The story of the Khan. Introduction, VIII edit.

An introduction. The following has been translated into Basic as best as my skills allow. Unfortunately some things do get lost from one tongue to another, some things are simply untranslatable. I have done my best to explain everything as clear and...

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Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - The Prologue

The Prologue In this day and age, when humans and furs have lived together for centuries, you would think, with so much in common, that it would be easier for one to get a job. You would think. This is definitely not the case, where furs are usually...

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Dark's story (part 2)

Dark was awoken by a heavy paw to the face and the icy sting of cold water to his face, which felt hot, almost burnt. He tried to open his eyes but all he could see was darkness with a feathered light. He was inside of a bag of some sort. Or at least...

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BEL chapter two

_ walking down the hallway and to my front door was a long walk, after just murdering my parents. i thought about what they had said to me, their last words.

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BEL chapter one

"Annabel, congratulations on becoming cheer captain!" My fellow cheerleaders gathered around me and gave me their best cheer. "Two, Four, Six, Eight, Who do we appreciate? Bel, Bel, Gooo Bel!" They all started clapping. I looked to my right, and the...

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The grey wolf sat on the park bench overlooking the river. The brilliant sunset with all of it's rainbow hues were lost on him, if a passer by were to look at the handsome muscular frame, tall ears and strong muzzle they would have also seen a...

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The image she saw as that of a 19 year old cheetah that would have beautiful if it weren't for the toll all the stress shed been under since shed found out her family had been murdered in cold blood.

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EotS Prologue Part I: In Another Place

Aaron was drowning in piss. "How had it come to this?" He wondered; thinking back. He was closing his third year of college, and he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He was lonely, he wasn't working to his full potential, and he was tired. He...

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The good doctor

The audience cheered as he left the stage; it was another day in the endless of problems that he had to solve. These people needed his help, as he was the only one that could really help them solve their problems. It was always the same thing; people...

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Who is Travis Parks?

No doubt this was one of the most physically brutal murders i had ever committed. i said earlier i think i began losing my sanity as this scene played out. but i think i gained something, actually. i gained what i once lost, long ago.

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The murders he had just committed did not weigh on his mind; he would simply blame the witch. he marched into the stream where he had killed the tracker the day before.

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Rescued by an Angel.

''i know you're brothers and sisters were murdered by someone i'm being controlled by.but i'm not going to let them get a hold of you.i was forced to bring you here and kill you.but i just can't.i'm going let you go.but you must not stop for anyone or

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