Russia, china, korea, iraq and other countries provided support and helped establish the morph guard in australia, supplementing the country's own military.
Crane and Shen's hidden secret
All of china despises me, the only way i could ever get some respect is by taking back what's rightfully mine!"
The taking of innocence
He opened the door, steeped in, and closed it behind him, quickly walking over to the drawers on the china cabinet, already searching for something to steal.
A Dragons Kingdom Chap.1
Pushing himself from the large chair, he lumbered over to the table and looked at the small heap of broken china from earlier that morning.
Bull an' Fox -02 We meet Tim, a Fox
And so, i've got the good china up in the cabinets, there up on the shelves, but i've got the everyday stuff down. and i say, "you know it's really close to lunchtime. have you had any lunch yet?"
To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 40
The captain ordered peter to take over the duties as helmsman, and peter steered the ship on a course that led them around the end of the korean peninsula, and between the mainland and china.
To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 37
"the second option is that i can return you to china - to hong kong, or to canton, or to shanghai - where you would be among people you understand, and who understand you.
A Cure for Writer's Block
I hear the gentle clink of china against granite from the chamber behind me. after a second, aurelaxis reappears, his great winged form rejoining mine. having heard my call, he answers, "how could i do that, thaddeus?"
My Great Big Brother - Epilogue
Europe and russia will fight over oil, the koreas will fight their civil war again, and china will become a ravenous beast driven mad by hunger, and its people will look to the east to sate their appetite," tomas explained.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance, Chapter 9
The stars were glittering brilliantly overhead, the rest of china having fallen asleep by this point. "are you sure you two can do this without my help?" asked the mountain lion.
Twilight of the Gods (Chapter 15, Book7)
Kiko would revert you to the memories and mentality of your youth, in china. you would delight in torture, and lose your sense of identity. tamamo, you are a nine-tail. you would be too powerful of an enemy.
He moved his base of operations to china. just incase while you were out another clone was made of agumon.