Rebuilding the Pack

Kalis was the alpha of his pack and had been for hundreds of years. standing 7'5" with large muscles from daily hunts nobody dared to challenge him.

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balto's return

Think will happen next or how balto will react next about how is old wife jenna has a new mate sorry for the bad spelling i will write a new story called rosexsteele tomorrow or later today ok stay cool bye :33333333 **in aleu and taku's new home aleu's pack

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Epilogue: Alpha dad

Epilogeu. And so, Carl join the packt. The werewolves lives in the forest arround town. From his dad, he learn that the werewolves never hurt people. They protect the city. The only time they die anything, is when it gonna dead and a bite is quicker...

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Epilogue: Incest and pups

Epilouge. The next day, Carls father quit his job. The two packet thier stuff and lives in the forrest. They found a nice cave where they can live. The forrest give them all they need. Over the next few years, the two earns the respect of nature. Carls...

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CYOA: End: The Mirror

Don't think Carl loves his father in an incest way. He just feel close to him, real close. 'Yes dad, I come home. But please, don't be scared.' 'I would never be scare from you. Your my son, I don't care what you are. Now please, come here. You always...

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CYOS, End: Incest and pups

Carl loves his dad for so long. It was the man who protect him his whole life. Suddenly, Carl tough about something. With this new, huge and muscular body. He could protect his dad from now. Carl start to be a bit more excided about the transformation....

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CYOA, End: Alpha dad

Suddenly, Carl hear something. He turn his head. The door of the labs opens and shows a big creature. With his eyes, Carl can see it. It was a huge wolf, standing on his paws. Behind him, thier where a couple of normal wolves. Carl realize he would...

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CYOA Forgotten notes, part two

Then Carl start to worrierd. How he must go further with his life now? School and his dad. When his dad came in his mind, he start to worried. He coudn't go home. He was a beast, What is he can't handel himself and hurt his dad. His dad was always...

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