors?

animals or my pillow so a living being is a nice change" probably one of the cutest thing i could here from her, cuddling with stuffed animals?

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Cinders and Shadows (chapter 5)

There were a few stuffed animals on her bed, a fox, two cats, and a rabbit. the walls were a grayish blue. there was a bed in the corner that the stuffed animals laid on. a desk where a few books lay, and a big rug on the floor.

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Cold-Hearted: Part 6

I couldn't quite explain the way i felt right now, but it was all because of a little girl with a stuffed animal for a best friend.

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The Plushie Dungeon [Comm]

"you won't be needing those for anything other than holding a bottle and stuffed animal, might as well put those away from safe keeping."

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Sound and Silence 5: Parkside

Ray looked down at the kids while holding his stuffed animals, and then kneeled down, offering a prize to each of them. "really? wow!!! thank you!"

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Bubble Bath Bedlam

I still have some stuffed animals i haven't played with in forever!" tom paused as he suggested that. he realized that the idea of playing with toy animals might have been a bit silly to suggest when he had a real talking cat in front of him.

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Moon Pooch

There was a small pile of stuffed animals on a table in the corner, but that was it for the color. other than that it was just blinding white. his wife sighed and left his side, going to sit and rest. it had been days since either of them got any rest.

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