Stranger Part 3

Standard disclaimer: Blah blah blah gay, kissing, etc. Warning, there is some violence and homophobia (in a flashback) Enjoy! * * * "And here we are!" Jav turned the wheel and put the Mini into a parking space. The lot was next to a sandstone...

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 8

Loona's Love Life. Chapter 8: Spring Breaking. June, 3, 2021 Alex had never felt so warm in all his life. He nuzzled closer to the warmth enveloping him and yawned, but soon found himself coughing as he inhaled a stray hair. Blinking away the sleep...

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From Hard Life to Worse

Chapter 1 The wind whistled over the plains as a dark shadow appeared over the hill. A sword strapped to the shadow's back shimmered with a pale blue light as it was drawn from its sheath. The shadow's chest shuddered slightly as it suppressed a...

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter Six

Puppy sulked into the apartment, seeing his ever so faithful friend Potter waiting for him, he looks at Potter and says, " What no asking me how it went?" Potter already knew that in his voice, something was wrong, " Now that you mention it yes....

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Sore Loser

You know the deal, This story contain m/m sexuality and should not be viewed by people under the age of 18, not that I care, but thats the law, so deal with it -.-; * * * Sore Loser * * * 'click, clack' The sounds of cheering and clapping...

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The Chronicles of Cyro

Copyright and Such: The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such...

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Blue Fire, a Transformation.

How could he have let it get so late? In point of fact, he was just as vulnerable out here in this forest at night as any maiden. The sun had descended below the horizon perhaps an hour ago, and it was becoming almost impossible to see where he was...

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Rightful Love

Nashoba is a typical male timber wolf, he is alone without a pack but has found the wolfess he believes should be his mate. He is very protective, and will defend what he sees as his to the death. WaterSinger is a female timber wolf, but looks more...

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Desert Wind

The scene starts with a rather plain looking ferret, about six foot two from nose to tail tip his eyes a soft brown matching his marbled greyish brown fur nicely. Next to him sat a rather angelic artic fox, her fur a pristine white. The odd feature was...

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Knights of Taliber

"This plan is just plain insane!!! why are we going to throw our lives away for some king who doesn't know what the hell he is doing!!! and to make matters worse why do we have to wait out here in this blazing heat waiting for a special package that...

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The Love Who Spied Me - Part I

The Love Who Spied Me - Part I By Dikran\_O Geno leaned against the wall of the alley behind the video store where she worked part time and puffed on her cigarette; it was turning out to be a bastard of a day. Already 15 returns with the...

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 8

**\*\*Holy crap! This took me forever! I procrastinated SO much on this! I am REALLY sorry you guys! But I still finished it! And for those of you wondering about the yiffy parts, I am planning on one abou 1-5 chapters from now. Big margin, I know,...

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