Midnight Secret - Revised

He sliced one of his hands with a claw from the other, then pressed his hands to the two lycanthropes wounds. his searing, burning hot, demonic blood entered the two, giving them a longer than normal lifespan.

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That's Life in Hollywood

While the bullets hurt like hell they did no permanent damage due to his lycanthropic immunity. his body literally ejected the slugs as it repaired it's self. not all lycans had this trait, darkmoon was one of the lucky ones.

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Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast And His Monster

Despite this, whenever the mutation manifests for the first time, they newly dubbed "lycanthropes" are taken away to a specific type of prison.

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The Job interview

Micelle seagel an activist on werewolf rights comments, 'this is a shocking threat against lycanthropic people. this sort of thing is what turns men into the monsters they imagine in others.'"

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Gimmie a RWAR!

There were plenty of instincts over flooding all three of the wolf's lycanthropic victims, but getting a rush of testosterone took her desire for dominance to extra heights.

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The Districts: Vaska's Gambit

She _was_, however, a werewolf, and even in the districts, most weren't too fond of lycanthropes. oh, it was hardly much of a surprise.

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Chapter 4: Trouble in the North

A bear -an anthropomorphic bear, the largest one vinge had ever seen in his entire life, arrived on the scene, roaring a challenge at the lycanthropes.

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Chapter One: Reunions

"i am azrael chaosblood, son of doom inferno, the leader of the pureweres, and mate to lorcán, the prince-heir of the lycanthropes. you will let me inside this castle to see my mate now!!!"

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Problems in Paradise 6

"you guys better thank whatever gods exist for lycanthropes that ms. huckstible in this apartment building, otherwise we'd all be in a mess."

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Sands of Existance

The first true dawn of spring would bring about all those who could hear the calls of the wolves to the edge of the lake, preparing the hardiest of the lycanthropic kind for the long swim to the center.

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College Days - Chapter One -

They grew and adapted to the society they slowly infiltrated - they learned to become more considerate and compassionate - now - after countless generations - they appeared and acted just as normal as any other human or anthropomorphic person..keeping their lycanthropic

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Dealing In Lycanthropy

For a small contribution, i will pass the lycanthropic blessing onto you. but if you don't like to be bitten, or if you want to change later, i still have a whole stock of vials! now, who here wants to become a werewolf? !

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