change of heart

once at the office and got word that Black Quill was in court for a girl being blamed for killing her boyfriend. i watched from the monitor as the young was telling her testimony it was hard to tell if she was losing or whatever but from what Black...

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Revelations

"Tortimer, did you remember how I told you that I had lived through Tammy's reign?" Tortimer asked him. "Yes... But what does it have to do with everything right now? This... This doesn't make sense, why is she still around? Isn't she a being of...

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Answers

Anon woke up to the sound of... The waves? Anon opened his eyes and realized he was in a hut... A hut that Tortimer seemed to live in. "Was... Was it all a dream?" Anon asked himself. Anon was about to believe it was, until...

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Demiurge/Reader Ch.13

Warmth. Softness. You are encased in plush heat, from head to toe. Cocooned in the tranquility of a familiar silk, like a caterpillar. It is so soothing, so secure. Unwelcome awareness slowly seeps into your mind, rousing you from your...

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her wings

that night tsume was tossing and Turning trying to fight what was going on in her dream, tsume was racing against a team called killers she was in the lead and all she had to do to win was spread her wings to fly . as she flu off the railing she was...

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new moves

It's Been a year from the tiebreaker with the kings of fire at the battle war, as tsume and her team are back in Osaka training for the next event that will be coming in a month. "Tsume!" She snaps back to reality as she turns and saw faiya behind...

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Why Pikachu refused to evolve?

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ _ ** ** _ **Why Pikachu refused to...

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5. Seeking Solace (100 Theme Challenge)

There must be more to thislife than mere existence.i am aware of those who believein a natural guide - an animal companion for their spirit. or perhaps they are connected to a non-human species through reincarnation.

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Ranma Neko Chapter 2

It was as if some primal, animal urge had taken control of her mind and body.

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Ranma-Neko ½ Chapter 1

Genma gave an animal-like growl of annoyance, even though he was currently in his catman form.

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Animal Crossing: Coffee Break

Villager rubbed his eyes, yawning heavily as he watched coffee flow into his red mug. He looked up, seeing Isabelle, his loyal dog secretary, standing over him with a smile on her face and a coffee pot's handle in her grasp. The pot was almost empty,...

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Komamura’s Journey

Far beyond the reaches of the seireitei, a large man was traveling with a small child. The child practically clung to the large man, as they were fleeing the small village they had briefly stayed in. "Daddy, why do we have to go so soon?" The small boy...

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