My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23

A few days had passed since our little Christmas party, Twilight giving me a simple bracelet; but I loved it all the same. Myself, I gave her the very first copy of the history of the human race that resided within the walls of the old human cities....

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 5

Waking up slowly, I blinked in confusion at what I was seeing, the ceiling was a pure white; when did Twilight paint it? I was about to turn to ask her, when shock crossed over my face. She was not there, and this was not her bed, the sounds of cars...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 9

A little over a month had passed since Nightmare Night, this would be marking my full second month while living in Ponyville. Within this time span, Darkness had not shown his face anywhere or any of those Dark Beasts as he had called them; this...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 15

It had almost been a week since the battle of Canterlot, a week since the death of Moon, and close to a week since I betrayed Twilight for a deal...involving me with bedding with that damn whore of a Changeling queen. My headaches had become less...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 16

This is indeed still my little pony: brandon's time in equestria but thanks to my friend, we came up with the new name. my little pony: battle for equestria.

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MLP Lying around Chapter 2

The wind whipped at my hair as the dusty dry scenery flew past, doing 98' and I felt great. The loud rumble of my bike trembled through the air, the aged and cracked road zipped under me. My jacket flapped at my sides, the sun shone from the east...

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MLP: The Griffin Wars

Smoke and debris litter the landscape as well as bodies of griffons and different types of ponies. This was once the beautiful land of Equestria, home of ponies and ruled over by two royal sisters, Celestia and Luna. The sound of clanging metal...

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The Bad Seed

So begins my incursion into the fanfiction world of my little, my little pony. i hope you'll like these stories i've got planned--which hopefully in the future will be pre-edited before final posting.

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Applejack Vs Eight Star

Eight Star wasn't much of a risk taker, but when it came to food, he didn't mess around. Normally his food stores were filled to the brim, but because Trixie incinerated the shopping list and didn't tell anypony, his food storage ended up at bare floor...

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Finding Her True Love

A story of fluttershy and big mac from my little pony friendship is magic i was late finishing this due to writers block and other stuff happening to me that i wish hadnt.

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03 - R&R

"Why the long face, Sarge?" Green River asked as his squad leader sank into the steaming tub without armor. A groan of releasing tension oozed out of him and he dunked his head under the water for several seconds before coming back up for air. "Did...

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Changeling Heart: A Witness Truth

Doctor Love, Saki, and I, all sat in a circle on the floor, eating the food he had brought us. The only sound here, were the munching of our jaws. I know for a fact, that he did not have a basket when he came in, one moment, me and Saki were whispering...

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