Forgotten Ch. 5

sorry x.x again lol x.x stupid early bed time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked up the cemented walkway I knew what was coming. My mother and father would be angry as soon as I walked inside that door....

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Forgotten Ch.4

sorry i cant edit this very well right now bed time x.x soz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapping the towel around my hair I sat on the couch in his living room and waited as he had told me...

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Forgotten Ch. 3

sorry i cant edit theses very well x.x its my bed time so i dont have the time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disoriented I stretched and felt Jase next to me. Pulling...

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Forgotten Ch. 2

coments and criticism please and thank youz =] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my mind was dazed and i couldn't help but keep my thoughts focused on him. my only desire then was to be with...

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With the T.V blaring I was laying on a worn down copper colored couch. The fabric was soft to the touch but after awhile everything loses its feel. Foods no longer seem to tease at my tongue leaving what little pleasure there is to the sense of touch....

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Second Sight: Chapter Two: Arpeggio's Angels

Location: Arpeggio City, Sed High School. Time: 08:50am. Year: 2090, December 14th. I stayed silent for quite a while. I was still trying to get Joseph out of my head. I kept focusing on what was important right now; visiting that Avian doctor...

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hidden Plateau

Hidden plateau By Dracofiend (Kakiro) Imagine a small village on a plateau overlooking a grand field of wild flowers, In the distance nearly twenty miles away you can see a sliver of blue cutting across the landscape leading to a small haunted...

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New Dawn: The Way East

2. The Way East Zeke: Well time sure had flown by those last few weeks from the party Matt and I had attended. We'd spent a lot of time together since then when we could, and talked online or on the phone when we couldn't get together. A few months...

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Chapter 12: Suddenly Mr. Nice Guy

Chapter 12: Suddenly Mr. Nice Guy Tammy's bright green eyes were magnetic as they gazed passed John's head in bitter triumph at David. She cradled John's head to her cleavage and let her head fall back with a shrill cry when he suddenly sucked...

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Chapter 8: Shameless

Chapter 8: Shameless "Tammy? Tammy, don't cry," David begged. "Do you really think I'd let him touch you?" His headphones still blasting on the coffee table, David shuffled on his knees across the carpet. Tammy had sunken from the sofa chair...

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Forgotten Ch. 6

Sorry For the Very much delayed chapter. ill try working on 7 today/tomorrow. please tell me if the recovered version is as interesting as the previous chapters. thanks a lot guys and...

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