
Silence Sickening and vile Cruel, tainted bile rising Vomiting frailty Insulting with hatred Ecstasy Sensual fantasia of the mind Pitiless and savage Frightening porcelain souls Spiraling into madness Bringing delicate euthanasia ...

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Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 11

Kristoffer's redemption chapter 11 second chances it was well into the after noon when Kris and Blaze finally stopped playing checkers. but the day was far from over. "hey Kris you stay right here and I'll be right back okay?" Blaze said as he stood...

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Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 5

Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 5. The diary. Jennifer had to stop and think a moment before she had an idea. "Kristoffer, With your permission I want to try an experiment with you, okay?" Kristoffer, was a bit startled by the word experiment, but...

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Even if the sun faded or the sky cracked, or even if the earth shook with such a crushing rage, I will always be with you. From every shattered bone to broken hearts, I would stand side by side with you. So who cares about the worlds trivial...

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## Memories February 13, 2010 at 8:43am You know what is worse than the memories It's finding pictures of you every wall On my computer and on my phone And how I want to just toss them all! But, I just can't seem to let you go today Maybe...

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Please give some feedback also a warning this is a rather sad story so back away slowly if you don't want to read something depressing :< (also not sure if the rating for this is correct or not it was a warm summer day and i was 18 at the time i met her,

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Dark Night: Part 2

Breaking into a run from the doorway Sean lunges for Jay, catching him off guard. Twisting as they go down, Sean positions himself between the ground and Jay to absorb the brunt of the impact. Still holding onto Jay as they go down, he refuses to let...

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Making the world more perfect

I have tried so hard to keep on going depression, frustation and desperation the only things which were growing okay, i got it, i am nothing for this nation!

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Must i sit alone depressed and unloved longing in my heart my soul crushed and broken being passed around and laughed new tears appearing every day....more and more tattered what remains becomes... the thing i seek long eluding me forever hiding locked away

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The Actor

The curtain closes again on my act. The audiences roaring applause still present in the air. I care not for their sound or their cheers, only the distance towards my sanctuary. I pass the threshold and seal myself in, dreading the thought of leaving...

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There was a cracked man, Who had a cracked heart, Something happened to this Cracked man, That made his Cracked heart much worse, He didn't understand, It didn't affect him, He just accepted, Now the cracked man... Is a broken shell of what he...

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Dark nights Sad mornings Worrying afternoons Terrifying fears They never go away Dark nights They always comsume us Sad mornings They never become happy Worrying afternoons We always worry no matter what may happen Terrifying fears They...

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