Lizard's Lair: Chapter One

The house seemed empty. The curtains were open and the interior bare of any owner at least. A perfect opportunity lay in front of him to enter, retrieve valuable items and make his escape before he was caught. This was the trade of a house-burglar,...

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Dragons Lair pt 27

#27 of dragons lair \*is on time\* :o unbelievable. i spent the last hour revising this, taking out bits i didnt like and even deleting a blowjob because i thought it didnt work with what i wanted to do.

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Dragons Lair pt 25

#25 of dragons lair yes. the story is currently at 38.570 words. this is nearing my target of 50.000. thanks to all of you guys, who i write to please. this one is clean, mainly because i havent been in a very yiffy-writey mood lately. anyways, enjoy!

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Dragons Lair pt 26

Let's go back to my lair." michael nodded, "i want to read those books i got." myra and michael let go of each other and followed klaedr out and back into their car.

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Dragons Lair pt 18

#18 of dragons lair little update: dragons lair is at 30000 words. i have finally got age of empires on my laptop, which makes me happy and i feel better and write when im happy.

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Dragons Lair pt 16

#16 of dragons lair big part today, because its good to be back in london.

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Dragons Lair pt 15

#15 of dragons lair i'm going on holiday tomorrow until the 13th. i am taking my laptop so i can write more of my stories. this means that the part i have written down on paper should be on my laptop and i'm ahead of my schedule.

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Dragons Lair pt 14

#14 of dragons lair they beamed into the bridge and varek stood up straight, letting myra relax. the soldier panicked and pointed his gun at michael. "don't do anything stupid, put the gun down." michael warned, edging closer. "i have to.

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Dragons Lair pt 9

#9 of dragons lair michael looked round the corner into the bridge. "yes myra. me. i take it i didn't impregnate you the last time." "i was in between cycles." "well i intend to this time." "you!" michael screamed as he went round the corner.

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Dragons Lair pt 8

#8 of dragons lair sorry. only a short part today. i'm working on the scene immidately after it so i'll post on the 10th of april. ================ saiu was waiting for them in the teleportation room. "what happened down there?"

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Dragons Lair pt 7

#7 of dragons lair myra followed michael, still getting used to her new body. "so this is london?" "yes. their house is the one on the end." michael said as he took her hand.

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Dragons Lair pt 6

#6 of dragons lair i'm happy to present to you the latest part in michaels escapades. ========= he let michael in and closed the door behind him. the room was large, with a bookshelf covering one wall and some bean bags in the corner.

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