Associated Student Bodies -- Do No Harm
# Do No Harm ## November 2003 "Another drink, sir?" Steven Paris shifted his tired gaze from the airplane window to look at the stewardess. The tigress might have been his own age, and in another time and place, he would have been much more...
The Lion Has Landed
Not many people can say that perhaps the most romantic night of their courtship started out at a dance recital. I hope you'll bear with me, because this tale will take far longer in the telling than in the performance. It's something that I feel I...
An Offer You Oughtn't Refuse
It was a cool mid-autumn morning when I answered the knock at my door to find a tall, huge, broad-shouldered, solidly-built, cerulean-furred lion filling the entryway, his lavish indigo mane swept back in a jaunty manner. His maroon and gold athletic...
The Subject Under Discussion
# The Subject Under Discussion If science ever does figure out how time actually works, I would be willing to wager that it will stem in part from discovering how placing the words "look" and "out" in close proximity seems to have an effect on that...
Natural Habitat Interviews 3: Sheila
Good evening; I'm James Lipton, and I'm privileged to bring to you five of the most interesting persons it's ever been my pleasure to interview. To begin with, I need to explain that what you're about to read concerns the discovery of a home, a house,...
Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian
Good evening; I'm James Lipton, and I'm privileged to bring to you five of the most interesting persons it's ever been my pleasure to interview. To begin with, I need to explain that what you're about to read concerns the discovery of a home, a house,...
FlashFic: Roadside Assistance
Not from around here, are ya? I can always tell. You hear the calling of the wolves out in the canyon, and you get a kind of look in your eye, as if you're too civilized to have to worry about it. You're right, at one level, of course; unless you're...
Commission: Full Contact
Entering the college gymnasium at precisely 7:20pm, Rave Raccoon once again experienced the sensation of being in some sort of prison-break movie. He had watched carefully, and from an appropriate distance, until he was certain that the nearly...
Impossible Things
_For Seth Drake, who made me rise to the challenge_ I looked up at the moon, my human skin itching and crawling, wanting to subsume itself into my true form. I forced it aside. I have had to wait for this night, this particular moon, to do what I...
Pillow Talk
"I have spoken with three of them," I said reading aloud, "Hausman, Farrow, and Yerkes - and I expect to see Kalmus tomorrow. They all profess belief in Blount's innocence, which is gratifying but not helpful. I not only profess it, I am committed to...
Story Segment -- Convenience
This snippet comes from a much longer story called "Truth and Consequences," which is currently under consideration for publication (wish me luck!). It's told in first person by a human named Darius who, on a driving trip west, has picked up a young...
Full Circle
_...eight... completely relaxed, and you can still hear my voice... almost completely asleep... nine... everything is completely relaxed... your face, your neck, your arms, your legs, your tail, everything is relaxed... close, almost completely...