Curiosity Inquired (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The dining hall was a chattering bustle of lunches being consumed and conversations engaged. Cadet Clip, her forehead and absence of an antler still aching from the day before, neatly declined to even approach the table full of dragons and carried...
Efficiency Meal (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The shopping mall's food court wasn't exactly the cleanest or calmest setting for a lunch, but Detective Clip was in an unfamiliar city and always valued having a swath of options for a meal. She gazed across the row of restaurants, their signage a...
Mission Report (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The old rabbit stirred in his bed a bit as the station shuddered. Another heavy cargo ship had docked with too much load, a regular occurrence these days, and easily ignored. However, the soft crackling sound in the room caught the boss' attention....
Snow's Blanket (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The basilisk groaned softly as the light of the rising sun filtered its way through the snow accumulated atop his body. Another night had passed under the weight of ice and snow, but the sounds of this morning did not seem to extend beyond the soft...
Gryphon's Reply (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The tip of the gryphon's beak trailed a path up along her waist and to her belly, tongue following behind on a teasing retreat from her damp regions. ~ Pausing his precise attentions, the gryphon answered, "I'm all mammal where it counts, hon."
Raccoon's Grip (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The raccoon's fingers gripped tightly around the gryphon's ears and head as though to guide the attentions of his beak to precisely to best spot. His annoyance with her disregard for the fragility of feathers manifested as a hungry rumbling growl,...
Slice of Life (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Roland's shift at the theater had run into the early hours of morning, and the kobold looked forward to his quaint apartment a number of subway stops away. He settled into place while the subway car rumbled and jostled its way along the path, a...
Beagle's Orders (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The gathered fleet of Admiral Sligh hung in orbit over the old colony world, calm but for the flights of shuttles running circuits planetside to their frenzied evacuation of civilians below. Aboard his potmarked and tarnished flagship, Josiah Sligh...
Chilled Pug (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Carter scrambled out of the snow bank and up onto the more secure footing provided by the icy road's shoulder with a panic muted by the bitter cold. Clutching the drenched cloak about her shoulders, the pug spared a moment and a hope to glance back...
Bluejay's Wares (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The blue jay barely looked up from his book as he reclined in the cheap folding chair behind the table of baubles and wares. "That's a fusor coupling. Bent, but the metal's still good scrap if you want a wedding band on the cheap.", he volunteered to...
Unexpected Arrivals (Otherwise Untitled)
~ "That's just one of those stories from your papers.", decried Colonel James Malloy. ~ "Nah, it's true! My cousin just over at Janus Hub didn't come back from her tour there; where else could she be?", came back the friendly voice over the low...
Offer Declined (Otherwise Untitled)
~ Captain DeCaro settled back into his chair as the rabbit returned to the table with a pair of drinks and a friendly smile. William smelled strongly of grease, surfactant, and cheap wine. This didn't bother the macaw, as there were not many aboard the...