Guardian Without Direction Chapter 2: My strange damsel in distress

Right after leaving the comfort zone of a lit street, i witnessed a bunch of small street pokemon. they were chasing behind some large figure, thriving it into the corner of a back alley, just mere meters in front of my eyes! _maybe...

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New in Town

The driver's side wheels hit the street again. but murray's relief was short lived. hearing an approaching vehicle, he saw an tanker truck barrelling down the street towards them, and realized with sudden horror he'd turned left onto a one-way street.

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A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man

Quickly, shadow popped his head up a bit, glancing down the street to see yet another panzer rolling down the street.

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Trei's Tribulations. Chapter 1

The ancient street lights lining the street barely held back the darkness that had descended with the departure of the sun. a cool breeze blew down the street ruffling the fur of the arctic wolf that now sat on the bench.

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Ablaze Ch.7: Battle of Senchen (4)

He pokes his muzzle around the street corner, inspecting what lay beyond. bodies from the dead paratroopers harris was with earlier are still in the street, surrounded by the rubble they tried to use as cover.

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Devil Seed Ch.8

We're coming up on the street now." terry looked up ahead. the entire street was blocked up with vacant cars. "uh... cain." "i see it." he said.

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Ablaze Ch.15: Battle of Senchen (12)

The soldiers on the opposite side of the street cross over as the paratroopers on point quickly check the street. they turn their muzzles back to the rest of the soldiers.

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Epoch of the Rune Part 1

"but my lady," he questioned still bowing to the cobblestone street, "how am i to find her? i have chased her and she had run. i now find myself lost."  the silence weighed heavy in the empty street.

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Last Entry

The bullets hit all around him, puncturing rain barrels, boxes, garbage cans and other objects on the street. other projectiles ricochet off stone walls and various pipelines and send dangerous ricochets through the street.

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Enter the Madman

Oxford street was a quiet street, especially by midday, where most of the people would go to their jobs and their work. oxford street consisted of mostly apartment buildings where folk like shadow would survive.

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Epicenter: Day 2 Part 1

The palm springs boulevard street, like vegas, but now dead. no longer the dazzling, bustling and hustling street that kaiden had seen.

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Zootopia AU :: Warmth ::

Jude just kept driving until they reached the destination, parking along the street and climbing from the car. he'd pause to look across the street, but didn't see her there yet.

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